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Death by Strawberry Cupcake

Page 14

by Rose Pressey

  I sighed. “Would you like to go with me?”

  “No, I wouldn’t want to get in your way,” he said.

  “You’re not in the way.”

  I hoped I sounded convincing when I said that.

  Honestly, I didn’t know what was going on with me. I enjoyed being around him. Maybe a little too much. Perhaps that was why I was pushing him away so much.

  “What about Ruby?” he asked.

  “I’m sure she will understand. As long as I have someone going with me. She just didn’t want me to go alone.”

  “Well, if you think it’s all right. I did offer to go with you first.”

  “Why do you want to help me?” I asked.

  “Because I want to save the show. If you’re killed, then the show will be canceled.” A devilish grin spread on his face.

  “Funny,” I said.

  Finn followed me out into the hallway. Just as I opened the door Ruby was standing there.

  “I’m all ready,” she said with a big smile.

  “I’ll get my things,” Finn said as he rushed past.

  Oh, sure, leave me here to tell her the bad news. Though I didn’t think she really wanted to go anyway. She was just trying to be nice.

  “Actually, if it’s all right, Finn wanted to go. I kind of told him that he could but I didn’t really think he wanted to.”

  She smiled. “Oh, sure, I understand.”

  “What’s that mean?” I said.

  “Finn has a thing for you. I understand why wants to go.”

  “Oh no, it’s not that. He just wants to help. He said if I’m killed then we don’t have the show.”

  “Right.” She laughed. “I guess he would tell you that, but it’s really because he wants to spend time with you.”

  Ruby seemed pretty adamant about what she was saying. Could Finn really have a thing for me? No way. I would realize it, wouldn’t I? Sure, I supposed I was a bit clueless at times about things like that. But in this case, I was pretty convinced I was right about Finn.

  “Okay, well, let me know what happens,” Ruby said. “I want to make sure that you’re all right.”

  “I’ll give you a call when I find out anything.”

  She touched my arm. “Be careful.”

  “I will, I promise,” I said.

  “Have fun.” She wiggled her eyebrows before turning and walking down the hallway.

  Just then Finn stepped out of his dressing room. He had changed into his jeans and T-shirt. He looked great either way, dressed up or casual. I couldn’t decide which way I’d like him better.

  “I’m ready,” he said with a huge smile.

  He did seem happy about going with me. Now I would look at him in a different light. No, he was just playing with me. No need to see it any differently.

  “Sorry, I was talking to Ruby and I still need to change.”

  “What? You’re not going in that outfit and heels?”

  “I think for taking down a killer I’ll probably wear something a bit more casual. Though my clothing was a bit dirty from being almost hit my car. I’ll look shabby next to you.”

  “Never,” he said. “I’ll wait right here.”

  I hurried into the dressing room and slipped back into my yoga pants. I tried to brush off the dirt as best as I could. Then I pulled on my T-shirt, slipped into my flip-flops and grabbed my bag. I studied my reflection in the mirror before taking off out the door. At least my makeup looked good.

  Chapter 24

  A short time later, Finn and I were sitting in front of that house again.

  “You were sitting out here this morning and saw the man walk out of the house?” Finn asked.

  “Exactly like that,” I said. “He came to the end of the drive and picked up a newspaper. That’s only something someone would do if they lived here.”

  “I agree, you’re right about that,” he said. And the detective said that only woman lives here?”

  “That’s what he says. But she’s lying.”

  “How do you think we’re going to get her to tell the truth?”

  “You’ll go up there and ask her.”

  Finn laughed. “Yeah, right.”

  “I’m not kidding,” I said.

  “What makes you think she’d tell me and not the police?”

  “You’re charming. She’ll just tell you whatever you ask.”

  “I’m not that charming,” he said.

  “You’d be surprised.”

  He studied my face for a moment. “You really think so?”


  I’d said too much.

  “I suppose I could give it a try,” Finn said.

  “Perfect.” I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the car door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Finn asked.

  “With you to the door,” I said.

  “You can’t go with me. This would be better if I work alone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t tell me about working alone. I want to hear what they say.”

  “What if the guy’s the killer and he’s leaving you notes? He knows what you look like. He knows you found the body. He knows you’ve been snooping around.”

  I held up my hand. “All right you can stop right there.”

  He grinned. I was glad to see that he was amused by this. Finn got out of the car. I watched it he crossed the street toward the house. I was a nervous wreck wondering what would happen. I sure hoped he didn’t mess this up. Though as I told him, he was charming. If anyone could get something out of this woman, it would be Finn.

  Finn walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He looked back over his shoulder at me. I waved my hand to get him to stop. I didn’t want him to look my way and someone might notice it. That was the whole purpose of me staying in the car. If he messed this up just because he was looking over at me then I would be angry. So far no one had answered the door so this all might be a moot point. I was just about ready to give up on anyone answering when I saw the door opening.

