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Keeping You Away (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 1)

Page 16

by Kennedy Fox

  As soon as my door opens, their conversation stops, which I’m grateful for. Too much anger streamed through me as I listened to how Robert treated Gemma.

  “You two hungry?” I ask, glancing at the clock and noticing it’s almost nine.

  Everleigh laughs. “I’m always hungry if you’re cooking.”

  I look at Gemma. “How about you?”

  Her cup is empty, and her cheeks are a rosy red. “Sure. I mean, I already ate earlier, but…”

  Everleigh elbows her. “He doesn’t care about that. I always eat twice when Tyler offers to make something.”

  “Seriously?” I laugh at her confession. I had no idea, though I shouldn’t be that surprised.

  “Well, yeah. It’s the only reason I agreed to let you live here rent-free. Your food is like Grandma’s, and I could eat it every single day.”

  That has me chuckling. I plan to prepare extra so she has some to take to work tomorrow. “What are you in the mood for? Wait, let me guess…pasta.”

  “Bingo! Pasta for every meal. I swear, there’s bound to be Italian somewhere in our bloodline,” Everleigh says, but then changes the subject, considering we don’t know much about our father.

  I take out the ingredients and place them on the counter, ready to get to work. I boil the noodles while I chop the chicken and whip up the homemade sauce. It doesn’t take long before the aroma from the spices and garlic bread in the oven fills the kitchen. My mouth waters in anticipation as I fill our bowls full of chicken Alfredo.

  “Second dinner is served,” I call out, then place the dishes in front of them. We sit and wait for the steam to clear before digging in.

  Gemma moans, and that sweet sound has me adjusting myself as memories of our time together resurface. I meet her eyes, and she blushes before quickly looking away.

  “How’s business going?” I ask my sister.

  Everleigh immediately perks up and gets super excited to chat about the boutique. “The mystery sale today went amazing. Next week, I think I’m gonna try an online pre-order campaign. Drum up excitement for a few of the new summer items and give everyone a chance to buy what they want. Some of my customers were pissed today that I sold out of the skirt Gemma had on for the shoot.”

  She continues chatting about her ideas, and Gemma throws in different suggestions, but I can’t seem to pay attention to either of them. My mind wanders too much as I think about Robert grabbing Gemma. I glance down at her wrist and notice a small bruise has formed where he dug his fingers into her skin. I suck in a deep breath and try to pay attention to Everleigh, adding something to the conversation so she doesn’t notice I was lost in my head again.

  “It would be smart to order fall stuff now, too. You know all these women are gonna be dressing like Hans Solo with their leggings and boots as soon as the temp drops to sixty-five.”

  Gemma snorts. “You’re right, and I’m totally guilty of it.”

  Her laughter causes my lips to turn up.

  “Oh my God. I wear the same thing, so that’s an amazing idea. Get ahead of the rush. First cold front that comes, my regulars beg for cardigans and buffalo plaid, too.”

  “Now, you’re thinking like a business owner. Don’t forget the pumpkin spice candles.” I flash a wink at Gemma, who nearly chokes on her pasta from laughing so hard.

  “I love fall candles!” Gemma gushes. I know she does. She talked about stocking up on them in one of her letters.

  “Ready to come work with me on the weekends now?” Everleigh mocks.

  Gemma tilts her head at Everleigh. “You offered Tyler a job?”

  A roar of laughter fills the room. “I’ve been trying to talk him into it. Might be able to find him a girlfriend or something. Plus, I think he’d help me sell more clothes being Mr. Eye Candy.”

  I shake my head. “You’re relentless with this. It’s not happening.”

  Gemma’s grin falters. I narrow my eyes at my sister, knowing she’s trying to gauge Gemma’s reaction. I’m not stupid and can see straight through it. Plus, after the way Gemma acted about Katie and me, I know it makes her uncomfortable.

  “I don’t need a girlfriend,” I say around a mouthful.

  “Why not?” Everleigh questions. “I’m sure you don’t want to be single for the rest of your life. Plus, I want to be an auntie someday.”

