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Straight After the Bend

Page 29

by S M Mala

  ‘How did you get these?’ she asked, rubbing them gently. His smile disappeared. ‘Did you fall over?’ He shook his head from side to side, then started to look sad. ‘Can’t you say?’

  ‘I’m not allowed to.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because then I’ll get hurt more,’ he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. ‘Don’t say. Daddy Cole will get mad and I don’t want daddy to know.’

  ‘Kayden, who’s hurting you? School friends? People you know?’

  He then threw himself in her arms as she cuddled him.

  ‘I don’t want to get hurt,’ she heard him mumble. ‘Please don’t say.’

  ‘I won’t,’ Bea replied, kissing his head and seeing he had been told not to speak about it, probably by River. ‘I know what we need now. A curry!’

  After the delivery had arrived, Kayden perked up and chatted about all and everything.

  His main topic of conversation was how much he loved his daddy Mylo, who he missed all the time. There was no mention of his other current family members and she didn’t want to get him upset again when he was now happy.

  But there were so many thing she needed to know.

  ‘How scared are you of River?’ she asked, stroking his hair as he munched away. ‘I don’t think it’s nice that he’s being mean to you.’

  ‘When I have bruises on my arms and legs, they say it’s because I’m clumsy. But sometimes I have bruises on my tummy,’ he said quietly, as if not wanting to be over heard. Bea bit her lip, more alarm bells ringing in her ears. ‘Daddy Cole says I have to stop telling daddy about it because it will be bad for me.’

  ‘And does daddy Cole tell River off?’ Kayden shook his head from side to side in response. ‘Then what happens?’

  ‘Daddy Cole can sometimes be mean to me too.’ The child looked at her. ‘He gets angry and says it’s all my fault daddy went away. That makes me cry a lot.’

  ‘It’s not your fault, it really isn’t. Your daddy loves you so much and he misses you. I know he would have taken you if he could but you were little so he had to leave you with your other daddy.’

  ‘But I want to be with my daddy.’ His eyes started to well up again. ‘All the time.’

  It was clear as day that Mylo had no idea what was really going on back in Chicago and how the kid was being treated. She angrily chewed her food wondering how she was going to try and sort it out.

  The phone rang and she ignored it, then it clicked through to the answer machine.

  ‘Hello this is Cole. Can you ring me as I want to know how Kayden is? I’m really worried and-.’

  ‘I better get this,’ she said, running to the phone and picking it up. ‘Hello, this is Bea.’

  ‘How’s Kayden?’ The tone was cool. ‘You said you would ring Mylo.’

  ‘He’s feeling much better but I don’t think he’s going to be able to come to the party.’ As she said it, he beamed up at her. ‘I was going to call Mylo but needed to make sure.’

  ‘I think it’s best I come and get him. I don’t want him to be ill on the trip home.’

  ‘Please don’t pick him up,’ she said, watching the horror on Kayden’s face as she went closer to him. ‘He’ll be fine by tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Do you know how to look after a sick child? Can you look after our son?’

  And there it was.

  The dagger she had waited to hear.

  Their son.

  ‘Why don’t you speak to your son? You’ll find he’s not in harm’s way.’

  She handed Kayden the phone and crouched to listen.

  ‘I’m good.’ Kayden frowned. ‘She’s nice and I like her.’ Then he scowled. ‘I don’t want to come as I’m feeling better and it will make me sick.’

  Bea couldn’t hear what Cole was saying.

  ‘No, I don’t want to go to the hotel. I want to stay with Bea and daddy, and I won’t go. Where’s my daddy? I want to speak to my daddy!’

  There was something happening in the background and then she noticed Kayden smile.

  ‘Hello daddy. I feel much better, thank you,’ he replied and she knew he was speaking to Mylo. ‘My tummy ache went because Bea was kind and tickled my feet.’ Then he held out the phone. ‘He wants to speak to you.’

  ‘Hello,’ she said and looked at Kayden stuffing his face with food.

  ‘Is he feeling better?’ the concerned father asked. ‘Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?’

  ‘Cole asked me if I was capable of looking after your son,’ she said, hearing the sarcasm in her voice. ‘I told him to ask Kayden who seems to be in one piece.’


