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Worth The Fight

Page 17

by Rachael Brownell

  There's no denying the pain in his voice. The genuine sincerity in his apology.

  "She's a real piece of work,” I begin. “She had us all fooled, you included. I really hope you find a way to move on from this and it's not with her. You deserve better. It's a choice, though. You have to choose you over her. Choose to be the person you can be and not the person she wants you to be."

  Finding the strength to look at me, Garrett tilts his head and stares for a moment before he speaks.

  "Is that what you did?"

  "In a way. I was broken for weeks after what happened. It took me some time to figure out who I was and what I wanted in life."

  "And what you wanted was Liam?"

  "No. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to feel loved. To feel appreciated and protected. I wanted to be with someone who understood me and everything I've been through. Someone who pushed me to be the best version of myself and nothing more. Liam was that person. He's always been that person. It just took me twenty-six years to realize it."

  “I get that.”

  “You’ll find that person, too. But it’s not Kendra, Garrett. I hope you can see that now. She’s been lying to you, to all of us for years.” I pause, unsure of if I want to tell him about the baby or not. As much as he’s hurt me, I don’t want to cause him any unnecessary pain. He deserves the truth, though. “Did she tell you about the baby?”

  “You mean the baby that never existed?”

  She lied about that too. I shouldn’t be surprised. It explains why Liam never said anything about it after our initial conversation. He promised to look into in, to find the baby. If he couldn’t find anything, there was a reason. You can’t find information on something that never happened.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  Garrett nods, his smile weak, before he disappears out the door.

  I hope he understands. I hope he finds what I've found.

  Love for another person and a way to love himself. A love that's worth fighting for.

  Someone who wants to stand by your side not only in the good times but also the bad.

  It'll lift the weight off his shoulders. The burden he's carrying around.

  Kendra can't be that person for him. Even if he wants her to be. Because now that she has Garrett, the challenge is over. Their secret is out. It's not fun for her if everyone knows. She'll do to him what she did to me.

  She'll try and ruin everything.

  She'll find a man to cheat on him with. It's how she protects herself from getting hurt. You can't get hurt if you don't get attached.

  So she doesn't.

  I always thought Kendra was a slut because she slept around. That's not the case after all.

  She wants attention. She craves it. It's like a drug. The more she has, the more she wants.

  Once she loses the high, she starts looking for a different drug. A different person to give her the attention she needs to feel again. Claiming she was pregnant was just another way for her to get attention.

  It's a cycle I don't see ending. Not anytime soon.

  She's going to hurt Garrett to save herself the pain. I hope he sees that before it's too late.

  Chapter Twenty

  "You know, you didn't have to crack your head open just to sleep next to me tonight," Liam jokes.

  He found a way to convince the doctors to let us share a room. Not that we can share a bed. He has too many machines hooked up to him still. They're monitoring him closely and will be for the next few days.

  But he's already jumped the biggest hurdles.

  The doctor was able to remove the bullet. No major arteries were nicked. The surgery was fairly standard. Liam will have a scar as a permanent reminder of today, but otherwise, he should have a clean bill of health.

  "Ha, ha. Nice to see you didn't lose that sparkling personality," I reply, wishing I could throw a pillow at him. He's been poking fun at me since he woke up. It's his way of keeping me from freaking out.

  I'm playing along.

  On the inside, I'm still a mess. I haven't been able to eat. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep food down with the way my stomach continues to roll.

  Fear is a bitch.

  I can see he's going to be fine, yet I'm still scared I'm going to lose him. I'm scared I'm going to wake up and this is all going to be a dream, that he's not really here.

  "Come over here," I hear Liam say as he raises the back of his hospital bed to a sitting position. "Come on."

  Wanting nothing more than to feel his arms wrapped around me, I carefully climb in bed with him. Resting my head on his shoulder, I place my hand over his heart and close my eyes. The soft beating beneath my fingertips brings me more peace than I thought possible.

  "I'm sorry if I scared you today."

  "I'm just glad you're going to be okay."

  "Cassidy, when I went down, you were the first person I thought of. I was just as scared as you were that I was going to lose you. That I wouldn't get the chance to see you again. To hold you in my arms."

  The room falls silent aside from the constant beeping of the machines that surround us. The beat of my heart falls in step with his as I lie there, soaking it all in.

  "I shouldn't have been there. I should have come home for lunch like I wanted. Let an officer serve the warrant, but I wanted to be the one to take him in. If I hadn't been so determined to walk that bastard through the police station in handcuffs for all his fellow officers to see, we would be in my bed right now."

  "I can't believe you're thinking about sex right now," I laugh.

  "I didn't say anything about sex. Where's your mind, dirty girl?"

  Swatting him lightly, Liam tightens his hold on me and lets out a sigh.

  "I learned a lot today," he finally says.

  "Like what?"

  "Well for starters, I need to wear a flak jacket next time one is offered to me."

  "You didn't have a vest on? What the hell, Liam?" I holler, lifting my head to glare at him.

