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The Great Shelby Holmes Meets Her Match

Page 13

by Elizabeth Eulberg

  Shelby returned to playing her violin. She had to bend down so her hand with the bow, which was the arm with the sling, could reach the violin. Even in that weird position she was amazing.

  “You’re really good.” I gestured at her violin.

  She stopped playing. “I know. It drives your friend crazy.”

  Hmm. Maybe if Shelby showed a bit more humility, people like Moira wouldn’t be out to get her.

  “So I have good news!”

  “Well, it is about time that you officially got your mother’s permission to work with me.”

  How did she …?

  There she goes, pulling another Shelby.

  “Yeah! So … any new cases yet? Anything you want me to study?” I couldn’t believe I was asking Shelby for homework, but I wanted to start working on another case. One that we could actually solve.

  “I have an arrangement with my parents that during the school year I only work on one case at a time.”

  “So you’re working on one now?”

  “I haven’t closed my last case.”

  She couldn’t have meant …

  “But Moira said she was going to return Mr. Crosby’s watch.” Even though she hadn’t contacted him yet.

  “Yes, but she said that before you wound up in an ambulance. She has to be scared to even try to return the watch to him at school now. So I’m going to make it easier on her … and take it back.”

  She noticed the panicked look on my face. “Don’t worry, Watson. This time it will be very simple. Moira would never expect me to revisit Miss Adler’s. But that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “But how do you even know she has the watch with her?”

  “She’ll want to keep it close to her. As we witnessed, she put the watch in the inside pocket of her blazer, and I would presume it’s more than likely that it has remained at her side since Monday. So I’m going to retrieve it when her blazer isn’t on. While she’s in gym. I’ll have no problem getting into her locker. I’ll take it back and then we can put this rather inconvenient case behind us.”

  “But how are you going to get into the school? Doesn’t Ms. Semple know about Basia now?”

  “Oh yes, Ms. Semple knows everything.”


  “Everything.” Then Shelby’s confident demeanor faltered. “I had to do something that I’m not particularly proud of. It’s something I had vowed to never, ever do. Ever.”

  What could be so bad that it would make Shelby ashamed?

  Then it hit me.

  “Lestrade?” I asked, and even the mention of her name made Shelby’s face tense.

  “Yes. While the ‘detective’ ”—Shelby used air quotes—“and I don’t always see eye to eye, she knew we were telling the truth on Monday. She didn’t fall for Moira’s naive act, like those police officers who were called in when we were discovered. So I asked for her help, which required her contacting Ms. Semple. Granted, I could’ve called her myself, but I felt when it came to matters of Moira Hardy, I should have someone with perceived authority get involved. Plus, I didn’t want to have to listen to Ms. Semple drone on and on about how I should return to Miss Adler’s.”

  “Please tell me you’re going to get Moira kicked out of school.” It was ridiculous that Moira was able to convince the police that we were the guilty ones.

  “No. We need to think long term, Watson,” Shelby stated. “While that was my initial reaction as well, Moira’s the kind of person who needs to be busy or she’ll find trouble. Believe me, I know a thing or two about that.” I was thankful that Shelby used her smarts for good. “If we get her expelled, she’ll no doubt spend her time trying to get even with us. No, what I require of Ms. Semple is simply access to the school on Friday.”

  “Does Ms. Semple believe us?”

  “Yes. I gave Lestrade evidence that proved Moira hacked the school’s e-mail system and accessed Ms. Semple’s e-mail. Lestrade filled Semple in. As you can imagine, the headmistress wasn’t very happy about one of her students behaving in such a way, but the girls in Moira’s family have attended Miss Adler’s for generations and donate a lot of money. Apparently, Ms. Semple couldn’t expel Moira even if she wanted to. She will, however, be looking the other way on Friday.”

  Shelby’s focus shifted down to her hands. There was something she wasn’t telling me.

  “That’s the only reason you talked to Lestrade?”

