Regan (Baine Family Book 2)

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Regan (Baine Family Book 2) Page 7

by Dakota Rebel

  “Duran knows I’m going home,” I said quietly.

  “What?” Cyrus snapped sharply as Ash stiffened behind me.

  “That’s why I was so eager to get back to Detroit. He found out I was leaving, and he flipped out. I have to stop him. This has to end, and I have to be the one to do it.”

  “Why?” Ash asked, his tone bitter. “Why does it always have to be you?”

  “It doesn’t always have to be me,” I argued defensively. “But this time, this one time, it just does.”

  “Why?” Cyrus repeated the question.

  “The first time I ever caught up to him was in a small village called Nazlet Khater. This town, if you can even call it that, has nothing. They are dirt poor people who do everything they can just to survive every day. I’d found out he was there making an arms deal with someone from the Syrian army. I was just about to move in on the house when they opened fire through the windows. I had to scramble through an alley to keep from getting hit. He was able to escape during the firefight.” I took a deep breath that shuddered as I exhaled. “The next day, he sent his men to find out who had leaked the information. None of the villagers had, but it didn’t stop the men from killing twenty-seven people before giving up and leaving. The blood of those villagers is on my hands. If I’d gotten to him faster, if I’d just stood my ground instead of running, he would have been dead, or at least in prison, and those people would still be alive.”

  A tear slid down my cheek, and I brushed it away angrily. This was why I had such a hard time being taken seriously in a job dominated by men. I could be the hardest of the hard asses when I wanted to be, but sometimes, I couldn’t contain the tears as I remembered the horrors of my past.

  It would have been more merciful for me to personally put a bullet in the head of every person who died on that sand than for them to have endured the beatings at the hands of Duran’s men. They were innocent, caught in a crossfire that had nothing to do with them.

  Maxwell Duran was certifiably insane, and his temper tantrums were legendary. Every time I got close to him, he disappeared and came back later to wreak havoc on anyone who’d been in the vicinity. It had to stop. I might not be able to keep another kingpin from taking his place, but I could at least do something to stop the senseless killing Duran had become famous for.

  “Reagan Baine,” Ash said firmly, turning my shoulder to force me on my back so I was looking into his eyes. “You do not have innocent blood on you. You cannot control the actions of a psychopath.”

  “He’s not going to stop,” I whispered. “Now that he knows who I am, now that he has a name to put on me, he’ll come after me until one of us is dead. I’ve been tracking him long enough to know how his mind works, Ash. If I didn’t go back to Detroit, he’d just kill anyone and everyone who’s ever been associated with me until I came to him anyway. This way I can try to spare some lives.

  “Look,” I continued as I looked between them. “This is some heavy shit, I know that. So I think it would be best if, when we land, we go our separate ways for a while. I can’t bear the thought of you two getting hurt because of me.”

  “Well, there’s a plan,” Cyrus agreed solemnly. “We’ll just drop you off in the States and head back to Egypt. Maybe, I’ll get to see the Sphinx after all.”

  I blew out a sigh of relief. I’d thought they’d do something stupid like argue with me. It would be far easier to focus on getting to my target if I wasn’t worried about them being in the crossfire.

  “Reagan,” Ash said softly. “He’s being sarcastic. You’re out of your fucking mind if you think we’re going to let you go off after that nut job without us at your back.”

  “This isn’t your fight,” I argued.

  “It’s technically not yours, either,” Cyrus said hotly. “Your contract has been pulled.”

  “This isn’t about a fucking contract!” I was yelling now, wide awake and pissed off again. “This is about not starting my car in the driveway and getting blown to bits.”

  “Baby,” Ash said, amusement in his tone. “You blow up your own cars. I don’t think killing Duran will keep you safe from that.”

  “Fuck you,” I snapped, my anger deflating a little. “You know what I mean. Just because his case has been turned over to someone else, it doesn’t mean he won’t hunt me down. You know I have to do this.”

