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The Deadliest Institution Collection

Page 19

by Holly Copella

  One laughed. “Yes, how did you know?”

  “Your suits are from La Mount,” Asher explained. “I recognize the fabric and the style of buttons. A very exquisite tailor. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him personally.”

  The men appeared to marvel at his associations. Brenda noticed Asher from across the room, and without warning, walked away from Brian to get closer to the infamous legend. Brian noticed her departure and hurried after her. Jacey noted Brenda’s curiosity regarding Asher but refused to acknowledge her. Asher placed his arm securely around Jacey and smiled pleasantly at her.

  “Have these men treated you well, my dear?” he asked.

  Jacey nodded and hugged him for security. The look on Brenda’s face was priceless. She obviously saw the interview of a lifetime for their little town and appeared jealous that it was one interview which Jacey would have exclusive rights.

  “Returning to the institution must be difficult for you,” Brenda said to Asher as she fished for a story. “What do you think of the changes?”

  Asher glanced at Brenda, raised a sly brow, and smirked. “I don’t have an opinion,” he informed her then returned his attention to Jacey. “Remind me to give you those notes for my memoirs, darling. That book of ours isn’t going to write itself.”

  Jacey stared into Asher’s eyes and tried not to laugh. She put on her best serious face and nodded. “Of course. We can work on that this weekend.”

  Asher turned to the men surrounding him. “Jacey’s a journalist for our local rag sheet,” he boasted. “I’m sure she’s going to have some brilliant articles on the institution’s transformation and tonight’s gala. You may want to be careful what you say around her, she’s liable to print it.”

  The men laughed and suddenly focused their attention on Jacey. She had several questions about journalism thrown at her. Brenda sneered and walked away. Brian realized she’d walked away and hurried after her. As Jacey answered their questions without faltering, she secretly gloated over Brenda’s sudden departure.

  One of the men noticed Asher’s cane. “What an exquisite walking stick,” he marveled.

  Asher held it up for the man to examine. “It was a gift from a fellow I’d assisted while overseas.”

  “It’s a fabulous likeness to Duke Winslow’s cane,” the man remarked.

  “It’s not a replica, it’s the real thing,” Maxwell informed them.

  Asher lowered the cane and smirked. “I don’t believe I know any royalty.”

  “It’s possible you don’t,” Maxwell replied simply. “I did some research on your cane. It has quite a history.”

  Asher stared at Maxwell a long moment. Neither man said a word, though Maxwell seemed pleased with himself. It seemed as if Asher wasn’t interested in what Maxwell had discovered. He looked at Jacey and swiftly changed the subject.

  “Would you care to dance?” he asked warmly.

  “If your ankle’s up to it,” she replied.

  He extended his cane to Maxwell. “Kindly hold this for me, so I may dance with the lovely young lady.”

  Asher’s limp was better as they approached the dance floor for the slow song. Jacey could tell he was having some discomfort from the movement, but he smiled all the same. Derek glared at them as they passed. Asher either hadn’t noticed or didn’t care. Jacey stared back at Derek and cursed him with her eyes. Asher gently pulled her into his arms and slow danced with her.

  “You look beautiful,” Asher said with a dashing smile and held her near him for the slow song.

  “You don’t look half bad yourself,” she teased warmly.

  He laughed softly then appeared more serious. “Nervous?”

  “A little,” she said with a soft sigh then smiled lightly. “I feel better now that you’re here. Between Angela and Brenda, I was being eaten alive. If I wouldn’t have been dressed like such a lady, I probably would’ve knocked both on their asses.”

  Asher chuckled softly and gently brushed the stray lock of hair from her brow. “Don’t give them a second thought. I’ll take care of the shrews,” he announced cheerfully. “You just enjoy yourself.”

  She sighed deeply. “That’s difficult to do that when you don’t understand what anyone’s talking about.”

  “There’s more than one way to answer a question,” he casually replied. “If you think about it, you don’t even have to give the right answer. Evasiveness can be your best friend. I should know.”