  "If I had known he was going to shoot me through the door, I would have worn one," he responds apologetically. "I've never had to wear one before. There was never a need."

  "From now on—"

  "Yeah, I know. I'll never leave home without it."


  "Want to know what else I learned?"

  "I can hardly wait," I say sarcastically as I lean my head back against his shoulder, shifting until I'm comfortable.

  "I learned that life is short. It's precious. I should be taking it by the balls and living it how I want to live."

  "And by that you mean?"

  "It means I want to marry you, Cassidy Jo. Not today, or tomorrow, but soon. It means I want to start living the rest of my life with you. I want to settle down and buy a house, have kids. The whole nine yards. And I know what I'm saying right now is scaring the shit out of you, but—"

  "No, it's not. Not knowing if you were going to be okay scared me. The thought of losing you scared me. Today and every day it scares me. Planning our future together should scare the hell out of me, but it doesn't. We have one life, Liam. One life to enjoy, to spend with the people we love. The thought of us being together may have not crossed my mind until recently, but anytime I pictured my future, you were a part of it."

  "Good, because when I said soon, I was hoping before you go back to work."

  "That's in less than a month, Liam. That's not possible."

  "Anything is possible as long as we're in it together." Liam kisses the top of my head before continuing. "Just to be clear, this is not my proposal. Romance and flowers, remember."

  "Yeah. One of these days," I tease.

  Closing my eyes, I try to let go of the fear I'm still holding onto and focus on the road ahead. The one that eventually leads to a future filled with possibilities. Filled with more happiness and joy than I can even imagine.

  A week after Liam is released, I'm still hovering. I can't help myself. He's getting around okay, but
you can tell he's still in pain every now and then. I'm sure he will be for a while.

  The doctor said to take it easy for a few weeks. Not full-on bed rest but close enough to drive him stir-crazy. I've stayed close, kept him company, but today I need to head to the school and start setting up my classroom.

  Of course he wants to come with me. Not that he can carry anything or help in any way because I refuse to let him, but because he wants to get out of the apartment.

  When we pull up to the school, Michael and Betty are in the parking lot waiting for us. Betty gives Liam a once over before gently wrapping her son in a hug. Michael does the same only he's not as subtle about his assessment.

  "You look like shit, Liam," he says, gently patting him on the back.

  "And here I thought taking a bullet would make people feel bad for me," Liam remarks, rolling his eyes.

  "The truth hurts. You could have at least taken the time to shave."

  Laughing as the two of them continue to banter while Betty and I load my wagon with bags and boxes, I try and remember the last time Liam shaved. It's been at least a week. His beard has grown on me. I don't miss the baby face hiding under it.

  A beard gives him a more rugged look. Dark and mysterious.

  And I like the way it tickles my neck when he kisses me in my favorite spot. His favorite spot. Not that I want to share that information with his parents.

  Kicking his feet up on my desk, Liam orders everyone around, and in no time at all, my room is set up for the school year. The only thing left is to organize my classroom library, so I send Michael and Betty home, and Liam, looking exhausted, hitches a ride with them.

  An hour later, I'm buying a soda from the machine in the teachers’ lounge when I hear the announcement speaker turn on and the principal requesting my presence in the library.

  I didn't even know she was here today.

  In fact, I was expecting other teachers to be here, but I haven't run into anyone yet. The only person I've seen since walking in was our custodian and that's only because he was mopping the floors in my classroom when we arrived.

  Lifting the tab and opening the can of diet soda, I take a sip as I step back into the hallway and head to the library. It's a path I've traveled many times. One I could make with my eyes closed. The school hasn't changed much since Liam and I attended when we were in elementary. Aesthetically but nothing structural. Fresh paint covers the walls, and they put in new tile flooring a few years back, but otherwise, it looks the same.

  Staring at the floor, I count the tiles beneath my feet. Taking a sharp left, my feet slide to a stop when I notice the tiles are covered in red petals. Rose petals. Staring further down the hall, I notice the trail of petals ends at the entrance to the library.

  A shiver runs up my spine as I step inside the library. The petals continue inside, creating a path, which I follow without guidance. The lights above are low, and as I move toward the back of the library, they cut out completely, being replaced only by the glow of candles.

  Not real candles, though. Those would be a fire hazard in a room full of paper and ink.

  Flickering tea lights, the battery-operated kind you put inside your pumpkin at Halloween after you carve it, are on every available surface. Between books on the shelf. On top of the bookcases. On the floor in the shape of a heart.

  And then, as if appearing out of nowhere, Liam steps from the shadows, freshly shaven, wearing his signature black suit but, in place of the standard white shirt beneath, he has on his silver one. The one that matched my dress. The dress that refused to come off the night we first kissed.

  It feels like months ago instead of weeks.

  We've been through so much since then. Hell, it's been a whirlwind since I moved in with him.

  Confronting Kendra and Garrett.

  The emotions I’ve tried to deal with.

  The revelations and truths that have surface about their relationship.

