Regan (Baine Family Book 2)

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Regan (Baine Family Book 2) Page 8

by Dakota Rebel

  Smith Two asked us to wait outside while he ran into an office. