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Beautiful Trouble: A Dark Mafia Romance (The Oligarchs Book 2)

Page 18

by B. B. Hamel

  I didn’t back down from challenges. I protected my friends no matter what.

  That meant staying.

  “I’m staying, Cassie.”

  She sounded crestfallen. “Please. Just run. I’ll find a way to get you from there. Run right now.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I made a commitment.”

  “You can’t mean it.”

  “I do mean it.” I steadied myself, tightened my jaw. “We can end this together, you and me. Let’s get Roman and Darren in the same room. We can force them to negotiate.”

  “Do you know why Darren hates Roman so much?” Cassie’s voice was a whisper like she didn’t want to be overheard.

  “I know. Darren told me.”

  “Did he tell you the full story?”

  I hesitated and looked down at the leaf-strewn ground. “I don’t know. I think he told me everything from his side.”

  “It’s not as simple as you think. Roman didn’t try to kill Anthony. It’s all just some big misunderstanding.”

  A sudden jolt of anger flashed through me. “Is that what he said?”


  “I’m serious. Is that the bullshit he tried to sell you? Roman almost murdered a little kid.”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  “Then he’s a goddamn liar.”

  Cassie’s anger matched my own. “You’re going to believe him and not me?”

  “I’m going to believe Darren and not Roman.”

  “What the hell did they do to you?”

  “Nothing at all. That’s the problem.” I grabbed onto a low-hanging branch and squeezed it hard, venting some frustration. “I know you don’t believe it, but none of this matters at all. We need to get them in the same room. They can discuss this and come to terms.”

  “I don’t think Roman is going to agree.” Cassie sounded exhausted.

  I felt just as tired. “Try anyway. We’ll do something. Maybe we can fix this together, at least if we don’t start hating each other.”

  “I’ll never hate you, Winter. You saved my life.”

  “You saved mine too.”

  A sudden noise nearby. A stick breaking, the crunch of leaves.

  I looked over my shoulder, down toward the path.

  Darren stood, watching.

  Fear lanced down my limbs.

  “I have to go,” I said quickly.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll call you again when I can. Talk to Roman about a meeting.”

  I hung up before she could reply.

  Darren stared at me. He wore slacks and a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He looked out of place standing in the forest, and yet the whole world seemed to bend around him, like a black hole disfiguring the universe. I felt sucked into him.

  “How long were you listening?” I asked.

  “Long enough.” He took a step closer. “When did you get it?”

  “Roza. The present.”

  “Ah.” He smiled and shook his head. “Smart to hide it in a saltwater taffy box. Who the hell likes that stuff?”


  He came closer. I didn’t move. If he was going to kill me, he’d do it whether I ran away or not.

  There was nobody to save me out here.

  And I had little doubt that Darren was capable of squeezing the life from me with his bare hands.

  I held the phone out to him.

  But he waved it away.

  “Keep it.”

  He stopped. About a foot separated us.

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because you had your chance and you made your choice.” His eyes were hard and beseeching. “She asked you to run. You chose to stay.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I was listening.”

  My turn to feel angry. “Why did you follow me anyway?”

  “You were acting strange this morning. I had a feeling you were up to something.”

  “And you don’t trust me?”

  “No, I don’t.” He nodded at the phone. “Clearly, I was right not to.”

  “Asshole.” I squeezed the phone then shoved it into my pocket. “What now then?”

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” He stepped forward. I backed into the tree, pressing my palms against it. “I told you, if you run, I won’t follow.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Good. Then start acting like it.” He leaned forward, pinning me tighter to the trunk. The rough bark scraped against my back. “You don’t have to hide anymore.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out if I’m your wife or your captive.”

  “You’re my wife.” The passion in his eyes sent my stomach into freefall.

  “Prove it,” I whispered.

  He grabbed my hair and kissed me. I threw myself against him, only to have him slam me back. I moaned as he grabbed my hips. His tongue invaded my mouth, dominating me, taking me and controlling me and drinking me down like fresh water. I moaned into that all-consuming intensity and let myself drift on the seas of his need, thinking maybe, maybe, I could make something of this, maybe this was real, maybe this was lasting.

  I didn’t know what it was, but it felt good.

  I bit his lip and he pulled my hair. I gasped as he slipped a hand down the front of my jeans.

  He wasn’t gentle as he teased my pussy then tugged my pants down. I grabbed his belt and ripped it off, wanting him so badly it hurt. I needed to feel the way I felt the night before, needed him to remind me what it was like to be his wife, his woman.

  He turned me around and stripped away my panties. I gasped as he licked me from behind, getting me wetter, teasing me until I was shaking my hips and whispering his name. We were in the middle of the woods not far from his home and anyone could walk past—

  But I didn’t care. He stood and I felt his cock press against my soaking opening.

  He sank himself deep inside and I threw my head back in pleasure.