  I scooted down in the driver seat just in case the woman looked my way. However, I couldn’t help but continue to watch. Curiosity had me and there was no way I could turn away. Finn was talking to her now. She was staring at him, seemingly unimpressed by his attempt at charm. I sure hoped he was doing this right. Was she looking at his face? He was gorgeous. How could she be immune to that? Okay, maybe it was just me who was entranced by his looks. Was I blinded by my feelings for him? I supposed that was possible.

  I hoped this was going our way because he was still standing there talking to her. Surely if it was going badly, she would’ve already closed the door in his face. After a few more seconds she closed the door in his face.

  Oh great. This had been a wasted trip. I wasn’t going to let this go without getting to the bottom of it though. I watched as Finn turned around from the door and headed back over to the car. I couldn’t tell from his expression for sure, but it didn’t look as if this was going to be good news. Finn reached the car and slid into the passenger seat. I wondered if the woman was watching from inside the house. She would certainly give the killer the description of the car. Undoubtedly, she was suspicious. Two people coming to the door and asking about her status and living arrangements?

  “Well, tell me the bad news,” I said as I buckled my seatbelt again.

  “You have little faith in me?” he asked with a smile.

  “I’m just going by the expression on your face. Oh, and the fact that it looked as if she slammed the door in your face.”

  “She didn’t close it in my face. I was leaving anyway.”

  “All right then, what did she say?”

  “She said there’s no man that lives there.”

  “Ha, so you got nothing.”

  “Unfortunately, she’s not going to budge. I was right, I’m not that charming,” Finn said.

  “Don’t feel bad,” I said. “I guess it just doesn’t work with some people.”

  “But some oth
ers it does?” he asked with a slight smile on his face.

  I knew what he was getting at. Yet it wasn’t going to work on me. I wasn’t about to confess right now.

  “We have to focus on the task at hand,” I said.

  I didn’t want to talk about how charming he was right now.

  “So what’s the plan now?” he asked.

  I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel. “Well, did she give you her name?”

  “No details.”

  “I should’ve done this myself.”

  Finn chuckled. “I highly doubt you could get info if I couldn’t.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “We’ll never know, will we? I have to find out her name and find out who owns this house.”

  “What will that help?” Finn asked.

  “I can find out specifically why he was here at the house maybe. Is he related to this woman? Is it just a friend?”

  “Are you sure you saw him, Scarlet? It could’ve been someone who looks like him.”

  “I’m absolutely positive. And if we ever get the info from the coroner, I’ll know I was correct.”

  “When do you expect that information, detective?” he asked with a grin.

  “Any moment now. I’m sure Detective Bailey will call me and tell me.”

  “I hardly think he’s going to call you and give you information on this case especially since you were at the scene of the crimes.”

  “He’ll tell me,” I said with confidence.

  “How do you propose finding out who lives here?” Finn asked.

  “We could check for deed information. Or I could rummage through the trash. Check the mailbox. Talk to neighbors.”

  “It sounds like you do have it all planned after all.”

  “Actually, that all came off the top of my head. If I had a plan I bet it would be much more thought out.”

  “I would hope so,” he said.

  “I don’t see you coming up with a plan,” I said.

  “I’m here for moral support, remember?”

  “No, I don’t remember that. I thought that we were working on this together and that you might come up with a plan as well,” I said.

  “Okay, my plan is that we look for the deed information.”

  He was only saying that because I had suggested it. I started the car, but I knew going to find information would be no easy task. Just then movement caught my attention.

  “Oh, wait. Here she comes.”

  “What?” Finn whipped around to look.

  The garage door opened.

  “She’s going to the mailbox. I hope she’s not coming over here.”

  “We should just remain calm. Although maybe she got suspicious and called the police,” Finn said.

  “Well, maybe then I can ask her again why she’s lying.”

  The woman stopped at the mailbox and pulled out envelopes. She never looked over at us.

  “So much for searching her mailbox,” I said.

  “You couldn’t do that anyway. I think that’s illegal.”

  “Is it?” I asked. “I think opening the mail is illegal, but actually going inside the mailbox?”

  “That’s illegal too,” he said.

  “Too bad,” I said.

  Finn and I stared in silence as we watched the woman walk back toward the garage. She didn’t go inside the house though. Instead she got in the car. Finn and I exchanged a look.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked.

  “I’m thinking we should follow her.”

  “Definitely,” I said.

  The tail lights lit up and she slowly backed out of the garage. She sat in the driveway as she waited for the garage door to close. I waited with bated breath to see which direction she would head. Finally she backed out of the driveway and turned to the left. That would be perfect. Now I wouldn’t have to turn around I could easily just fall in right behind her. My adrenaline rush was really pumping now as I pushed the gas and merged back onto the street.

  “I bet she’s going to meet that guy,” I said.

  “It’s possible,” Finn said. “Just don’t lose her.”

