Wild Blue Mysteries Boxed Set

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Wild Blue Mysteries Boxed Set Page 54

by Diane Bator

  She stood in the doorway with both hands covering her mouth. “What did you do?”

  “Just knocked a little sense into him.” Roger stood at the foot of their bed, her bed, gazing out the window then turned slowly to face her. His blue eyes blazed and his blond hair stuck up around his head. Nothing but flat hatred and darkness in his eyes. “So good of you to bring your boyfriend along. It’ll make things more interesting.”

  Lucy wanted to run across the room and gouge his eyeballs out for all he’d done, not only to her family, but to countless others. For the sake of her kids, she reined in her temper and fought to keep her voice calm. “How dare you.”

  “What’s the drama this time, Luce?” He frowned. “You scared to talk to me in front of your boyfriend? He can’t hear us anyway.”

  Her hands shook until she tightened her grip on the umbrella. “For the record, Clancy’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Your friend and I had a little disagreement.” Roger leaned against the wall, a grin on his face. “Call him whatever you want, Lucy, Mitch and your kids say otherwise. I just corrected his misunderstanding. You see, we’re still legally married so you’re mine. He needs to stay away from you and my kids because I’m not giving you the divorce.”

  Lucy took a step backward and her eyes widened. She’d never seen so little emotion in his face. So much disconnect. Despite his carefully chosen words, her husband was insane. “Let Clancy go. He didn’t do anything to you.”

  “I don’t think so. His life’s on the line.” The sharp edge in his voice cut a shiver down her spine. He slowly raised a gun and aimed the muzzle at Clancy’s head. “He’s in my house, with my wife, and I might have to shoot him if you don’t do what I say. What will you tell everyone then?”

  “I’ll tell them the truth. You’re an evil monster.” She flared her nostrils. “What do you want from me?”

  “Where are my belongings?” His pupils were dilated and fixed on Clancy.

  “You took them when you moved.” Her voice was hoarse from fear and lack of sleep. Roger snarled when he met her gaze. “The shaving kit, Lucy. I know you have it. I also know you looked inside. I’ll bet you even found what I buried in the backyard. Where’s my money and my jewelry?”

  Her vision swam as tears welled in her eyes. She gasped for air as an anxiety attack threatened to overtake her. “I don’t have them.”

  Roger’s gun remained aimed at Clancy, but his eyes darted from her face to Clancy so fast she grew dizzy. “After all I’ve ever done for you, you called the police on me, didn’t you?”

  Lucy took another step back toward the door. “No, I didn’t. They came to the house with a search warrant. Someone called them.”

  “Because of your boyfriend.” He sneered. “Did your boyfriend convince you to call them or was he the one who called them? Is that why he was in your house that night?”

  “No, the police came here because of your private detective.” She prayed he had no idea Clancy was part of Danny’s agency.

  Roger’s eyebrows lowered and his head tilted forward as anger settled in. His fingers whitened as he tightened his grip around the gun. “You’re a bad little liar, Lucy.”

  “No word of a lie. Your detective found some sort of evidence and called them in. The police searched the house from top to bottom then searched the yard.” Lucy fought to catch her breath. She hoped he believed her, Clancy would wake up, and Danny and Leo would show up soon.

  “You put on an interesting show.” He shook his head. “Faking adoration for me, while you were running around and cheating on all of us. You put the kids through hell. You know all I have to do is shoot you both and pose you in bed together. I’d be completely justified.”

  “You’re insane. Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me and the kids.” She stared in disbelief. “All these years, I thought you were a great man. I guess I was wrong.”

  “Shut up.” Roger snapped.

  Outside on the street sat something Lucy hoped to see sooner. A blue Honda Civic. Her stomach flip-flopped. Danny and Leo was here. Of course, they still needed time to get past Mitch and into the house to catch Roger in action. She had to stall without getting she and Clancy killed. She hoped Mitch was sincere about being on her side.

  Fear swelled inside of her searching for a place to vent. The thought she might never see her kids again hit Lucy like a wave to her chest. Tears welled in her eyes and her breath came in short gasps. She blinked and tried to keep the tears from cascading down her cheeks.

