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Silver Clouds Dirty Sky A Montague and Strong Detective Novel (Montague & Strong Case Files Book 4)

Page 18

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  The worst part was scanning farther east to the Tower of London. The White Tower was missing a corner on the right side where we’d stood when the Morrigan blasted her unkindness everywhere. The entire south-facing side of the Tower Wharf was gone. The Byard, St. Thomas, Cradle, and Develin Towers were in ruins. I’m guessing the full force of the Thames rushing in had something to do with that.

  What Monty said next convinced me that he was either suicidal or a true badass.

  “I have one more stop to make and then we will be off the island.” Monty looked at Mathers and the men surrounding us without flinching.

  Mathers looked like he was about to lose his mind. He took another few breaths and stepped close to Monty with his hand on his holster. That, I knew, was leaning close to suicidal.

  “Twenty-four hours,” Mathers said and I could see him visibly shake from the rage. “Then you will be declared an enemy of the Crown and charged with high treason. For which I will hunt you down and erase you personally.”

  “Understood,” said Monty.

  Mathers lifted a hand with a finger extended and turned it. The men around us stepped back, breaking formation and heading to the Tower.

  As he walked away, Mathers looked down and glanced at Peaches. “Make sure you take your Devildog with you.”

  “His name is—nevermind,” I said when I saw the men stop as one and turn around.

  “Twenty-four hours, not one second more,” Mathers said, walking off.

  “I think it’s safe to say you won’t be vacationing in London any time soon.”

  “One more stop,” Monty said. “Then we can leave this bloody island.”

  I crammed into the back of the Astra with a selfish hellhound who insisted on putting his hindquarters in my face in an effort to pull off his sprawl.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when the car stopped and Monty got out. I shoved Peaches out of the sorry excuse of a car and entered Hyde Park.

  “Damn, I’m sorry, Monty.” I put a hand on his shoulder. “I was so caught up with Peaches. Do you think they’ll find his body?”

  “Whose body?” he asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Dex,” I said softly. “Dahvina said they couldn’t find his body at the Tower.”

  Monty pointed up. I followed his finger and, turning in small circles, high above us, was a raven. It croaked and disappeared in a green flash.

  “We aren’t here for Dex,” Monty said. “Knowing my uncle, he’s off somewhere with the Morrigan. We’re here for someone else.”

  “Then who do those belong to?” I said, pointing at the two large ravens perched on a tree and looking at us. “Those don’t look like the Morrigan’s.”

  Monty turned and shook his head. “Maybe from the Tower? They do keep at least six there, but these don’t appear to be are captive. Possibly wild?”

  Dahvina stepped close to us. “Are you certain you want to do this?”

  “Want to? No.” Monty looked down at the surface of the Round Pool. “I have to. Simon?”

  “What?” I asked. “You’re the mage. You don’t remember the last time you tried to teach me runic symbols?”

  He smiled. A clear indicator he was losing his mind. “May I have the key?”

  “Key? I asked, patting my pockets. “What key?”

  He pointed to his chest and then I remembered the pendant. I reached down, suddenly remembering it was there. I handed it to him and he nodded.

  “Thank you, Simon.”

  He stood at the edge of the pool, gestured, and said some words under his breath. Violet light shot out from the pendant and into the pool, exposing the ramp down. I stayed at the edge with Dahvina and Peaches. The pool closed behind him. The still surface reflected the silver clouds on the soot-gray sky above us.

  “She’s gone, isn’t she?” I asked, looking at the still surface.

  “She’s wanted to leave for some time now, but held on,” Dahvina said softly. “Somehow she knew he would be coming back.”

  “She really cared for him.”

  “More than anything else on this earth.”

  The water of the pool parted, revealing the ramp. Monty walked over to us and handed me the pendant.

  “She said to give it to you,” I said, pushing it back. “You should keep it.”

  He shook his head. “I sealed off her library and artifacts.” He looked at the pool as the ramp disappeared from view. “I’m not ready for this yet. Please take it.”