  “Fine.” Cyrus brushed a chunk of hair out of my face. “But why do you have to do it alone?”

  “Because that’s how I do things,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “And what about us?” Ash asked, his arm wrapping around my waist.

  I watched as his hand slowly traced lines up and down Cyrus’ arm. It was the first physical sign of affection I’d seen between the two of them, and it made my body stir in response. They’d admitted they were together, but I hadn’t really taken time to think about what that meant.

  Granted, the last twenty-four hours had been a bit of a whirlwind, and part of it had been taken up by completely blacking out, but still… If I’d been of sound mind, I would have at least imagined the two of them touching each other, kissing…for the love of God, fucking each other.

  I shivered at the mental image of their naked bodies pressed together, dark fingers running through blond hair, full lips enveloping thin.

  “I think we lost her,” Cyrus joked as he put a hand on my hip, pulling me back to reality. “Earth to Reagan.”

  “Yeah,” I said, my voice breathier than I would have preferred. “Sorry.”

  “I thought we weren’t doing this tonight,” Ash murmured against my ear. His tongue flicked out to trace my lobe.

  “We aren’t,” I agreed. “But you two feel free.”

  “Ah,” Cyrus said with a low chuckle. “Finally cottoned onto the fact that Ash and I are together in every sense, have you?”

  “Mmm.” I nodded as my eyelids fluttered closed. I was so tired. Part of me wanted to watch them go at it, and another part of me wanted to be in the middle of it, but most of me just wanted to sleep.

  “Another time,” Ash whispered, kissing my cheek lightly. “We should all get some rest. The crew will come get us in a few hours. We’re taking a chopper to the mainland then hopping a charter to Detroit.”

  “Another plane?” I protested, my voice already thick with sleep.

  “Yes, but it will just be a quick flight. I promise,” Cyrus assured me as he rolled onto his back.

  I snuggled against him, resting my face on his strong shoulder, and sighed when Ash settled back in beside me. I would miss this when they were gone, but for one night at least, I would know what it was like to feel safe and warm between the two of them.

  Chapter Ten

  True to their word the boys on the ship woke us at first light and hustled us onto a waiting chopper. The shaking of the bird was so much worse than the flight on which I’d had to murder the pilot. I was almost looking forward to getting on the Cessna to get home.

  Home. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed Detroit until we landed on US soil. As soon as the helicopter touched down, my heart started hammering in my chest. I was going home. To my mom and to Mitch and his lover Jarrod. My family.

  I’d spent the last few months so busy hunting Maxwell that I’d barely thought of them. My heart ached at the realization I hadn’t so much as spoken to my mom in weeks. She always said she was used to it, but it still made me feel like a terrible daughter every time it happened. My preferred method of dealing with the guilt was just to ignore it and focus on other things.

  Since I hadn’t had a chance to work on a plan for catching Duran, I distracted myself during the flight by talking it out with Ashim and Cyrus.

  “The easiest way will be baiting him,” I said after several terrible ideas were thrown around, including an incredibly helpful one in which we went back to Egypt and shacked up in a pyramid until someone else killed him for me. “I want to keep the body count down, and the only way that’s going to happen is by paradin
g myself in the open as soon as we hit the ground. He needs to know I’m there and know where to find me.”

  “So he can have a sniper take you out while you check your mom’s mail? No way. That’s just suicide,” Cyrus argued.

  “He won’t want it to be that clean,” I said with a snort. “He wants me. He’s been fucking with me for months. Duran will want to dirty his hands with my blood.”

  “So does this mean you’re going to let us help you?” Ash asked.

  “No,” I replied. “I’m just using you for brainstorming. It’s going to come down to me and him. Regardless of how much you think you’ll have my back, he’ll find a way to get me separated from everyone.”

  “Reagan,” Cyrus said, his tone indicating his struggle not to yell at me. “You know we aren’t going to leave you alone when we hit Michigan. We’re by your side, no matter what you think you want.”

