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Elemental Fae Holiday: A Why Choose Paranormal Romance (Elemental Fae Academy Book 4)

Page 4

by Lexi C. Foss

  “OKAY, I’m going to need you to go back to the orgasm trial again.” There’d been other items mentioned, but that was the competition that had captured my interest.

  Titus smirked. “It’s exactly what it sounds like, and we intended to start here tonight.” He gestured around the cabin my mates had sequestered me off to in Iceland, of all places.

  After we’d paid for the food and drink bill at the Fae Pub—yes, that was the extremely original name—and Cyrus had said goodbye to his cousin, my mates had portalled me to the middle of the woods where a cabin waited with a very large bed inside.

  I suspected they’d taken the beds from the guest rooms and just pushed them together in the center of the living area, because the sheets were a bit haphazard, and the size of the mattress definitely wasn’t common in the human world.

  Regardless, it worked.

  And I really wanted to start the orgasm trial… like, now.

  “So you’re all just… going to see how many orgasms you can force out of me over the next five days.” I did not see a problem with this logic. At all.

  “Six days,” Titus corrected. “We decided the first one doesn’t count because of the excitement. So we’ll warm you up properly for a day, then we each get a twenty-four-hour period.”

  I swallowed. “Oh, okay,” I said. “Um. Yeah, we can start now.”

  Exos grinned. “So eager.”

  “We need you to agree to all the trials first, little queen,” Cyrus murmured. “And we also need to know you’re really okay with the outcome. Are you ready to have a baby with us?”

  All five of them studied my reaction, my mates always putting my comfort above their own. Was I ready to have a baby? I wasn’t sure. Was anyone ever ready?

  But I knew in my heart that my mates would be amazing fathers.

  They would help me through this, protect me, and love me unconditionally. All facts I felt through our bond yet already knew.

  Because they’d been there for me from the beginning, even before we were fully mated.

  The six of us were made for this, and if my mates wanted a baby, then so did I. We were in this together, forever and always.

  Besides, I rather liked the idea of making them all fathers.

  They’d all make some sexy fae dads.

  But that wasn’t the reason I really wanted to do this.

  My reason was simply because it felt like it was time. I hadn’t really noticed it before, but I could sense it now. Our mate-circle was ready to create a new life.

  “I’m scared,” I admitted. “Because I don’t really know what to expect. But I trust you guys. And if you all are ready, then so am I.”

  “Don’t do this for us, Claire,” Exos replied, stepping up to cup my cheek with his palm. “This needs to be because you really want it, too.”

  “I do want it,” I whispered, leaning into his touch. “It… it feels right. Fae create life. I want to create a life with all of you.”

  I knew only one of them could actually plant the seed, but it would be a shared experience nonetheless. Because we were a unit.

  I opened my heart and mind to all of them, allowing them to feel my acceptance and love, and melted beneath their responding waves of adoration and devotion.

  Then Exos captured my mouth in a mind-blowing kiss that ignited the first trial. This was meant to ease me into the experience, to sate my mind and body and prepare me for the pleasures and pains to come.

  Having a child wouldn’t be easy.

  We all knew that.

  This was about worship, to prove to me that my mates would see to my every need, to be there for me through it all.

  They wanted me pliable and agreeable, too.

  But most importantly, they wanted me to feel how much they loved me.

  I returned their ardor with my spirit, embracing each of them with the heart of my being while falling headfirst into Exos’s kiss.

  It was hot, fiery passion, burning into an inferno as Titus stepped up to my back to grab my hips. Exos’s lips went to my neck, his hands unzipping my jacket, which Titus then removed from my shoulders and dragged down my arms.

  Cyrus took it from him, tossing it to the side. Then he switched spots with Exos, his mouth claiming mine as his palms slid up beneath my sweater. I shivered against his cool touch, my skin fire to his ice. Then Titus’s hands met my bare back, his thumb drawing fire down my spine.

  I groaned, the onslaught of elemental powers alighting me from the inside out and calling my own affinities to life.