  “You’re going to jail for the murders of all those women. Don’t you care you’ll never see our kids again?” She needed to get angry and fight back. To not let him win this battle. “Wouldn’t it bother you to kill me and leave them without a mother?”

  “Not really.” His jaw tightened, but he looked away. “Stop lying to me and get my stuff back or your boyfriend’s history.”

  He had to be lying. After all they’d been through there was no way Roger would kill her and leave their children alone. If she kept chattering, her kids might become orphans that much sooner. She managed to calm down enough to speak again. “I don’t have your jewelry.”

  “I don’t believe you.” When Roger smiled, Lucy had the eerie feeling long pointed teeth would appear at the sides of his mouth at any second.

  “I have news for you, Roger, the kids and I deserved better than that. Better than you.” She shook her head. “I feel sorry for you. You’ve deluded yourself for such a long time I’m not sure you know what truth is any more. I figured it all out, you know. I have proof that you murdered all those women. You might want to take it so the police don’t find it.”

  “You’re a lunatic.” Roger smirked. “You really think I’m a serial killer?”

  “Cynthia Mathias. Cora Lee. Michelle Donovan. Renata Yaloff. There’s probably more the police will find later. They always do.” Lucy hesitated. With her kids in danger, she stood her ground. She wasn’t afraid anymore. “You’re a sick man to kill women, take their jewelry as souvenirs, and give it as gifts to other women. Did Tanji know you gave her a dead woman’s necklace? Was her engagement ring another souvenir? Was mine?”

  Roger shifted his weight and frowned. “You are so naive. I should’ve killed you and taken those kids when I had the chance.”

  “Why didn’t you kill me?” Lucy looked him in the eye. She’d already proven she was strong and capable and could bounce back from whatever he threw at her. “Because I never questioned you? Because I was too stupid to realize what you were doing?”

  He narrowed his eyes as his body vibrated with tension. “You were my alibi, albeit a poor one, but you never once let on to anyone you knew the truth.”

  Naive was right. She’d had no idea. She tightened her jaw, steeling for an attack. “Were you really taking the kids on vacation or had you planned to kill them and Tanji from the start?”

  “You don’t know anything.” Roger growled. When he raised the gun to Clancy’s head, his finger twitched on the trigger. “Go get my stuff or I’ll shoot him now.”

  Lucy held up her left hand. “Were my wedding rings from someone you killed? All the diamond earrings and sparkling necklaces? Were there more than six women?”

  “I’m done playing games.” His eyes met hers then the gun moved again. This time, he aimed at Lucy.

  Positive she felt a tingle in the exact spot the bullet would pierced her flesh and bone, she got angry. She clenched her teeth then let out a guttural yell as she lunged toward him and swung the closed umbrella. The fabric-sheathed metal rod connected with the gun at full force and knocked his hand to one side.

  A shot rang out and a bullet whizzed past her ear.

  Roger’s face contorted and turned red then almost purple. His neck tightened until veins bulged. His fingers curled into fists and rage came off him in waves of heat. He lunged at Lucy, his hands wrapping around her throat and tightening. His fingers dug into her skin like talons.

  “No way.” She g
asped and clawed at his hands. Blood rushed like a locomotive through her head, drowning out her screams. In front of her, Roger’s face twisted with hatred, his image faded from brilliant red to gray.

  Within a heartbeat, Clancy was on his feet. He grabbed Roger by the shoulders, spun him around, and slammed him face down on the floor with a sickening crunch. Blood splattered across the hardwood as Roger’s nose apparently broke on impact. He lifted his head, his face smeared with blood. His eyes narrowed as he met her gaze then seemed to lose all will to fight.

  Lucy expected Roger to fight back before they could tie his hands together. She stood over him ready to fight if he moved. She had no more sympathy for him after all he’d done. He deserved a few punches. If she got the chance, she’d probably hit him with the umbrella again.

