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Please Be Mine

Page 9

by Megs Pritchard

  Spencer hung up and tucked his cell in his pocket. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and left. He needed to pass on more information, so he could end this before it began. He didn't want more deaths on his hands. Too many people, both human and vampire, had suffered already. Spencer needed to find a way to stop this all now before it was too late.


  Niles jogged down the corridor, white coat flapping behind him. An emergency case, possible myocardial infarction — heart attack — was being rushed in. The paramedics rushed in and Niles met them, pausing when he saw the patient.

  Evelyn, Targon's mother.

  "911call. Feeling unwell, sweaty, clammy. Central chest discomfort..." The information was relayed quickly and efficiently.

  Everyone jumped in, inserting the IV and attaching the EKG to monitor her heart. Bloods were taken, and within thirty minutes, she was being prepped for surgery.

  "Niles, diagnosis?" Max asked when he entered the room.

  "She needs to have an angioplasty performed. I'll know more when I open her up. We're taking her down now."

  Max grabbed his arm. "Can you do this?"

  "She's a patient. I can put aside my personal issues, Max."

  "She's your mate’s mom. His parents are the reason you and Targon aren't together."

  "I know, and I'm fine." Niles looked at Max. "I can do this. It's my job, it's what I've trained for."

  Max nodded slowly. "If you're sure."

  Niles gripped his shoulder. "I am. I can do this. It will be this black, gay vampire that saved her."

  Max chuckled. "She won't be too impressed with that."

  Niles grinned. "I don't think any of them will be. Look, I've got to get scrubbed up. I'll speak to you after."

  Max nodded, and left the room, leaving Niles and his team to prepare for surgery.


  Tank paced the room, waiting for news on how his mom was doing. As soon as he'd heard the news, he'd rushed to the ER, meeting his dad and sister there. Now he was pacing the waiting room while they could do nothing but wait as some unknown surgeon tried to save his mom's life.

  God, he'd never felt so helpless in his life. He may have differences with his parents, but he loved them and didn't want his mom to die. He tugged on his hair, grimacing when he realized what he was doing. Something Niles teased him about.

  What the fuck was he doing? He missed him. There was this empty space in his life that Niles filled, and he'd walked away from him. He was so stupid, but this was his family and he wanted to have both even though he knew that would never happen.

  The door suddenly opened, and Max stepped into the room, dressed in scrubs. He closed the door behind him and smiled at the three of them.

  "Well, how is she?" Acton demanded.

  "She's in surgery right now. Dr. Conway is performing the operation. Once he's finished, he'll be able to report to you on her condition."

  "And how long will that be? I want to know now!"

  Max stared sternly at Acton and even Tank felt the coldness in his glare. "That's all the information I can provide at present. She's in the best hands. Dr. Niles Conway is one of the best cardiothoracic surgeons in the country. We're very lucky he works here." Acton went to speak again, and Max held his hand up. "As soon as the surgery is over, he'll come in here and update you."

  Max left the room and Acton paced. "Why is that name familiar? Niles... Niles."

  Tank stared at the closed door. Niles was saving his mom's life. After everything, Niles still went into that room to operate on his mom.

  "Targon. Niles, where have I heard that name before?"

  "He was in my room the day you visited me in hospital."

  "When you were injured?” Acton glared at him. "That thing? He's operating right now?"

  "He's an excellent surgeon-"

  "Who cares who is operating?” Bronwyn said, spreading her hands wide. "As long as he saves her, I don't care."

  "Me either." Tank agreed. "As long as she survives, that's all that matters."

  "He's black, and a vampire." Acton stuttered. "He should be nowhere near her."

  "Who cares, Dad? I want Mom to live. I don't care if he's green with pink rainbows coming out of his ass!"

  "I agree. Let's wait and see. We'll know more once they've finished operating."

  A few hours later, the door opened again, and Niles stepped into the room. Immediately, Acton said, "You operated?"

