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Christmas Family Style in Savannah: A Garlucci Family Saga Novel (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 15)

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by Hope Callaghan

  Sure enough, a hippopotamus sporting a red Santa hat and holding a brightly wrapped present was tied to the back of a speedboat.

  A string of flashing Christmas lights blinking red and green ran from the bow of a sailboat to the top of the mast and then down to the stern.

  There were even more boats docked in the nearby marina. “I think I see The Flying Gunner.” Carlita pointed to a pirate flag.

  A familiar figure stepped out of the crowd and strode across the parking lot. “Welcome to Merry Bay,” Pete said. “It’s a good thing you got here when you did. This place is filling up fast.”

  Vinnie grasped the older man’s hand as he juggled the baby. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Same here.”

  The baby stared at Pete, who was decked out in full pirate attire, from his feathered black cap to his blood-red velvet jacket trimmed in gold-braided ropes and capped off with brass buttons. His black and white striped trousers were tucked into his knee-high pirate boots.

  A small blinking Santa was pinned to the lapel of his velvet jacket, which was what had caught baby Vinnie’s eye. “The babe has caught sight of my wee Santa.” He leaned in, and the baby’s eyes grew wide, his small fists flailing wildly.

  “I’ve never seen so many boats in one place.” Carlita turned in a slow circle.

  “It’s the Christmastide Boat Parade.” Pete explained that Merry Bay hosted the event every year. “Christmastide, the Twelve Days of Christmas, is sometimes referred to as Twelvetide. It’s the official beginning of the season celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.”

  Mercedes clapped her hands. “How fun!”

  “This is my first year participating. I figured I would invite all of you as well as my other business partners.”

  “Tori is coming?” Carlita asked.

  Tori was a family friend, and, like Carlita, she had invested in Pete’s pirate ship venture.

  “She and a few others,” Pete motioned for them to follow him. “Let’s head to the ship.”

  Mercedes cast an anxious glance around. “I need to wait for Sam.”

  “He’s already on board.”

  The group walked single file across the parking lot and through the thick crowd as Pete led them to the docking area and The Flying Gunner, where the ship’s blinking green and red lights danced across the water.

  “Dinner will be served topside shortly.” Pete boarded the ship and stepped off to the side. “The food and drinks are one deck up.”

  Carlita’s eldest son and his family boarded, closely followed by Ricco and then Roxy, who lingered behind, looking as if she wanted to say something.

  Pete must’ve thought the same thing. “Did you need something?”

  “I’m Roxy Ciccone, one of Brittney’s bodyguards. I gotta check the place out for security reasons.”

  “My ship is safe,” Pete assured her.

  “I appreciate that, but I gotta job to do, which is to protect Brittney, so I’ll be having me a look around.” Roxy gave him a curt nod as she walked away.

  Pete lifted a brow and turned to Carlita, who stood next to him. “Is she Luigi’s replacement?”

  “Yeah,” Carlita sucked in a breath. “She’s a little…rough around the edges. Luigi doesn’t care for her. He kinda warned us what we were in for, but it was either put up with the bodyguards or not see my son and grandson for Christmas.”

  “It’s all right.” Pete grasped Carlita’s hand and leaned in. “Well? What do you think of my surprise?”

  “I love it.” Carlita’s eyes traveled around the deck, taking in the Christmas decorations, the lighted tree in the corner, the tidy row of striped stockings that hung above the faux fireplace. “You put a lot of thought into this.”

  “I had help from my crew. The pirate adventures have been booked solid since Thanksgiving. The Christmas pirate theme has gone over so well, I even added extra events.”

  Before Carlita could reply, Roxy returned, flashlight in hand. “I figured I would start my inspection down here.” She nodded to the door marked “Private.” “I’ll start in this room.”

  “That’s my office and private quarters, and it’s off-limits to my guests.”

  Roxy acted as if she hadn’t heard Pete as she flung the door open.

  “Hey.” Pete hurried after her. “You can’t go in there.”

