Skeleton Key
Page 28
Noe glanced at Data. “Do you have something from Caprice?”
“I found a thimble there, and saved it, because sometimes it’s useful,” Data said. She produced a miniature silver cup the size of the end of a finger.
“Show it to Fox.”
Data handed it to Fox. He took it, looked at it, sniffed it, listened to it, and ran a finger around it. “This smells musical.”
“Can you trace it to its source?” Noe asked. “Considering that Caprice Castle has moved around a lot.”
“Yes. The source remains in touch. I can trace it wherever it is.”
“Then I think we have our guide,” Santo said. “But I suspect we will have to make our own deal with you.”
“I want only one thing,” Fox said. “The love of Dori Doe.”
“Who, or what, is that?”
Fox smiled. “An Animalian girl. I love her, but she wants nothing to do with me. They agreed to make her do this mission with me, to give me a chance to win her. If I fail, then I lose her.”
Noe shook her head. “A girl forced to keep company with a man is not going to be very friendly.”
“Yes. She will serve, but be angry about it, and will take it out on me. So, if you can make her like being on this mission, I’ll be satisfied.”
Noe took it in stride. “We’ll see what we can do.”
A tall order, Squid knew. But they would have to try.
“Where is Dori?” Santo asked.
“She’s at Caprine Castle, of course. She is Caprine.”
Oho! A female goat was properly a doe rather than a nanny. So the Caprines selected names for the tourist tastes, and tourists thought a female goat was a nanny, but this one was not that type. Squid realized that the Equines had to have known that, and known that Dori would be easy for visitors to Caprine Castle, like themselves, to pick up.
“Meanwhile, we’ll give you a tour of our boat,” Santo said, glancing at Squid.
Who else? She was the protagonist, and probably the one best able to fathom the nature of a new person. Squid stepped forward. “Hello. I am Squid, the alien member of this mission.”
Fox looked at her. “I’ll say! Your voice smells of a distant ocean. Your arms look like twined tentacles. There is a wet blue aura about you. I like you already.”
Squid laughed. “I guess we’ll get along. This way, please.”
She took him through the boat, introducing him in passing to the other children and to Tata and the peeve, both of whom mightily impressed him. Finally she took him to his assigned cabin.
“I have a room to myself? Is it that you know no one else could stand my company?”
So this man had social insecurity, unsurprisingly. Squid briefly pondered and concluded that a forceful frontal approach was best, considering his isolation and uncertainty. “Stand still while I kiss you.”
Surprised, he did so, and she did so, borrowing some of the technique she had just observed in Mona Mare. She felt the way it impressed him, not so much romantically, as he had no romantic interest in her, but because of its tangible demonstration that she cared about him on some level.
“I’ve never been kissed by an alien cuttlefish before,” he said, amazed. But it was her human aspect that had wowed him despite her youth.
“We can stand your company,” Squid said. “We just thought you’d prefer a private room.”
“I’d rather have company.”
“We’ll see what we can do,” she said, echoing Noe. “Now rest. We’ll be at Caprine Castle soon, as they are our hosts, and will see about picking up Dori Doe.”
He nodded. She left him there and went out to join Santo and Noe. “He is prickly, but impressed by Fibot and its creatures. He will need a roommate.”
“Who does he want?”
“Dori Doe, of course. But he knows that’s foolish.”
“What is your sense of him?”
“He’s an outsider because of his nature, but a reasonably sensible person. He’d probably be a good fit for our group, except—”
“Except that he is adult, and we must all be children.”
Squid had nothing against children, being one herself, but she hoped that after this adventure she would be free to be with adults also. Adults did have their qualities.
The boat was landing at Caprine Castle. “Now you must tackle Dori,” Santo said. “Noe will go with you.”
Squid and Noe debarked. There in the courtyard stood an astonishing lovely young woman. Her features and form were classic, her honey colored hair so voluminous as to resemble a cloak, her expression one of justified confidence. This was no outcast or wallflower; this was a woman among women.
“Hello,” Noe said. “We are—”
“I know who you are, Noe and Squid,” Dori said. “Girlfriend of a gay, and alien cuttlefish. You dance divinely. Let’s get on with it.”
Squid was impressed. This woman was not only supremely self-possessed, she had done her homework.
They boarded the boat, then paused topside as Dori admired the softly flaming sail. They could be private here, and they wanted to know more about her before going into the main hold.
“You will be working with Fox,” Noe said. “He would like to room with you during the mission. We understand if you prefer other accommodations, and we will honor your preference.”
“No, put me in with him,” Dori said. “He knows better than to touch me without my express consent.”
“You are annoyed with him,” Squid said, “yet willing to room with him?”
“I can handle him. He’s not a bad person, and has a remarkable talent. Much better than mine, which is to see smells. That’s why he is interested in me.”
“If he’s a decent person with a good talent, why are you averse to him?” Squid asked.
“Because I want to marry a full human and have recognized children. We all do.”
