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Broken Silence: A Young Adult RH Coming Of Age Romance

Page 20

by Jarica James

  We approach cautiously in case more guards are taking cover at the bend of the hallway. The hallway is forked at the end, so we must choose which to take first. Clark motions for me to check one, and he covers the other. When no guards appear, we consult the map and follow the right hallway that ends in stairs leading down. The labs are our current destination, and that's going to be the most horrifying part. After the guards are down and labs are clear, we can safely check the dorms for victims.

  The stairs lead to a long hallway that ends in another staircase, likely the entrance to the incinerator below. The hallway has four doors on the right side and a blank wall across from them. Unlike the cells, these are widely spaced apart.

  Clark raises a hand and motions for us to split up, then hold position at the doorways. There are small signs next to each door. I guess even sick, psychotic scientists need labels, too. The door I approach with another agent has ‘Auditory and Visual Research.’ We wait outside and lock eyes on our leader.

  As soon as Clark gives us a signal, each set of agents turns the handle as quietly as possible, then kicks open the doors. I hear screams as soon as the knobs are turned and kicking them open only causes yelling and gunfire to join the chaos.

  When our door slams open, I notice there are two scientists and one guard. The guard raises his gun as the door crashes in. But I'm quicker. He slumps to the floor as I hit my mark and I turn the gun on the scientists. They both put their hands up, one peeing their pants and eyes glued wide open as we approach them slowly.

  “Hands on the wall!” I yell, and they comply, both appearing pale and shaky. Probably because they knew if they were ever caught, it wouldn’t be pretty. And I don't fucking intend to make it pretty for them, either. This is one trial that will be bursting at the seams with evidence and testimonies against them, from personal accounts to loads of witnesses and even visual evidence. This crime scene is teeming with DNA.

  We have them cuffed before assessing the rest of the room. First, I motion for the agent to help the older man and teenage boy that are sitting at different tables. They both have some sort of headphones on and didn’t even flinch when the gunshots were fired, so drugged out they look like zombies.

  Shaking my head in disgust, I lead the scientists to the hallway where they already have eight more lined up and I shove the two I escorted forward to join them. Several agents have their guns trained on the group, surrounding them.

  They're trapped like lab rats... ironic.

  “Any sign of the kid?” I ask the agents passing by. Of course, nobody can give me a fucking straight answer, and I'm growing more frustrated and slightly nervous. I send up a silent prayer that she's still alive.

  As I turn around to head back to the auditory room, I see a figure approaching slowly from the stairwell. As soon as he sees me, he tries to turn his gun on me, but a gunshot rings out from next to me, bringing him down first. I turn, and Clark gives me a nod.

  “No sign of her yet, Flynn. The dormitories are next. Any victims?” I hold up two fingers and walk back into the room. The agent is leading the two males toward the doorway as I enter. I get a better look at their small frames and sickly pale skin. The worst is the blood dripping from their eyes and the clouded over irises. We need to get these people medical attention, fast. I step out of the way and do a quick look around the room. The back wall has a few tables with computers and headphones. I assume for some sort of hearing test. The front half has different machines that you see in optometrist offices. On the final side are two chairs with built in straps to bind a person in place. Next to the chairs is a huge shelving unit and cabinet filled with needles, IV bags, and an array of other equipment. Knowing I need to keep moving, I let out an involuntary shudder and make my way back to check out the other rooms and victims.

  The medical team is making their way into the first room in the hallway. I take a quick look into the other two rooms to give the medics a chance to work. The room next to the auditory is filled with exercise equipment, treadmills with machines next to them, and what looks like a boxing ring in the back. What the hell are these people testing? I walk back to check the sign and read ‘Muscular Degeneration and Development Research.’