  “Um, last time I checked there’s a full moon this week, jackass. Someone on this plane will be locked away in a safe room for a few nights. I would assume that person’s lover will be there with him.”

  “You know what?” Cyrus exploded. “I am so fucking sick of your attitude. You are such a little bitch sometimes. No wonder you work alone. I’ll bet no one could stand you long enough to partner with you.”

  “No, no one can fucking keep up with me!” I yelled back. “I’m sorry if you can’t handle my attitude, but no one asked you to. I am incredibly grateful for all of the help you two have given me. But that ends the second we hit Detroit. I don’t work with people, and I certainly don’t work with—” I stopped, clamping my lips together before I said something I couldn’t take back.

  “Say it,” Cyrus growled, his eyes bleeding to amber. “Monsters. You don’t work with monsters. You certainly didn’t have a problem fucking one last night.”

  “Yes, she did,” Ash said quietly, breaking into the argument. We both turned and glared at him, but he put his hands up in a defensive motion. “She did, dude. She couldn’t handle the thought of you on top of her, couldn’t be held down by you. Even last night, half asleep, she positioned herself above you so she could get the upper hand if it was needed. I’m not saying she’s right. I’m just saying she’s scared.”

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not sitting here,” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Then don’t act like a fucking child,” Ash said, his tone still even and calm. “I’m simply explaining that you’re scared. And judging from what I’ve learned of you, being afraid is something you don’t handle very well. You’re picking fights in the hope we’ll give up and leave you alone. And I’m telling you that’s not going to happen. No matter how mean you are to Cyrus, no matter how honestly frightened of him you may be, we’re not going anywhere. So just sit there, and keep your spoiled little mouth shut for once.”

  I glared at them both. They were being ridiculous. I wasn’t the one who’d asked for their company on this trip. And I’d certainly never agreed to work with them. Regardless of whatever down low tickle they gave me, in the end I would take out Duran on my own.

  “I’m only going to explain this to you once,” Cyrus said, his voice pulling me from my sulk. “I don’t require a safe house when I shift. I’m perfectly house broken. I have full mental capacity in my wolf form, and I have never, not even once, attacked a human being. For the sake of the Army assholes who still don’t understand us, I allow myself to be taken to special barracks during the full moon. That won’t happen this month. I do not require it, nor do I like it. They recruited me for what I am and I am done acting like it is a dangerous affliction.”

  So it wasn’t just my phobia bothering him. All of the military people I’d known had problems with shifters and vampires. In all fairness, the only dealing we ever had with them tended to be hunting them. I was well aware that the majority of Weres lived among humans with no issues. It didn’t stop me from being personally afraid sometimes, and it certainly didn’t aid in my trust of the species as a whole.

  “Fine,” I said, realizing he was watching me and waiting for an answer. “I apologize for being a bitch. Honestly, I do. My issues are my own, and it’s not fair to force them on you. You’ve done nothing but help me since you met me, and I shouldn’t be acting this way toward you.”

  The real problem was that I was starting to trust him. Both of them, in fact. Whenever they said they wouldn’t let anything happen to me, a small piece of myself believed them. But I didn’t know how to do this. I’d never allowed anyone to help me with anything. I wasn’t a “run it by the group” kind of girl. No, I much preferred to go in guns blazing every time. I couldn’t do that if I was watching out for extra people in a firefight.

  “What are you thinking about?” Ash asked, reaching out to take my hand in his.

  “Honestly?” I blew out a sigh. “I’m wondering if I can even do my job if I’m worried about you two getting hurt.”

  “You’re ridiculous,” Cyrus laughed. It was a nice sound, full-throated and honest. I hadn’t seen him smile much since we’d met so I loved to hear the amusement coming from him. “How can you be so afraid of me, yet worry that I’m going to get hurt?”