  "Yes, this black, gay vampire saved your wife."

  "Niles, thank—"

  Niles cut him off. "She's in recovery where she will be monitored until she is moved to her room."

  "How do you know she'll recover?" Acton demanded. "I think we need a second opinion." Acton looked Niles up and down, his disgust clear on his face.

  "I'll have my colleague come in and speak to you."

  Are you going to let him speak to me like this?

  Niles, thank you. I'll speak to him.

  Really, because you're doing a great job right now.

  Please, Niles, it's complicated.

  Complicated? After this, it's still complicated.

  Turning to Tank, Niles said, "Good bye, Targon."

  "What? Wait, Niles."

  Niles opened the door to leave and Tank rushed over to stop him, but Acton grabbed him and spun him around. "Let him go. I can't believe he's had his dirty hands inside my Evelyn." He stabbed a finger at Tank. "You need to leave your job. Look at the... people you associate with. No more blacks, or gays, or vampires, Targon."

  "We've had this conversation before, Dad. I'm not leaving my job and that vampire saved Mom's life."

  "I don't care. We'll need another surgeon to fix her, no doubt."

  "Niles is a damn good surgeon."

  "Why can't you stop defending him? He's a vampire and gay and black. What good is he?"

  "He is good, Dad. He's the best man I know," Tank muttered. "He's far better than me."

  "What? He's nothing but a—"

  "He's my mate, Dad. My mate."

  "Oh, shit," Bronwyn muttered.

  Acton stepped back, a hand on his chest. "He's what?"

  "My mate, Dad. We've mated."

  "You and him? That doctor?"

  "Yes, me and Niles."

  "You've had sex with that? What is wrong with you? How could you lower yourself to fuck something like him?" Acton screamed, his face turning a mottled red.

  "There's nothing wrong with him, and guess what, Dad? I love him."

  "You love him! I forbid it."

  Tank tugged at his hair, growling as he stared at his Dad. "You can't forbid a mating. It's an unbreakable bond."

  "You've mated with it. You've had sex with it. Can't you see what he is?"

  "Yeah, I can. He's the person who saved Mom's life."

  "He's a black, and a vampire, and he's gay!"

  Tank rolled his eyes as his Dad repeated himself. "So what, Dad? He's my mate. We're mated now."

  Acton's eyes bulged from his head and if looks could kill, Tank would be ten feet under. "You disgust me!" he screamed.

  The door opened and a nurse stepped in, shooting them all a stern look. "Please keep it down. We have patients here. If you can't, then please take it outside."

  "No, it's fine," Action said. "He's leaving and won't be returning."

  Tank gasped. "Dad—"

  "We're through, Targon. Leave, now. You're no longer welcome anymore."

  Tank’s mouth opened and closed. "You can't really mean that, Dad."

  "I do. Get out and never come back. You want that thing, you can have it."

  "Dad, please—"

  "Get out," Acton screamed.

  Tank glanced at his sister, seeing the look of horror on her face. "Please—"

  "Get out or I'll call security and have you removed."

  Tank stared at his dad who pointed at the door. When he realized he wasn't going to change his mind, he stumbled over to the door and stepped through. On
ce he'd made it to the parking lot, he fell against the side of his truck and slid down until he sat on the ground. He never thought his dad would actually do it, but he had. He'd disowned him. Now he had no mate and no family. What was he going to do?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Niles gripped the steering wheel, his attention on the rain-soaked road in front of him. Betrayed. He's been betrayed by his mate. After everything he'd done, all that time he’d waited, all for nothing. He'd saved Evelyn's life, and he still wasn't welcome.

  There were no words to describe the anger and pain that he felt because of Targon's betrayal. His mate should have been there for him, and yet again, he’d let him down. He hurt, physically hurt from the pain that Targon put him through. Nothing he did worked, nothing he said helped. Even dating someone else had done nothing.