  She shook her head solemnly. “Lestrade will be accompanying us on Friday.”

  “Us?” I asked. Shelby didn’t need me to help, but she wanted me to.

  “You don’t have to be there, Watson. But after what you’ve been through it only feels right. How does that sound?”

  “Great!” Although I still didn’t understand why Lestrade had to be there. Shelby could slip in and out of places quickly. She could pick whatever lock there was. “But why do we need—”

  “You,” Shelby replied in a small voice.

  “What about me?” I asked, confused of what I had to do with any of this.

  “Lestrade will be there to make sure nothing else happens to you. I underestimated Moira once, and that will be the last time. Moira’s gym period lines up with our lunch, so Lestrade has agreed to escort us.”

  “Okay.” It did make me feel a little better that we’d have backup. “Um, isn’t breaking into a locker technically illegal?”

  Shelby grimaced. “We are taking something back that was stolen. Lestrade offered to get a warrant to open Moira’s locker to retrieve the watch herself, but I didn’t want to deal with the lawyers that Moira’s family would no doubt bring in. Plus, Lestrade understands that this is something we need to do on our own. So she’ll be looking the other way as we finally get that watch. I promise, it’ll be quick and easy.”

  So Moira wouldn’t be expelled or have anything happen to her for what she did to me and Shelby, but we’d finally have Mr. Crosby’s watch.

  It wasn’t the justice that I hoped for, but at least we’d have another satisfied customer.

  “Quick and easy,” Shelby repeated.

  Yeah, I’d heard her say that before about getting the watch: quick and easy.

  I could only hope that this time it would be true.



  “You look a lot better than when I last saw you,” Lestrade commented as I walked to her unmarked cop car during lunch on Friday.

  “Thanks,” I replied, not used to her being so friendly to me.

  “But I see that you’re still hanging out with Shelby, despite my best efforts.”

  I remained silent. I did ignore her warning when we first met that I should stay away from Shelby. Was she mad?

  Lestrade let out an uncharacteristic laugh. “I can’t blame you. I think you’d be surprised to know that I was just like Shelby when I was younger. Always getting myself into other people’s business. Although I wasn’t as good a sleuth as she is.”

  WHAT? I stood there with my mouth open. I couldn’t believe it. This week just kept getting more bizarre by the minute.

  Shelby walked out of the building, accompanied by Mr. Crosby.

  “Are you sure about this?” Mr. Crosby asked.

  “Of course,” Shelby replied confidently as she got into the backseat of Lestrade’s car.

  Mr. Crosby shook hands with Detective Lestrade. “You’ll make sure they stay safe?”

  “Of course,” Lestrade replied in the same confident manner before she got into the driver’s seat.

  Maybe Shelby and Lestrade weren’t so different after all.

  I slid into the seat next to Shelby.

  “Everybody good?” Detective Lestrade asked as she pulled out in front of the school. I saw her grin at the sight of Shelby in the backseat. I wouldn’t be surprised if the detective had wished on occasion that she could haul Shelby away in her car. Probably never thought they’d be working together.

  That made three of us.

  “Eat y
our lunch, Watson,” Shelby ordered me as she placed my lunch bag on my lap. I doubt I’d ever miss a meal or a snack again with Shelby around.

  The car ride down to Miss Adler’s was a lot quicker than taking the bus, especially since on a couple occasions Lestrade used her siren to blow through stoplights. (I think she was showing off for Shelby since we weren’t in any rush. We had permission from our parents and the school to be late for our next class, which happened to be science with Mr. Crosby.)

  Lestrade pulled up to the side entrance of Miss Adler’s School, where deliveries were usually made. A white woman with black hair pulled tightly into a bun, and the straightest posture I’d ever seen, was waiting for us.

  Ms. Semple, I presume?

  “Shelby!” Ms. Semple exclaimed. “I had absolutely no idea that was you on Monday. My goodness, you are an expert at disguise. I feel so silly for not recognizing one of the most brilliant students Miss Adler’s ever had the pleasure to teach. I simply can’t believe it!”

