Wild Blue Mysteries Boxed Set

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Wild Blue Mysteries Boxed Set Page 53

by Diane Bator

  When more shots rang out, Danny lunged toward the kids and pulled the quilt over all of them. The kids huddled around him and whimpered. “Stay low, guys. It’ll all be over soon.”

  Outside the house, footsteps thundered and sirens blared. The shouting continued as the back door opened and someone walked through the kitchen.

  Danny’s heart raced. He put his fingers to his lips and motioned for the kids to stay under the quilt. They all nodded and huddled like wide-eyed kittens. He eased out from beneath the cover and crept along the wall, glad he knew the house better than anyone. Every muscle in his body tensed as a dark figure filled the doorway and flicked on a flashlight.

  “Yo. You in here, dude?” Leo shone his flashlight beam around the room. “We have a situation.”

  “I’m here.” Danny sighed. “So are Lucy’s kids. What happened out there?”

  Leo lowered the beam of his flashlight. His shirt was splattered in blood. “Bobby got shot in the back. Our suspect got away.”

  In the corner of the livingroom, the kids began to cry. Parker struggled to hold off the tears a few seconds longer than the other two. “Our dad’s going after my mom. She’s got some stuff he wants back so he can take us to South America. We’re going to live with the crocodiles on a game farm.”

  The jewelry and the cash. Danny’s heart raced. Clancy and Lucy were in danger. At least Roger was on foot and they had a chance to warn Lucy before he got to her. Danny needed to call Clancy and get Lucy out of the house on Bishop Street as fast as possible.

  Leo’s nostrils flared and he rubbed his jaw with one hand. “Then we’d better call Clancy and go after Roger. What do we do with the kids? They can’t stay here or your raccoons might adopt them.”

  The closest, safest place Danny knew was his sister’s house. Hannah would clean them up and cared for them. At least Roger wouldn’t know to look for them there. “We’ll drop them off at Hannah’s house. I’ll get an officer to stand guard until we catch him.”

  Leo crouched to examine the kids. “Are you guys all okay? No wounds, no broken bones?”

  Shawn pushed off the quilt. “Mojo’s gone.”

  Leo raised his eyebrows and glanced to Danny. “Who’s Mojo?”

  “His stuffed dog.” Gina held back, checking out Leo and Danny from across the room. “Who are you guys? Are you superheroes?”

  “Hey, you’re the guy in the blue car.” Parker narrowed her eyes at Danny. “Are you a good guy or a bad guy?”

  “Neither. I’m Danny. This is my friend Leo. We’re friends with your mom.” Danny smiled and knelt on the hardwood in front of Gina who sniffled. “We’re going to take you guys to a safe place so we can help your mom. She’s busy right now and couldn’t come to get you, but Leo and I are going to get her soon. As soon as we get you guys to a safe place.”

  “You’re sure nobody’s bleeding or broken though, right?” Leo asked again.

  “No.” Parker hugged his little sister. “We’re okay. Just really hungry.”

  “That’s good news.” Leo grinned. “We know a place where you can get some really good food. The only catch is you have to stay quiet and come with us to Danny’s car. We got a deal?”

  The siblings exchanged concerned glances before Gina nodded. “Deal.”

  When an ambulance pulled into the yard, Danny led them to the Honda, careful to search the vehicle before he let the kids inside. No sign of Roger. He wanted to check on Bobby, but the battle was far from over. He and Leo still had to find Roger and keep the kids and Lucy safe.

  Leo spoke with one of the officers then jumped into the car and buckled up. “They just got a call from Nate’s house. Someone stole your sister’s car. Looks like we get a police escort.”

  Danny flared his nostrils. The car was replaceable. At least Roger had come and gone without terrorizing Hannah or her family. He sped the kids to Nate and Hannah’s house and explained the situation in the fewest words possible. Before he and Leo walked out the front door, Hannah had breakfast cooking on the stove and his nephews had set up a board game with the kids.

  Leo slid into the passenger seat, his phone pressed to his ear. “Mitch got sick so Clancy and Lucy are just getting to her house. She wants to get a few things then they’re going to a hotel. He and Mitch are on the lookout for Roger.”