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel when he felt the car slide on the slick road. He managed to get the car back under control and check to make sure he had the windshield wipers on full speed. He just wanted to get home, take a shower, and wash away the day.

  He squinted as headlights approached, the lights on full beam, and he raised a hand in front of his face to try and block out some of the light. Staring at the lights, he realized that they were swerving towards him and he automatically took his foot off the accelerator, letting the car slow down.

  He had seconds to react when the lights suddenly and dramatically swung towards him. His hands gripped the steering wheel, his foot slammed on the brakes, but given the weather conditions, his car also began to swerve. He braced for impact and when the other car finally hit his, he was thrown against the passenger seat and then flung against the door, his head hitting the frame. He could feel the car being pushed over, spinning around on the wet road, the smell of burning rubber and the screams of tortured metal permeated the air as two cars came together and then separated.

  The car shuddered as it continued to spin around, and Niles groaned feeling sick as the lights spun in his eyes, followed by darkness as he passed out.

  He was only out for a matter of seconds, and when he came to, there was a loud ringing in his ears, and the world was spinning around him. He swallowed and took several deep breaths.

  Eventually the car settled, and Niles groaned again as he slowly sat up. His head was still spinning, and he could feel blood dripping down his face. He lifted a shaky hand and gently touched the wound on his head, wincing at the pain.

  The rain was falling into the car; the windshield had smashed, and as he moved to open the door, the car rocked and began to tilt backwards. He stopped all movement, holding his breath and slowly glancing over his shoulder.

  "Shit," he muttered, realizing the car was balanced on the edge of the road. Beneath it was a fifty foot drop.

  He swallowed again and closed his eyes, reaching out to the one person he knew could help him.


  There was no response, and Niles wasn't surprised considering the state of their relationship. But he needed his help, so he reached out again.

  Targon, help me.

  Niles, what is it, what’s wrong?

  I'm on the Old Washington Road. I've been hit by another car. The car's stuck on the ledge. I don't know how much longer it's gonna stay here for.

  You need to stay still. Don't rock the car. I'm going to call Chester and Silas now and get the team out there as soon as possible. Can you see the other car, or the driver?

  Niles glanced around the area, but the only thing he could see was the road he'd been traveling on. The other car was nowhere to be seen.

  No, the only lights I can see are mine. I can't see the other car at all, but it's dark here.

  Shit, I hope it hasn’t gone over the edge. I’m on the phone now. I’ll be there as soon as I can.

  Okay. Hurry though. I don't how much longer the car’s going to stay balanced.

  They broke off contact and Niles sat as still as he could, not moving a muscle. A gust of wind caught the car, and it tilted precariously before righting itself and staying still. Niles closed his eyes, his hands clenched into fists, and tried to steady his breathing. He needed to remain still and calm and not make any sudden movements that could cause the car to tip over the edge. Most of all, he needed Targon to get there as soon as possible.

  Targon. Hurry!


  As soon as he finished speaking to Niles, Tank jumped in his truck and headed towards Old Washington Road, dialing Chester as he drove.

  "Tank, man."

  "Niles has been in a car crash. It's on the Old Washington Road. I need to get Silas and the guys out."

  "He's on the ledge?"

  "Yeah, the car’s balanced right now, but I don't how much longer it's gonna stay like that given the weather tonight."

  "The storm’s almost on us, so we don’t have much time. Silas knows and is getting his team out there now."

  "I’m on my way there now. I can pick you up as I drive past."

  "Right, I’ll get onto Jared and get him to come. He’s got the rescue truck right now. The first thing we need to do is get the car stabilized to stop it falling over the edge and then we can either tow it back up or we can pull Niles out. It all depends on the condition of the scene and the car when we get there."

  "He did say it was balanced, but that's a fifty foot drop. There’s no way he could survive that if the car went over."

  "Take some deep, calming breaths, Tank. You're not losing your mate."

  "I can't lose him, Chester. After everything we've gone through, I need him."

  "And you'll get the chance to tell him. Once we get him out of that car, don't ever let him go again, Tank."

