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Beautiful Trouble: A Dark Mafia Romance (The Oligarchs Book 2)

Page 14

by B. B. Hamel

  The door ripped open.

  A man stared inside. I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted.

  “There you are. I was looking for you two.”

  Kaspar’s smile was like a burn wound. He tilted his head but didn’t move. The gun at his hip smoked softly. He looked right at me with an expression locked between excitement and ecstasy and pure desire. He looked like he wanted to tear down this building and let it collapse around us, just so long as he got to be alone with me.

  I thought back to college, to Blackhills.

  To the messages he used to send me. The way he’d follow me home from class.

  Always lurking. Never too close.

  Kaspar, gorgeous and terrifying Kaspar. I hated him back then. Hated the way he wanted me and wouldn’t let it go. Hated how he could have any girl on that campus and chose the one that wasn’t available.

  And now I hated him for looking at me the way he used to—with pure, utter need and devotion.

  With control and desire.

  “What are you doing here?” Winter said, pushing me back behind her. That broke his spell.

  I didn’t know why she wanted to protect me. I was the one from an Oligarch family—and yet Winter stepped up and shoved me back.

  My brother was right to marry her.

  “I heard there was trouble.” Kaspar’s voice was husky and quiet. Behind him, two men lay dead on the floor, both bleeding from wounds to the skull. Their brains were splattered across the racks.

  “Darren won’t let you get away with this. He’ll stop you. He’s going to—”

  Kaspar’s eyes went wide. Then he laughed.

  It was piercing and horrible.

  He was so handsome, like a Nordic prince.

  And he terrified me.

  “Winter, you have it all wrong. I’m not here to kill you. I’m here to save you.”


  He spread out his hands, shaking his head. “Those men out there are from the MacKenna family. My people intercepted a message about this attack and I only just made it here in time.”

  “Why didn’t you warn Darren?”

  “I did, but he’s late.” Kaspar reached out a hand toward Winter. “Come on now. You’re still in danger.”

  “I don’t trust you.”

  His eyes slipped to mine. I shuffled back slightly. I didn’t want him looking at me.

  I was afraid of what I’d say.

  “What about you, Pen? Are you afraid too?”

  I clenched my jaw. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Then let’s get out of here.”

  His hand stayed hovering before us.

  I moved past Winter and took it.

  Winter let out an annoyed sigh as Kaspar led me into the back room then into the fitting area again. More bodies were littered all over the floor, blood splattered everywhere, the dresses ruined.

  Except the one Winter had on. That was still perfect. She lifted up the hem to make sure it didn’t drag.

  Kaspar didn’t release my hand. He pulled me along with Winter trailing after.

  My heart raced. I wasn’t sure if I was still about to die—Kaspar could be lying and planned on ending us both—but I didn’t think so. He was strange and terrifying but he didn’t seem like the type to draw things out needlessly. If he wanted me dead, he would’ve pulled the trigger already.

  The front room was a wreck. Two men stood near the door and nodded at Kaspar as we approached. I didn’t recognize them but guessed they were his guards.

  “Anyone left?” Kaspar asked.

  “Nobody,” the taller guard said. He looked grim. “We lost three in the fighting.”

  “And they lost more.” Kaspar slapped his shoulder. “It was a good showing. You should be proud.”

  His men didn’t smile.

  We left that hell and stepped outside as five SUVs screamed to a halt.

  Darren leapt out. His eyes went from Kaspar to Winter to me.

  He ran over and pulled me away then wrapped me in a hug. He kissed my cheek then went to Winter.

  And stopped cold.

  The way Darren looked at Winter was the way Kaspar looked at me just a couple minutes ago.

  That intense gaze.

  Kaspar wouldn’t kill me. I should’ve realized that. Despite everything, Kaspar was the same man I knew years ago. The same man that stalked me, made my life both heaven and hell. The same man that teased me mercilessly.

  Only now fully grown, and much more powerful.