  I wanted to pat her on the back and say, I know, I know.

  “Yes, well, that is the point of a disguise, Ms. Semple,” Shelby replied with a loud snort.

  “And you must be John.” Ms. Semple extended her hand to me. “I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. I hope this will bring a close to this unsettling business with Moira once and for all.”

  Me too.

  “Shall we?” Ms. Semple asked as she opened the door.

  “I’ll be out here if you need anything,” Lestrade said to us before we went inside.

  The hallways of Miss Adler’s were silent. The only sound was the click of Ms. Semple’s shoes as she took us to a door. “They’ve been in class for several minutes now. Nobody should be in the locker room, but you should proceed with caution. I don’t mind getting maintenance to open her locker for you.”

  “I’d prefer to handle this myself,” Shelby replied.

  “Of course. I am sorry for all your trouble, Shelby. Unfortunately, with Moira, our hands are tied.”

  Ms. Semple’s eyes darted to the end of the hallway, where I saw a large plaque outside a door that read The Hardy Auditorium.

  Man, I knew that money could buy you lots of stuff, but I never realized how much trouble it could get you out of.

  Shelby gave Ms. Semple a tight smile. “We never had this conversation, and you never saw us.”

  “You know, Shelby, we would just love to have you if you would ever reconsider—”

  “Yes, I know. The answer is still no.” Shelby turned on her heels, and she slowly opened the locker room door. She peered around the corner, then gave me the sign that it was safe to enter.

  Then I went where no sixth grade boy (that I knew of) had gone before: the girls’ locker room. I don’t know what I expected, but it was like any other locker room: lockers lining the walls, benches in front, and a separate room for showers and bathroom stalls.

  “Let’s make this quick,” Shelby whispered as we approached the lockers.

  There were at least fifty small, pale green lockers along the wall. “How do we know which one is Moira’s?”

  “Easy,” Shelby replied as she walked up to one with a huge lock on it. I scanned the others and noticed none of them had locks. It made sense that Moira wouldn’t trust anybody with her stuff (which was smart since Shelby was currently looking through her tools to pick the lock).

  “Stand guard to make sure nobody comes in,” Shelby ordered me. “The door that leads to the gym is around the corner.”

  I tiptoed to the door. I heard the familiar sounds of sneakers squeaking on the hardwood floor, the occasional dribble of a ball, and muffled voices. (My own powers of deduction told me that they were playing basketball.) My attention shifted to a pair of sports goggles on the floor. I picked them up and realized they distorted the tile floor. So they were prescription sports goggles. Whoever dropped them must be having a hard time seeing.

  Oh no. What if the girl came back to get her goggles? I heard the gym teacher call in different players. I listened at the door, and I thought I heard an older female voice say, “Well, go get them!” followed by the sound of footsteps approaching.

  “Shelby!” I hissed and waved my arms, trying to get her attention, but she was hunched over working a long silver pick into the lock. I ran to her. “There’s someone coming, Shelby! She dropped her goggles!”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing,” Shelby dismissed me.

  We were going to get caught. I just knew it.

  I grabbed Shelby by the elbow of her left arm and dragged her away from the locker. “Watson!” she protested as I got us into one of the shower stalls. I pulled the curtain closed and put my hand over her mouth right as we heard the door to the locker room open.

  Shelby’s eyes were wide. I was right! If it weren’t for me, we would’ve been caught! I saved the day!


  We heard someone walking around the locker room. “There they are!” the girl exclaimed before opening the door and venturing out to the gym again.

  I waited a few beats before slowly pulling the curtain back to reveal we were once again alone.

  Phew. That was close.

  I looked at Shelby with a goofy grin on my face. She scowled before shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. “Well done, Watson. Now, I’m not one for mollycoddling, so let’s get on with it.”