  I fill my mouth full of garlic bread, giving myself time to think about my next words.

  “I won’t be. I’ll eventually find someone, but that doesn’t mean I’m searching. I’m a firm believer that you find the right person for you when you least expect it. In layman's terms, I’m not searching for love.”

  Everleigh lifts her almost empty glass. “Cheers to being alone forever.”

  Gemma doesn’t join her toast, so I do, just to appease Everleigh. I can’t leave her hanging. The room grows silent as we eat, but Everleigh speaks up, keeping the conversation moving.

  “When are you available to model again?” she asks Gemma.

  “Whenever you want,” she tells her. “It was a lot of fun.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that. I’ll need to get with Katie too, and we can make it a night. It’ll be a blast when the fall clothes come in.”

  Once our bowls are empty, I stand to clean the kitchen. Everleigh and Gemma continue chatting as I rinse the dishes, then load the dishwasher. A moment later, Everleigh returns with a spare blanket and pillows for Gemma.

  Everleigh yawns and tells Gemma good night. Before walking to her room, Everleigh flashes me a smirk, and I know she’s up to something. Once she’s gone, it’s just Gemma and me, and the awkward tension nearly chokes me.

  “Will you watch a movie with me?” she asks, and I look at the clock and see it’s past ten.

  “Yeah, sure,” I say, knowing I shouldn’t, but I can’t say no to her. After the day she’s had, I don’t want her to be alone either. We sit on the couch, and I hand her the remote. “You choose.”

  “Really?” Gemma acts surprised.

  “Why not? It was your idea.” I glance over at her, and she seems to be thinking about something else before she flips through the channels.

  She settles on You’ve Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan from the 90s. “This okay?”

  “It’s perfect,” I say, not really caring as long as I get to spend time with her. I shouldn’t get excited to see her and be close to her, but I can’t help it. She’s only a few inches away, and by the way she tenses, I think she notices too.

  I finally laugh and shake my head.

  “What?” She looks at me.

  “It feels like old times when we’d stay up late and watch a movie together on your couch. I’d supply the booze and hope your dad didn’t burst into the cottage and catch us.” I chuckle and watch as she tucks loose strands of hair behind her ear.

  She nods. “Yeah, it is kinda like that, isn’t it? Except now we don’t have to sneak in the alcohol.” She hiccups and covers her mouth with a giggle, which makes me smile. “Too much tequila. Everleigh makes them strong.”

  “Adulting at its finest.”

  We get to the part in the movie where Meg Ryan goes to the bookstore that’s going to ruin her business, and Gemma puts her hand over her heart as she intently watches the scene unfold. Though I’m certain she’s seen this, her reactions are cute. Honestly, she’s more interesting than this movie, but I force myself to focus on the screen. Even if it’s hard as hell.

  She repeats the lines, and I snort. Why does she have to be so fucking adorable? It makes keeping her at a distance so damn hard—harder than I ever thought was possible.

  When Gemma bites her bottom lip, I’m tempted to pull her into my arms and kiss the fuck out of her. Kiss her worries away. Tell her she doesn’t have to marry that douchebag if she doesn’t want to, that she shouldn’t. But I don’t want to send her mixed signals. While I wish she were mine, I’d inevitably fuck it up again. She’s too good for Robert, but if I’m being honest, she’s too good for me, too.

  Gemma would do anything for anyone, and she loves with every part of her being. Robert wanting her to quit her job because of me nearly has a blood vessel bursting, but I bury the anger and keep my feelings to myself. Something I’ve perfected over the years.

  It’s obvious Gemma isn’t having “cold feet.” The woman has always gone after what she wants. Considering everything that’s happened over the past few weeks with her and Robert, it’s obvious there’s more to this. She has to ultimately make the final decision, but I don’t want it to be because of me. I want her to call off the wedding because she realizes she won’t be happy with him. I’m well-aware that Robert has a lot of money, but I also know material possessions don’t buy love. Nothing can.

  “Gemma,” I say as she leans her head against the couch. We’re so close. Too close. I can smell her shampoo every time she brushes loose strands of hair out of her face. “He didn’t lay his hands on you, did he?”