  My sweater incinerated to ash, Titus’s essence roaming possessively over me as he drew his blazing touch down my jeans.

  He sliced through the fabric with a fiery blade, destroying my pants and scattering the remains in a dust of embers on the ground.

  Cyrus smiled against my mouth. “That is so handy, Firefly.”

  Titus growled in response, his hand leaving my back and reaching up for a fistful of Cyrus’s blond hair. “One more time, Jackass. One. More. Time.”

  “Firefly,” Cyrus taunted, grinning at whatever expression Titus gave him over my shoulder.

  Their aggression had my thighs clenching at the underlying sexual tension. They sometimes played with each other, but only when I joined. Unlike Sol and Vox, who sometimes shared a bed. I didn’t mind, because I felt their connection to me the whole time, and I often crept in to join them after a heavy-petting session.

  Our bonds were special because we all loved each other, too.

  Even when Cyrus and Titus pretended to be at odds with one another.

  I wrapped my arms around Cyrus’s waist as Titus pushed me closer to him, fully sandwiching me between them. Then he yanked Cyrus’s mouth to his own, the two of them engaging in a feral and harsh kiss.

  The lace of my panties soaked right through, their virile display almost enough to make me orgasm on the spot.

  That I could feel their hard bodies on either side of me only intensified the moment.

  Then a palm on the back of my nape yanked me toward another hungry mouth. Sol. My rock. My Earth Fae mate. I melted into him while Cyrus and Titus continued to duel on either side of me.

  It was gratifyingly intense and beautiful and grounded me in the reality of my circle.

  So much passion and heat.

  One of them palmed my breast. Titus.

  The other cupped my sex. Cyrus.

  And still they dueled with their tongues as Sol devoured me with his own.

  I moaned, on fire from the sensations and eager to feel more.

  Cyrus slid my panties aside, making me wonder why I ever bothered with the undergarment as he dipped two fingers into me and speared upward. I cried out, then whimpered for more.

  He rewarded me with another thrust, his thumb sliding upward to flick my clit. An orgasm flared out of me as though he’d demanded it to rise, causing my knees to buckle and my body to alight with renewed flames.

  Titus caught me with his arm around my waist, his pronounced erection digging into my backside. My forehead went to Cyrus’s shoulder, Sol’s palm still around my nape, as my males held me through the aftershocks of the too-sudden pleasure.

  “This is why we needed a warm-up day,” Titus said.

  “Yes,” Cyrus agreed. “Too easy.”

  I really wanted to remark on that, but I didn’t have enough air in my lungs to speak. Nor was my brain functioning well enough to muster up a comeback. So I settled on a grunting sound instead that had all my mates chuckling around me.

  “Finishing stripping her,” Cyrus demanded.

  Titus’s fiery energy warmed my breasts, the lace disintegrating in a second. Then the same sensation traveled to my shaved mound and lower, causing me to jolt upright on a moan. “She’s ready again,” he mused, his power stroking through my slickened lips before he used his gift to incinerate my panties.

  Sol went to his knees beside me to handle my boots and socks, removing them with hands gentle and sure. Then he stroked his fingers u
p my calf to my thigh before wrapping his palm around the back of my leg and tugging me toward his waiting mouth.

  A curse slipped from my lips as his tongue met my clit, my legs giving out again. But Titus caught me with ease as Cyrus stepped out of the way for Vox to join the fun. I gazed up at him through hooded eyes, my body convulsing and limp from Sol’s ministrations below.

  I expected my Air Fae mate to kiss me, but instead he dipped his head to my breasts, sucking a nipple deep into his mouth before gently grazing the tip with his teeth.

  I threaded my fingers through his long, dark hair, holding him to me as he taunted me with his skilled tongue.

  Sol seemed to replicate the pace between my legs, his rhythm rivaling Vox’s in every way.

  Then Titus reached between my legs from behind to draw some of my wetness backward to my other hole. I groaned as he slid a finger inside, working to stretch me and prepare me for the night to come.

  They would use me just as I would use them.

  And together, we would fall into a heated mess of limbs and naked bodies.