  I had no idea what that meant, but I still needed to purse my lips together to hold in a laugh. It was clear Shelby was irritated that I saved us, but hey, it felt pretty great to be right.

  “How much longer?” I asked in a low voice as Shelby approached the locker.

  “It’s already done,” she replied as she yanked on the lock and it clicked open. Shelby quickly opened the locker, reached into the pocket of Moira’s jacket, and pulled out Mr. Crosby’s watch. She inspected it for a moment before placing it in her backpack.

  Shelby gave me a nod that signaled that we were ready to go.

  We did it! We were done!

  I felt a wave of relief as I opened the door to the hallway, but then stopped cold.

  There standing on the other side of the door, waiting for us, was Moira.



  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  No! No! No! NO!


  “Hello, Shelby. Watson.” Her lips were curled in a self-satisfied smirk. “Funny seeing you here.”

  “I’m surprised you can look us in the eye after what you did,” Shelby said with a scowl on her face. Moira’s confident demeanor faltered for a second as she glanced at Shelby’s injuries. “Being intelligent requires one to foresee all possibilities. And for that, you failed.”

  “I bet you didn’t see this coming?” Moira shot back at us.

  That was true. Annoyingly so.

  “In fact, I did,” Shelby said with a bored look on her face.

  “You know I can just steal that watch again.”

  “No, you can’t. Mr. Crosby has been given a more secure location for his valuables, compliments of yours truly. If you try to take his watch again, you’ll be caught, and your blubbering to the police won’t work in my neighborhood. The police are smarter.”

  Did Shelby just compliment Lestrade? Whoa.

  “Because they listen to me,” Shelby continued.

  Okay, maybe not.

  Moira paused for a moment. She seemed unsure of what to do. (That made two of us.) “I’m going to scream so loudly, security is going to rush over. They’ll detain you, and then I’ll have a restraining order filed against the both of you.”

  Shelby laughed. Like, a real laugh. “I highly doubt that. You couldn’t stay away from us even if you wanted to.”

  Moira took a deep breath while I braced myself for her scream. I was ready to run out of there, but Shelby remained stubbornly still.

  Suddenly, Ms. Semple came racing down the hallway. “Miss Hardy, what are you doing out of class?

  Moira gave her a weird look. “I’m apprehending these two trespassers. It seems like some people don’t know where they belong. I’d like to report them, Ms. Semple.”

  “What are you talking about?” Ms. Semple walked right up to Moira and folded her arms. Her gaze was fixated on Moira. She refused to acknowledge us.

  “These two!” Moira pointed directly at us while stomping her foot.

  Ms. Semple looked where Moira was pointing, her finger only a few inches away from Shelby’s face. While there was no way she couldn’t have seen us, it seemed like she was looking right through us.

  “Miss Hardy,” Ms. Semple said in a motherly voice, “I think we need to take you to the school nurse. You can’t be feeling well.”

  “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Moira began to throw a tantrum.

  Shelby nudged me, and we started walking toward the exit. We could hear Moira protesting the entire way. At one point she even screamed, “Guards! They’re getting away!”

  I picked up my pace, while Shelby kept a casual stride. We reached the exit, and I finally felt the tension release from my shoulders once we stepped outside. Detective Lestrade was leaning on the front of her car. “Everything work out?”

  “Of course,” Shelby replied smugly as she got into the backseat of the car.

  “Great, thanks.” I gave Lestrade a smile since the detective was making an effort. Oh, and you know, she was the reason we were able to get into the school.

  While Lestrade drove back to the Academy, I watched through the window with relief as Miss Adler’s got farther away.

  Shelby reached into her new backpack and handed me a bag of almonds. “Better have a snack.”

  Instead of arguing that I’d had lunch on the ride over, I ate the almonds.

  “Here’s some water.” Shelby unzipped a cooler compartment inside her bag and gave me a chilled bottle of water. I noticed a couple vials of my insulin in the cooler.


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