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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

Page 24

by Lucy Rains


  The overwhelming feeling of insecurity was not quite as powerful the 2nd time at the pool. I donned the same sweatshirt over my simple two piece and again waited until everyone was in the pool. Gavin and Kyson dove in with graceful swan dives, while Alex did an effortless front flip. When I saw Pierce was getting into the water with the others I quickly sloughed off my coverup sweats and hopped over the edge into the water. It was stupid to think I would be safer from view in the water, but something about it made me feel safer.

  The same comforting release as I had experienced the last time washed over me as I submerged beneath surface. I let myself sink down to the floor of the pool and held myself there.

  The kiss was on constant repeat in my mind and the butterflies persisted in my stomach. On the drive over I had tried without success to focus on something else. Tried to listen to Alex justify his recent speeding ticket, and Pierce talk about Jason's unannounced visit at school. But it had been useless. The feel of his lips, his body, the desire he emitted, it was consuming. It was too good.

  And the back of my mind screamed too good to be true.

  I relished the internal feelings that the water created within me. My mind cleared and all my senses sharpened. However, as I waited for my muscles to recharge and the desire to sleep to dissipate, disappointed filled me. The edge was gone. But I was still more fatigued than I had ever felt before.

  Suddenly a large bare torso filled my view. Dark hair glittered over his chest and down to his navel. Kyson’s thick hair waved in the water, as his face came closer to mine. A shot of annoyance ran through me as I felt his concern. I wanted to be left alone.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the surface. Our heads broke through and we both drew breath. Pierce was sitting on the edge of the pool by me, his wet hair slicked back. Behind me, Alex and Gavin were still swimming laps.

  “What is it?” Kyson asked.

  I wiped water from my face and pushed my hair back. “What do you mean?”

  “Something is wrong.” He looked to Pierce and then back to me. “Something is bothering you, upsetting you. That should never happen in the water.”

  I shrugged, “I’m just tired, that’s all.”

  “Tired?” Alex’s voice sounded behind me. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Well, I’m not as tired as I was before getting into the pool. I think the water helped some.”

  Alex swam over and pulled himself out of the water to sit by Pierce.

  “But the water should have fixed that,” Pierce said.

  I rolled my eyes, “I’m fine, okay? Maybe I just need more time in the pool.”

  Kyson came closer to me and his eyes began looking over my face, my head, my neck. He dropped under the water and I knew he was searching the rest of my body for warning signs of a problem.

  I scowled at his blurry figure under the water, resenting his intrusive looks and was about to push off when Pierce barked my name. “Jade, stay.”

  It wasn’t a suggestion. His domineering tone caught me off guard and my mouth dropped open in surprise. Then snapped shut in anger. He had kissed me with that mouth an hour ago and now he was ordering me around.

  “I am not a dog.” I grumbled. I glared at him and was about to swim away when Kyson came back up.

  “Her vitals have shifted from their normal range.” Water dripped over his lips as he talked and he ran a hand over his mouth. He looked up to Pierce, “Her chemicals are off balance.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Pierce, his gaze shifting away from me to Kyson.

  “Her body is changing. Her hormones are shifting. Her muscles are thickening, her skin cells are regenerating faster, and the ph balance in her stomach has lowered.” He turned back to me. “All good things, but they will make you tired.”

  “Why though,” Alex asked. I heard Gavin get out of the pool and walk over to the towels. He obviously wasn't concerned or remotely interested.

  “Something triggered it,” Kyson said in a state of wonder. “I can’t know for sure without time to consider all factors, as well as testing some theories.”

  When Kyson stopped speaking and the three guys looked at me like a science project, I took that as my cue to leave.

  I dove beneath the water and pushed myself to do several laps. My limbs moved at a steady pace with strong strokes. When I felt certain that my body had rejuvenated the best that it would in the swim session, I pulled myself out of the water and begin walking over to dry off.

  The guys were loitering around the towels, waiting for me, talking amongst themselves. When I reached the table of towels and was beginning to reach for one, my energy suddenly plummeted to pre swim and I swayed.

  Conversation around the table stopped and I felt hands on my hips.

  “Maybe I should swim a little bit more,” I mumbled.

  Kyson started to say something about that not being a good idea but I had already turned towards the pool and within a few steps was back in the water. Other bodies splashed in beside me.

  I started floating lazily on my back. I could feel warm energy coming back into my body as I relaxed. My limbs felt a little stronger, my fatigue lessened. Setting my feet down, I stood up in the water and looked at Pierce and Kyson.

  “I feel better in the water.” I paddled over to the edge of the pool and gripped the edge. “But as soon as I get out my energy is just gone.”

  My hands pushed me up and onto the hard concrete. Instead of getting up to walk over to the towels, I laid flat on my back waiting for the exhaustion to creep back into my body. Within seconds my limbs felt heavy as bricks and the desperate need to sleep was all I could think about.

  My eyes flew open when arms lifted me from the ground. I was startled at being airborne but I didn’t complain. At least not much.

  “Put me down,” I protested weakly. This only made Pierce pull me closer to his bare chest. The vibrations in my chest purred at the feeling of his own chest against my body. This helped put my mental state at ease but did nothing to help my energy.