“How did the Animalia get you to join this mission?” Noe asked. “I inquire because we are obliged to make you amenable to working with Fox if we can, and we appreciate why you may be annoyed by being drafted for this.”
“You promised us contact with a whole village of interested full humans. I am eighteen and ready to form a family. I should be able to nab a good real man there.”
Noe chuckled. “You could nab a good man anywhere you went. Men are much affected by appearance.”
“The more fools, they,” Dori agreed. She clearly understood the power she possessed apart from her talent.
“What may we offer you to facilitate your comfort?”
“A girlfriend. That is, a friend who is a girl, and conversant with this remarkable boat of yours.”
“We are all children,” Squid said. “Bound by the Adult Conspiracy. Some of us are half your age. Will a child do?”
Dori smiled, and it was like the sun rising on a perfect morning. “But you are not ordinary children.”
“Not,” Squid agreed. “There is Data, who is half skeleton, age twelve.”
“It’s not marriage, but still I would prefer a full human.”
“You are crossbreed yourself, but don’t want a crossbreed companion?”
“Crossbreeds are considered inferior. You have surely felt that prejudice yourself, Squid. I know that is bigotry, but I want to be as close as possible to full humans.”
“I am not a crossbreed,” Squid said. “I am an alien masquerading as human. But I think I understand your position.”
“I think you do.”
“Then there’s Win, age ten, full human. She’s one of the original siblings, as I am.”
“I know of you siblings. Is she the one with the wind at her back?”
She did know about the siblings. “Yes.”
“She’ll do.”
They were standing amidships, and the boat w
as at anchor, so Win was not on duty at the helm at the moment. “We will introduce you to her.”
Squid sent a thought to Win. Visitor needs a friend. She got Win’s mental acknowledgment. They knew about assigned friendships that could become real. Squid herself had been that route, with Princess Aria.
They descended into the main craft. Win appeared, her hair fluttering in her face as usual. “Hello.”
“You’ll do,” Dori said. “You may be a Sorceress.”
“Oh, no, I’m just a nondescript girl.”
“Who could blow away Caprine Castle if you had reason.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t!” But neither did she deny it. Win preferred to use only as much wind power as was needed for the task at hand, such as propelling Fibot.
“Show me around the ship.” Dori turned briefly to Noe and Squid. “Thank you for your attention.” She had dismissed them.
They watched the woman and the girl move on. “She’s a charmer,” Noe murmured ironically.
“But no man will ever tell her no,” Squid said.
Squid tracked them mentally until Win took Dori to the cabin she was to share with Fox. “Hello, Vulpine,” Dori said. “I am going to take a shower and wash my hair. You may watch but not touch.” She proceeded to do exactly that, not concealing her splendid body at all, and he did watch without trying to approach her. It was clear that she had him utterly fascinated, and obedient to her whim. He knew that if he annoyed her in any way, she would be gone. He wanted to keep her close.
If only all women dominated all men similarly, Squid thought. What a different world it would be! As it was, the girls had only their panties and personalities, the former immediate, the latter much slower. Dori was rather like an animated panty with her power to amaze men.
They caught up with Santo. “They have delivered our guide,” Santo said. “Now we will do our part, because it may not be feasible when we complete our mission.”
Santo and Noe went out to talk with Brian and Nadine, who represented the interest of the Animalia in this respect. They set a time for the tunnel: noon next day. Animalia had until then to assemble its representatives, who would use the tunnel two by two. Squid could tell that many hardly believed it, but they would become believers at noon.
They retired to the boat. Dori kept company with Win, and absolutely fascinated every male on the boat except less so with Santo and Larry, for special reasons, and had an effect on the females too. They had a communal dinner, but the boys hardly ate, and Fox didn’t even try. Ion was in a seeming trance, putting Vinia badly out of sorts, and it was no better with Firenze and Ula. And Hilda’s Benny.
“Enough of this nonsense,” Hilda snapped, and started sewing. In about two and a quarter moments she had made a large transparent veil. “Put this on,” she told Dori.
The doe shrugged and did so. The veil settled over her head and fell down around her body like a gossamer net. She remained fully visible, beautiful as ever, but the males resumed normal activities. The veil had somehow deleted the allure. Squid was impressed again by Hilda’s magic sewing ability. What else could she make, when challenged?
“Thank you!” Vinia breathed. Ula plainly echoed the sentiment.
Hilda just smiled. Her Benny was now free of the distraction.
“This is fabulous,” Dori said. “It enables me to become a normal person. May I keep it, Hilda?”
She actually appreciated the effect of the veil! Squid realized that the doe could remove it any time she chose, so it really cost her nothing.
“Sure,” Hilda said. “Glad to have helped.”
Dori wore the magic veil thereafter. She really did like it.
Next day, a throng formed in the castle courtyard, as pairs of the other persuasions assembled. All of the folk were attractive representatives of their kind, surely by no coincidence.
Then Santo opened a man-sized tunnel between Caprine Castle and Portal Village. The Animalia were amazed. It looked like a simple ring in the air, but those who looked through it saw a completely different terrain. It was in fact a direct connection to a different planet. It was also another example of the awe-inspiring kind of magic the children had.