  It occurred to me that I should’ve run, right then and there.

  But of course, I didn’t know what he had in store.

  I didn’t know what deal my mother and sister struck.

  No, I couldn’t have known. That was all still coming.

  “You look perfect,” Darren whispered and he reached out for Winter.

  But she flinched away. That was worse than a slap. He turned his face, jaw working, before gesturing at his men.

  They swept the building, but found nothing.

  I was bundled up into a car with Winter. We didn’t speak on the drive back to the manor. We were both still wrapped up in what happened—Winter probably thinking about my brother and what her coming marriage would mean for her future, and I was too busy obsessing about the man that once obsessed about me.

  And what it meant that he was back in my life.

  “At least you found a dress,” I said as I stepped out of the car.

  And Winter laughed, a real, genuine laugh.



  “They could’ve been killed.” I slammed my fist against my desk.

  Anthony stood next to the fire. Mother lounged in a chair and Erin remained near the door, staring at her phone like always. I couldn’t tell if she was listening or not, but it didn’t matter.

  “But they weren’t. Kaspar made it in time.” Mother sounded conciliatory. She wanted to smooth over the rough edges, to try to make things all better. She’d always been that way, and that might’ve worked at home, but it couldn’t work in war.

  There was no smoothing this away.

  Penny and Winter. My little sister and my future bride. They were almost killed by a bunch of MacKenna thugs.

  “It was the seamstress,” Erin said suddenly.

  Everyone looked at her. I was surprised she’d spoken up, and for a few beats, the room was silent. “Excuse me?” I asked.

  “She told the MacKennas. Apparently, they’d paid her off a while ago. Probably paid off every single tailor and wedding boutique owner in the area.”

  “I should’ve thought of that.”

  “Nobody considered it.” Erin stopped typing and looked up. “I had some of your men go through her records. There were several large payments from a company that’s owned by Roman.”

  “He’s too damn close to me.” I began to pace again. I might’ve underestimated him. I never imagined he’d bribe all of the wedding boutiques in this region just for the chance of getting at Winter. If Kaspar hadn’t intercepted a message about the attack, that might’ve worked, and Winter would be back in their hands.

  Leaving me without leverage and without a wife.

  “What would you have us do, darling?” Mother shifted in her seat and crossed her legs. “We can’t go around and check every bridal store from here to Chicago.”

  “We’ll find and vet vendors better. And we’ll hurry this wedding up.” I pointed at Anthony. “You’re working security. Make sure this place is locked down.”

  “Roger that, big brother.” Anthony mock-saluted. “Though to be honest, we’re better secured then Fort Knox.”

  “We better be.” I gestured at Mother. “I want to marry Winter in three days. You have that long to put together a wedding.”

  Mother sighed and touched her hair. “I suppose I can put something together, though honestly, Darren, you deserve better.”

  “Three days.” My fists tightened as I nodded at Erin. “And you, work whatever magic
you used to sniff out that bitch seamstress on the rest of the people in this town. Anyone with a whiff of Roman will be dealt with.”

  “I don’t take orders from you.” Erin yawned and covered her mouth.

  “Erin,” Mother said, but I held up a hand and glared at my sister.

  “It’s not a damn order. It’s a request. We’re all in this together.”

  Erin stopped typing and looked up. Her intensity blazed so bright, it sucked my breath away. Sometimes I forgot how smart she was.

  “If we’re all in this together, then I want to be a part of any future meetings you have with the other Oligarchs.”

  I stopped pacing and glared at her. “That’s not your place.”

  “Then you can go fuck yourself.” She looked back at her phone. “Figure out how to find the spies yourself.”

  I suppressed the angry retort. I was tempted to shout at her, but that wouldn’t do a damn thing to help the situation.

  I couldn’t bring her into those meetings. Outsiders came under special and important circumstances, and only very rarely. Winter showing up last time was unusual, and likely wouldn’t repeat ever again.

