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Please Be Mine

Page 4

by Megs Pritchard

  Tank stared at him. "That's the second time tonight someone has told me not to lie. I'm not lying."

  Niles sighed again, leaning back on the counter. "I won't argue with you. We're mated now, and nothing is going to change that."

  Tank smiled grimly. "I know," he muttered.

  "So, what are you going to do about it? You know I'll need your blood from now on."

  "I know."

  "And it'll be hard for either of us to have sex with someone else."

  Gritting his teeth, Tank repeated himself. "I know."

  "If you want, we can both try to move on. Just send me your blood."


  "I'm telling you that we can both try to move on. I know you prefer women to men so I'm saying you can move on and try to build a relationship with someone else."

  Tank frowned. "So, you're saying you have no problem with me going out and fucking women?"

  "As long as I can go out and fuck men."

  "No," Tank muttered.

  Niles raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "No?"

  "That's what I said."

  "What do you mean, no? I'm not going to live the rest of my life celibate."

  "No one else," Tank growled. "No one but me."

  Niles rolled his eyes. "All possessive again. Want me to drop my pants and bend over?”

  "Fuck you."

  Niles smirked. "I'd rather fuck you."

  "I can't," Tank shouted.

  Niles blinked, shocked at the outburst. "That didn't stop you before—”

  "You don't get it, do you? I'd lose everything. This is the worst thing that could have ever happened to me."

  "What? The worst thing that could have happened to you? Thanks a lot, mate."

  "You don't understand, Niles. My family would disown me. If there is anything that they can have a problem with, they do. You name it. Blacks, gays, vampires. Anything that isn't white, human or middle-class they'll have a problem with." Tank pointed between the two of them, saying, "They would have a big fucking problem with this."

  "Targon... I...” Niles stopped talking, shaking his head. He didn't know Tank's family was like this. "Shit, Targon. I'm all of those."

  Tank’s shoulders slumped and he stared at the floor. "I'm sorry, Niles, I can't do this," he muttered brokenly.

  Niles walked over to him and pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him and holding tight. "Tell me this honestly, Targon." He pulled back, but put both hands on the side of Tank's neck. Staring into his eyes, he asked, "Do you want me?"

  Tank eyes flickered between his, and Niles saw him swallow before he whispered, "Yeah, I do."

  "Then we start there." Slowly, so slowly, Niles leaned forward giving Tank time to pull away. When he didn't move, he kissed him, a slow slide of his lips across Tank’s. He placed small kisses across his lips and eventually Tank responded, his lips moving to meet Niles'. When Tank finally sighed into the kiss, Niles deepened it, letting his tongue lick into Tank's mouth to slide along Tank’s.

  Tank tilted his head and Niles moaned, moving his hands around Tank's back and running them down over the muscles hidden by his t-shirt. Tank groaned deeply, his arms pulling Niles closer as their tongues caressed each other and Niles went willingly, desperate to feel his mate again.

  They stood kissing for several minutes until Niles eventually pulled away, dropping one last final kiss on Tank’s lips. He watched Tank open his eyes, seeing the blown pupils and the flushed cheeks. He lifted his fingers and scratched the stubble on Tank’s jaw, smiling at him.

  "We'll figure this out. Come, sit down and eat, and you can tell me about your family."


  Tank sat at the table and watched Niles dish out the food. When it was placed in front of him, Niles said, "It's Tatws Pum Munad, or Welsh stew."

  "Ah, cawl. This is my Taid, my granddad's, favorite meal."

  "Taid? Ah, you're a northerner."

  Tank grinned. "No way. South Wales?"

  Niles nodded, chewing his food. "I say granddad, or tadcu."

  "I have relatives who still live in Mundy."

  "Not far from mine then. So, tell me about your family."

  "What's to tell?"

  Niles put his spoon back in his bowl, pushing it away and staring at Tank. Tank stared down at his own bowl, fiddling with the spoon and finally sighed when he realized that he was going to have to tell Niles everything. "They are the most phobic group of people I know."