  “I’ll try to remember that,” she said and placed her head on his shoulder.

  “It just occurred to me,” he said firmly almost alarming her. She lifted her head and met his gaze. He smiled warmly. “We’ve never danced together before.”

  Jacey smiled and returned her head to his shoulder. “I haven’t danced ever.”

  Asher laughed softly. “You’re doing fine. In fact, I think you’re ready to dance with our young Dr. Alvord.”

  Jacey lifted her head and looked into Asher’s eyes. She smiled with some embarrassment. “Don’t even think it,” she scolded. “I don’t need you throwing me at him. Angela has it out for me as it is.”

  Asher grinned then suddenly limped harshly and stopped dancing. Jacey took a step back and saw him clutch his leg and motion for Maxwell. Maxwell approached with his cane.

  “Are you alright?” Maxwell asked with some concern.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine,” Asher announced and took his cane. “You’d better finish this dance for me.” With that, Asher dramatically limped away.

  Jacey stared after him with her mouth hanging open. Oddly enough, his limp mysteriously got better as he disappeared into the crowd. She couldn’t believe he played her like that! Jacey caught a glimpse of Angela in the crowd. She was staring at Jacey and Maxwell through piercing, squinted eyes. Jacey looked back at Maxwell and smiled with some embarrassment.

  “It’s not necessary to finish the dance,” she replied.

  “No, I don’t mind,” Maxwell said and smiled timidly. “You did promise me a dance, remember?”

  Jacey blushed and nodded. “Yes, I did.”

  Maxwell appeared uncertain about moving closer to dance the slow song with her, but they were soon fumbling their way across the dance floor.

  “I’m afraid I’m not very good,” Maxwell announced with a tiny laugh.

  “Me either,” she replied. “I probably wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it.”

  Both were silent a moment. Maxwell then spoke, almost startling her. “I found some information you might find useful for a future article. Remind me to fetch it from my room before you leave.”

  “Thanks, Maxwell,” she replied. “I really appreciate all your help.”

  “It was nothing, really.”

  “I saw Brenda scouting out her next story,” Jacey announced. “She’s always one step ahead of me, I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t fear yet, I also have some interesting information on some of the people in town,” Maxwell remarked and grinned deviously. “I took the liberty of invading the government files. You’ll have enough information to write a better article than your adversary, Brenda.”

  Jacey raised a curious brow with surprise. “You invaded top secret files?” She didn’t know if she should be alarmed or proud of him.

  He shrugged then grinned. “I do it quite a bit,” Maxwell informed her. “It’s not as if I have anything better to do with my spare time.”

  Jacey bumped into Dr. Talbert and young widow Glease. He spun her around with the enthusiasm of a young man. Dr. Talbert dipped the younger woman. Jacey smiled and shook her head while watching him.

  “It’s amazing he has that much energy,” Jacey said to Maxwell.

  Maxwell’s gaze strayed along her dress, possibly admiring her cleavage. He then looked away with embarrassment. “I like your dress,” he said gently. “It’s very flattering.”

  Jacey smiled warmly with some embarrassment. It became obvious he had been looking at her cleavage. Oddly enough, she didn�
��t mind. “Yes, I clean up nicely,” she said with a soft laugh. “But at midnight I turn back into a tom girl.”

  His lips curved into a tiny smile, though he didn’t look at her. “Doesn’t change the woman underneath,” he remarked gently then looked at her. “You’re still beautiful.”

  She stared at him as the music stopped. She had no idea how to respond to his comment, although she wrestled with the idea of throwing her arms around him and kissing him. He stepped away from her, lifted her hand, and kissed it warmly.

  “I’d better return you before Asher thrashes me with his golden cane,” Maxwell announced while smiling warmly without releasing her hand and led her across the dance floor.

  Asher had a group of men surrounding him while he talked about the government and political viewpoints. Jacey and Maxwell approached and listened quietly as the debate continued. No one seemed able to argue his points. They finally submitted and laughed at any small joke he made. He’d won them over. Jacey smiled warmly and glanced at Maxwell. Asher turned and looked at Jacey proudly. He held his hand out to her, which she accepted and moved to his side.