  “I can’t bring you to my meetings with the other Oligarchs, but I can bring you into my meetings with the Patrenko Family. I’ll even give you more responsibility if that’s what you’re after.”

  She nodded once and didn’t look up. “That’ll work.”

  “Fine.” I rubbed my eyes and went back to pacing. “Everyone has their job. Get to work.”

  Mother stood and gave me a wry stare before following Anthony out, leaning on his arm. Erin left last, still looking at her phone. I wondered what she was always doing on that thing.

  I poked my head into the hallway and flagged a staff member. “Bring Winter.”

  The young guard saluted and ran off.

  I poured a glass of whiskey and stood in front of the fire.

  Roman was getting too close. I’d grown lax ever since taking Winter as a hostage—I spent too much time with her and not enough on the ground killing my enemies. I should’ve been out with a gun and a vendetta, hunting and murdering until this war was over, but instead I stayed at Servant Manor to be as close to Winter as possible.

  It was possible she made me weak. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing. That was exactly what the other Oligarchs wanted. Winter was supposed to tone me down and mold me into a proper ruler, however that might happen.

  And apparently it was working.

  I was bluffing when I said she’d have that effect on me. I fully intended on continuing with my bloodthirsty ways, and yet already I was staying home more and focusing even tighter on my family.

  Winter made me soft. I should’ve hated her for that.

  But when I closed my eyes and thought of her in that wedding dress, I knew I’d never despise her, no matter what happened.

  She was radiant. Gorgeous. Impeccable.

  The dress hid most of her body, only hinting at her incredible figure. It was perfect, and my blood boiled with a deep gut-wrenching need. It was twisted and wrong, and yet I wanted to take her right then and there.

  I hadn’t, of course. I was a gentleman, and my sister was around.

  But god, Winter drove me wild.

  She appeared a few minutes later. She lingered hesitantly in the doorway wearing jeans and a long-sleeve shirt. She wrapped her arms around herself, head tilted.

  “You summoned me?”

  “Come in. Have a drink.”

  “I’m not in the mood.”

  “Do it anyway.” I poured her a whiskey.

  She accepted it and sat on a chair, pulling up her knees. She took a sip and made a face. I knew she didn’t like it, but she’d grow used to it in time.

  Just like I hoped she’d grow used to me.

  I sat across from her, trying to come up with the words to express how I felt. I felt inadequate for the first time in my life. I didn’t know if anything could make her understand that what happened at that bridal shop was nothing short of a travesty, and that I’d hunt down anyone involved and rip off their skin inch by inch in retribution.

  I suspected she wouldn’t like that, however.

  Winter swirled her drink thoughtfully. “Is there something going on between Kaspar and Penny?”

  I frowned, taken aback. That wasn’t what I thought we’d talk about. “I don’t think so. What makes you ask?”

  “They had a moment. When he first found us, he looked at her like he knew her, and she reacted sort of strange, like she was afraid.”

  I frowned at my whiskey. “They knew each other in college. He was a senior, she was a freshman. But that was a long time ago and I don’t think they’ve interacted since. Maybe it was just the stress of what was happening.”

  “Yeah, that’s got to be it.” Winter didn’t sound convinced.

  I finished my drink and leaned forward. “I’m sorry for what happened. I never would’ve let you go if I thought you’d be in danger.”

  “I know that. You don’t have to apologize. You realize that might’ve been a rescue attempt instead of an execution, right?”

  “It’s a possibility.”

  “So you’re saying sorry for killing my saviors.” She gave me a bitter smile. “Which is fine, actually, because I have a feeling they would’ve taken Penny too, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “I appreciate that. I don’t want either of you to hurt.”

  “So what do we do now? I don’t blame you if that helps ease your mind at all.”

  “Nothing’s going to ease my mind until Roman is dead.”

  She sighed and put her drink down on the coffee table. “Will that really fix things?”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you sure though?” She chewed on her lip but didn’t meet my eyes. “From what I’ve gathered about you Oligarch types, you’re all obsessed with power. Once Roman is gone, won’t there be someone else?”