  "How is that going to affect us?"

  Tank shrugged, mumbling under his breath.

  "I'm sorry. What was that?"

  Tank pursed his lips and looked up at Niles. "There is no us, Niles."

  Niles blinked, staring blankly at him and not saying a word. "We're mated," he whispered eventually.

  "I'm sorry."

  "But, we're mated," Niles repeated.

  "Forget about it now, Niles." Tank dropped his head into his hands, shoulders slumping. "If only I'd kept control, then none of this would have happened."

  "There is no forgetting about it, Targon. We’re mated. We can't change that, and it can't be broken either. We are it for each other."

  "Look," Tank started as he slowly raised his head. "I did something stupid, but that doesn't have to be the end of it. You said you needed my blood, and I'll send it to you. It's just, we... we can't have a relationship."

  "You just told me that you wanted me? Was that a lie?"

  Tank sat back in his chair, shaking his head. "No, it wasn't, but I can't do anything about it. We need to forget this happened and move on."

  "Forget it happened? Fuck you!" Niles spat out, shoving his chair back and standing up.

  Tank followed, also standing up, and they both glared at each other across the kitchen table. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, Niles, but it's the best for both of us."

  "Fine. Find someone else." Niles pointed at the kitchen door. "Get out."

  Tank straightened. "There'll be no one else."

  "No, Targon, if you don't want me, I'll find someone who does. Now get out of my house."

  Tank stormed round the side of the table, grabbing Niles by the arm. "No, you're mine."

  Niles shoved him away saying at the same time, "Not this again. You going all caveman is what caused this in the first place. I can't live this half-life you're expecting me to. You're either my mate, or you're not."


  Niles slashed his hand through the air. "No! You need to decide what you want."

  Tank pulled on his hair. "You don't understand. I'll lose my family."

  "Or your mate. Tough choice that, Targon, isn't it? But I think I know what choice you'll make. Get the fuck out."

  Not giving Tank a chance to answer, Niles stormed from the kitchen. Tank stood still, staring in shock at his back as he left. His shoulders slumped, and he braced his hands on the table, leaning over it and closing his eyes. His mate or his family? The choice wasn't as easy as Niles thought. If he chose Niles, he would lose his family. All of them. But if he chose his family, he would lose his mate. A mate who he wasn't even sure he wanted.

  Twisting sideways, he slumped in the chair and laid his head on the table, feeling the cold seep through his hot skin.

  "Shit," he muttered.

  Even though he knew all the faults his family had, they were still his family, and he loved them. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds Niles made as he moved around above him. Niles, his mate. Why did he have to be a man, and a vampire? Oh, and black.

  He didn't know what he was going to do, and he didn't know who to turn to. Both Chester and Ale had told him to try, but at what cost? Did he give up his family to be with his mate? Was that cost too high? He knew Niles only got one mate, that there would be no other for him and by denying their bond, he would be asking him to live the half-life.

  But, he honestly didn't know if he could give up his family for his mate. He was attracted to Niles, no matter how much h
e fought against it. The way he moved, the way he smiled, especially that smile that was just for Tank him. When he grinned, dimples appeared that drove Tank mad. His black curly hair cut short had Tank’s fingers itching, and he dragged those same fingers across the table wishing it was Niles instead.

  Sighing, he muttered, "I want him."

  Saying the words out loud both exhilarated and frightened him, but it was the step that he knew he needed to take.

  Maybe he could be open and honest with his family and they would accept Niles when they understood the full implications of their bond. Tank snorted. Yeah, right. That was a wild fantasy, a dream that would never come true. Could he walk away from his family for one person, even if that one person was his mate? Was the cost too much, the loss too great?

  Maybe he could keep their relationship quiet for now until he was surer and knew exactly what he wanted. Niles should understand why he needed time to decide. So much was riding on his decision and it wasn't one he could easily make. His family, or his mate.

  Deciding he needed to talk to Niles, Tank pushed away from the table and slowly walked up the stairs to him.