  I put the pendant around my neck and the enso flashed violet briefly as it settled against my chest.

  “I’ll hold it until you’re ready.”

  “Besides, we won’t be back here for quite some time.” He looked around the park. “She did love this place.”

  Dahvina coughed. “The inhibitor rune was dismantled and the ley-line access re-established,” she said, gesturing. “I could create a circle?”

  “Are you trying to rush us off?” I asked with a smile.

  “Yes,” she said. “Preferably before any other historical parts of the city are destroyed. No offense meant. I do realize much of what’s occurred was not your fault, Simon.”

  “Finally,” I said, feeling justified. “Someone who understands I’m just an innocent bystander in the chaos called Mage Montague.”

  “No.” Dahvina held up a finger. “You misunderstood. It’s not your fault alone, Simon. Together with Tristan and your hellhound, the three of you are a menace.”

  “Oh,” I said, looking away, embarrassed. “It’s really those two.”

  “Thank you, Dahvina,” Monty said and held her hand. “For everything. I think I have the riftrunes working now. I’ll open a rift.”

  Monty gestured and blue runes created a tear in the space before us. He pulled down on it and opened a rift.

  “Is that going to give me gastric torture?”

  “Has it these last days?”

  I thought back and realized we had jumped through several rifts and my intestines had remained unscathed.

  “Not yet.” I looked at the rift warily.

  “If you feel unnecessary trepidation, I’m sure Dahvina would cast a teleportation circle for you,” he said. “I’ve heard Smith bridges are exciting.”

  “No thanks,” I said and stepped through the rift.


  “I NEED TO see Roxanne,” Monty said. “She has a friend who needs some assistance. Do you recall the Night Wardens?”

  “Vaguely.” I tapped on my keyboard. “Some old group of mages. Or was it a group of old mages? I forget. Anyway, they used to patrol the streets, keeping the citizens safe?”

  He nodded. “Something like that.” He put on his jacket. “One of those old mages needs help. I should be back in a day or so.”

  “You need my help with Batmage?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t anticipate this being anything requiring your world-class detection abilities or that of your meat-loving companion. Besides, you have a reservation at Masa tonight with your vampire.”

  “Oh yes, Masa.” I remembered their food. “I can’t cancel on Chi. That would be hazardous to my health.”

  “Indeed,” he said with a nod. “I should be back by the weekend. I hope this date is better than your last at Masa.”

  “Your comedic skill knows no limit.” I glared. “Weren’t you leaving?”

  “Don’t forget to reset the circle for Uncle Dex, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “No worries,” I said. “We’re set to depart next week. Do we really have to fly? You can’t rift us there?”

  “The magical dampeners around the Sanctuary extend for one-hundred square miles.” He looked at me. “Do you want to walk that when we can land at the airport five miles away?”

  “Fine, go have fun with Batmage,” I said. “I’m going to enjoy Masa with Chi tonight. Give me a call if anything life-ending does come up.”

  “Will do.” He left our office and I sat back in my chair, en
joying the relative peace of not having a monster chasing me. Peaches snored on the floor by my feet and for a few seconds my life seemed normal.

  We had returned from London a few days ago. All I wanted to do was sleep for about a week. Chi had other plans, of course and insisted we meet tonight to discuss the Blood Hunters and the Dark Council.

  The upheaval in the Consortium had sent shockwaves throughout the magical community. Chi wanted to act on the seismic shift before those shockwaves became a threat. I just wanted to have dinner.

  I was about to go scavenge in the fridge, when my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but that wasn’t strange. I received many calls from unknown numbers; it was part of the job.

  I sighed, picked up the phone, and connected the call.


  “I found them,” a voice said in a whisper.

  “Congratulations,” I said. “I’m glad you located whatever it was you were looking for.”

  I hung up and tossed the phone on the counter as I opened the refrigerator. The phone vibrated on the counter and I cursed.

