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Straight After the Bend

Page 36

by S M Mala

‘That’s why what?’ Bea replied, not knowing what they were talking about.

  ‘Why you two should be getting hitched,’ Bertha said, then hiccupped. ‘Because you’re in love. Don’t worry about Bernie. You leave my little spoilt brother to me. And Belinda’s not coming to the wedding.’ She flashed her sister a snooty glance. ‘She is a bit bothered about your background.’

  ‘Well, now Mylo has kindly told us about it, I think I might have been a bit hasty.’

  ‘Or you like the idea the reception is somewhere posh?’ teased Bertha as Babs smiled into her glass. ‘Anyway, I’m coming whether you like it or not and I guarantee you will have a wedding to remember.’

  ‘That’s what I’m worried about,’ mumbled Bea, knowing it wasn’t going to be forgettable, one way or another.

  ‘He’s trying to sleep but keeps crying.’

  Mylo checked on Kayden who arrived later that afternoon. Cole said he had fallen over but the little boy ran straight into Mylo’s arms, screaming every time his other daddy tried to touch him. This seemed to agitate Cole who left hastily.

  Both of them realised something had happened.

  All he had done was hold onto Mylo for dear life, not wanting to let his daddy go.

  ‘He’s really upset,’ Mylo said, on the verge of tears, after putting Mylo to bed. ‘When I get hold of River, I’m going to kick his arse!’

  She managed to examine Kayden and saw the bruising on his legs and arms. And she recognised finger marks of someone holding tightly onto his arms.

  The child seem petrified and upset, not saying too much.

  ‘Did you see?’ he said, angrily pacing around. ‘The marks on his arms and legs and there’s a massive one on his side. Every time I tried to cuddle him, he flinched then cried. River apparently told him he wasn’t going to be able to see me again after Saturday! Why that little fucker!’

  ‘Calm down.’ Bea stood up, seeing things were going to kick off.

  He took out his phone and showed her a picture on Kayden’s side. It looked like he had been punched.

  That worried her more.

  ‘Did they take him to the doctor?’ she asked, completely appalled. ‘What did Cole say?’

  ‘He’s not picking up and I’m going to tear him limb from limb!’ he said, on the verge of screaming. ‘He’s only five. And he’s so scared. This isn’t right!’

  ‘Leave this to me.’

  Bea made a quick call. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Mylo’s hands were shaking with rage and shock.

  It was up to her to smooth it out.

  ‘You stay here and calm down. If he sees you’re angry that’s going to make it worse.’

  Walking to the room, she heard him snivelling, and her heart broke.

  Kayden was pretending to be okay when he wasn’t, all for the sake of his daddy.

  Opening the door slowly, she went in and he sat up in bed then burst into tears.

  ‘Mummy!’ he said. ‘He hurt me and told me horrible things.’

  ‘Baby.’ Bea rushed over to him and held the child in her arms as he sobbed his heart out. ‘Don’t listen to him.’

  ‘He punched and kicked me.’ As Kayden looked into her eyes, she could see he was scared. ‘And it really hurt. I don’t want to go back.’

  ‘Did you tell daddy Cole about this?’

  ‘I did and he told me off for crying and telling tales. He told me not to tell daddy but it hurts. It really hurts.’

  ‘He didn’t check to see you were okay?’ He responded by shaking his head from side to side. ‘Does he do this a lot?’ Kayden nodded and started to cry. ‘And daddy Cole doesn’t tell him off?’

  ‘I don’t like them! They’re not nice!’ cried the child and she could see Mylo was standing by the door, looking increasingly upset. ‘He hurts me and says bad things. I don’t want to go home! I don’t like it! They say I don’t belong and no-one loves me. My daddy loves me and I want to be with my daddy.’

  The doorbell rang and she watched Mylo rush down the stairs.

  ‘Kayden, you’re going to have to be a good boy for me. I have a friend coming to see you and she will take a look at your bruising. She’s a nice lady I work with called Wilma. Please don’t be scared.’

  ‘She won’t hurt me, will she?’ he said, holding onto his side. ‘It hurts. It really does.’