  It was like riding a roller coaster that refused to pull back into the station. Liam was there to ground me, to keep me from jumping out of the car and doing something I would regret.

  But then we kissed. And I freaked out. And he was the one person that couldn't ground me. So I ran like a scared little girl. But it took running for me to realize where I belonged. At home. In his arms.

  With eyes wide open, I was now looking at Liam in a new light. It was like I was actually seeing him for the first time. Recognizing the feelings I had for him, and the ones he's always had for me. I was living in a bubble those first few days, floating around and enjoying the overwhelming joy I had finally found.

  Our relationship was just for us until he kissed me in front of all our friends, announcing our relationship to everyone who was watching. I expected it to be a shock to most. For people to be surprised that, after years of always being the best of friends, we were a couple.

  It was me who turned out to be shocked by their reactions. Everyone was supportive and excited for us. It was as if they had been waiting for us to get together as long as Liam had. Patiently and silently watching for the moment our relationship changed.

  Everyone was waiting for me to realize how I felt because no one would tell me what was right in front of my face. I would have laughed at them. I had to discover the truth myself.

  It took me longer than I care to admit.

  But it was worth the wait. Not just because of the way Liam makes me feel or the happiness he's brought to my life but because I honestly think that had we tried to be more than just friends any sooner, it wouldn't have worked. I was too distraught over my parents’ death in high school. Then there was the little matter of Garrett. In college I was focused on my studies. No more Garrett but I also wasn't searching for a relationship.

  Once college was over and I moved back here, my career mattered most to me. Until Garrett walked back into my life. Things between us moved fast this time around, not because he wanted them to. A fake proposal. A fake relationship. Lies and deceit.

  If I had gone through with the wedding, if I hadn't caught him with Kendra that day, I wouldn't be staring at Liam right now. I wouldn't have moved in with him in one of the darkest moments of my life. I would be married to a man who loved me but not enough to give up his side ho.

  Yes, that's what I've decided to term her as.

  A side ho.

  Because that's what she is. And from what I heard from Sasha, she's someone else's side ho now. As I expected, she dropped Garrett and moved on. With a married man. Who has an unsuspecting wife and kids at home. To be honest, I was shocked it hadn't happened sooner.

  So my ex-friend and my ex-fiancé saved me from making a big mistake. From spending the rest of my life with the wrong man. I've already spoken my peace to Garrett and thanked him in a roundabout way. Kendra will be a different story.

  You see, she's going to have to stop screwing with the wrong people. Yes, the man is also at fault here, but I know how she operates. She makes it practically impossible for him to say no. She cons him into believing no one will get hurt and that she will make every second worth his while.

  Which she will. I'm sure.

  But people always end up getting hurt and this time, the way I plan to “thank” Kendra for saving me, is by freeing that man. Kevin and Liam are going to talk to him, warn him, and hopefully he will listen. If he does, I agreed to go with Sasha to talk to Kendra.

  She needs to leave town.

  She needs to move on. To figure out who she wants to be and what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

  Whether she stays or goes has no bearing on my future. Our friendship is long over, and unless someone mentions her name, I don't even think about her. I don't miss her. She's a part of my past, and I'm looking toward my future.

  In fact, my future is standing in front of me.

  Waiting for me.

  Watching me closely as I assess him, top to bottom. It makes me wonder how inappropriate it would be if I were to strip him down in h
ere and take him against the bookshelf he's leaning against.

  "Dirty thoughts," Liam says. It's a statement, not a question. I’d felt the left side of my lips pull up in a smirk, giving me away, but didn't think he'd be able to see it from where he's standing with the dim lighting from only the candles.

  "Always when it comes to you," I reply, taking two steps but stopping just out of reach of his outstretched hand.

  "I'm going to need you to stow those away for a few minutes."

  "What are you doing here? I thought you got a ride home from your parents."

  "Yeah, I lied. They lied. Everyone's been lying to you for the last few days. But it's because we love you, so don't be mad." Moving quickly, Liam brings us toe to toe and tips my chin so I'm looking directly in his eyes. "They were all little white lies spoken in your best interest. I promise."

  "Everyone?" I ask, exaggerating the word.


  "Like who?" I challenge.

  "Do you really want to have this conversation right now, or can we get back to why you're standing here?"

  Raising an eyebrow at him, Liam only smiles, bends to gently press a kiss to my lips, and sinks to one knee.

  And that's when it hits me.

  Romance and flowers.

  Check and check.

  "Cassidy Jo, I've loved you for as long as I can remember. There's never been nor will there ever be a more perfect woman for me. When I think about what I want in this lifetime, the one thing I'm certain about is that you're the person I want standing by my side through everything. The ups and downs. The highs and lows.

  "You've been my best friend since day one. You'll always be my best friend. I don't want to spend another day without you in my life or another night without you in my arms."

  Releasing my hands, Liam reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little red box. Popping the lid, he pulls out a simple gold band with a shimmering diamond nestled on top and places it at the tip of my left ring finger.


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