  This was what he did to me. All logic, all anger, all resentment, all my feelings dissipated into nothing. He fucked me from behind, kissed my lips over my shoulder, slapped my ass, and made me gasp his name over and over, and nothing else mattered in the world except his cock, this pleasure, this man. He took me like heaven, like I was made for him, and I couldn’t get enough. He whispered in my ear, told me all the filthy things he wanted from me—and we had a lifetime to do them.

  I came in a fit of moans, my knees shaking. He didn’t slow or stop. He pumped me full, coming deep between my legs, like the earth shattering and breaking beneath my feet.

  He left me quivering with unbridled lust and dizzy with the feel of him.

  I fell into his arms. He hugged me tight against his chest and kissed my hair, breathing my smell. He was fresh earth and deep caves. The smell of darkness and life.

  “My wife,” he whispered.

  I nuzzled him closer. My husband.



  I sat down heavily behind my desk and sighed. My cock still pulsed with Winter, despite having tasted her only twenty minutes earlier out in the woods. I couldn’t satiate myself, not with her around.

  It would be a problem if I didn’t love it so much.

  I knew she had the phone. We’d found it on our initial search of Roza, but I ordered the guards to let it through.

  Maybe that wasn’t fair, but I wanted to test her.

  Trust was a luxury. In other times, as a different person, I could rely on old-fashioned notions of how relationships were supposed to function.

  Unfortunately, I was an Oligarch, and I had to be sure.

  So I let Winter take the phone.

  If she wanted to fuck me, she could fuck me. I’d let her do it—

  Then make her pay.

  But she didn’t. My heart sang out when she refused to run.

  It was a step in the right direction.

  If I wanted to make this marriage real, then I’d have to start buildin
g that foundation of mutual understanding.

  For now, this would have to suffice. One passed test and my undying, undiminished lust for her flesh.

  My desk phone rang. It was an internal line. “Yes?”

  Chika’s voice. “Anthony to see you.”

  “He’s back already?”

  “So it would seem.”

  “Send him to my office.”

  I hung up. Anthony stepped inside a few minutes later. He looked tired and haggard, with bags under his eyes, but he gave me a cocky grin and slumped down into one of the easy chairs near the fireplace.

  “You should be out killing our enemies,” I said.

  Anthony shrugged. “I needed a break.”

  “Rest when you’re dead.”

  “Good one. You realize that’s a cliché, don’t you?” He ran a hand through his hair and tugged at it. “I’ve got a report.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “Roman is on the defensive. Kaspar and the Patrenkos have him retreating almost all the way back to Boston. In a few days, we’ll have him penned in.”

  “The Liberto Family?”

  “Still bickering among themselves. They’re effectively hamstrung. The MacKennas are with Roman still, but they’re a shadow of their former strength. The Drozdovs are still a problem though.”

  “Once they’re all trapped in Boston, they’ll be easy pickings if we’re careful and patient.”

  Something flashed in Anthony’s eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was fear or something else. He ran another hand through his hair—and I realized he was nervous.

  “There’s something else,” he said.

  “Good news, I hope.”

  “Hadeon Patrenko is dead. Killed in fighting near Philadelphia. Ivan’s in charge right now, but I’m worried he won’t be strong enough to hold the family together.”

  “Do what you have to do to make sure they keep fighting. We need them right now.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Anthony sighed and leaned his head back. “Roman is outnumbered and outgunned, but he’s still putting up one hell of a fight.”

  “He’s strong. There’s a reason we’re doing this.”

  “I thought more Oligarchs would join once they saw him losing.”

  “Whether they do or not isn’t important. Keep the faith.”

  He nodded sharply and stood. “We’re going to win this.”

  “I know. Take a few days to rest before you go back out there. I was joking about the dying part.”

  “I know you were, big bro.” He walked to the door. “How’s married life treating you, by the way?”

  “It’s about what you’d expect.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get used to it.” Anthony smiled at me again, though it was a ghost of his normal effusive self, then slipped out into the hall.

  I needed to have someone watch him. If the pressure was starting to take a toll, I had to make sure he was taken out of the fight before he cracked. I made a note to follow up with Chika about a replacement for Anthony when Penny burst into my office and slammed the door behind her.

  I grimaced and gave her a level stare. “Hello, youngest sister. How are you doing this morning?”

  “Did you know Anthony looks like shit?”

  I sighed and rubbed my face. “Yes, and I’m dealing with it.”

  “Are you? Because I don’t really want to lose another member of this family.”

  “I’m handling it.” I glared at her. “Is that all you wanted? Just to make sure my men were well rested?”

  “Anthony’s not some stupid soldier, you asshole.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then don’t treat him like one.” She stood in front of my desk with her arms crossed. I tried not to smile. Penny wasn’t very intimidating, although she could muster one hell of an attitude when she needed it.

  “I swear, I’m looking out for him.”

  “Good. I really hope you are.” Her face relaxed somewhat. “Word is we’re winning this war.”

  “So far, so good.”

  “What do you plan on doing with Winter when you inevitably kill her best friend’s husband?”