  Danny started the engine and hit the gas. “Then let’s go get that piece of shit.”

  Chapter 27 ~ Lucy

  Lucy’s hands twitched in her lap. The trip home couldn’t go fast enough. With Tanji out of the way, Roger still had the kids and would head to Packham after his precious gems and cash. He’d want all the evidence she had against him before he killed her.

  She wanted to step on Clancy’s foot and press the accelerator down, but had to sit back and trust him. There was nothing to see out the window and she didn’t have anything to say to either of the men in the car.

  Mitch moaned and coughed and sat up in the backseat. “I’m gonna puke.”

  Clancy drove on like he hadn’t heard, but Lucy rolled down her window. They didn’t have time to pull over. She had to get home in case Roger brought her kids. If he’d harmed any of them, she’d personally—

  “Pull over.” Mitch gagged.

  Clancy swerved to the right until the tires edged off the asphalt into the soft ground along the highway. “Let him out.”

  Mitch didn’t wait for Lucy to unbuckle or even move the seat forward. He crawled right over top of both her headrest and her head, wedged his upper body half out the open window, and vomited several times.

  Clancy groaned and thumped his head on the steering wheel. “I should’ve known better than to take a drunk on a road trip.”

  “Like we had much choice.” Lucy gasped at both the smell and being trapped between the dashboard and Mitch’s torso. “The two of us couldn’t have gotten him out of the backseat if we tried.”

  Mitch retched yet again.

  “True.” Clancy’s shoulders slumped. “Do you think he’ll be much longer? We really have to get back to town.”

  “Do you have some secret way to make him vomit any faster?” Lucy raised her voice. “They’re my kids. Don’t you think I know we have to find them?”

  Clancy grabbed Mitch by the seat of his pants and, rather than pulling him back into the car, ended up tugging his pants down to his knees.

  Mitch dry heaved one more time then went limp over the door. “Well, that was gross. Can someone give me a hand? I seem to be stuck.”

  “Nice move. Could this night get any worse?” Lucy eased the door open and tried to push Mitch back into his seat at the same time as Clancy pulled him by the knees.

  When her foot slid in his vomit, she ended up further into the ditch. She wrinkled her nose and scraped her flip-flops off on the dry grass. She took the bottle of water Clancy offered to rinse her shoes. “Now can we go?”

  “Almost.” Mitch pitched forward again and hung out the open door while he threw up one last time. “I’m good now.”

  Lucy growled, her feet and legs splashed with fresh vomit. She grabbed the doorframe and pulled herself back into the car. As she buckled up, she noticed Clancy’s grin. “Just drive. And if you ever tell anyone what just happened, I will make your life a living hell.”

  He eased the car back onto the highway. “I won’t have to say a word. You’ll stink until you change clothes and throw out those shoes.”

  Ten minutes down the highway, police lights flashed ahead of them. Lucy groaned. “Please let that be an accident or a check stop.”

  “Let’s hope it’s nothing serious.” When his cell phone rang, worry flashed across Clancy’s face. “Can’t talk now. Police road block. I’ll call you back.”

  Leo grunted. “That’s why I’m calling. Take me off speakerphone.”

  Lucy reached for the phone, but Clancy hung up and stuck the phone in his left pocket. She snorted. “What are you doing? He obviously called for a reason. Why’d you hang up?”

y gave her hand a squeeze. “I’ll call him back once we’re at your house.”

  An officer in a bright vest stepped out of the cruiser and motioned for them to stop. He waved a flashlight around the interior of the car. “Morning, folks. Where are you all headed?”

  Clancy nodded. “Packham. Why?”

  “There was an accident up ahead and we want to make sure people lock their doors and don’t pick up any hitchhikers,” the officer said.

  Lucy’s entire body turned to syrup. “What’s going on?”

  Mitch leaned over the seat. “Is there an escaped prisoner on the loose or something?” “Something like that.” The officer peered at Lucy once more. “Just go directly to your destination and don’t pick anyone up. If you see any hitchhikers, please call 9-1-1. Have a good day.”