  Yet I was the only one without clothes right now, all my mates still fully dressed.

  That wouldn’t do.

  I took a page from Titus’s playbook and destroyed their outfits with a flick of my mind. Or I tried to, anyway. It worked on Vox and Sol, their clothes disappearing beneath a wave of my power. Their shoes were somewhere by the door, so I left those alone.

  But my other mates had anticipated my play. Exos and Titus had created a wall of their own fire guarding their fabric, and Cyrus had countered me with water.

  My eyes fluttered open to find the two kings smirking at me, daring me to try harder.

  It served as an aphrodisiac, heightening the moment and cascading me beneath an avalanche of challenge and intrigue. Sol and Vox kept their mouths on me, my fingers weaving through their soft hair, holding them exactly where I needed, while Titus held me in place for their feasting mouths. He increased his pressure on my backside, causing me to cry out in agony-induced pleasure, my body on literal fire for them all.

  I wanted to be filled by them, to be taken to heaven and back by my mates, and to land in a pile of sweaty limbs.

  But I knew this was just the beginning.

  They never rushed, their mouths and touch thorough to the very end.

  Sol sucked my clit deep into his mouth while Vox skimmed my nipple with his teeth. Then Titus added another finger below, stretching me deliciously and warming me up for an evening of sex.

  Yet three of my mates remained clothed, and I needed to fix that. But, oh, I wasn’t sure how. Not with Sol’s tongue moving like that. And Vox, Fae, his lips… mmm…

  Titus chuckled against my ear. “Focus, sweetheart.” He scissored his fingers. “You’ll need to disrobe all of us if you want us to fuck you.”

  “Or Sol and Vox can do it for you,” I replied on a moan, my body undulating wantonly between them all.

  “You’d prefer I fuck Titus?” Cyrus taunted, sending a wave of heat through my veins as the mental image appeared in my mind.

  They were always bickering, the sexual tension between them off the charts. And the idea of Cyrus bending Titus over and driving into him? Yeah, that had my thighs clenching around Sol in severe anticipation.

  “I hope you brought lube, Firefly,” Cyrus murmured, his icy gaze full of wicked intent.

  “Not happening, Royal Jackass,” Titus returned, his teeth skimming my throat. “But you’re welcome to suck my cock.”

  “I only kneel for Claire,” Cyrus replied, his expression heating. “However, I would consider a temporary position, if that’s her desire.”

  I groaned at the thought, my climax mounting as Sol pushed me over the edge with his tongue. And then I was too busy kissing Vox to understand up from down.

  My mates were consuming me, just like they always did. Throwing out hot suggestions one moment and distracting me the next.

  I tried to focus on one task, only to be thrown headfirst into another as Titus carried me to the bed. “Spread your legs for Sol,” he demanded. “We’ll see if his cock is enough to satisfy you.”

  Clothes, I thought. I have to remove their clothes.

  That was the game… tonight’s challenge… to see if I could focus long enough to disrobe them.

  And when I won, they’d reward me with their bodies.

  Sol climbed over me, his muscles rippling as he bent to suck my nipple into his mouth before sliding in between my thighs. “So wet,” he mused, nibbling a path up to my jaw. “Wrap your stems around me, little flower.”

  My thighs cradled him as I hooked my ankles against his ass, urging him forward. He took it for the invitation it was, filling me to the hilt and stretching me deliciously around him. I arched, my sensitive insides protesting the invasion while also squeezing him in warm welcome, begging for more.

  It was such a conundrum.

  My mates had taught me how to receive hours of pleasure, all of them able to take me over and over again without growing tired.

  It was a whole new definition of stamina that made me all the more thankful for my fae half.

  Sol captured my mouth in a searing kiss, his body bathing me in an earth scent underlined in heat and sex. Vitality blossomed inside me, embracing my spirit and grounding me thoroughly in the moment of his clear claim.

  Only, fire danced along my arms, followed by a trickle of water that reminded me I had other mates waiting.

  They were teasing me.

  Watching Sol fuck me.

  Engaging my elements and forcing me to play their game.