  “Are you kidding me? Not a chance,” I said. “I’m an expert driver.”

  He grimaced.

  “What’s that mean?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I think you’re great.”

  He left out the driver part. Nevertheless, I continued my pursuit after her car. She stopped at the red light up ahead. Thank goodness I wasn’t directly behind her so she couldn’t see us in her rearview mirror. I was close enough though that I thought I would be able to hang on and follow her. When the light turned green, she pushed the gas and traffic took off. When she switched lanes, I switched lanes too. Now I was directly behind her.

  “Why are you holding the door like that?” I said, looking over it Finn.

  “Bracing for impact,” he said.

  “Funny,” I said. “Now she’s getting on the highway.”

  “Well, we’ve got to go that way anyway,” he said. “Keep following her.”

  “True, maybe I should’ve filled up the gas tank.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re ready to run out.”

  “No, but if she goes too far it might happen.”

  “She’s probably going back to the city.”

  Now I was totally nervous about following her. I was afraid of losing her on the highway. But after a while, we came up to the exit.

  “Do you know where I think she’s going?” I asked.

  “Where?” Finn asked.

  “I think maybe she’s going to the candy shop.”

  “Why would she go there? Would she meet him there?”

  “I don’t know what’s going on,” I said. “But I’m not going to let her get away. Do you think she’s suspicious of us? We’ve been following her for a while.”

  “It’s entirely possible,” Finn said.

  I have a suspicion that maybe she did know by now. She made a couple more turns, and now more than ever I suspected she was headed to the candy shop.

  What if she drove right past and went on to the studio? That wasn’t to say that there weren’t a bunch of other places that she could be going to, but the fact that I had seen her with the suspect made me wonder if she was somehow involved in the mysterious notes. I just was too much to be a coincidence. As we neared the shop, she slowed down.

  “It looks like that’s where she’s headed,” Finn said. “I have to admit that I had my doubts.”

  “I didn’t want to say I told you so, but I just had a feeling this was where she was going.”

  Just as I finished the sentence though, the woman drove past the shop. I started to feel silly.

  “Okay, maybe I was a bit too confident,” I said.

  I was letting this detective thing get in my head. After all, I was still an amateur.

  Chapter 25

  I didn’t even look over at Finn. I didn’t want to see the expression on his face. Not that he would gloat or anything. Maybe I was just making too much of this. But then no sooner had the thought left my mind when the woman merged over to the side of the road. It was pretty darn close to the candy shop. I held back and pulled over on the opposite side of the road. I didn’t want her to see me parked directly behind her. After putting the car in park, Finn and I watched her. She was just sitting there.

  What do you think she’s doing?” Finn whispered as if she might hear us.

  “Maybe she’s waiting on someone,” I said.

  Finn and I exchanged another look.

  “Do you think?” Finn asked.

  “I do think so,” I said.

  We watched her for a few minutes until when I glanced in the rearview mirror, I saw another car headed this way. It was him. He parked right behind her car. I was almost certain it was the man. He had to have the nerve to come back here after he’d killed his wife. Maybe the murdered man had broken into his house and he had to kill him in self-defense, but why take off like that? Why le

  “Well, this is getting good,” Finn said.

  The car door opened and the man got out.

  “That’s him,” I yelled. “I know for sure.”

  I pulled up my phone and snapped a few photos. I hoped the photos were clear enough because we were a good distance away from my man. They would have to be better than the ones I’d taken early in the morning hours. The guy got into the passenger seat. I had my hand on the ignition in case I needed to start the car again. But so far, they weren’t pulling away.

  “I wish I knew what they were talking about,” I said.

  “I just hope that they don’t start making out or something,” Finn said.

  “I don’t even want to think about it. I hope we don’t have to sit here much longer. My foot’s getting a cramp.”

  I’d barely finished the sentence when the car doors open.

  “Oh my gosh. They’re both getting out,” I said. “Now what do we do? What if we come back here to our car?”

  “Then we will confront that situation when it happens,” Finn said. “Just try to remain calm and don’t forget to breathe. The last thing I need is for you to hyperventilate and pass out on me.”

  “I’m fine,” I said as I fanned myself.

  They walked down the sidewalk together holding hands.

  “I think they’re going to the candy shop. I have to know for sure where they’re going. The suspense is getting to me,” I said.

  Thank goodness they never even looked our way and had no idea that we were watching them. I sure hoped it stayed that way.

  “Okay, we have to follow them,” I said.

  “I’m ready if you are,” Finn said.

  He seemed a bit hesitant. I knew this was risky, but it had to be done. I wasn’t going to let anything bad happen. Finn and I got out of the car and headed across the street. We walked behind the couple on the sidewalk. We were going much slower because I didn’t want to catch up with them. If we were right behind them, they might turn around and notice we were there. Sure enough, they were walking toward the candy shop parking lot. Technically this man owned the shop with his wife so there was no reason why he couldn’t go in there.


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