  If this was going to be an afternoon of ‘is your refrigerator running?’ or ‘Prince Albert in a can?’ I was going to call Ramirez and have him deal with them. The last thing I needed today was a call for Mike Hunt, Connie Lingers, or Phil Hatio to ruin my afternoon of quiet. The phone vibrated again. Unknown number.

  “What!” I said on the fifth ring.

  “I found them,” the voice said again.

  “Good for you.”

  “Don’t hang up, Strong.”

  Shit. Whoever it was knew my name.

  “Who is this?”

  “They’re going to pay for taking my little girl and you’re going to help me—you owe me, Strong. She died on your watch.”

  “George? Is that you? George Rott?”

  “You owe me, and you owe her.”

  “Listen, George, I don’t know what you found, but why don’t we meet to discuss this?”

  “I found them,” he whispered. “I found the dragons.”

  The line went dead.



  DEX MONTAGUE-UNCLE to Tristan, brother to Connor. One of the most powerful mages in the Golden Circle.

  Delane-Arch Mage who acquired his abilities through the draining of demons. Leader of the Penumbra Consortium.

  Erik Rothsfeld- Director of the Hellfire Club in NYC. Sitting Mage Representative on the Dark Council.

  Ghosts-Mage Enforcers sent by the Golden Circle to pass judgement and apprehend or eliminate rogue mages. Tristan is currently being pursued by several of them.

  Gideon the Envoy-messengers sent to escort rogue mages back to the Sanctuary. Tristan dispatched Gideon in a most painful manner.

  Hades-Ruler of the Underworld. Rules the dead and is generally seen around funerals and wakes. Favorite song by the Eagles is ‘Hotel California’-especially that part about checking out, but never leaving.

  Ian Macintyre-Arbiter. Similar to Mage Police, which means they are some of the most powerful mages. When sent on a recovery, they are judge, jury, and executioner. Ian was retired violently and the blame was placed on Tristan.

  Ken Nakatomi-Michiko’s brother and elite assassin for the Dark Council. If you’re his target and you see him-it’s the last thing you ever see.

  Kali-(AKA Divine Mother) goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power. Cursed Simon for unspecified reasons and has been known to hold a grudge. She is also one of the most powerful magic-users in existence.

  Karma-The personification of causality, order, and balance. She reaps what you sow. Also known as the mistress of bad timing. Everyone knows the saying karma is a…some days that saying is true.

  Michiko Nakatomi-(AKA ‘Chi’ if you’ve grown tired of breathing) Vampire leader of the Dark Council. Reputed to be the most powerful vampire in the Council.

  The Morrigan-Yes that Morrigan. Chooser of the Slain and currently in a relationship with Uncle Dex...don’t ask.

  Nana-Powerful sorceress and Tristan Montague’s first instructor and nanny.

  Noh Fan Yat- Martial arts instructor for the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Teacher to both Simon and Tristan. Known for his bamboo staff of pain and correction.

  Peaches-(AKA Devildog, Hellhound, Arm Shredder and Destroyer of Limbs) Offspring of Cerberus and given to the Montague & Strong Detective Agency to help with their security. Closely resembles a Cane Corso-a very large Cane Corso.

  Piero Roselli-Vampire and owner of Roselli’s-an upscale restaurant and club that caters to the supernatural community. If Piero doesn’t seat you, you aren’t staying.

  Simon Strong-The intelligent (and dashingly handsome) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Cursed alive into immortality by the goddess Kali.

  Thomas Rafael-Mage with radical ideas about the manipulation of energy. Old friend of Tristan Montague.

  Tristan Montague- The civilized (and staggeringly brilliant) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Mage of the Golden Circle sect and currently on ‘extended leave’ from their ever-watchful supervision.


  SO YOU’RE PROBABLY wondering who Ian Dex and his group are. They were the guys Monty & Strong slammed into outside of McDonald’s in London.

  They are the primary characters in an amazing (and hilarious!) Urban Fantasy series called the Ian Dex Supernatural Thrillers by John P. Logsdon.