  Carlita stared in disbelief. It was one thing to take one’s job seriously, but Roxy was taking her security responsibilities too far. She stood in the doorway, watching as Pete attempted to stop Roxy.

  For the most part, she completely ignored him as she shined her flashlight over a pile of books and a tidy stack of manila file folders on top of his desk. “I heard you mention booking events. What else do you do?”

  “It’s none of your business,” Pete snapped.

  Roxy finished perusing the desk and began humming as she patrolled the perimeter of the room. “What’s this?” She opened the door to Pete’s bathroom and started to make her way inside.

  Pete lunged forward, grasping her arm and pulling her back. “That is my private bathroom. If you step foot in there, I’m going to escort you off my ship.” The tone of his voice left no room for argument, and Roxy must’ve realized she had gone too far.

  “Fine.” She closed the door, haughtily peering up at him. “There’s no reason to freak out unless you have something to hide.”

  “I have an ample amount of security measures in place for my guest’s safety,” Pete gritted out. “The only reason I will continue to tolerate your presence is for Carlita and her family’s sake. Don’t push your luck.”

  Pete’s warning was wasted breath. Roxy had already exited the office.

  Thankfully, she finished her inspection without further incident and then joined Ricco and the others topside while Pete and Carlita resumed their spot near the gangway, greeting guests.

  Autumn Winter darted up the gangway. “This is awesome. The ship looks great.”

  “Thank you, Autumn,” Pete looked behind her. “Is your brother and his girlfriend coming too?”

  “No.” Autumn shook her head. “Paisley isn’t feeling well.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” While Pete explained the ship’s layout and the location of the food and drinks, Tori, along with Byron, her butler, arrived.

  Tori waited until Pete had finished and gave them both a warm hug. “Pete, you sneaky devil. This is fabulous.”

  “Thanks, Tori.” Pete returned the hug. “This is my way of thanking you for joining my crazy business venture.”

  “Who else is here?” Tori looked around.

  “Mark and Glenda Fox, Annie Dowton, Carlita’s whole crew.”

  “Plus, a pain in the rear,” Carlita added.

  Tori lifted a brow. “A pain in the rear?”

  “Brittney’s bodyguard, Roxy Ciccone. You can’t miss her. She’s the one holding a flashlight and acting as if she owns the place.” Carlita greeted Byron. “It’s so good to see you. Violet is upstairs. Wait until she finds out you’re here.”

  “I’ve been looking forward to seeing her.”

  “There’s plenty of food and appetizers topside,” Pete said. “Dinner will be served shortly, once a few more important guests arrive.”

  “We shall go join the others.”

  As Tori and Byron made their way upstairs, Cool Bones appeared, dragging a large luggage cart behind him. It rattled loudly as he attempted to push the cart up the ramp.

  “Let me help.” Pete ran down the gangway and grabbed the other end, helping steer it the rest of the way up. The cart was filled with musical instruments and sound equipment.

  “What’s all this?” Carlita asked.

  “You can’t have a party without music,” Pete motioned to Cool Bones. “I have a spot cleared upstairs. Aft of the ship is a stage. The spot should be large enough for your band and equipment.”

  Carlita recognized a couple of the men who followed behind as members of Cool Bones’ band. They jo
ined the men and began discussing logistics.

  There was a light tap on Carlita’s shoulder. She turned to find Roxy standing directly behind her. “Mrs. Garlucci, I need to run back to my car to grab my extra piece.”

  Pete’s head whipped around. “Extra piece?”

  “You know. Gun.” Roxy rolled her eyes. “Do you have any clue what is going on?”

  Pete’s jaw twitched as he glared at her. “This is my ship, and I’m telling you that you don’t need an extra piece.”

  “Fine. Then I’m going to grab some extra lead.” Roxy turned to Cool Bones, who was standing on Pete’s left and handed him an empty cup with a soiled napkin inside. “I’m done with this.”

  “Huh?” Cool Bones’ jaw dropped as he stared at the cup.

  Pete snatched the cup from his hand and thrust it back in Roxy’s. “Cool Bones is an invited guest. Take care of your own trash, lady, and I use the term loosely.”