  “You jerk.” She leaned over to pick up the umbrella and glared. “I can’t believe you would’ve left our kids orphans. I hope that haunts you for the rest of your life.”

  Roger snorted, spitting blood from his mouth. “A slight exaggeration. I’ll be over that thought before the police get here. I didn’t expect you to fight back. I guess you finally grew a backbone.”

  “Leave her alone.” Clancy kicked him in the ribs.

  Roger let out a squawk then rolled over and grabbed the umbrella from Lucy’s hands. He jabbed Clancy in the stomach with the point then pushed to his feet, his eyes wild. Before she could move, his hands were around her throat, his fingers sinking into her flesh. “Those kids shouldn’t have asked so many questions. As soon as I take care of you, I’ll deal with them.”

  “Let her go!” Clancy wedged between them and pried Lucy out of Roger’s strong grip. He whipped Roger around and caught him in a headlock then tightened his grip until Roger’s face turned crimson.

  A gunshot shook the house.

  Lucy screamed as a large red blotch blossomed across the front of Roger’s shirt. His mouth formed a little circle as he fell to his knees. Momentum carried him forward onto his face on the floor.

  She stared, her mouth wide open in surprise.“Oh, thank God.”

  Clancy blew ran a hand through his hair and swore. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  In the doorway, Danny lowered his weapon. “Leo and Mitch are downstairs and the police are on their way. Are you guys okay?”

  “I’m a bit freaked out, but not hurt.” She couldn’t take her eyes off her husband who let out a groan. “Is he dead?”

  “Not from a shoulder wound. Danny’s got good aim.” Clancy studied her neck then touched her cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just don’t understand. How he could do all this? How am I supposed to explain to my kids their father killed people? That he tried to kill me and planned to kill them?” Lucy threw her arms around Clancy’s waist and held onto him with what little strength she had left.

  Blinking back tears, she decided to give up murder mysteries and write romance novels instead. “Thank you.”

  He shook his head and led her down the stairs to the livingroom. “For the record, you saved me first. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “No.” Tears streamed down Lucy’s face as she hugged the wall with her back and eased down the stairs, her hands shaking and knees week. While her husband had tried to kill her, her one-time nemesis Clancy had saved her life. Unable to take the three more steps to the couch, she slid to the floor. “How am I supposed to trust anyone?”

  Clancy sat next to her on the floor and wrapped his arms around her. Outside, the screams of sirens drew closer. “Breath, Lucy. No one’s going to hurt you now. How about we go downstairs and let everyone else take care of Roger?”

  She let out a slow sigh. “My kids are safe, right?”

  He smiled then led her to the couch and sat on her right side so she faced away from the front door as several police officers came inside. “They’re with Danny’s sister. Hannah’s taking good care of them. We’ll call them and let them know everything’s okay once you stop shaking. I’ll take you to her house later. For now, you need to answer about a billion questions for the police and get some rest.”

  When no sounds of struggle came from upstairs, she assumed either Roger passed out or had gone into custody peacefully. Tears trickled down her cheek. “I can’t sleep, not today. Maybe not ever again.”

  “You will.” Danny joined them in the livingroom and sat next to Lucy. He took her left hand and fingered her wedding and engagement rings. “I’m sorry, Lucy. I have to ask you to give these to one of the officers. They’re evidence.”

  Her stomach sank and she frowned. “What are you talking about? These never showed up in my research.”

  He shook his head. “I know. We almost missed it too. Amanda Caravelli was murdered in Seattle months before you and Roger got married. These were her wedding rings. With all that’s happened in the past few hours, I hadn’t had a chance to talk to you yet.”

  Her chin quivered. “You didn’t think I’d believe you.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” He gave her hand what seemed like a reassuring squeeze. “What matters is where they came from and where they need to go now. The more evidence we have against Roger, the easier it’ll be to lock him up for life. We need to help the police build an airtight case.”

  Lucy slid the rings off her fingers and handed them over. “I don’t understand why he did all this. What did he have to gain? I know the money and jewels, but there has to be more to it than that.”