  ‘I think she’ll make it better,’ she replied, trying not to cry at the boy’s reaction. ‘I will protect you, do you know that?’ He nodded. ‘Because I am...’ Bea hesitated. ‘I am your mummy and that’s what mummy’s do.’

  Wilma was walking up the stairs.

  ‘Hello there, this better be good. I’ve left a nice cold glass of wine in the pub,’ Wilma said, kissing Bea on both cheeks.

  ‘Thank you for coming. We have a problem,’ she said, putting on a fake winning smile. ‘Kayden, who is Mylo’s son, was hit by someone and I want to see if he is okay. It was his brother and I’m concerned the older boy might be playing rough. More than rough.’

  Wilma knew what Bea was saying.

  The code was there to check that Kayden wasn’t getting hurt on a regular basis. After what Kayden had told her, she needed to be certain.

  ‘What a handsome boy!’ Wilma said, walking up to him, making Kayden smile through his tears. ‘I’m going to check you over and see if you’re right as rain for when your daddy gets married.’

  ‘I’m the best man,’ he said, wiping his face with the duvet. ‘Daddy needs me to be at his side and give a speech.’

  ‘And wonderful, it will be.’

  Mylo walked in and stood next to Bea, grabbing her hand and watching Wilma chat away while examining. He stopped crying. It’s when he flinched she felt Mylo squeeze her hand tightly.

  ‘I think if daddy gives you a special hug to make you feel better, you will be fine.’ Wilma ruffled Kayden’s hair and walked out of the room, as Mylo went towards his son and Bea followed Wilma.

  ‘Is he okay?’ she asked, closing the door. ‘His older brother kicked him as he was crying. That kid is sixteen years old and should know better.’

  ‘There’s faint bruising on other parts of his body and it’s not from rough and tumble play. I take it you noticed the finger marks?’ Bea nodded in response, wincing as she did. ‘I don’t think this is a one off. Take him to the emergency department to make sure there’s nothing more serious.’ Wilma looked solemnly as she said it. ‘That little boy is petrified. Does this happen a lot?’

  ‘We don’t know. He lives in Chicago so Mylo sees him every eight to twelve weeks. His other parent is oblivious to the fact.’

  ‘Well, she’s not a very observant mother, is she?’ Wilma kissed Bea’s cheek. ‘See you at the wedding. This is the last thing you need, isn’t it?’

  It was just then Bea realised, it might have been the best thing.

  ‘She’, otherwise known as Cole, was going to get a shock when Bea had figured out what to do.

  Heading up to the bedroom, she saw Kayden being cuddled by his father.

  ‘Change of plan!’ she announced loudly. ‘You, Kayden Kearney, are not going home until Saturday and that’s if I decide to let you go.’

  ‘Bea!’ Mylo said, looking shocked. ‘I can’t-.’

  ‘You can and you will,’ she said with full authority watching Kayden look at her. ‘Is that okay?’ Kayden nodded. ‘Good! Shoes on.’

  She turned on her heels and marched down the stairs.

  There was no way she was going to give up, not without a fight.

  ‘That’s terrible.’

  Jessica was trying not to cry while sat next to Jacob, whose colour had completely drained from his face the following day. ‘We have to do something.’

  Mylo had shown his parents the bruising from the pictures he took and told them everything Kayden had said, as well as what the paediatrician had mentioned at the hospital.

  ‘I want my son to be safe,’ Mylo said, staring to choke up with tears. ‘And I don’t think he is.�

  ‘Are you sure he’s not telling tales?’ Jacob gently asked.

  ‘Kayden is an honest little boy,’ Jessica answered defiantly. ‘He can tell fibs from time to time but even I’ve noticed the bruising when I’ve seen him. He’s told me things that the disgusting River says.’ She cleared her throat. ‘And he seems to think that Cole is blaming him for the break-up of your relationship. That’s a heavy burden for a young child to carry.’

  ‘Dad, I need to do something now, not wait until he’s back in the States. I can’t let Kayden go and I won’t.’ He couldn’t hold it in any longer and broke down in tears. ‘I have to protect my son.’

  Jessica rushed over and hugged him with all her might, then looked at Bea.

  ‘And what do you think, Bea?’ she gently asked, looking fearful for a moment. ‘This is a monumental thing to ask.’