  Cool Bones seemed to take Roxy’s error in stride and smiled. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Charles Benson, also known as Cool Bones. Pete has asked me to play some tunes this evening.” He lifted his horn case.

  A flicker of interest crossed Roxy’s face. “What kinda music?”


  “Huh.” Roxy studied Cool Bones, giving him the once over. “I’m a bit of a jazz aficionado myself. Sorry about handing you my trash and thinking you were the hired help.”

  “Apology accepted and no offense taken.” Cool Bones pressed a light hand to his chest, an amused expression on his face.

  “I’ll catch up with you later.” Roxy eased past him and tossed her trash in a nearby bin before heading to the gangway, where she stopped to say something to one of Cool Bones’ band members on her way out.

  “Now what?” Carlita’s eyes narrowed as she watched her.

  “I don’t know. At least she’s not handing him trash.”

  She finished making her way down the gangway and disappeared from sight.

  “Who was that?” Cool Bones asked.

  “Brittney’s bodyguard,” Carlita sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, Cool Bones, and I’ll apologize ahead of time because I’m certain she isn’t done insulting guests.”

  “It’s okay.” Cool Bones patted Carlita’s shoulder. “No need to apologize. It’s all cool.”

  Pete shifted his attention. “Let’s get you and your men upstairs, where you can grab a bite to eat before setting up.”

  Carlita turned to go when she heard someone call her name. It was her friend and local trolley driver, Claryce “Reese” Magillicuddy.

  “Hey, Reese.” Carlita smiled warmly as Reese strode up the gangway. “Did Pete invite you too?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been transporting his customers from the local hotels to the docking area. We got to talking. Pete told me about him being part of the Christmastide Boat Parade and invited me. He sure has this thing decked out.”

  “Yes, he does.” The women chatted about the holidays, and Carlita invited Reese, who was single and lived alone, to the Christmas dinner she was hosting at her restaurant for family and friends.

  “Are you sure?” Reese asked. “I know all your kids are home for the holidays, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”

  “Positive. The more, the merrier.”

  Reese’s expression grew sober as she stared over Carlita’s shoulder and down the gangway. “Oh, no. Guess who just showed up.”

  Carlita pivoted, following Reese’s gaze. “Seriously?”

  Chapter 3

  Carlita stared in disbelief. “Elvira.”

  “Hey, Carlita. I bet you’re surprised to see me.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  Elvira rocked back on her heels as she studied the side of the ship. “Ole Pete really knocked this one out of the ballpark. Christmas cruisin’. There’s nothing like being on the river to celebrate the holidays.”

  Dernice, Elvira’s sister, and Luigi joined them.

  “Hey, Carlita,” Luigi grinned.

  “Hello, Luigi, Dernice. I had no idea Pete invited you to the party.”

  “I’m back.” Pete eased in next to Carlita. “Hello, Reese. Glad you could make it.”

  “Thank you for inviting me. This is the first time I’ve been this close to The Flying Gunner. It looks great.”

  The sound of Cool Bones and his band warming up echoed from the upper deck.

  Reese tilted her head and cupped her ear. “Cool Bones is here?”

  “He and his band are part of this evening’s entertainment.”

  “I’m gonna run up and say ‘hi’ before he gets rolling.” Reese hurried off while Pete turned his attention to Elvira and her mini entourage. “Elvira Cobb.”

  “Hey, Pete.” Elvira shoved her hands in her pockets. “I was just telling Carlita you did a bang-up job on the decorating.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Where is everyone?”

  “On the upper deck, enjoying some food and drinks. Feel free to join them,” Pete said.

  “I hope you’re not too upset about us showing up,” Elvira said. “I figured you were hosting such a large party, you wouldn’t even notice a few extra bodies on board.”

  Pete cast Carlita a puzzled look. “I thought you invited Elvira.”

  “No.” Carlita lifted a brow. “I thought you invited her.”

  “I…uh...” Elvira cleared her throat. “I kinda found out about the party from Cool Bones when I was down at the Thirsty Crow the other night. He said his band was doing a gig for Pete on board the ship.”