  I groaned and looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t need this right now.”

  “Yes, you really do. How do you think this is going to play out? You kill Roman, his wife gets over it, and Winter is your everlasting soulmate and totally happy to do freaky things in bed with you forever?”

  I made a disgusted face. “Please don’t talk about doing things in bed with Winter, please. It’s pretty gross coming from my younger sister.”

  “Don’t gloss over my point.”

  “What do you want me to do? I won’t hurt Cassie. That’s the best I can promise.”

  “Try harder. If you kill Roman, it’s going to hurt Cassie. You really think things’ll work out if you do that?”

  I threw up my hands. I’d thought about this already, but I had no good excuse.

  Roman had to die. He represented everything that was wrong with the way the Oligarchs ran the world—and he tried to murder my little brother.

  Only blood would answer that crime.

  Penny was right though. When I killed Roman, my life would get harder. Cassie was going to freak out and Winter would probably take her side. I didn’t know how I was going to rectify those two things.

  I didn’t want to lose Winter. I was beginning to see her as a long-term partner—someone I wanted in my life.

  She was clever and strong and every time she was around, I wanted to lose myself in her breasts, her lips, her tongue, that warm, wet pussy between her legs.

  “I’ll deal with this later.”

  “I bet you will.” Penny rolled her eyes. “You’re going to have to come up with a better plan if you want things to work out in your favor, you know.”

  “Penny, I have calls to make.”

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were too busy for me.” She walked to the door in a huff. “I’ll go find your wife. I’m sure she’d be happy to talk.”

  “I’m sure she would.” Penny threw open the door and I called after her, “Just be careful what you say!”

  She disappeared and left me alone.

  I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window at the green ocean of grass that rolled down to the tree line. I thought of Winter’s tight ass, her moans, her orgasm.

  I thought of her asleep in my bed, breathing slowly but evenly.

  A queen for a king.

  I’d destroy her in the end. I knew it and Penny knew it too.

  Only I didn’t want that to happen. I needed better for once in my life.

  There had to be another way out.



  I sat with Darren and Anthony in the massive conference room. I felt like an ant crawling around in the middle of a cave.

  “You know what you’re going to say?” Darren asked.

  Anthony studied me with those disconcertingly blue eyes.

  Blue, just like his half-brother.

  “I have some ideas.”

  Darren didn’t like that. He wanted to know exactly what I’d say to Cass, but I wasn’t sure yet. We hadn’t left that last conversation on great terms, and I didn’t know if Darren was going to take a meeting with Roman.

  Or if they were going to keep on trying to kill each other forever.

  I dialed the number and put the phone on speaker.

  This was Darren’s idea. He’d come to me the night before and had said he’d wanted to find another way out of this situation. I’d listened then said we could always try to work something out with Cassie—she’d be willing to negotiate.

  He hadn’t been happy. I could tell this was killing him.

  Revenge drove him for years. He’d built his life around murdering Roman for what happened to Anthony. All this time, all this energy, and now he was thinking about changing course.

  It must’ve been hard as hell.

  And I knew it was the only way.
/>   Cassie picked up. “I didn’t think I’d hear from you again so fast.”

  “Darren’s here,” I said, not wanting to mislead her. He gave me a look then glared down at the phone.

  “Hello, Cassie,” he said.

  She didn’t speak for a long moment. “What’s he doing here?”

  “We want to talk,” I said, holding a hand up to Darren. He didn’t like that, but he listened.

  Anthony sat watching placidly. I couldn’t read him at all and didn’t even try.

  “Should I get Roman?”

  “Not yet. Unless you think you should.”

  Another pause. She was trying to think of what to do. “Does Darren want to meet?”

  “He’s considering it. I think it’s hard for him to put aside the past.”

  “He could if he tried.”

  Darren gave me a soul-sucking look. I smiled back sweetly.

  “I agree with that, Cass. It’s why I called.”

  “We need a ceasefire. Roman is planning something and I think it’s going to be pretty dangerous.” Cassie sounded genuinely concerned. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but it’s important.”

  “I’m not interested in a ceasefire,” Darren said before I could stop him. “I’m the one winning right now. Roman needs to give something up if I’m going to back down.”

  “What do you want?” Cassie asked.

  He glanced at me then down at the phone. “I want Roman to step down as an Oligarch and renounce any privileges he’s accrued. I want him to give up any affiliations with the crime families and remove his money from any Oligarch-backed venture. In short, I want him out of my world and out of power. Only then will I consider a ceasefire.”

  Cassie was silent. I seethed with rage. I didn’t know Darren was going to ask for something that big.

  “He’ll never agree,” Cassie said finally, sounding defeated. “The Oligarchs matter too much to him to stop.”

  “We’ll come up with something else,” I said, staring death at Darren. “There’s got to be something else we can do.”

  “I’ll talk to Roman but I can’t promise anything.”

  “Thanks, Cassie. I’ll work on Darren.”

  He leaned back and grinned at me.

  I hung up the phone.


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