  I groaned, a cataclysm of eroticism ripping through my soul and calling my elements to the surface.






  All of them danced through the room, crawling along the walls in real vines decorated with pink butterflies and fiery embers. Water swirled with the flames, dancing to the same pace as Sol’s hips, and heat erupted in my lower belly as another orgasm shredded my ability to breathe.

  Vox was suddenly there, his mouth on mine, blowing air into my lungs, rejuvenating me with his essence as he lay alongside me. His arousal touched my hip, then Sol reached down to fist him. My Air Fae mate jolted, a growl vibrating his tongue against mine.

  Goose bumps pebbled along my arms and legs, the lust of the two men overwhelming me in the best way.

  I allowed them to take their pleasure, reveling in their need and letting it suffocate me beneath a cloud of ecstasy.

  Sol sank his teeth into my shoulder as he came inside me, his seed hot and filling me with his earthy essence, while Vox shot off beside me, his cum a welcome substance against my skin.

  But Titus had been right.

  It wasn’t enough.

  I needed more.

  My mates who still wore clothes.

  And I suddenly knew just what I needed to do to convince them to strip.

  CLEVER LITTLE MATE, I thought, watching the minx roll around in the sheets, painting herself with Sol’s and Vox’s cum.

  She’d started with a finger through her slick pussy, drawing Sol’s essence up her shaved mound to rub into her skin. Then she’d taken the remnants of Vox’s pleasure along her ribs and painted the rosy little peaks of her breasts.

  I never would have thought my mate drenched in the cum of other men would turn me on, but here we were. And all I wanted to do was strip myself and add to the mess.

  The tension radiating from my brother said he felt the same.

  My tie was suddenly a little too tight. I loosened it while Claire watched, and her blue eyes flashed. “I know what you’re doing, baby,” I told her.

  “Do you?” she asked, her tone falsely innocent as she dipped her hand between her legs again to slip her fingers through her pretty pink lips. Sol and Vox lounged on either side of her, content for the moment, while the rest of her mates stood around the bed with raging hard-ons,
fully clothed.

  She brought her finger to her lips this time, groaning at the taste of her arousal mingling with Sol’s seed.

  It left me wondering why we’d decided to play this game. All I wanted was to sink balls-deep into my female and force my name from that alluring mouth.

  I pulled off my tie, and Cyrus mimicked the motion, then took the silk from my hands. I immediately understood his intention as he approached the bed. “Give me your hands, little queen.”

  She smiled. “Only if you give me your shirt.”

  He considered her for a moment, then dropped the ties onto the bed. “All right.” He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it at Titus. The Fire Fae caught it and proceeded to destroy it with one of his hotter flames.

  Cyrus smirked. “You’re going to pay for that later, Firefly.”

  “I hate that nickname.”

  “Oh, I know,” he returned as he unbuttoned his shirt. “It’s why I’ll forever call you by it.”

  “Royal Jackass,” the Fire Fae muttered, the label one he seemed to use interchangeably between me and Cyrus. My brother adored it. I just rolled my eyes.

  “Here you go, little queen,” Cyrus said, dropping his shirt on the bed for her. “Now give me your hands.”

  Vox rolled over her to lie beside Sol, his gaze knowing as Cyrus took hold of Claire’s wrists and bound them with our ties. She’d known his intention as well, but the glimmer in her eye told me that had been her plan all along.

  And as his pants went up in flames half a second later, I understood why. She’d used his brief touch as a way to overpower his water magic and destroy his clothes.

  My lips curled, impressed.

  Cyrus rewarded her with a kiss, his own amusement at her antics clear in the way he cradled her face while devouring her mouth.

  Titus watched the scene with interest, then pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground. “Fuck delayed gratification.”

  Something told me this had been Claire’s plan as well. She knew just how to manipulate each of us with her body and mind. I slid my hands into my pockets as Titus kicked off his pants and joined the others on the bed. He went straight for her cunt, his mouth and tongue lapping up her soaked sex and causing her to moan into Cyrus’s mouth.


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