  "I won’t, Chester. He’s mine and I won’t let him go again."

  He hung up and when he arrived at Chester's and Silas' place, Chester was already outside waiting. He jumped in the truck and Tank drove off again heading towards Old Washington Road.

  "Silas and his team are there already, and I’ve updated Jared, so he knows what to expect. It's close, Tank, I’m not gonna lie. It only takes a good strong gust of wind to push the car over the edge with Niles in it. There's no chance of getting him out at the moment because of how the car is balanced."

  "The other car?"

  "It went over, with the driver in it. Silas will send a team down when the weather improves, but it's doubtful he survived."

  Tank briefly closed his eyes and then opened them, staring fixedly on the road ahead of him. The rain was even harder now, the wind hitting the side of the car, rocking it.

  "The wind is picking up, Chester. I don't how much longer that car can hold on for."

  "The good news is that Jared is there now, along with Hunter and Euan who were at his place. From what Jared has said, Hunter’s getting ready to attach a line, but the car has slipped down some of the embankment and is hanging close to the edge. They need to make sure Hunter is safe first before he can repel down to attach a line and try stabilizing the car. It doesn’t look like they can pull the car out, but they need to stabilize it, so they can get access to Niles, attempt to assess him for any injuries, and then pull him free."

  "I don't give a damn about the car. Niles is the only thing I care about right now. Tell them to do whatever they have to do to make sure that he is safe."

  "They know, Tank, don't worry about it."

  "I should have told him how I felt. I shouldn’t have let the family come between us. Stupid idiot."

  "You’re not, Tank. Your family should have given you a chance with your mate and not made you choose. You two have gone through so much in such a short space of time, and then your mom's heart attack, and now this. I would suggest when you get out that the pair of you to go away for some time alone together and reconnect. You two deserve it.” Chester grunted. “You know what, Tank, fuck the family. They have to be the most prejudiced bunch of people I know, and you’re not like that. You have an amazing mate. Don't lose him, not like this."

  Tank nod
ded, blinking rapidly as tears blurred his vision. He needed to tell Niles how he felt, and so he reached out to him.

  Niles. How is it going?

  Oh, just hanging around, doing nothing.

  You know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

  I don't care about that right now, Targon. I can feel the car moving, inching its way over the edge and I can see Hunter coming towards me now. I'm worried for him. The ground is wet and muddy.

  Hunter’s done this thing many times before and he’s a professional. The only person you need to worry about is you. I’m so sorry, Niles, for everything. Please forgive me.

  We can talk when I'm out of this, Targon.

  That's it? We can talk?

  I’m not really in the position right now to have this conversation with you, Targon. I’m hanging on the edge of the drop and probably seconds from death unless Hunter can find a way of stabilizing this car. So, no, I don't want to go through everything that's happened right now. I’m staying as still as I can, so I can stay alive.

  I’m sorry, Niles. I love you so much, and I should have told you earlier about much I cared for you and I let my stupid family get in the way and I need to tell you.

  We can do this later, but for the record, I love you too.

  Tank broke off contact, needing his full concentration to drive the truck in the worsening conditions. His hands tightened on the steering wheel, the knuckles turning white, as his heartbeat hard and fast in his chest, the blood rushing through his veins. He needed to get there and see his mate. Needed to hold him in his arms and tell him how much he loved him. He just needed to see Niles… touch him.

  Chester talked next to him, keeping him updated as to what was happening at the scene. "Hunter’s trying to stabilize the car and is making his way around to the passenger side door. Wait... The driver’s side door took the brunt of the impact... Hunter’s going to try make his way, no, wait. Silas is trying to tell me what's going on, but he keeps stopping. Right, okay. They can't open the driver’s door because of the damage so Hunter’s making his way around the front of the car and is trying the passenger side door. Doesn't look like it hit anything so he’s hoping he’ll be able to open it and pull Niles out that way."


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