  I shouldn’t be asking. I shouldn’t get involved, but I care about her—sometimes too fucking much. She tucks her lips into her mouth and looks up at me with big green eyes. “He was trying to make me stay, Tyler. He wasn’t trying to hurt me.”

  “You’re positive about that?” I ask. I’ve heard women say that before, but I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t put up with it otherwise. He’s not like that,” she reassures.

  “Alright, good,” I say. “If you need boxing lessons and want to learn how to take someone down in ten seconds flat, just say the word.”

  She laughs. “Did you forget who my brother is?”

  The thought of Noah brings the mood to a somber place.

  “Nah. But I also know you’ve gotten rusty at kicking dudes in the balls. Though…” I grin. “When you were younger, you were a goddamn pro.”

  Her head falls back with laughter. “I was a little shit, wasn’t I?”

  “Everyone knew not to mess with you, Katie, or Everleigh because y’all were a bunch of little scrappers. Or because I threatened to kick anyone’s ass who messed with my little sister and her friends.” I chuckle thinking about it.

  “I didn’t take anyone’s crap back then, and trust me when I say I’m not going to take it now. I’m okay, Tyler. But thank you. If I’m ever not okay, I’ll mention it.”

  “Is that a promise?” I push.

  “Yes.” She turns back to the movie and squeezes my arm. “Oh, this is my favorite part.”

  Tom Hanks walks past the coffee shop and sees Meg Ryan inside, then goes in and pretends not to be the man on the other end of their messenger conversation.

  “This would never happen nowadays,” I say, very aware of how close she is to me now.

  “It could, especially with all the dating apps and stuff. What about forums? Reddit is popular. I think it’s possible. Now shush.” She smirks, then winks at me.

  Is she flirting? Gemma shifts, and her knee touches mine. The heat from her skin nearly burns a hole through my skin, but I don’t move. I wonder if she feels the strong tug of electricity that’s pulling us together, or if I’m just imagining it. Perhaps it’s never left us. Not even time could change what we have, regardless if we’re too fucking stubborn to admit it. We should be able to hang out together as friends, despite our past, or the fact she’s moved on. However, my biggest concern is that eventually, it’ll all come to a head. Both of us will be powerless to deny our attraction, but it’ll be too late.

  I tell myself I’m imagining everything, knowing I can’t act on it, but when I see her pulse thumping in her neck, there’s no way it’s not real. Needing to distance myself for a moment, I stand and grab a bottle of water.

  “Want one?” I hold it up, and she nods.

  I hand it to her, making sure to create more space between us when I sit, though I think she notices.

  We continue watching the movie in silence. Gemma’s nearly in tears when Tom Hanks shows up at the end with his dog, Brinkley. She lets out an aww when they kiss, and it makes me smile.

  Once the credits roll, she yawns, which quickly makes me, too.

  “Damn, you gotta stop that,” I say with a chuckle, yawning again.

  “Sorry, I can’t help it,” she says around another one, and we both laugh. It’s getting late, and we both have to be up early for work in the morning.

  “Thanks for hanging out with me,” she says, adjusting the pillow on the couch and grabbing the quilt Everleigh threw over the back.

  “Anytime.” I smile and wonder how many nights Robert has denied spending time with her. Probably happens more often than not. What a dumbass. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s missing, or perhaps he just doesn't care.

  “You should take my bed,” I suggest. “It’s nice and comfy, and the only thing you have to deal with is Sassy waking you up around three a.m. to go outside.”

  Gemma giggles. “No way, I couldn’t.”

  “Yes way, you can. You’re the guest of the evening. Might as well get a good night’s rest.”

  She shakes her head, and I’m sure I won’t be able to convince her to trade with me, but I try anyway.

  “I’m perfectly fine. I’ve passed out after too many drinks on this couch more times than I can count. I sink into it just like a cloud.” She lies back and shows me.

  “Have you always been this stubborn?” I ask firmly, but I’m grinning at how cute she looks.

  “Ever since I was a teen,” she throws back.