  The next sign reads ‘Disease Reversal Research.’ I try to convince myself not to even look, but I've come this far. This one looks like an infirmary. There are beds lining one wall with medical stations next to each for checking vitals. There's a door near the back that's labeled X-Ray. Next to the door is an ultrasound machine as well. I notice a few elderly men and women strapped to the beds where agents are trying to gather information. At this point everyone is grasping at straws to try and help them.

  I make my way to find Clark, unable to stomach this any longer. I'm ready to check on the victims in the dormitories, now. The guards we shot earlier had keys that I pick up as we pass by. Hopefully one of the keys will be a dormitory skeleton key.

  Moving on, I find Clark in the first room and almost vomit when I take a glance around. There's blood covering the floor and the chairs. There's a teen girl lying back on a gurney. The medical team is stitching wounds along her arms and legs. The only clothing she has on is underwear and a tank top. Clark notices me, probably due to my noise of disgust and outrage. I’m such an intense mix of horrified and angry that I don’t know how to process it.

  “Let’s go check on the victims. Realistically those hallways are hardly big enough to maintain 634 people,” he says in a defeated tone. We see a lot on this job, but this is one of those cases I know will haunt me for the rest of my days. These sick assholes were conducting human experiments that were not only illegal, but extremely unsettling and I wanted to take each of them on a quick journey to the incinerator and purge their evil from the world.

  We make our way back up the stairs while Clark sends a few agents downstairs to the final level. Clark motions me forward since I'm the one with the keys. In the first dormitory hall I try the keys, one by one, until I finally get the door open. The sight inside is just as awful as the rest of this place. The older woman inside is strapped to her bed. She looks extremely thin and frail. Her hair is matted, and she smells like she hasn’t been showered at all. A wheelchair rests near the door, I’m assuming as a means to transport her back and forth from the labs. She doesn’t even acknowledge us as we enter the room, but we step out quickly as more medics approach.

  The rest of the hallway is a mix of frail to healthy looking adults. They're all elderly and an equal mix of men and women of all races. We leave each door open as we exit. Those who have the mental capacity to talk to us or look at us are reassured that help is on its way. Every single room leaves me shaken.

  The next hallway tears my heart out. It's clearly the youth hall, with a terrified teenager inside each room. They're dirty and also range from healthy to tortured. Some have cuts similar to the victim in the lab downstairs, while others are frail, and more than I can count have damaged eyes or ears. Finally, we reach the last room in the hallway. I take a deep breath as I reach for the doorknob, knowing if she isn’t in here, then we failed.




  I wake up in a state of pure, raw agony. The pain in my head and abdomen are nearly unbearable. My eye is still swollen but open enough to see out of and I slowly lift my shirt with a shaky hand, but the fabric is stuck in the coagulated blood that covers me. I don’t want to rip it away and bleed out or cause more pain.

  Glancing around, I notice I'm back in a cell again. The rooms are soundproof, so the only thing I can hear is my rapid breathing and whimpers. The lack of sound is so unsettling I know I'll go crazy if help doesn’t come soon. Though, with how I currently feel, it won’t matter if they get to me soon. I'm not going to make it long. The scientists are crazy and sadistic and I’m so weak after only one round I don’t see how I can survive more.

  The lock clicks and the doorknob turns, making me flinch. It opens slowly and I let out a defeated bre
ath, knowing I can’t fight back this time. Refusing to look at them, I drop my head back on the pillow and stare at the ceiling. I'll be just as stony as I was before this happened.

  When I hear footsteps crossing over to my bed, I glance over, expecting my guards or Timmins. Instead, it's Flynn and another detective. I let out a sob as I realize I'm finally in safe hands, every bit of my calm facade crumbling.

  The look on Flynn’s face as he checks me over is one of pure horror and devastation. He tries to lift my shirt, but I whimper at the first tugs against the wounds. He pulls his hand back and addresses the other man.

  “Call a medic, now." Flynn’s voice is barely above a whisper, but the agent turns and barks for a medic into his comm. Flynn eyes me with a sympathetic gaze. “I’m so sorry, kid. I tried to find you as fast as I could. We cleared this place out though. The scientists will give away names. This will end here,” he vows, and I give him a watery, shaky smile.