  ‘I know you’re the parents but I’m not that irresponsible so he shouldn’t have to ask.’

  ‘He’s his dad,’ he gently replied.

  ‘And so are you.’ Taking a deep breath she noticed Kayden was staring up at her. ‘And he’s better now but can’t leave the house due to being very tired.’ The little boy nodded his head. ‘All is well unless you don’t trust me too.’

  ‘You know I do.’

  ‘Enjoy your party and we’ll see you when we see you.’

  ‘I was just-.’

  She hung up.

  Speaking to Cole had wound her.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Kayden asked, eating happily away. ‘Did my daddy upset you?’

  ‘Which one?’ she replied, sipping her water and watching him smile.

  ‘The grumpy one.’

  ‘I think Cole wants to show me where he fits into the scheme of things.’ Bea stroked his hair watching him start to smile.

  ‘I like you.’

  ‘I like you too.’

  ‘So can we play in the garden before I go to bed because we have a lot of fun, don’t we?’

  At least one man in her life seemed to think she could keep them happily entertained.

  Even though he was four years old.


  While they were playing in the garden, he had decided to put on the sprinkler and wouldn’t turn it off. ‘You’re going to get soaked!’

  ‘You said it was hot so I’m cooling down!’

  He was having the time of his life, running around the garden getting wet as she chased him.

  All he did was laugh and laugh.

  It was a joy to watch and hear.

  ‘Your daddy is going to go mad when he sees what we’ve done!’ she shouted out as Kayden darted in between the sprinklers.

  ‘Can you drown plants?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  Bea stopped to watch him jump around for joy and just as she realised she could catch him, he stopped and she slipped on the grass, falling down at his feet.

  His smile suddenly disappeared. He was looking into the house.

  Mylo was standing at the door, shaking his head from side to side.

  ‘We’ve been caught. He’s not supposed to be home yet,’ she whispered, slowly getting up. ‘I’ll say we were hot.’

  ‘Okay,’ he replied, nodding.

  Kayden grabbed her hand as they watched Mylo step out into the garden. They looked at each other and back at him.

  ‘I can see you’re feeling much better,’ Mylo said, kicking off his shoes and removing his t-shirt. ‘Can anyone join in?’

  Kayden started running around the garden laughing hard as Mylo chased him. Bea stood there and watched, smiling at the pair. Then the child removed his t-shirt so they were both topless and looked delighted that his dad was joining in.

  It was the perfect picture.

  Big Mylo and little Mylo.

  ‘Now let’s get her!’ shouted Mylo, as the pair turned and chased Bea.

  She let Kayden capture her and he planted a wet soggy kiss on her cheek before running away. Mylo’s idea of having fun was lifting up her dress to peek at her knickers.

  Kayden thought it was hysterical and started joining in.

  ‘Will you both stop it!’ she said, trying to fend them off. ‘The neighbours w
ill think we’ve gone mad!’

  ‘Let me see! Let me see!’ Kayden screamed with laughter as his dad did the honours. ‘I saw your bum!’

  ‘Stop it! Mylo, you’re not a good influence.’

  ‘I’m the best!’ he said and this time tried to pull the bottom half of the dress up before grabbing her in his arms. Then he whispered. ‘I want to play in bed.’

  ‘What did he say?’ asked Kayden, still giggling.

  ‘He said it’s time for you to have a shower and get ready for bed,’ Bea replied, looking into Mylo’s excited eyes.

  ‘But I have showered,’ the little boy replied, standing under a sprinkler.

  ‘A proper one,’ Mylo sighed, letting her go and lifting him up. ‘You have grass between your toes.’

  ‘Oh daddy!’ he groaned as Mylo flung him over his shoulder. ‘By Bea!’

  Turning the sprinklers off, she wrung her wet dress and heard more laughter.

  After she cleared up the food and put the remaining curry in the fridge, Bea walked up the stairs and heard them talking.

  ‘I like Bea. She’s very nice to me,’ Kayden said and she peeked he was sitting on the bed as Mylo towel dried his hair. ‘And when you get married will she be my mummy?’


  His answer said it all as she grimaced on the response.