  “Shut up,” I said, but a grin spread across my face. He was right. I was being stupid. I knew he would never really harm me. Cyrus was not Skip, and he never would be.

  “That’s nice,” Ash said as he grinned at us. “Now kiss and make up.”

  Turning back to Cyrus, I was glad to see his bright blue irises staring back at me. If things between us continued progressing I’d probably get used to the wolf eyes eventually, but for now, it was easier for me to be intimate when he was looking at me with fully human features.

  I leaned over the seat, intending to share a very chaste kiss with him, but he had other ideas. His fingers slid into my hair, gripping the strands tightly as he cocked my head and pushed his tongue between my teeth.

  My body moved into his as much as it could with an armrest between us, and I moaned into his mouth. Part of me wanted to climb over him, straddle his hips and grind against his crotch. I could imagine the feel of his erection growing against me, and it made my pussy flood with passion.

  But there was no way I’d risk having sex on another aircraft. It hadn’t gone so well the time before, so I’d wait until we made it somewhere safe, somewhere we could take our time and really explore each other. All three of us.

  I pulled away from him, smiling shyly. It wasn’t like me to be so enthralled with anyone, let alone two men at the same time. One of them being a shifter was even more shocking. Looking into Cyrus’ eyes, I knew things between us would be different now, better. Maybe, I really was ready to let go of what happened with Skip and move on with my life.

  * * * *

  When we landed at Selfridge Air Force Base, we were met by two First Lieutenants, both insisting on being called simply “Smith” and their staff. Smith One handed me a new cell phone.

  “Captain Baine explained that you’d lost yours on the mission. Your number has been transferred.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant,” I said, slipping the cell into my back pocket. “Where can we get a car?”

  “We can supply you with a sedan,” Smith Two said as he ushered us away from the airstrip. “But we’ll need you to debrief the crew taking over the Duran contract.”

  “That won’t be necessary.” I shook my head, realizing that there was no way I’d let this contract be stripped from me. I’d worked too damn hard to give up now. “It’s has been returned to me. The service of your team is no longer required.”

  “I’ll have to check with the captain on that,” Smith Two said, confusion plain in his tone. “We were under the impression you were to be locked down at your mother’s house until Duran was taken care of.”

  “Allow me.” I pulled out my phone and dialed my father.

  “Did you know?” His clipped tone and lack of “hello” led me to believe he’d heard about Duran heading for the States.

  “Of course, I knew.” In an attempt to gain some semblance of privacy, I turned my back on the men who’d gathered. “I’ve been tracking this asshole for months. I know everything about him. This is my contract, my kill, and by God, you will give it back to me.”

  “Or what?” he challenged.

  “Or I will do it anyway,” I said through gritted teeth.

  I felt no guilt in saying such a thing aloud. Maxwell Duran was pure evil and didn’t deserve the wind he was currently sucking. I would be the one to take him out, legally or not.

  “Fine,” my father said simply, and I could almost imagine him shrugging on the other end of the phone. “But if you get killed, don’t come crying to me.”

  “That would be really funny if one of your kids wasn’t already able to do that.” The audible click of the phone disconnecting was his answer to my parting shot. I turned back to the men and smiled brightly.

  “Sorry, we got disconnected. Feel free to call him back. I’m sure you have his number. The contract is mine, there will be no debriefing and I need a car.” I slipped the phone into my back pocket again as I started walking toward base. When the brass had picked up their jaws, they jogged to get ahead of me, so they could pretend to lead me to where I needed to be. As most bases were laid out the same, I really could have figured it out on my own.

  I watched as Smith One pulled out his cell and made a quick call. From the amount of head nodding, I figured he was talking to my father, insuring that I was in fact back on the Duran case.

  The heavy presence of Cyrus and Ash behind me was comforting. Without turning, I felt them in step with me, two footfalls behind, backing me up like good little soldiers. I appreciated them acting as if they were deferring to me. Being a woman in command is tough, and to have two lunks like them at my back helped smooth things over.


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