  Lucy blew out a breath until she thought she heard the officer speak into his microphone, “I just spotted them.” She chalked it up to anxiety and prayed her kids were okay. “I think we need to call Leo back soon. Something’s going on. What if Roger’s on his way back to get the things he left at the house? ”

  “Then we’d better watch our backs.” Clancy tightened his grip on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

  Mitch blew out a breath that made Lucy’s eyes water. “Wow, this is just like being in a movie. What did I miss while I was asleep?”

  Clancy met Lucy’s glance. “Way too much to tell you now. Just keep your eyes open. If you see Roger, tell me.”

  “Roger?” Guilt flashed across Mitch’s face. “I thought he was at the cottage this week?”

  “He’s in a lot of trouble.” Clancy frowned. “He’s bringing the kids home.”

  Mitch grew silent then patted Lucy’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I talked to Roger the other night. I told him about you and Clancy.”

  She spun around to face him. “You did what?”

  “Roger stopped by earlier this week.” Mitch didn’t even look at her. “He wanted to know what you were up to and if you were okay with everyone gone. I told him about your lunch with Clancy and how I was happy you were moving on.”

  Clancy swore. “When did you tell him that?”

  “After the hot tub party.” Mitch winced. “I may also have mentioned you two were getting cozy at the party. He also wanted me to give him a key to your house.”

  Lucy sat back and closed her eyes, glad no one else had keys to her home. No matter what Roger had done to her, he’d never accept what he’d perceive her betrayal. Bishop Street stood still and silent as they slowed to a crawl. Clancy seemed to look in so many directions at once it seemed like his head was spinning. Finally, he pulled the car into his driveway. “Go home and get some sleep, Mitch. It’s almost sun rise.”

  Lucy climbed out of the car and hugged her torso.

  Mitch crawled over the seat and stretched. “You guys want to come to my house? Roger won’t look for you there. You’ll be safe.”

  “No, thanks. He doesn’t have a key that works anymore anyway. I need to get some clothes for me and the kids then get out of here.” She lifted her hand in a small wave then wandered toward her house like a zombie, clutching her phone in her hand.

  “Okay.” Mitch sat on her front step. “Why don’t I wait out here until you get back. At least I could distract him for a while if he does show up. I owe you that much.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Okay, but be careful. Don’t do anything stupid. He’s more dangerous than you know.”

  “Better yet, just go home, Mitch. I’ll look after her.” Clancy caught up to Lucy, still peering into every shadow.

  Lucy spun around and faced him. “What are you doing? Can’t I go inside and get my things without an escort?”

  “Not today.” Clancy hit speed dial on his phone. “Leo? What’s happening?”

  “You think Roger’s the guy the police told us not to pick up. That means he and the kids were in an accident. They could be injured. Or worse.” Her heart leaped into her throat when her phone vibrated in her hand. She answered as fast as possible, her voice crackling from the lack of sleep.“Hello?”

  “Is this Lucy Stephen?” a woman asked. “I have your kids. They’re safe.”

  Lucy’s heart took a flying leap into her throat. She struggled to draw in her next breath. “You what? Who is this? What are you doing with my kids.”

  “It’s okay.” The woman raised her voice over the clamor of kids in the background. “My name’s Hannah, I’m Danny’s sister. Your kids are at my house. They’re safe and they’d really like to talk to you.”

  “Leo and Danny found them?” Her body sagged. “Are they okay? Were they hurt?”

  Mitch jumped to his feet. “The kids?”

  “Mom?” Parker sounded tentative.

  “Parker? Are you okay?” Tears stung her eyes and she leaned against Clancy for support, too tired and numb to think. “Clancy and I went to the cottage, but you were gone. I was so worried about you guys.”

  “We’re safe.” Parker said. “Danny and Leo said they were your friends and they brought us to a nice house in the country. The lady cooked pancakes and sausages for breakfast and made us a bed on the couch to sleep on. Shawn lost Mojo, but we’re all okay. Except Tanji, I think she was hurt really bad so Dad left her at the cottage.”

  “I’m so glad you’re all okay. Clancy and I will come get you.” When Clancy shook his head, her heart skipped a beat. Roger was still out there somewhere. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was drier than sandpaper. Despite being dehydrated, she nearly burst into tears. “We’ll get you in a little while. You guys need to get some sleep first. I’m sure the people you’re with will take good care of you until we get there.”

