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Incendiary (Inferno Book 5)

Page 4

by Yolanda Olson

I thought that had been enough for him to remember shit, but I guess I’m wrong.

  “Do I need to go into town?” I shoot back.

  “Um, let me grab my list,” he says nervously before he scrambles out of the room.

  I shake my head as I reach for the glass and take a sip, then glance up when my little girl walks back into the room with a large plate piled high.

  “Looks good,” I tell her with a nod.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Have a seat and start eating. I have to talk to your brother,” I say as I push my chair back and get to my feet.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You scared me!” he declares with a nervous laugh when he turns around and finds me leaning against the kitchen counter.

  “Can’t imagine why,” I reply evenly. “Unless of course, you forgot to check our stock.”

  “I didn’t, Dad. I swear. See?”

  I crane my neck enough to see him pulling some kind of flip notepad out of the pantry and hand it to me.

  I arch an eyebrow as I look at his notes.

  There are dates and times that everything has been checked, including quantities.

  “I see you got this from your mother,” I say as I hand the notepad back.

  “Yeah. Um, we don’t really need anything. Not for another week or so,” he replies uncomfortably as he sets his ledger back into the pantry and closes the door.

  “I found more roots outside,” I state, changing the subject. If I can’t get him for one fuck up, I’ll get him for another one.

  “I don’t know where those came from. Every time I go outside, I’m working on things.”

  “Getting rather mouthy, aren’t you?” I snap at him.

  He shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants and lowers his eyes to the floor.

  “Sorry,” he replies quietly.

  I let out a sigh.

  “Go on and get some breakfast in you. We’ve got another lesson to go over today, and I want you both full this time.”

  As I turn to make my way back to the dining room, Richter pipes up again.


  I take a deep breath, count to three, then turn to face him.

  “Why is being full important?”

  I smirk.

  “Food gives you energy and stamina. Remember that on those cold nights when I’m gone, and you need your sister to take care of you. Keep her fed and she’ll keep you fucked.”

  I watched the boy inhale his breakfast.

  In a way, I understand his eagerness, but if he chokes to death trying to get another piece of his sister, then what I’ve taught them so far will have been a waste of time.

  That should be the motto of the children in this family, I muse to myself as I flip to the last page of the paper.

  “Was it good, Daddy?”

  I nod without glancing up at the girl.

  I finished my breakfast before they did, and I’ve been sitting here as patiently as I can waiting for them to catch up.

  While I’m not a man of patience, some things require it.

  “May I clear the table?” she presses.


  I fold the paper after she removes the plate from in front of me, then watch her as she piles hers onto mine, then walks around to her brother.

  Once she has them all stacked, she walks out of the dining room leaving me and Richter alone.

  “You’re not fucking her today,” I warn him as I lean toward him.


  I nod as I lean back in my chair and reach for my glass of orange juice.

  “Um, Dad?”

  My eyes wander toward him over the brim of the glass, and I wait.

  “Then why did we need to eat our breakfast?”

  “Well,” I say as I set the glass down and get to my feet. “Last night, you learned how to eat her pussy. This morning, you get to find out what it feels like to get your dick sucked.”

  His eyes dart toward the dining room entrance when Skylar walks back in. He’s probably wondering if she heard what I said.

  Like it matters or will change anything.

  “Come here, girl,” I say, holding a hand out to her before she has a chance to plant her ass back in her chair.

  When I close my fingers around her soft flesh, I look up into her eyes.

  Today, I don’t see Darby or Taylee.

  I’ve never seen Jocelyn there either.

  She’s finally becoming her own person in this family and, hopefully, I won’t think about the other ones for much longer.

  I pat my leg and she dutifully sits down.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, I lean my face down toward her neck and inhale her scent.

  Her body begins to tremble as I place a hand on her stomach.

  She doesn’t have anything to worry about when it comes to me.

  I could love her properly and show her how it should feel, and even though she doesn’t remind me of her mother today, I know her will is still buried deep inside my little girl.

  Placing my forehead against the side of her face, I slip my fingers underneath her shirt and gently caress her stomach.


  “Yes, Daddy?” she asks in a shaky tone.

  “You know how you make Daddy feel good sometimes?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Think you can do that for your brother?”

  “I can try.”

  “No. You have to do better than try,” I remind her in a harsher tone. “You know how to do it, little girl, now get it done.”

  I give her a gentle shove off my lap and watch as she takes a deep breath then makes her way around the table toward her brother.

  He looks as nervous as she felt with her body pressed so closely against mine.

  But I can see it again.

  The hunger.

  The need in his eyes.

  He’s becoming a true Greene, and maybe now I can find one of them to take some pride in.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The absolute willpower it’s taking me not to laugh at how he’s reacting to getting his dick sucked for the first time is astounding.