  “Have you gentlemen met my common-law daughter?” he said cheerfully.

  Several men laughed warmly. He introduced her to all the men he’d been entertaining and instinctively placed his arm around her waist.

  One of the men checked her out and smiled deviously. “You’re a lucky man to have such a beautiful lady by your side,” he remarked, embarrassing Jacey.

  “She’s my world,” Asher replied with a brilliant smile. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.”

  “What do you do for a living?” another man asked. “Must be something political.”

  Asher chuckled with amusement and shook his head. “No, I’m afraid I’m too honest to get involved in that. Actually, I’m retired. I made my fortune early in life and took my leave as quickly as I could.”

  “What business were you in?” another asked.

  Asher smiled wryly. “Sound investments--the usual gamble. It just happened that it worked in my favor.”

  Maxwell gently cleared his throat and smiled lightly. “Could I have a word with you in private, Asher?”

  Asher looked at Maxwell, tilted his head with a look of confusion, then smiled and nodded. “Certainly.”

  Jacey watched both men walk several feet away to an area where they could talk privately. She ignored the conversation among the wealthy men and watched both Maxwell and Asher while they talked. Maxwell initially seemed to do all the talking while Asher listened. Asher finally smiled and shook his head. When Asher began to speak, Jacey wondered about their conversation. A couple of minutes passed before both men returned. Asher captured Jacey’s arm near her elbow and smiled at the group.

  “If you gentlemen will excuse us, we’re going to have a look at the banquet,” Asher said and guided Jacey away from the group. He appeared distracted now and even a little tense.

  “Is everything okay?” she suddenly asked.

  “Yes, yes,” he replied without looking at her. He stopped her near the tables with trays of food on them and faced her. “There’s something about me I must tell you; something I should’ve told you a long time ago.” His eyes then strayed past her.

  Jacey turned and looked in the direction he stared. Jameson, dressed out of place in his police uniform, pulled Sheriff Monroe aside and was speaking to him. Jacey looked back at Asher and tilted her head. He continued to watch the two men. He looked back at her and smiled lightly.

  “I think there’s going to be a small problem here tonight.” His eyes searched hers. “Do you trust me, Jacey? And I don’t mean sort of kind of, I mean do you trust me without question?”

  Jacey stared at him a long moment with some concern and confusion to his question. “You mean do I believe you didn’t kill Roseanne?”

  Asher nodded slowly.

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation. “I’m convinced you had nothing to do with her death.”

  “I know I can depend on your help,” he said simply. “You noticed Deputy Jameson’s arrival?”

  She nodded.

  “He’s here for me.”

  Her mouth opened slightly and with surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s here to arrest me for the murder of Roseanne,” Asher explained then looked around the room. “I don’t have time to explain. I just need a chance to search the basement. That’s where I was supposed to go the other day.”

  Jacey stared into his eyes then slowly nodded. “Okay, I’ll buy you some time,” she said softly. “Just be careful.”

  He smiled and winked at her. She watched him limp toward the kitchen just twenty feet away. Jacey turned in the crowd and rejoined Maxwell and the group of men. Derek glanced around the room then followed Asher into the kitchen.

  “Where’s Asher?” Maxwell asked with surprise and looked around.

  Jacey smiled lightly and shrugged. “I’m not sure. He mentioned checking out the observatory,” she announced. “I think he wanted to see the stars.”

  Maxwell laughed softly and shook his head. “He’s something. Probably knows all the constellations as well. Can I get you something from the bar?”

  “Yes, I could use a drink. Thank you,” she replied with some tension.

  “I’ll be right back,” Maxwell announced and left.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Jacey remained in the company of the group of men whom Asher had been socializing while waiting for Maxwell to return with drinks. Several men ventured off to mingle with others, but a few stayed behind and questioned her about Asher. Apparently, they were quite taken with him. Howard joined Jacey and the group of men she entertained in Asher’s absence.