  ‘This is where he should be, if we can sort it out.’ She gulped hard. ‘I’m not being forced into this. I want to help Kayden.’

  ‘But it’s a heavy burden to try and fight this against Cole. You’ve only got these pictures,’ Jacob said gravely.

  ‘Wilma, my work colleague came. She could tell this isn’t the first time Kayden has been hit. If River is doing this then that little boy is going to get seriously hurt. I’d never allow that to live on in my conscious should anything happen to him. I wouldn’t at school and I’m not going to do it now.’

  ‘Thank you,’ whispered Mylo.

  ‘Can you help us do this, Jacob? I don’t want Kayden to be put into care while this is being sorted.’

  ‘What?’ Mylo seemed shocked at her comment. ‘No way! He’s staying with us.’

  Bea suddenly had a thought and realised the person who could help them was more than likely folding up his sheet, after prancing around down the High Road.

  Could be that her father’s private investigator might have found out something more about Cole Silverman and his current set-up in Chicago.

  There was only one way to find out before giving him a swift kick.

  ‘You’re wasting your time.’

  That was her father’s greeting half an hour later. ‘I forbid you to marry a homosexual. A gay man.’

  ‘Daddy, I’m standing on the doorstep. You could at least let me enter before you begin your rant.’ She stepped in and noticed his growl. ‘I’ve not come here to argue, though given your outburst, I should be screaming at you.’

  ‘A gay! Your husband to be is a gay man. A batty boy. A homo.’ He shook his head then lowered his tone. ‘A faggot.’

  ‘Any more while you’re at it?’

  ‘I can’t think of other expressions.’ Then he thought. ‘Bisexual.’

  ‘Transgender? Transvestite as you think he’s so pretty.’

  ‘Does he wear women’s clothing?’

  ‘Father,’ she replied and hung her head down, realising he was really brewing on the subject matter. ‘What did you find out about Mylo and his set up back in the States?’

  ‘Why? Are you unsure?’

  ‘I’m unsure about many things including you.’ Bea looked up and could see her father was trying not to smile. ‘Just let me see what it says.’

  ‘Good!’ He then grabbed her tightly, hugging the dear life out of her. ‘This is what I’m here for. To protect you from these things.’

  ‘Mylo is not ‘these things’.’

  Seeing that she was going to use subterfuge to extract information from him, Bea embraced him.

  ‘Daddy, tell me everything you know.’ Letting out a heavy sigh, she shook her head. ‘Mylo is a good man.’

  ‘I know,’ he sighed, stepping back. ‘I might have been too forthright on how I spoke, though it was the truth and needed to be said. Once you have crossed the line by having sex with the same sex, your decision is made. There’s no turning back.’

  ‘You’re being really judgemental. It was a little harsh your accusation about Aids and HIV.’

  ‘I realise,’ he said, going a little pink. ‘I was letting rip.’

  ‘Thanks for that,’ she mumbled.

  They walked into the living room and she sat on the couch, catching a glimpse of her mother’s picture.

  Again she swore her mum looked bemused by the situation.

  ‘Oh mummy, what am I going to do with him?’ she whispered. ‘He never makes it easy.’

  ‘Now, you need to see all of this.’ Bernie came in with his lap top and sat down beside her. ‘It’s most interesting.’

  ‘Okay?’ Bea replied, wondering if there was anything that her dad might have found out which would reveal more about Mylo, more than she wanted to really know. ‘I’m ready.’

  ‘Before I show you,’ he said, taking a deep breath. ‘I like Mylo, I really do. But it’s obvious he’s confused, that’s why he’s marrying you.’


  Bea didn’t want to question why Mylo would have to be confused to want to marry her but decided right now wasn’t the right time to challenge the comment.

  ‘Mylo has had many lovers,’ he said gravely. ‘Far more than the average man.’

  ‘Male or female?’

  ‘Lots of women. Many, many women. And then one man. Cole Silverman, who is very successful as a restaurateur in Chicago. It seemed Mylo moved in with him and that they were living as a gay couple. Then a child was adopted quite soon afterwards.’

  ‘Daddy, I know all this.’