  Danny put the rings in a bag and stuffed them in his pocket. “My guess? Revenge, mostly. He killed the women he’d dated who dumped him or women who bested him in business deals. You were the only one who didn’t make him feel inferior or leave him. He left you. Tanji stood by him until she probably tried to escape when they were at the cottage.”

  Clancy bowed his head. “Maybe it would be best for you and the kids to leave the house. Take a mini vacation. Do you have anyone you could stay with for a day or two?”

  “No.” She fingered a gold chain around her neck. Another blood gift from Roger? She took the necklace off and dropped it into Danny’s hand with a shudder. An image of Tanji flashed through her mind, reminding Lucy she was the lucky one. “I don’t have anyone. It’s just me and the kids.”

  Danny frowned. “I’m sorry I have to confiscate all your jewelry.”

  Lucy’s eyes welled with tears. “That’s okay, I don’t think I’ll wear any jewelry for a while anyway. Maybe when I’m old and can forget.”

  How could she ever her husband was a serial killer? Roger Stephen had fooled everyone for a long time.

  Clancy hugged her. “You’re welcome to stay at my parents’ house for a couple days. There’s lots of room and they won’t be home for a while anyway.”

  Lucy hesitated as she glanced at a picture of she and her children taken three months ago. Way back when they were happy and relaxed. “I don’t want to be any more trouble than I have been. I’ll stay here. We’ll be okay.”

  “You’re exhausted, Lucy.” Clancy hugged her. “Why don’t you get some shut-eye? I’ll let the kids know you’re okay then we’ll make sure they get home safe and sound in a few hours. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll all take care of all of you.”

  “I wish I could believe that.” She let out a long, slow sigh. “I really need to see my kids.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Okay, you sit tight. I’m going to make you a cup of tea with honey then give Hannah a call and let her know things are fine. You’re going to sit here and stay out of the way while the police do what they need to do.”

  Lucy waved a hand. “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere. My whole body’s shaking like crazy.”

  “It’s called shock.” Clancy covered her with one of the blankets she and the kids cuddled under to watch movies. “Stay warm, I’m getting the tea.”

  She sat back and pulled the blanket to her chin, her gaze on the door. At least Danny had distracted her so she didn’t have to s
ee Roger hauled off in the ambulance. Clancy was doing his best to keep her calm despite everything. She closed her eyes and dropped her head against the back of the couch.

  Clancy shook her shoulder a few minutes later. “Time to go, Lucy. The kids are waiting. I told them an hour and we’re already late.”

  “An hour? Did I fall asleep?” She sat up and stretched.

  “Honey, you were out cold before I even picked up the phone.” He chuckled. “Come on. Parker’s already called your cell phone once. He’s getting antsy. They all are.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. She beat him to the car then gnawed on her thumbnail as he drove her out of town into the middle of nowhere. When they turned into a driveway, Lucy gasped. She’d always dreamed of living in a house like Hannah’s, an old brick farmhouse with a bright white veranda in the middle of a green yard. Behind the house stood a large metal Quonset, a red barn and several smaller sheds.

  Parker and Gina paced the veranda while Shawn sat on the front step, his face crumpled on the verge of tears. All three kids paused and stared as Clancy’s car bounced across the large yard and threatened to shake apart.

  Lucy bit her lower lip. God how she’d missed everything about her kids. The second Clancy slowed to a stop, she broke into a sprint, flip-flops slapping the dry ground and raising dust clouds. “Am I ever glad to see you guys.”

  “Mommy, you’re here. See Shawn, I told you it wasn’t a dream.” Gina ran off the porch and hurled herself into her mother’s arms so hard they both nearly toppled to the dry grass. She buried her face in her mom’s neck then burst into tears. “I’m not leaving you ever again.”

  Parker hugged her from the side to avoid his little sister’s swinging feet. “Mommy, I missed you. Are we going home now?”

  “We’ll go home later. Right now, I just want to hug you until my arms fall off.” Lucy pulled him close and leaned down to breathe in his little boy scent. “I missed you guys too.”


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