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Chloe Babineaux Private Investigator

Page 43

by Lisa Clancey

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I reclined in my recliner and watched the news. That lasted for about five minutes. I couldn’t relax. I gave up and took a shower. How was I going to tell Cody that I was dating Rick? Would they stop being partners? Possibly not. No one usually went into a relationship planning on breaking up. I shouldn’t say that. I went out with a guy for a month once and didn’t know his last name.

  It was after I moved home from college, so I was living at home. My mother asked what my latest’s last name was and I told her I didn’t know because I wasn’t planning on marrying him. I should tell Rick that story so he’d know how fickle I was. Of course, that was many moons ago.

  I should be feeling on top of the world. The man I loved told me he loved me. I was so tensed I felt like running a marathon. I felt like running a marathon not actually participating. I didn’t run. I liked walking, but nothing was worth that much effort unless it was for chocolate. Or a great sale. Or a margarita.

  I gave up and went to the office to type up my report. I typed the report. It was eight thirty. Wonderful. Now, what was I going to do? I propped my feet up and waited for Cheri. I watched the news on the TV in her office. She had a nicer TV than I did. It actually had a remote, so I didn’t have to get up to change the channels. I called Sandy and told her I wouldn’t be able to pick up her list later this morning, but I would pick it up later on this evening or tomorrow. I decided I would call her even if I didn’t need it to let her know what was happening with the case.

  Said owner of TV came into the office about nine. She looked at me funny and then laughed. “Well Chloe, I see you got all dressed up for the office?”

  I kept my feet on her desk and drank my coffee. “Anything for you, baby.” I winked. I had on tennis shoes, a brown, long sleeve T-shirt that I’ve had since high school with the words, ‘live, laugh, and love,’ and jeans. My jeans were old and raggedy with a torn pocket in the back. She couldn’t see the pocket, but they also had a huge ink stain on the front pocket, so she knew my work jeans.

  “Why are you here so early?”She asked putting down some files.

  “I’m always here early when I have a report to write.” I took out my cell phone and found the photo of the painting. “Hey, look at this.”

  “What is it?” she asked, taking the phone and rolling her eyes. “Oh my God! Is that the painting?”

  “Yep,” I couldn’t help but grin when I said it. “Our favorite nun had it. I saw her yesterday so she could actually talk to me without pantomiming.”

  “It’s so beautiful. Where was it?”

  “Under her bed. Can you believe it? She had it the whole time. I think people getting killed and shot at made Sister Lacy Undies loosen up and tell me.”

  Cheri shook her head and said softly, “Under her bed the whole time. I can’t believe it.” She looked up at me and smiled. “Chloe, I’m sorry I doubted you. I didn’t think you’d get anything out of Sister Bonita.” She ignored the lacy undies part and shook her head in wonderment. “I should’ve known better.”

  “Yeah, well, truth is I’m a little surprised too. And I’m going to Old Shloe Farm in a while to find whatever was buried out there. Look at the sun beam. I think it’s showing the way to…well…whatever it is that’s hidden.”

  She looked at the photo then at me and then back at the photo. Her mouth dropped open, and she said, “I think you’re right. Could it be? Oh, Chloe, I hope you’re right.” She made a face and added, “Oh, crap, I can’t go with you. I have back-to-back meetings today.”

  “I hope I’m right too otherwise it’ll be a wasted trip. Rick and Cody are meeting me out there later on this morning, so they’ll help. I really don’t want to hear Cody’s snide remarks for the rest of my life if I’m wrong,” I said, rolling my eyes and standing up so she could get to her desk.

  She looked at me hard and said, “Something’s wrong. Are you alright? You seem happy.”

  “Of course I’m happy. The case from hell is finally coming to a close. Who wouldn’t be happy? I mean the gun toting, mean-spirited, cowardly, spine dwindling, ball-less, testosterones missing idiot will finally have nothing better to do so he’ll stop shooting at me.”

  She looked at me hard, assessing my appearance, nodded and said, “That’s it. I know what it is. You said, ‘Rick and Cody,’ not Cody and Rick.” She slowly grinned.

  “Oh, please.” I shrugged, taking my phone back and sticking it into my front pocket. “So I slipped up and said Rick’s name first. Big deal. Quit trying to read somethin’ into nothin’.”

  “But you were at his house last night,” she said grinning. “Where did you sleep?”

  “Yes. I went to his house. Cody was at a family shindig with Morgan’s family, and you were out making nice with Brent’s family. I was excited about finding the painting so I called him and he invited me over.” I shook my head and took a deep breath before continuing, “Jeeze Louise, his two brothers, their wives, and kids were also there. And no, I didn’t know they were there before I got there because Rick didn’t tell me he had company. So no, I didn’t go there to meet the family.” I paused and then added, “Oh, and FYI, I slept in my apartment.”

  Cheri and I smiled at each other for a while. Her smile was comprehending. Mine was tight-lipped. She then said, “Last night you told me Rick and his brother Brandon checked out the parking lot and you called Dick Weed about the license plate. So let me restate the question. Did you sleep alone last night in your apartment?” She had her hands crossed in front of her with her head cocked, looking very cocky. She does it very well. It must be genetic because I was doing it as well.

   “This sounds like an interrogation, and I have things to do.” I walked to the door stopped and turned around. She was grinning with a knowing look, so I said, “Johnny is leaving today for Afghanistan. I didn’t ask how long he’ll be gone because he was on the floor dazed when Rick hit him.” I laughed and continued, “And he really didn’t like it when I made him watch me kiss Rick this morning.”

  “I knew it,” she laughed. “You are such a hypocrite. It’s alright for you to have sex but not anyone else.”

  “I’m not a hypocrite. Just jealous. No, I’m a liar. I don’t want to have sex with anyone ya’ll are sleeping with. I gotta go.” I winked and walked out. I heard her say something like, “Get back here,” but I ignored it.

  I didn’t have time to go into the different aspects of sex and making love. She’d probably want to draw pictures, and that’s just not right. Mostly because she can’t draw that well and I get confused.


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