  Chapter Six

  Tank stood in the doorway of the bedroom watching Niles move around, completely ignoring him. In fact, Niles gave no impression he knew that Tank stood there, but Tank was certain Niles was fully aware of his presence.

  After watching him for another minute or so, Tank said, "Niles.”

  Without turning around, Niles said, "I asked you to leave."

  "I want to try."

  "Will you tell your family about us?" Tank looked away. "I didn't think you would. Please leave."

  "What do you want me to say? I'm struggling with all of this. And you should know that more than anyone because you can feel it, feel me. We do this at my pace. I'll tell them when I'm ready. I need to get used to you first and—" Tank waved his arm around the room—"everything."

  "You've had time to get used to this. You've had months, Tank."

  "Then what's wrong with giving me a little more? We're mates now, let me get used to it."

  Niles stared at him and eventually nodded. "I'm not someone you were expecting." Niles sat on the bed, dropping his head in his hands. Tank could feel how emotional Niles was in that moment. Pain, sadness and a little fear was coming through to him from their connection. Unable to stop himself, Tank walked over and sat on the bed next to him. "I'm sorry."

  "Stay," Niles whispered.

  "I..." He wasn't sure if that was a good idea, considering what had happened already between them.

  "Please." Niles turned his head to look at him. "Give me tonight. I've waited months for you."

  Guilt flooded him at the truth of Niles' words. He had waited months for him. "I know. You should have told me the truth from the beginning."

  "You're right, I should have, but it doesn't matter now, does it? Please say you'll stay."

  Tank's eyes flickered to Niles' as he reached out tentatively and touched the back of Niles' hand. Niles turned his hand over and slid their fingers together. Looking at their entwined fingers, Tank said, "I will. Oh, and by the way, I sleep naked."

  "So do I, but I've got some sleep pants somewhere."

  What did it matter now? They'd had sex already. Sighing, Tank said, "It's fine."

  "There's a spare toothbrush under the sink," Niles informed him, pointing to the door that led to the bathroom. "You go first. I’ll get the bed ready."

  Tank stood, and quickly used the bathroom, washing and brushing his teeth. He leaned on the sink and stared at his reflection in the mirror and sighed heavily. What a mess. A mess he'd caused, and now he needed to man up and move on. He was mated, and he liked Niles. He was a caring, thoughtful male, and yes, Tank was physically attracted to him. If only he could let go of his own fears and just try. That was all Niles was asking.

  He stepped out of the bathroom and Niles pushed past him, closing the door quietly behind him. He stared at the bed and suddenly laughed, slapping a hand over his mouth. Jesus, what was he doing here? Did he go on his own side of the bed or the other side of the bed? Did men sleep differently together?

  In the end he chose the side of the bed that was closest to the window and stripped quickly before he slid under the cool sheets pulling them up to his chin. Rolling onto his side away from the bathroom door, he stared at the closed curtains. He could feel the stiffness in his body, the rigid way he held himself and he made a conscious effort to relax. This was his mate, Niles. He wouldn't do anything unless Tank wanted him to.

  The bathroom door opened and the lights switched off, and then the bed dipped behind him.

  "Night Targon."


  He lay on his side, unable to relax and he could feel Niles moving restlessly around the bed. Rolling from one side to the other and then onto his back, sighing occasionally. After a good ten minutes, Tank had had enough.


  "It's okay, Targon. I'm just struggling to relax, that's all."

  Rolling onto his side to face Niles, Tank stared at the man who was his mate and gave in to the urge to touch him. He reached over and gently traced Niles' jaw. He went to do it a second time, but Niles reached up and grabbed his hand.

  "You don't need to do anything."

  "What if I want to?" Tank whispered into the darkness.

  "At your pace."

  "Okay. Then kiss me."

  Niles slid over to him and gently rolled Tank onto his back. "Are you okay with this?"

  "Kiss me, Niles."

  Niles slid a leg between Tank’s and moved over him, one hand moving to Tanks' waist and the other tunneling through the strands of his hair. Their lips met, brushing across each other slowly. Soft, gentle kisses that left Tank wanting more.