  “You found me, that’s all that matters. I hurt so bad, old man. But the boss mentioned this isn’t the only place. Your fight isn’t over,” I manage to get out between sobs. It's a miracle he even understands me through my sobs and weak, raspy voice.

  The detectives are ushered out as an EMT enters my room. He looks over my injuries but notices the shirt is sticking to me, so he stops. He doesn’t rip it up, which I'm thankful for.

  “She needs a hospital first, and pain meds. We have an emergency medical tent set up outside. The worst of the injured are being transferred to the hospital. She needs to be in that group. We have to wait on a gurney or wheelchair, so it may take a minute,” the EMT informs Flynn. The detective decides not to wait and picks me up instead. I whimper again at the pain, and he tries to comfort me as he makes his way outside. The last thing I see before the pain knocks me out, is Timmins in cuffs, being led from the warehouse.


  I'm pacing back and forth in the conference room at the station, praying with every beat of my heart that they’re successful. The agents are updating me when they can, but I have no word on Charlie yet. I'm barely holding it together. I can’t lose another person I love.

  As the door bursts open, I look up at the agent.

  “They’ve got her, ma’am. She’s injured, but alive,” an officer announces. I collapse into a chair, tears flowing freely as I sob in relief. My girl is alive. I tried not to think the worst, but we’ve all seen enough bad endings in the news, so it was hard. My phone starts ringing, and I see it's Flynn.

  “How is she?” I can hear sirens in the background and it does nothing to calm my nerves.

  “She’s in a world of pain, those bastards hurt your girl pretty bad. Prepare yourself for that, Sophia. I won't sugarcoat it. We are en route to the Starbrooke hospital now. Have an officer drive you over.” As soon as he hangs up, I’m grabbing my purse and rushing out, wanting to be there as soon as possible.

  “I need a ride to the hospital, they found her. Flynn said for one of you to take me over,” I yell into the station. An officer immediately stands up and leads me out to an undercover car. Thanks to my panic, the drive feels like it takes hours, but he’s patient with me as I growl at him to step on it.

  As soon as he pulls to a stop, I jump out and race through the ER, searching for Charlie. I see Flynn pacing in the hallway, and he sees me at the same time. His hands raise up to stop me from bursting into the room.

  “I waited here for you, they are patching her up now,” he says as he motions me forward. I slow my pace and walk into the room, heart stopping as I gaze at my sweet girl.

  Charlie looks awful and that’s a gross understatement. I hold back a sob as I take in her blood covered shirt and bruised up face and arms. My poor girl.

  The nurse sees me and approaches. “Are you family, ma’am?” She steps between me and Charlie, blocking her from view.

  “I’m her mom,” I say, and the nurse gives me a reassuring smile but appears worried.

  “Why don’t we talk outside for a second and let them finish up?” She motions me back to the hallway, and I step out hesitantly, not wanting to leave Charlie’s side.

  “Your daughter doesn’t appear to have a concussion, it’s more facial swelling from being hit with something. She has bruising on her arms and back. The team is working on getting her shirt off safely, to assess her abdomen. We think that's the worst of her injuries, but we need to take our time to make sure. The fact that it clotted to the shirt should mean the cuts aren’t very deep. I’m going to head back in and help. We will call you in when she’s done. She is in awful pain, so we gave her pain medicine and a sedative. She won’t likely wake up until mid-morning,” she explains, before giving me a reassuring pat on the arm and walking back into the room. Flynn's waiting a bit down the hall, giving us privacy. When he sees her walk away, he comes back and leads me to the waiting room.

  “I’m going to grab us some coffee and check in with Agent Clark. You all right?” he asks tentatively. I shrug, and he nods in understanding before heading off. We both know we won’t be all right for a long fucking time.