  ‘Kayden, you have two parents already. Bea will be your step-mother as you’re not related.’

  ‘But I’m not related to you or daddy Cole so aren’t you my step-dads?’ the clever little boy replied.

  ‘That’s different. We are legally your parents.’

  ‘So when you get married why can’t Bea be my mummy?’

  ‘Because your other daddy might not agree and then it’s up to Bea.’

  ‘She wants to be my mummy. I know she does.’

  ‘Did she say?’

  ‘I know she loves me. I can tell.’ Then she heard a big yawn. ‘Can you read me a story?’

  ‘Sure can kiddo.’

  ‘And you’re my real daddy, daddy.’

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘Love you too.’

  All Kayden wanted was a real daddy of his own, like the other two children had.

  And he believed or hoped it was Mylo.

  ‘Oh daddy!’

  Kayden was crying in Mylo’s arms on Saturday morning. ‘I don’t want to go!’

  Cole thought it was best they went straight to the airport and goodbyes could be done at Mylo’s house. Apparently Kayden and Mylo became inconsolable at airports. It was hard to get Mylo or Kayden to board a plane when either one had to leave the other.

  Jessica was holding back the tears, touching the child’s foot and looking on with total anguish.

  Bea kissed Bligh on the cheek, who seemed upset for his little brother. The child went to sit with River in the taxi. The older teenager had refused to come to the house.

  And while this was going on, Bea couldn’t help but notice Cole stare at her in an inquisitive manner. Just as Bea was going up to Kayden, she felt a hand on her arm.

  ‘Can I talk to you?’ Cole asked as Jessica and Mylo were unsuccessfully trying to console the crying child.

  ‘Sure,’ she replied.

  Cole walked her out through the front door and stood to the side.

  ‘I want to be clear about one thing and one thing alone,’ he said, his manner cool. ‘You’re not going to be Kayden’s mother no matter what he says. That child was adopted by Mylo and myself. I don’t want any mixed messages.’

  ‘I’ve not said anything to Kayden about it and I respect your wishes,’ she diplomatically replied.

  ‘I’m not sure why Mylo wants to get married so soon but he’s not thinking clearly.’

  ‘Because of me?’

  ‘We were head over heels, you know. It wasn’t a fly by night thing. We were a couple and had a family.’ Cole started to look upset. ‘But I knew he loved me, even if he wasn’t so open about it. I’m sorry if you think you’ve changed him but you haven’t.’

  ‘And like Dean, you’re telling me he is really gay and is conforming by being with me?’ Her heart was thundering. She had waited over a fortnight to speak to Cole on a one to one. The man had chosen his moment so there would be no repercussions for him. ‘No matter what he says, you still think that his relationship with you was real and all these others weren’t?’

  ‘Are you really fooling yourself?’

  ‘Or are you the one trying to convince yourself what he has with me isn’t real?’

  ‘When we adopted Kayden, it was for us to be a family. Our child means the world to Mylo and me. As a parent, you want the best for them. Having you on the scene is confusing matters.’ He cleared his voice as the ‘our child’ was emphasised yet again. ‘When Mylo visits, I prefer if he came alone. Who knows if you’ll be around in the next few years?’

  ‘What a thing to say? You might have pulled the wool over my son’s eyes but not mine!’ Jessica said sharply. She was standing to the side, her arms defiantly folded. ‘I know you twist his heart and emotions with that little boy but don’t say Bea is confusing him.’

  ‘It’s okay, Jessica,’ Bea replied, shaking her head. ‘I’m not here to cause trouble.’

  ‘Kayden keeps going around telling everyone that you’re going to be his mummy.’ Cole bit his lip and glanced away. ‘I really hope you’re not planting that seed in his head.’

  ‘For goodness sake!’ hissed Jessica. ‘Can’t you just let my son move on with his life without trying to find fault with him or anyone else?’

  ‘I have to protect my children!’

  ‘You’re not doing a good job with the oldest one are you? He’s rude and impertinent. How can you let him tease my grandson by saying no-one loves him and he hasn’t got a real father. The child is only four.’

  ‘River doesn’t say that and-.’