  “Elvira,” Dernice punched her sister in the arm, “you mean to tell me we weren’t invited?”


  “Then, I’m not staying. That’s just plain rude.” Dernice nudged her sister in the back. “Let’s go. I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I’m sorry, Pete,” Luigi apologized. “Dernice and I thought we were invited.”

  “Wait.” Pete held up a hand. “Please. Stay. You’re already here. Elvira is right. Three more people aren’t going to make a difference.”

  “I dunno,” Dernice hung her head. “Something doesn’t seem right about crashing a friend’s party. I mean, it would be one thing to crash a stranger’s party, but to crash a friend’s or acquaintance’s is ill-mannered.”

  “That’s never stopped Elvira before,” Carlita joked.

  “I’m with Dernice,” Luigi said. “We didn’t mean to invite ourselves. At least, Dernice and I didn’t.”

  “Good grief,” Elvira snorted. “Don’t get all prissy on me. We got an invite. There’s food, friends, entertainment. I’m staying.”

  “You’re already here,” Pete pointed out. “I think you should stay.”

  Dernice shot Carlita a questioning look, and she nodded. “If Pete wants you to stay, then I think you should.”

  “Okay,” Dernice offered them a small smile. “Thank you, and you can trust me when I say this won’t ever happen again. Next time, I’ll call to confirm.”

  “You’re such a goody-two-shoes sometimes. Let’s go grab some grub.” Elvira propelled her sister forward.

  “Hey!” A woman’s voice stopped Elvira in her tracks.

  “Great,” Luigi muttered under his breath. “Look who’s coming.”

  Roxy hustled up the gangway. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Luigi Baruzzo. Been a long time.”

  “Roxy,” Luigi grimaced. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought this party was by invitation only.”

  “It is,” Pete interrupted. “Luigi is my guest.”

  “Huh.” Roxy gave Luigi the once-over before turning her attention to Elvira and Dernice. “Who are you?” she rudely asked.

  “More of my guests,” Pete said. “And it’s none of your business.”

  Dernice’s jaw dropped at Pete’s brusque rebuttal.

  “It is my business,” Roxy argued. “I’m in
charge of security, and I’ve made it my business.”

  The word “security” caught Elvira’s attention, and Carlita could see a storm brewing. If anyone took security seriously, it was Elvira Cobb.

  “We’ll tell you who we are if and when, we’re good and ready, Roxy,” Elvira taunted. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, these guests are going to enjoy the party while the hired help gets back to work.”

  “I suggest you tone it down, Ms. Ciccone,” Pete pointed at Roxy after they left. “You’re treading on thin ice. I don’t appreciate you badgering my guests.”

  “I’m doing my job,” Roxy insisted. “It’s my job to know who’s around the family at all times, to protect Brittney and Vito’s grandchild.”

  “Then, what are you doing down here harassing people instead of protecting her?”

  Pete’s logic was too much for the woman. Roxy mumbled under her breath before storming off.

  “I thought Elvira was going to punch her,” Pete shook his head.

  “I was thinking along the same lines,” Carlita said. “The night is young. Something tells me there will be a few more fireworks before it’s all over. And with that in mind, I’ll apologize now for Roxy’s behavior.”

  “I’m going to focus on the positive and believe she won’t go around and cause more trouble.” Pete offered Carlita his arm. “Shall we join the others?”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  Cool Bones and his band started playing as Pete’s staff made their way behind the food tables and began serving the buffet-style dinner.

  There were fried chicken tenders with separate sauces, Swedish and sweet and sour meatballs, a sushi section, veggie trays, deviled eggs, meat and cheese kabobs and fresh fruit salads. There was a second table devoted to desserts. Not only was there a chocolate fountain and fruit for dipping, but a cheesecake sampler platter, and cookies galore, then there were cakes…carrot cake, chocolate cake, layered cakes.

  Carlita’s stomach grumbled as she perused the offerings. “Everything looks delicious.”

  Pete slipped in next to her. “I know it’s not Italian, but I figured a nice variety of treats would satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.”


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