  Knowing I have to share the news, I pull out my phone and call Danielle to let her know Charlie is safe. Her sobs nearly break me, but I end the call quickly and I text Charlie’s friends' parents. I added them to a group chat a while back so I could keep in touch if necessary since they needed to get the kids home. I promised to call so I figure now is a good time.

  Me: Charlie is safe and in the hospital. She won’t likely be awake until mid-morning due to the sedative.

  I put my phone away, not caring if they respond or not. I'm too intent on waiting for the nurses to let me back in to see her. Flynn comes back a few minutes later with that beautiful, hot coffee in his hands. I reach out for mine and guzzle it down, legs bouncing and eyes trained on her door.

  “I spoke to Agent Clark. They’ve got all of the victims getting checked out now in the emergency medical tent. That place was one of the worst I’ve seen, Sophia. Charlie and the others were lab rats and abused. From the looks of some others, they'd suffered through this for a long time.” He sounds beyond tired and defeated. Reaching over, I squeeze his hand and give him a reassuring smile.

  “You freed them. I’m good here now if you need to go help. Charlie is sedated until tomorrow morning,” I respond quietly. I'm feeling just as exhausted now, but I won’t be going anywhere. They’ll have to throw me out before that happens.

  “All right. Let me know how she is when she wakes up. I’ll come by for questions tomorrow. I don’t want to release that counselor if she aided in the kidnapping, so we’re holding her under suspicion,” he says with a sigh, getting up to leave.

  I sit in the waiting room for a while longer and try not to doze off even though the exhaustion is taking over. An hour later the nurse finally comes to talk to me.

  “She is sleeping comfortably now. We want to keep her on pain medicine for the night and monitor her injuries. We did some bloodwork to make sure nothing is in her system before giving them, and they show dangerously high levels of vitamins. We’re running fluids around the clock to help safely flush them, but she will need to be observed for a few days while they work their way out of her bloodstream. The cuts on her abdomen are bandaged and stitched. They weren't deep enough to cause permanent damage, but they were still deep enough she’ll likely always have scars. You can go in now, though.” Her voice is reassuring, but I don’t say anything, just rush forward and to my daughter’s bedside.

  As I drag a chair close, I take in the sight of Charlie. She's wearing a hospital gown and is tucked into the bed now. Her face doesn’t look as bad without the dried blood on it, but her bruising makes my chest ache, the deep purples only turning darker as time goes on. I stroke her hair as she sleeps, mostly to reassure me that she's, in fact, right in front of me. Moments later, I drift off to sleep, leaning on her bed as I hold her hand.


  Early Morning


lie has been found. She’s in the hospital but won’t be awake until mid-morning,” Mom explains when she wakes me up. Peering at my alarm clock I see it's 2:30 in the morning, and I sigh in relief. My Charlie girl is safe.

  “Can I borrow the car in the morning?”

  She nods her head and gives me a tight hug, rocking me as sobs overtake me. I’ve been so scared for so long. When I calm down, she leaves my room, and I force myself to stay in bed. I want to be rested so I can sit with Charlie in the hospital tomorrow. Grabbing my phone, I send a group text so the others will know when they wake up too. Sleep isn’t easy, but I eventually pass out.

  The next time I wake up is around seven. I throw on some clothes and practically run out of the house to the car. The drive to the hospital feels agonizingly slow, especially because she's in Starbrooke’s hospital. As soon as I find a parking spot, I run to the front desk to find out what room she's in. I follow the nurse’s directions and make my way through the maze of hallways, each step feeling like a mile.

  Finally, I reach her room and come to a stop outside her door. It’s cracked, but the curtain is drawn, blocking her from view. I take a deep breath, bracing myself for what I will likely find. I have no clue what happened to her, but last time she was almost kidnapped she had bruises, and something in my gut tells me this will be so much worse.

  “Can I come in?” I call out quietly. I don't want to wake her, but I hear someone shifting.


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