  ‘Well, then Kayden is lying, isn’t he?’ Looking furious and not wanting to show it, Jessica put on a false smile. ‘Don’t start setting the rules, Cole. You have joint custody and he only allowed you to keep Kayden because he wanted what was best, because you told him it would be. He got good legal advice and thank God for that! Personally, I told him to take the child and bring him to Dublin. But you made your case and he listened.’

  ‘He’s not taking my son,’ Cole replied, looking angrily at her then at Bea. ‘Not because of his pretend marriage.’

  ‘It’s pretend?’ asked Bea, seeing she was in a no-win situation. ‘I think that little boy is amazing but I’m not trying to muscle in on your turf. I want Mylo to be happy, first and foremost.’

  Biting her lip, she was on the verge of telling the man what Kayden had told her about his treatment at home but worried about the repercussions.

  ‘Bea! Bea!’ she heard Kayden shout as he ran up to her. ‘Can I get a really big hug and a kiss from you?’

  ‘The biggest!’

  Picking him up, she gave him a hug and smothered his face in kisses, which made him smile. And she avoided looking at the other father as she did it, knowing he would try and disinfect the boy as soon as possible. Then Kayden wrapped his hands around her neck and looked into her eyes.

  ‘I’m going to miss you,’ he said and she noticed the stray tears on his cheeks. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I’m going to miss you and I love you, Kayden Kearney.’ Bea hugged him once more and kissed his cheek. ‘Get home safely and call as soon as you can.’

  ‘I will.’

  She placed him down and he ran up to Mylo, who was biting back his tears.

  The last hug was long and there were little sobs from the pair of them, up until he had to buckle him into the taxi.

  Cole gave Mylo a brief hug but all the time looked at Bea with deep suspicion.

  ‘Don’t listen to him,’ Jessica whispered. ‘He’s the one that can’t accept it, not Mylo.’

  ‘I want Mylo to be happy and-.’ She looked away, knowing it wasn’t going to be easy.

bsp; ‘You’re expecting too much especially now his son is gone. Treat him with care. Mylo is going to need you more than ever.’

  The car drove off. Jessica walked forward and hugged her son fiercely as Bea stepped back into the house and took a long, deep breath. Bea she wished her own mother’s arms were around her to give some love.

  There were drawings everywhere, the little pieces of art Kayden had created.

  ‘I need you in my bed,’ she heard him say, making Bea jump. ‘You’ve had Kayden in yours for two nights and I want you.’

  As she turned, his eyes were red rimmed.

  ‘Where’s your mum?’

  ‘She’ll see us tomorrow at your dad’s house. Please Bea, come to bed.’

  Mylo turned and walked straight up the stairs.

  When she got to their bedroom, he was cradling a pillow and sniffing it. She didn’t have to ask why.

  ‘I want you to take away this pain,’ he whispered as she closed her eyes. ‘Please take it away.’

  He pulled her closer and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor as she undid her bra. Then he pulled down her knickers until she was standing naked in front of him.

  ‘Anything to make you happy.’ Bea touched his face and their eyes met. ‘Anything.’

  His mouth reached out and suckled on her nipple as he wrapped his arm around her back, gently caressing her backside.

  ‘Do what you want,’ she groaned.

  He slipped a hand between her legs and searched for her nub, finding her wetness.

  ‘I want to see you,’ he said, rubbing her clit. ‘I want to see all of you.’ And he pulled her down, making her sit on the bed. ‘Spread your legs.’

  And she did, opening up and feeling the warmth of the sun hit her skin as it penetrated through the glass.

  Slowly he removed his clothes, all the time rubbing her as she propped herself up on her elbows, not wanting to come too quickly. He kissed the inside of her knees and pulled away. Crawling on the bed he turned so she could taste and feel him in her mouth. As her lips parted she took him in, sucking and pulling on his hardness.

  When his lips touched between her legs, she gulped with pleasure.

  This is how she wanted to come.

  And he stretched her lips apart, heightening the orgasm as she tightened to each touch. Gently he teased her nub, licking, sucking and fingering her until she could no longer hold on. The weight of his body was crushing her down and when she came, the explosion made it feel like she was going to pass out, still her mouth holding onto him, not wanting to let go.


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