  His hands moved up until both of them were gripping Niles' shoulders as he angled his head and slid his tongue out, licking across Niles' lips. Niles groaned deeply and sucked Tank’s tongue into his mouth. Tank moaned, and his hips arched up off the bed, rubbing his dick against Niles' hip. At the same time, he became aware of how hard Niles was, his dick leaving a damp trail on Tank's skin, and he shivered in response. Arousal burned through him and Tank moaned again.

  As they continued to kiss, learning each other's mouths, lips and tongues, Tank let his hand slide down Niles' back, feeling the warm skin beneath his fingers. He stopped only when he reached the top of Niles' ass, hesitating to continue. He'd never touched a man like this before and he was nervous and a little afraid.

  Niles must have sensed his emotions, because he broke from the kiss, saying, "My body is yours."

  They stared at each other in the darkness until Niles lowered his head and kissed him again and all thought fled Tank's brain. He gave his hands free rein to touch whatever they wanted and they slid down Niles' back to grip his firm ass. Niles moaned in response, arching up into Tank’s touch. "Yes," he whispered.

  He moved over Tank, settling in between his legs, pushing them wider to accept his body. Tank gasped, the sensation of having Niles naked and on top of him short-circuiting his brain. He simply felt.

  Niles rubbed against him, pushing Tank's arousal higher as their tongues danced together, their kisses becoming wet and messy and Tank loved every second of it. He arched up into Niles' touch deepening the contact. He needed to feel more.

  He whimpered into the kiss, and his hands grabbed Niles, pulling him closer until there was barely any space between them.

  Niles lined their dicks together and thrust rapidly. At this point they were barely kissing, just open mouths moving over each other, feeding off each other.

  Tank eventually pulled his head away, breaking the kiss and panting harshly. His balls pulled up tight, and he rutted against Niles, needing to come. The hand on his head tightened, pulling his head to the side, and he had a split second to stare in fascination at the red glow that emanated from Niles' eyes before Niles' fangs sank into his neck.

  Tank cried out, his bo
dy jerking, his dick pulsing. Come spurted from it and he felt Niles come too, covering them both in warm wetness. He could barely move, his orgasm so intense and the connection he shared with Niles ramping up the level of intensity that flowed over him.

  Feeling Niles' orgasm, the pleasure it brought him, pushed his own even higher and his vision darkened. At the same time, a ringing in his ears blocked out all other sounds.

  He was barely aware of Niles pulling his fangs free and licking the wound closed. Was barely conscious of Niles' heavyweight on top of him, or the breath that brushed against his neck.

  At some point, reality returned, and he turned his head to the side, opened his eyes and stared into Niles'. Niles pulled his hand free from Tank's hair and his fingers gently stroked across his cheek, his thumb rubbing Tank’s lips.

  "You okay?" he asked.

  Tank licked his dry lips, seeing Niles' eyes watch the movement, a faint red glow lighting them up. He lifted his hand and traced a finger under Niles' eye.

  "Your eyes."

  Niles closed them and buried his head onto the pillow next to Tank’s. "Sorry. It's just I've waited so long for you and now you're here in my bed and I can't stop thinking of anything else but the need to kiss and touch you... you get the picture."

  "It's okay," Tank told him, and strangely, it was. He liked the idea that Niles wanted him, that even though he'd just come, he still wanted him.

  "We should clean up and then get some sleep."

  Now that Niles had brought it to his attention, Tank cringed at the cold, wet come pooling on his abdomen. "Yeah, you're right."

  Niles chuckled as he pushed up and sat between Tank’s spread legs. "Yeah, coming is great but clean-up is awful."

  Tank barked out a laugh, completely in agreement with everything Niles just said. "Yeah, there's nothing like crusty, dry come, is there?"

  Niles chuckled again. "You stay there. I’ll get a cloth and bring it back in."

  Tank sat up, shaking his head. "You don't need to do that."

  Leaning down, Niles kissed him slowly, but thoroughly. "I know, but I want to."


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