  When our eyes meet for a moment, many unspoken words stream between us. I imagine walking over to her and sliding my lips against hers, tasting her tongue and the leftover margarita. I want to tell her how goddamn beautiful and perfect she is as I swoop my arms under her body and carry her to my bed. I’d slowly undress her, making sure to take in every smooth inch of her. I’d feather kisses along the softness of her skin and—

  Fuck. Before I completely lose myself, I shake my head and push those thoughts away.

  “What?” Her question pulls me from the fantasy of it all.

  “Nothing. Just exhausted.”

  She sits up. “Liar! Now you have to tell me.”

  I grab my bottle of water off the coffee table. “I don’t think so. That’s a trap just waiting to happen.”

  She snorts. “A trap? Okay, maybe I don’t want to know, but it was something.”

  Gemma carefully watches me, and I lift an eyebrow at her. “It was something, but I’ll keep it to myself. I am a gentleman, after all.”

  I walk closer, adjust the blanket over her body, then brush a loose strand of hair from her face before placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “Good night, Gemma. My bed’s waiting for you if you change your mind,” I say.

  She swallows hard with wide eyes.

  “No. Shit. That totally came out wrong. I mean, if you want to trade.” I nervously laugh, and she does too, but I also notice the blush on her cheeks. “Okay, good night!”

  I walk to my room, replaying my own stupidity. Apparently, I forget to think straight around her, and I’m afraid one of these days it’s really going to catch up to me

  Chapter Sixteen


  I hardly sleep, tossing and turning all night as images of Gemma’s tears burn in my mind. Hanging out and watching a movie with her after Everleigh went to bed was probably a bad idea, but I don’t regret it. I hated seeing her so upset, and it makes me want to track Robert down and speak to him with my fists. If spending two hours with her was enough to put her in a better mood, then I’d do it all over again. Hearing her laughter and seeing her smile was worth the awkward tension.

  At five a.m., I give up trying to sleep and can’t stop thinking about one of the letters she sent me. She was sixteen and obsessing over romantic comedies.

  * * *

  Dear Tyler,

  Do y’all get to watch movies over there? If so, you NEED to see 13 Going on 30 with Jennifer Garner. It’s my absolute new favorite movie, and if I don’t fall in
love the way she does, then I don’t ever want to. Just kidding (kinda!).

  But seriously! Jenna’s best friend, Matty, is basically in love with her, and while she’s having this horrible middle school party, she starts wishing she was thirty instead of thirteen. Matty builds her a dollhouse and sprinkles it with “magic dust.” As she’s wishing to be 30, the dust goes everywhere, and her wish comes true. When she wakes up the next day, she realizes her wish was granted. The kicker is she doesn’t remember any part of her life since the party and has to go through the next several weeks trying to figure it out. She grew up as one of the catty popular girls and ditches Matty basically. And since she doesn’t know anything about her adult life, she has to catch up and ends up finding him. She doesn’t realize they stopped being friends and guess what? HE’S ENGAGED! (I legit screamed!!!)

  They rekindle their friendship while she’s discovering who she is and doesn’t like the person she’s become. At the end, he’s about to walk down the aisle and returns the dollhouse he made for her. She leaves in tears (and at this point, I’m SOBBING) and closes her eyes to make another wish, and the magic dust on the dollhouse blows in the wind. Then, she’s 13 again and kisses Matty! She gets a redo, and it ends in a big fat happily ever after!

  I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s seriously the best, and I’ve put it on repeat. Then Everleigh and I decided to have a girls’ night, and we chose A Walk to Remember. Though we bet each other we wouldn’t, we cried through the second half.

  So, in case you’ve ever wondered what happens at sleepovers, we watch sappy romance movies and stuff our faces with junk food while trying not to cry but failing miserably.

  Maybe look up the soundtrack for A Walk to Remember if you have time to check it out. It’s such a good album.

  The Notebook is on our list for next weekend, and I’m going to be an emotional mess, guaranteed. I’ll update you in my next letter :)

  Until then, please be safe!

  Love, Gemma


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