  These books are action packed adventures and well worth a read! In John’s latest Ian Dex novel, entitled London Growl he also recounts how Ian runs into Monty & Strong, but told from Ian’s perspective.

  Check out all of Ian Dex’s Thrillers here:

  Get your copy of London Growl here:


  BPD-BRITISH PARANORMAL Division, Led by Inspector Mathers and tasked with dealing with any supernatural event occurring in London.

  New York Task Force-(AKA the NYTF) a quasi-military police force created to deal with any supernatural event occurring in New York City.

  Penumbra Consortium- the older, darker, angrier, European version of the Dark Council—heavy hitters with long memories and longer reach.

  SuNaTran-(AKA Supernatural Transportations) Owned by Cecil Fairchild. Provides car and vehicle service to the supernatural community in addition to magic-users who can afford membership.

  The Dark Council-Created to maintain the peace between humanity and the supernatural community shortly after the last Supernatural War. Its role is to be a check and balance against another war occurring. Not everyone in the Council favors peace.

  The Wordweavers-An ancient sect of magic-users. They manipulate magic through speech and special words of power. Considered to be the first magic-users.


  CHRISTINE G. WHO was karmically displeased once the book 3 was done lol. I hope this makes up for it.

  Tammy “L3” T. for this line: I don’t know if I could arch my back like that without breaking something valuable, like the time-space continuum. I didn’t use it…yet. But it’s still an awesome line!

  Mahala for Paranormal Demolition at its best.

  Jim Z. because hellhound slobber is powerful stuff LOL.

  Amanda(Manda) & Heather H: Because I cant drink coffee around you two without the danger of projectile expulsion. Thank you for the laughter and just being you.

  Chris B. For Cool Cats & Blokes…I’m waiting to have a pint in there when you open the UK one.

  Lesley S. trying to bribe Peaches with haggis didn’t work…sorry lol.

  Davina the Comma Ninja and originator of “buggery bollocks” lol.

  Carrie Anne. Because “bollocking balderdash” is just too much fun lol.

  Noah S. because WWVJD? Someone has to lookout for Peaches’ reputation as hellhound extraordinaire.

C. because some writings are just orlandgasmic.


  THANK YOU FOR reading this story and jumping back into the world of Monty & Strong. I want to apologize to all of my British readers for the havoc and destruction wrought upon the amazing and fantastic city of London. I do truly enjoy your city and plan to visit again soon (without Monty & Strong).

  With each book, I want to introduce you to different elements of the world Monty & Strong inhabit, slowly revealing who they are and why they make the choices they do. If you want to know how they met, that story is in NO GOD IS SAFE, which is a short explaining how Tristan and Simon worked their first case.

  There are some references you will understand and some…you may not. This may be attributable to my age (I’m older than Monty or feel that way most mornings) or to my love of all things sci-fi and fantasy. As a reader, I’ve always enjoyed finding these “Easter Eggs” in the books I read. I hope you do too. If there is a reference you don’t get, feel free to email me and I will explain it…maybe.

  You will notice that Simon is still a smart-ass (deserving a large head smack) and many times he’s clueless about what’s going on. He’s also acquired his first spell (a magic missile!) even though he needs some practice with it. Bear with him—he’s still new to the immortal, magical world he’s been delicately shoved into. Fortunately he has Monty to nudge (or blast) him in the right direction.

  Each book will reveal more about Monty & Strong’s backgrounds and lives before they met. Rather than hit you with a whole history, I wanted you to learn about them slowly, the way we do with a person we just met—over time (and many large cups of DeathWish Coffee).

  Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I wrote it for you and I hope you enjoyed spending a few more hours getting in (and out of) trouble with Tristan and Simon.

  If you really enjoyed this story, I need you to do me a HUGE favor— Please leave a review.

  It’s really important and helps the book (and me). Plus, it means Peaches gets titanium chew toys, besides my arms, legs, and assorted furniture to shred.


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