  “I didn’t know you were Russell McMurray’s niece,” Howard announced with some embarrassment to his earlier mix-up. “I don’t know why I didn’t recognize you.”

  “You know my Uncle Russell?” she asked. She never heard her uncle talking about the mayor before; at least not while using pleasant terms.

  “Oh, yes,” he replied. “We go way back. He helped campaign for my political run.”

  Jacey knew that was a lie. She distinctly remembered her uncle cursing and telling her mother he didn’t want that son-of-a-bitch in office. She wondered why he’d even bring it up if he were uncertain of the details. It seemed odd.

  “I didn’t realize you were friends with Konrad Asher,” Howard casually announced.

  And there it was! He wasn’t interested in striking a conversation with her; he wanted information on Asher.

  “Best kept secret in Stony Ridge,” she remarked but felt uncomfortable discussing her relationship with Asher to the mayor. She knew he was the driving force behind placing blame on Kate for Hal Burgess’ escape.

  Sheriff Monroe, looking suave in his rented tuxedo, approached them and smiled pleasantly at Jacey.

  “You look very lovely tonight, Jacey,” Monroe announced.

  She smiled her thanks, but she had a sneaky suspicion he didn’t join them to admire her dress. Monroe turned to Howard and appeared moderately serious.

  “Could I have a word with you, Mayor?” Monroe asked although his eyes demanded his presence.

  “Certainly,” he replied then looked at Jacey. “If you’ll excuse us--”

  Jacey nodded and watched them walk away while quietly talking. Jameson made his way through the crowd and approached her. He smiled as his eyes swept over her.

  “Good evening, Jacey,” he said warmly then cleared his throat and contained his smile. “You look, wow, fabulous.”

  “Thank you,” she replied then swept a look over his uniform. “You, uh, look official.”

  “Well, yeah, I’m sort of here on business,” he replied. “If I wasn’t, I’d certainly be asking you to dance.”

  “But since you are here on official business,” she announced, “what can I do for you?”

  Jameson fidgeted and attempted to keep the mood light. “I,
uh, hear you came with Asher tonight.”

  “Yes, he was invited as well,” she replied simply and played dumb. “Is everything under control?”

  “Jill’s still leading her group in protest outside the front gate, if that’s what you mean. They’re keeping the gates locked. The butler almost refused to admit me. I had to pull official business on him,” he said with a tiny laugh. He once more became serious and curbed his smile. “Do you know where Asher is? I need to have a word with him. It’s rather important.”

  Jacey stared into Jameson’s eyes with a slightly frozen expression. “He had mentioned the observatory in the attic. I suppose he’s still there.” Her frozen look didn’t change.

  Jameson gave a warm nod and allowed his eyes to stray across her attire. “Thanks, Jacey. I’ll talk to you later.” Jameson disappeared back the way he came.

  Jacey frowned. A champagne glass was extended before her. She looked at Maxwell and accepted the glass with a tiny smile. “Thank you.”

  He nodded after Jameson, who now left the room. “What was he looking for?”

  Jacey slowly shook her head and stared at the doorway. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “I have a terrible feeling about tonight.” Jacey turned and looked Maxwell in the eyes. “Could you show me the files you’d found?”

  “What? Now?” he asked curiously with a strange look on his face. “Is something wrong?”

  Jacey nodded mechanically.

  “Doc’s going to be cranky if I disappear too,” he said gently. “Is it important?”

  She searched his eyes. “Yes, it’s very important.”

  Maxwell sighed and forced a tiny smile. “I suppose if we’re not gone too long, he won’t be too upset. I’d better tell him I’m leaving for a few minutes. Don’t go away.”

  “I won’t,” she replied softly then watched him hurry through the crowd. Jacey was grabbed around the waist. She jumped with a slight gasp and looked at Timon, who laughed heartily.

  “Didn’t mean to frighten you,” he teased with a wicked smile. “You’re jumpy tonight.”

  She held up her glass and forced a smile. “It must be the champagne.”


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