  It’s his turn to be on the table with his sister’s head bobbing over his lap, and I’ve had to push her back a few times to keep her from having a mouth full of cum.

  But he seems to be doing a little better the third time around, and Skylar seems to be enjoying herself now too.

  I watch carefully as she gently wraps a hand around his sac and squeezes it while continuing to move her mouth up and down his dick.

  Richter’s entire body is flushed red and he’s sweating more than I’ve ever seen anyone do before, but he’s learning now and that’s what counts.

  If you give, you should receive.

  One of the charming little ditties taught to me by Taylee.

  I let out a sigh as I rest a hand on the table and continue watching Skylar.

  Richter lets out another strangled moan as he sucks in his stomach and his sister pulls her mouth off his dick.

  “Good girl,” I tell her in approval.

  She can tell now when he’s ready to come and she knows I don’t want any of that shit in her mouth.

  Not yet.

  That’s something for them to decide when they’re husband and wife later on.

  She runs her hand up and down his dick with a vigor that makes me proud. She’ll be a good wife to him after all and I don’t think I’ll have to worry about them much longer.

  It depends on how much effort he’s willing to put into things now, it seems.

  When he lets out a whimper, Skylar moves her hand faster and faster until he finally gasps and covers her hand in the hot, sticky liquid that shoots from the head of his dick.

  “Here,” I say as I grab her hand and pull it away from him.

  She looks up at me as she takes the napkin and wipes her hand clean. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome. You’re learning fast, Skylar,” I co
mmend her with a ruffle of her hair.

  I lean over and slap the boy’s sweaty thigh, motion for him to get dressed, and start walking back to my chair when she grips my forearm.

  Raising an eyebrow, I look down at her fingers, then into her eyes and wait.

  “Can I do anything for you, Daddy?” she asks me timidly.

  “Yeah, you can clean up this mess,” I say, nodding toward the tablecloth. “Strip the table and go wash this, then set it again with fresh everything.”

  I start to move when she gives me a gentle tug.

  “Anything else?” she asks breathlessly.

  “Spit it out, girl. What is that you want?” I ask her irritably.

  Her eyes cut toward her brother before they return to me. He’s finally got his damn pants pulled up and his pecker put away.

  Skylar lets go of my arm and takes a step closer to me, reaching for the belt buckle on my jeans.

  I put one hand on my hip and the other on the table to balance myself as she pulls the belt free, then pulls down my zipper.

  “You alright with this?” I ask Richter as she reaches into the fly of my boxers and begins to run her soft hand against my dick.

  “I’m alright with whatever Skylar wants,” he replies quietly as he walks about behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

  “Your wife shouldn’t want another man’s dick, Richter,” I tell him, my voice slightly hitching as my dick starts to harden. “It means you can’t satisfy her.”

  “I can,” he snaps, glaring up at me.

  “Then why is she so cock hungry?” I bark back.

  Before he has a chance to reply, Skylar pulls my dick out of my pants and takes it into her mouth. I move the hand from my hip to the top of her head.

  I hold his stare while she starts working her mouth and tongue up and down my length, grazing my skin with her teeth, and making me feel like any well-respected husband should.

  But she’s not my wife and she never can be.

  However, if he can’t fucking satisfy the girl, then maybe it’s up to me to keep this goddamn line going after all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I didn’t want things to be like this, you know. I thought, after Jocelyn and her brothers, I had finally gotten it right with you. But you let me down, Darbs, just like the rest.”

  I sigh as I glance up at the afternoon sky before I turn my eyes back down toward her.

  “Those two fuckups are finally starting to get along. They’re understanding what it means to be a member of this family and while I know it’s not what you wanted, it’s the way things are.”

  I run a hand back through my hair as I lower my leg from the edge of the oubliette and reach for the gate.

  “I’ll be back to visit with you tonight. I got to run into town to get some things, but I just wanted you to know that they’re finally figuring it out and you should be proud of them. Lord knows that one of us has to be.”

  I pull the gate over the opening, then slide the latch in place.

  I’ve decided to go into town ahead of time to stock up on some things we’re running low on because I plan on making them learn and practice every day until they don’t need my guidance any longer.

  Walking over to the truck, I take my keys out of my pocket, then pull the door open, glancing at the main floor before I get in.

  They’re still in the dining room.

  I can see Richter pulling the tablecloth off the table and Skylar walking out of the room with the spare plates and glasses bundled in his arms.

  They’ll keep busy and, hopefully, they’ll also keep their goddamn hands off each other until I get back.

  Any lessons learned outside of what I teach them will have to be untaught and I’m not interested in spending more time on this shit than I have to.

  I place the key in the ignition, bring the engine to life, then adjust the rear-view mirror before I begin backing down the long driveway.

  My home is a few miles off the road because privacy is key when you have a family like mine, and I’m not interested in unwanted guests showing up at my door.