  Parker hesitated. “I don’t know where Dad is, but I know he’s hurt. We had a car accident and he hit his head on the front window so hard the glass broke. He got cuts all over his head and his face. He also shot a police officer.”

  Her knees weakened as she sank to the dusty front step with her eyes shut tight and struggled to catch her breath. The world swirled around her. Roger crashed his car then shot a cop. Her head spun. Nothing made sense.

  “Whoa. Lucy, are you okay?” Clancy took the phone out of her trembling hand. “Parker? It’s Clancy. Your mom has to go now. We’ll get in touch and come get you when it’s safe for all of us, okay?” He hung up her phone and stuck it in his pocket then draped one arm over her shoulder and helped her to her feet. “Come on, Lucy, be strong. Your kids need you. Let’s get inside and grab some clothes and whatever else you need then go.”

  Safe for all of us? “You’re afraid Roger will find me?”

  “That’s why we have to get out of here. Leo said he could be here at any time.” Clancy unlocked her front door and pulled a gun from the waistband of his jeans.

  “A gun?” Mitch took a step back. “Now you’re scaring me. Is Roger that dangerous?”

  She stared, unable to move. Roger was armed and dangerous. Thoughts tumbled around her head like a heavy, wet load in a dryer. Tears trickled from her eyes and warmed her cheeks.

  Clancy nodded. “Yes. Go home and lock your doors. Whatever you do, don’t let Roger Stephen into your house.”

  “No way.” Mitch grabbed a broom resting against the wall. “What if he’s in her house already? I’m going around back to look for signs of a break-in. Don’t move until I get back.”

  When Mitch disappeared around the side of the house, Clancy pulled her inside then wiped the tears off her cheek. “It’ll be okay, Lucy. We’ll get you to safety then make sure Roger gets what he deserves. Stay here. I have to make sure there’s no one else inside.”

  At first glance, her house looked exactly the same as when she’d left. The same furniture Roger had chosen. The same neutral color on the wall he’d demanded she use the last time she repainted.

  Once upon a time, Roger had been her knight in shining armor who’d do anything for her and the kids. She’d thought at first he was enchanted by a wicked witch, but a
fter months of aggravation and banging her head against her computer desk, she knew the truth. Roger Stephen was a predatory wolf in prince’s clothing who’d finally shown his true colors. A psychopath who’d come after her next.

  Clancy signalled the lower level and basement were all clear. Just when she thought she’d him figured out, he went and became respectable right before her eyes.

  She was grateful to see she’d misjudged him. Behind her, the door of the coat closet creaked. The one place Clancy hadn’t searched. Little hairs rose on the back of her neck and goosebumps covered her arms like she was being watched.

  Lucy spun around and stared at the assortment of coats and boots she had yet to weed through before the end of summer. No Roger. No weapons, except a rust-stained umbrella she grabbed and clenched in both hands. At least it was something.

  From the top of the stairs, Clancy cried out. A loud thud shook the house before the house fell eerily silent again.

  Lucy spun around with her umbrella clutched to her chest. Her heart hammering, she glanced at the door and thought about calling Mitch inside. Roger had endangered enough lives already. She stared up the staircase wild-eyed with no idea what she’d do if Clancy lay dead on her bedroom floor and she had to face Roger alone. “Clancy?”

  No reply. A lump formed in her throat as she struggled to catch her breath. She climbed the stairs in a daze, tightening her grip on the umbrella. One step at a time, she neared the landing, but not a sound came from the upper level. Either Clancy was dead or Roger had knocked him out cold and waited for her to appear. No way she could surprise Roger now. He knew she was here. He wanted the money and the jewelry, which made both she and Clancy expendable. She’d have to rely on his greed.

  Lucy reached the landing then peered around the corner to the last four steps. Her heart seemed to stop when she saw Clancy’s feet sticking out her bedroom door.

  “Come on up, Lucy.” Roger used the sing-song voice he so often had when he belittled her. “Come join your boyfriend. He’s having a little nap.”

  As she approached the top of the stairs, she fought for each shaky breath. Her gaze went from Clancy’s feet up his legs to where his head lay on the floor, a dark purple bruise rising on his temple. He appeared to be unconscious.


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