Santo and Noe retired to the boat, as maintaining the tunnel was a special effort for him, and Noe knew exactly how to support him. Now it was up to the others to follow up.
Squid and Larry were the first to go through, partly to demonstrate to the Animalia that it really worked and was safe, but mainly to contact the villagers.
“I must talk with Ruby,” Squid said. “I know her.”
Ruby appeared, now looking fully adult, as she was not pretending to be a child. She was a very fine figure of a woman. “Have we met?”
“I’m Squid. You almost seduced me when I was male, but your conscience stopped you.” She sent a mental confirmation.
“Oh! Squid! You changed genders!”
“Yes. Get us into a private room with you. We have a deal you will truly want.”
In a moment the three of them were private. Then Squid produced her mini portal and became male.
“Squid!” Ruby repeated. “I thought it was all a dream!”
“It was a dream, but also real. Here is Laurelai.”
Larry used his portal and became the lovely lady.
“You have mini-portals!” Ruby exclaimed in sheer wonder.
“Here is the deal,” Squid said. “You can have pocket portals like these, to keep and use. In exchange you must meet and interact socially with attractive crossbreeds in their own castles, to see if any villagers would like to marry them. The crossbreeds want to have children who are more human than animal.”
“Well, I don’t know. Crossbreeds have an imperfect reputation.”
“Meet them and see. What they offer is fabulous, and they are good people in their own right.” Squid used the portal to revert to her female gender, and Laurelai reluctantly did the same. Then they handed the two portals to Ruby.
They rejoined the villagers, and Ruby quickly explained the deal. Meanwhile, Squid and Larry went to the tunnel, stepped through, and beckoned. Two equines stepped up, Hero and Mona. Squid took Hero by the elbow and guided him through, and Larry did the same for Mona.
“Here are Hero Horse and Mona Mare,” Squid said formally. “They are equine crossbreeds of good reputation. Meet them, talk with them, satisfy yourselves that these folk are worthy of your attention.”
“Well, now,” Ruby said, eyeing Hero.
“Well, now,” he agreed, and swept her into his arms. In half a moment they were kissing. It was his way, and it was generally effective.
Mona was doing similar with a male villager. That was even more effective. Then both couples fell to animated talking, getting to know each other.
Squid walked back to the tunnel, stepped through, and waved in another pair. These were two Bovines, a cowboy and cowgirl. She didn’t know them personally, but knew they could do the job. Indeed, soon they were charming two more villagers.
Then a third pair, Caprines, a buck and a nanny. They, too, readily melded.
“When you said crossbreeds, I had a mental picture,” Ruby told Squid breathlessly. “But this is something else. These folk are wonderful!”
“They are,” Squid agreed. “But because they are more than half animal, they have no human rights. They want to change that.”
“They want to breed with full humans!” Ruby said, catching on.
“Yes. Some of your men can breed with a number of their women if they want to. The object is to get more majority-human children.”
“We have some men who would really like that, if the girls are pretty.”
“They are.”
“Not all our men are handsome, however.”
“But all your men are full human. That makes them attractive to the fractional humans. The same is
true for your ordinary women.”
Ruby nodded. “This is phenomenal! Of course we want to know more about it.”
Squid raised her voice, calling to them all. “Your attention please. This access will be open until noon tomorrow. You may freely cross both ways. Get to know them, villagers, learn what you have to offer each other, but be sure to be home before noon unless you decide to stay. Meanwhile, Animalia brings you a gift of four portable portals the village can keep and use regardless.”
Half a dozen villagers crossed immediately. They were welcomed by appealing Animalia. Very soon several couples disappeared into the recesses of Caprine Castle. Squid knew from their minds that they had Adult Conspiracy intentions. That was, after all, the point. To some villagers, it might be mere entertainment, but to the crossbreeds it was a chance at fulfillment.
Then Squid conducted Ruby across to Animalia. Ruby was amazed by the castle and the throng of attractive folk. “This is just the contact point,” Squid clarified. “Each species has its own castle, and they are all in on the deal. There are many, many to choose from, and they are all physically appealing. They cater to the tourist trade, and you are tourists.”
“We cater similarly,” Ruby said. “I think we will understand each other.”
“I think so too.” It certainly looked like success on this part of their mission.
It was late by the time Squid and Larry retired to the boat, which remained invisible, but by then they were hardly missed. Hundreds of villagers and Animalians were making their acquaintances. It was like a huge party.
Would it all work out in the long run? It was impossible to know for sure, but it did seem likely.
Chapter 15
In the end, quite a number of villagers from several local villages elected to cross over to join attractive and accommodating crossbreeds who were eager to get to it. They didn’t require marriage, merely the effort to get babies, and some village men came to understandings with half-a-dozen or more assorted Animalia women. A similar number of Animalia crossed to the villages to be with their chosen villagers; the men were dashing and the local girls were thrilled. Overall, all parties seemed well satisfied.