  The last time that happened, everything went to hell, and I was forced to get rid of two-thirds of the trio of fuckups I had at the time.

  I chuckle as I find a spot to be able to turn the truck around and then rub my eyes tiredly.

  Everything seems to happen before it should when it comes to these kids, but there’s always someone new to warm my bed while I wait for new additions.

  I haven’t moved on Skylar the way I did with my other girls because I know she’s not mine to keep.

  No matter how sweet that pussy of hers tastes.

  Once I finally get to the main road, I leave the thoughts of my girls and the boy behind.

  Outside of my property, I’m not their Daddy.

  I’m Luke Greene and being the son of Taylee taught me how to flip that little switch on faster than most.

  The little bells on the door jingle as I walk into the local mom and pop pharmacy. I like to spend my money at smaller places like this since those bigger corporations obviously don’t need it.

  I nod at Hailey, the granddaughter of the owners, on my way by the front register.

  She’s a pretty little thing.

  Long, brown, wavy hair, sleepy caramel-colored eyes, and light freckles covering every inch of her bare flesh.

  “Hey, stranger!” she greets me with a wide grin, and I shake my head and chuckle as I continue on my way toward the back of the store.

  Hailey is a little taller than my girls have ever been, and she has amazing child-bearing hips.

  It’s a shame that she’s not one of my own, I think as I begin to pick through the boxes in front of me.

  I glance down at the piece of paper I ripped out of Richter’s ledger and then squint at the choices in front of me.


  I startle slightly, but when I regain myself, I glare at the girl as she hands me a basket.

  “You should learn to smile more. You’re going to get wrinkles sooner than you ought to,” Hailey teases me before she walks away.

  I watch her hips.

  The way they make the rest of her body sway ever so slightly and grit my teeth before I get back to grabbing what I need.

  This isn’t my only stop today and I refuse to be taunted and tempted by some little bitch I have no business even engaging in conversation.

  I left the store about twenty minutes after I entered.

  She tried to keep me there longer by talking to me while she checked me out, flipping her damn hair over her shoulder, and batting those goddamn eyelashes of hers.

  She’d never be a good girl; not if she’s so fast and loose with every man that walks through the door of her grandparents’ establishment.

  I pull my truck into an empty spot at the local grocery store knowing that I’d be doing myself and my family a disservice by bringing in someone that didn’t belong with us.

  My girls know better than to act like that.

  They carry themselves with pride and decency because that’s exactly how their father taught them to be.

  That trashy little shit is a perfect example of how good girls shouldn’t be.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When I get back home, it’s almost nighttime.

  I hadn’t meant to spend so much time away from my fatherly duties but coming back with a truck full of food and other things I think should more than enough make up for it.

  Besides, these kids will have to learn to fend for themselves eventually and they can view this as a trial run.

  I honk the horn before I turn off the engine and step out of my vehicle. I may have gone out and bought all of this shit, but they know they have to bring it inside.

  I think it’s part of the reason Richter doesn’t ‘forget’ about what we need. One time I came home with so much shit that it took them at least four of five trips each to bring it in and unpack it all.

  Skylar comes running out
first, then her brother. Something about the way they aren’t looking at me right now tells me they may be hiding a secret or two.

  Doesn’t matter.

  I’ll flesh it out by will or force and they both know it.

  There aren’t any secrets under my roof. I don’t allow that bullshit because that’s how trust gets broken, and I’ve already had more than my fair share of that.

  “Once you bring everything inside, come into the living room,” I say to them over my shoulder as I start walking toward the front door.

  I get comfortable on the couch, the same one this entire thing started on.

  The one that made me first realize that I wasn’t a normal son to an ordinary mother. The one that I first showed Jocelyn how to be a good wife on.

  It’s one of the very few things I kept after I left Taylee’s home, and it’s been pivotal in helping me continue being the man I know she would have wanted me to become.

  As I shrug off my jacket and toss it to the side, I find myself wondering if she was ever proud of me.

  Granted, I know she wasn’t born as crazy as she turned out to be with the circumstances she dealt with and all, but I don’t know. I guess there was always that hope there that when she started acting like a normal, caring mother, it would stick.

  But it never did.

  And now I am who I am because of her, and I can’t say that I regret it much.

  Another ten minutes or so of me being lost in the thoughts of things I can’t—or wouldn’t—have been able to change, and they finally waltz in the fucking living room.

  “We’re done, Daddy” Skylar says as she and her brother come to stand in front of me.

  “Sit down,” I say patting the spot next to me. I glance up at the boy and motion for him to sit on the other side of me, and watch as he carefully lifts my jacket, folds it, and places it on the coffee table.

  “Did we do something wrong?” he asks nervously.

  “Did you?” I question as I turn my attention toward him. “It took you both an awfully long time to come outside and start unpacking the truck.”


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