  ‘And they have joint custody.’

  ‘That’s correct.’

  ‘Mylo moved out and stayed in Chicago for a year, after eighteen months of being with Cole. He was looking after the child, Kayden Kearney.’

  ‘The child you met.’ She sat back and looked at her father. ‘You could have paid me and I would have got this information.’ Bea pondered. ‘Are the children happy?’ Bernie pulled a face. ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘I personally think that two men bringing up children is not a good idea. Things happen and they have no control. A woman, a nurturer, can see things that a man cannot. Other than me, of course, as I am the exception.’

  ‘You certainly are, daddy. An exception on many levels,’ she replied with a fixed smile. ‘And that’s all the dirt you have on Mylo.’

  ‘Isn’t it enough he is a homosexual?’

  ‘Have there been other men?’ Now she was snooping for herself. ‘Or was it only Cole?’

  ‘Only he was mentioned,’ he said, flicking the lid up and looking at his emails. ‘Mylo is certainly not promiscuous with men, which is a good thing with the HIV and Aids epidemic, not to mention all sorts of sexual infections they can pick up. Herpes for one.’

  ‘Give me strength,’ she said under her breath. ‘Can I read the report? I might need this when I speak to Mylo, or do you want to give it to him directly?’

  ‘Don’t you think he can charm me? I know he did it to the women today but not me. Oh no, I won’t fall for his smooth talk.’

  ‘They told you?’

  ‘They’ve not stopped going on about it. I’m doing this for your own good, you do know that don’t you?’

  ‘I think you believe you are.’ Bea then took a deep breath. ‘Was there anything in the report regarding the children and their well-being?’

  ‘Funny you should ask that.’ He looked perplexed. ‘There has been a few problems at school. One of them regarding Kayden.’


  ‘There has been some concern. The child has become increasingly upset and has gone to school with bruising from time to time. His father said it was playing with the other children but Kayden is under observation. A welfare officer visits regularly.’

  ‘Mylo doesn’t know this,’ she said, shaking her head in disbelief. ‘And you are sure your investigator has got it right?’

  ‘Of course he has! I’ve even got the report about it.’

  Her heart was beating fast and she knew her father’s dastardly deed was now needed more than ever.

  ‘And the eldest boy! He has bee
n getting into trouble with the police and all sorts. It’s not a good set up. That child is troublesome. The middle brother is an A grade student and doing very well at school.’

  ‘Daddy,’ she said, trying to compose her breathing and holding his hand. ‘Please send me the report. I want to read it from cover to cover. There’s only a few days before the wedding and I need to get the facts.’

  ‘Are you going to pull out? I will happily cover the expenses.’ Then he cleared his voice. ‘I did have money put aside should the whole thing fall through.’

  ‘Were you expecting it to?’

  ‘It’s not the first time you decided to get married, is it?’

  Forcing a smile, she grabbed his laptop and saw the document, forwarding it to her email.

  That’s when she did a double take.

  The date of the report was requested was send a day after he had met Mylo for the first time

  Her daddy had certainly been trying to find some dirt on her intended but Bea decided not to confront him now, as she needed his help. It seemed he was into subterfuge also, which meant he knew about Cole weeks before he let rip the day before, which meant he knew about Mylo’s set-up.

  But all that mattered now was to make sure Kayden was safe with his daddy.

  In the meantime, Bea would have to wait before kicking her own daddy’s arse really very hard for being a sneaky git.

  ‘You can’t do that!’

  Cole was standing in the corridor shouting furiously at Mylo. ‘I have to take him!’

  ‘Over my dead body! I told you last night, when you eventually decided to pick up, that’s what I’m going to do. And I’ve not changed my mind!’

  Bea didn’t want to interfere so hid in the kitchen waiting for Cole to leave.

  Mylo thought she had gone out with Jessica and Kayden, to keep the child out of the way. The hospital had advised that he should rest but Bea and Mylo thought it was best he wasn’t in when Cole turned up.

  After gently prising him off his dad, he agreed to go out with his grandma for a morning ice-cream as a special treat. Even looking at him as he left, the child seemed scared and that pulled at Bea’s heart strings more than ever.


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