  “She needs to eat,” I heard Kyson say.

  I started to shift my weight around so that I could stand up and get dressed. ”Can I at least put my clothes back on?”

  “Lets hit up Marco’s Bistro. Carbs would be good for her, right?” Alex suggested.

  Pierce set me on my feet but kept his hands on my back to be sure I remained steady. I didn’t complain. I felt vulnerable in my state and lacked control over my muscles. I dried quickly and carefully put on my sweats.

  When Pierce went to reach for me again I held a hand up, “Stop. I’ll lean on you if needed.”

  His eyes pinched at the corner, displeased with my comment but I held my ground.

  “Alex is correct,” Kyson said, “she needs quick energy.”

  I sighed heavily and slipped on my sandals. “I don’t feel like eating.”

  “Lie,” Alex quipped.

  “Why would you lie about that?” Gavin asked. “You watching your weight or something?”

  I pushed my wet hair off my face and leaned against Pierce, “I just want to go to bed.”

  Pierce slipped an arm around my waist and guided me to the door. “Food first. Then we can head home.”

  Alex took up position on my other side as we walked to his Jeep. The sun had gone down and the night breezes brought a chill to my damp cheeks. I let out a shiver and Pierce pulled me closer to him.

  “Sure we can’t just go home?” I asked.

  Alex held the back door of his Jeep open while Pierce guided me inside and set me beside him. I took their silence as a no.

  Marco’s Bistro was like the little italian eateries I had seen in movies but had never yet experienced for myself. Red and white checkered tables, red walls, peppy music playing over head, with a waiter that even had a touch of accent to his speech. My mind was muddled with tiredness as I looked around the shop and I had to close my eyes from too much stimulation.

  No menu was given to me to look over and I didn’t care. I continued leaning on Pierce as we crowded into a red vinyl booth. His nearness helped to keep me alert enough to process my surroundings and keep me from falling asleep.

  After the guys ordered food for themselves and me, peculiar glances were thrown my way from Alex and Gavin, who sat across from Pierce, Kyson and I.

  “What do you think is wrong with her?” Gavin asked.

  My eyes rolled to the ceiling, “We already talked about it at the pool.”

  “Kyson gave his scientific examination report but what’s really going on?”

  I looked over to Kyson, had he been holding back information about what he really thought?

  He buttered a slice of rye bread and handed it to me. I quickly began eating, shoving the bread into my mouth.

  His voice was low and soft when he spoke, “We aren’t average humans. And it's not like I have research I can study about people like us. I have no background to go off of, and nothing to compare her to.”

  “But if you had to guess?” I asked. I could tell he was holding back something.

  He stuffed a piece of bread into his own mouth and chewed for several seconds. “My educated guess would be that her body is reacting to being around us.”

  “Us?” Alex asked, “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “With the way our bodies have responded to each other,” Pierce spoke over my head, “shouldn’t she be the opposite of tired?”

  “And why haven’t we all been feeling like the way she is? Shouldn’t we be affected too?” Alex asked.

  Kyson held up his hand to stop any more questions. “There’s only one of her, and 4 of us. You asked what I thought and this is what I can come up with right now. It's the only drastic change I can point out. Jade, have you ever felt this way before?”

  I shook my head.

  Kyson motioned towards me, “I told you what I could detect that was going on within her, they are all good things, it's just tiring her out. Its like her body is rebuilding after a heavy workout. Her metabolic rate has increased tremendously. She should be starving.”

  “Are you sure it's not because I’m coming off of the pills she was giving me?”

  Kyson shook his head, “Prenatals and memory suppression isn’t going to affect you like this.”

  Heavy concern pushed into my mind and I put my fingers to my temples, “Guys,” I whined, “I’m going to be fine. Can you all please relax?” I closed my eyes and rubbed. “You’re going to suffocate me.”

  Pierce’s hand pulled me closer into his side. Part of me wanted to protest but my desire for comfort won out and I leaned into him while dropping my hands.

  “Have you always been able to see how people’s inner anatomy works?” I asked Kyson.

  He chuckled and chewed his bread. “My abilities came into play about the same time as everyone else's, 15, 16. I’m sure yours did too.”

  I stiffened slightly, not wanting the conversation to go towards me in that regard. “How did you hide it from the researchers at the lab?”

  Alex spoke up for Kyson, “We just didn’t talk about it around them. We knew when to keep our mouths shut. When we ate meals together, was about the only time we could talk privately with each other.”

  “Jade,” Kyson said, “When did you get your push powers?”

  I choked on my bread I was trying to swallow and dropped the rest onto the table. I coughed to clear my throat. “I...can't remember”

  Crap, I spoke without remembering Alex. Sure enough his head tilted and I looked away from him, blood running to my cheeks.

  Gavin smirked, “You know I could help persuade you to remember, right?” There was an arrogant tilt to his head, as if he was looking down on me.

  “You know I could give you a bloody nose from here, right?” I challenged back.

  “Jade,” Pierce warned.

  “I just,” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I can’t.”

  “Your dreams?” Pierce hinted.