  “It’s not about power. He’s the one that’s amassed too much strength.”

  “I get it, there’s a personal aspect and he probably deserves whatever he gets, but still. This whole thing consumes you. Will it ever go away, even when he’s dead?”

  I took her words in and felt them reverberate down my spine. On some level, I knew she was right, and I didn’t want to examine that too closely.

  “At least my family will be safe without him. Anthony especially.”

  “Do you think Roman still wants him dead?”

  “I don’t know what Roman wants.”

  “Maybe you should ask.”

  I clenched my jaw and leaned toward her. I grabbed her knee and dug my fingers into her skin. “He tried to murder my brother. My ten-year-old brother.”

  She looked at me sadly. “I know that. And it’s so fucked up. But how long ago did that happen?”

  “Not long enough.” I eased my grip on her leg then dropped to my knees. I pushed her knees apart and pulled her to the edge of the chair. She sucked in a sharp breath and looked down at me as I lifted her shirt and kissed her stomach. “You don’t understand. I saw Roman as a friend back then, and for him to try something like that—I’ll never forgive it.”

  “Then it’ll consume you and I’m afraid it’ll consume me too.”

  I pushed her back against the chair. “Would that be so bad? To be consumed by me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, voice husky as I unbuttoned her jeans.

  “I want that. I want to eat you up and swallow you whole. I want to dominate, devour, and consume you until you’re entirely mine. Does that terrify you?”

  “Yes, it scares the hell out of me.” I tugged her jeans off. She lifted her ass and let me.

  “It scares the hell out of me too.” I kissed her thighs, her hips, then pushed aside her panties and ran a finger along her slit. She was soaking wet. Dripping already. God, the things this woman did to me. “I’ve never wanted someone like this before. It drives me insane. I keep thinking a
bout you, day and night. I realized not long ago that I should be out there fighting, but instead I’m in here, hiding away with you.”

  “You’re protecting your family.” She let out a soft moan as I licked her, nibbling at her folds, then up to her clit. Her hips shifted and her eyes closed as she sucked in a breath, panting faster. “You can’t blame yourself for that.”

  “And yet I still do.” I moved up and kissed her. She sat up straight and I pulled her against my body, feeling her breasts, her legs spread apart, her pussy glistening. I let her taste her own cunt on my lips and tongue, bit her softly, then harder, made her grunt with surprise and pain.

  She liked it when I made her hurt. I fisted her hair, pulled it, kissed her neck, her throat.

  “Does this mean you’re leaving me?” She gasped when I bit her shoulder then pulled her shirt off. Her breasts heaved as she stared at me, lips swollen and pink from kissing. “You’re going out to fight?”

  “No, god damn it. As much as I should, I can’t.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “To marry you.” I ran my fingernails down her back. She shivered as I kissed her softly. “In three days.”

  She pushed me back. “What did you say?”

  “We’re getting married in three days.”

  “I thought I had more time.”

  “You don’t. You’ll be my wife, and whatever happens will happen.”

  “That sounds almost philosophical.”

  I pull her up then turned her around, bending her over the chair. She gasped as I spanked her perfect ass, leaving a nice red mark on her pale flesh.

  “The only philosophy I care about is the philosophy of your body. The study and contemplation of your orgasms, your moans, your breasts and lips.” I spanked her again, harder, then gave her pleasure by rubbing her clit. She wiggled her hips, fingers gripping the top of the chair.

  I unbuckled my belt, spanked her again, took off my pants.

  I was so hard I could scream with rage.

  “Then what? I’ll be your wife. What will that accomplish?”

  “It’ll buy me time, which is all I need.” I pressed my cock against her then peeled off her panties and took off my boxer briefs. I spread her ass and licked her from behind, tasting her pussy, tasting every inch of her, before pressing my cock against her slick opening.


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