  I avoided all their eyes and picked at the paper napkin in front of me, “It wasn’t a good experience. I’ve tried so hard to repress it.” I shifted on the plush seat, wishing I could disappear.

  three waiters showed up at that moment, all carrying plates of food and I let out a heavy sigh of relief.

  My intake of food was equal if not more than Pierce’s. Mushroom Ravioli, Bolognese, Calzones. Some of it my own, some shared from the guys. Piles of food would appear on my plate and I ate it. I ate it all.

  When I couldn’t eat anymore, I leaned back and into Pierce again. His body was warm, and comforting and my eyes drooped. There was talk of dessert but when everyone looked at my sleepy state, Gavin asked for the check.

  Once we were home, I allowed Kyson to carry me up the stairs and set me into bed. Slipping into oblivion before he was even out the door.


  The next three days passed in a blur. I trudged through classes with Kyson and Pierce, stuffed myself at every meal, and then fell into bed as soon as we were home. I was getting close to 12 hours of sleep each night, but would awake each morning still heavy with exhaustion.

  The guys would make small talk with me. I was begrudgingly polite, but they could tell I wasn’t in any a frame of mind to be social.

  On Friday night I was getting ready for bed when I felt Kyson’s presence approach my door. I spit my toothpaste into the sink and looked up at him entering my room. He shut the door behind him and my eyes widened in both confusion and surprise. His discomfort was tangible, even without my 6th Sense.

  There were two Target bags in his hand and whatever was in them held the answers for his visit. And his embarrassment. He set the bags down gently on the bathroom and counter and avoided my eyes.

  “Kyson? What is it?”

  He cleared his throat and wiped a hand over his mouth. “It’s coming.”

  My eyebrows furrowed, “What’s coming?”

  He let out a deep breath and looked into my eyes. “Your monthly woman time is coming.”

  At first his words didn’t make sense. But when it sunk in, my hands went to my burning cheeks and I stared at the bags. “How-”

  “I could tell several days ago. I just didn’t want to say anything in front of the guys. Your first time will start soon.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Your temperature has been increasing slightly each day, your hormones shifted, your uterus is engorged. I didn’t want to say anything in front of the guys. I figured you wouldn’t want it a topic for us to discuss.”

  “Have you told any of them?”


  Of course. I nodded and let out a shaky breath, “Are those,” I motioned towards the bag. “Stuff for me?”

  He took a step back like he didn’t want anything to do with those bags and what was inside. “I just grabbed a bunch of different things. Hopefully something will work for you…” His voice trailed off and he ran a hand through his hair.

  “Okay.” I murmured, “Thank you.” I paused and forced myself to look up at him. “Why do you think, I mean...Why am I so late?” I hated asking these questions. My face was burning like a 3rd degree burn but Kyson was basically better than a doctor and maybe he could give me some answers.

  He shook his head, “I have no answers. But again, perhaps it goes back to be being around us? I have only theories. Our bodies are meant to be around each other. All of us can feel it. Your body might be taking steps towards…” His cheeks began turning bright crimson and I understood what he was implying.

  Nothing. We knew nothing. I let out a frustrated huff and my eyebrows knitted together. There was so much I didn’t understand and the more time I spent with the guys, it seemed things only became more confusing. All the questions piling into my mind over the past week suddenly came rushing out of me without warning.

  “Where did we come from?” I breathed, “Where are our parents? Our family?” I knew I was bei
ng overly emotional but I couldn't seem to help it. “Why are we this way?!” A hand went to my forehead and my eyes began to droop. A strong urge to cry was building the more I spoke.

  Kyson’s arm went around my shoulders and he led me to my bed. “Let’s talk when you feel better. When you’re thinking more clearly.”

  I settled into my plush white pillow and Kyson tucked my comforter around me. I remember him sitting on my bed but I quickly drifted off before he could say anything else.


  The next morning I awoke with a gasp, grabbing my stomach.

  Warm, wet, pain.

  Horrible throbbing pain.

  I groaned, and pushed myself up. Soft morning light trickled in through my ivory blinds yet there was a soft pattering of rain against the glass. Another wave of pain rocked through my belly and a moan escaped from my mouth.


  No, no, no.

  The wet sensation between my legs increased and I wanted to die.

  Not like this. Why did it have to be like this?

  My beautiful white bedding was going to be ruined. I pulled my covers back both to see the damage and make my way to the bathroom. It looked like an animal had been gutted in my bed. There were so much blood. Pools and stains and streaks. How long had I been bleeding? Was this much blood normal?

  I staggered quickly across my room and went to the bathroom, filling the toilet with even more. As I tried to stand my back rippled in pain and my lower abdomen cramped so severely I was brought down to my knees.

  My breathing staggered and my arms started to shake. I couldn’t move.

  After five minutes my body had soaked through the double thick pad I had attempted to put on, and I felt a trickle creep down my leg.

  The distinct sound of footsteps pounded and a flash of fear spiked through me. Desperate for privacy I tried to raise my hand to release a blot of energy to close my bathroom door. But there was nothing. The pain was so intense I couldn’t find my energy.

  I sat on the cold tile and leaned against the bathtub as another wave went through my middle section. An involuntary cry escaped my lips.


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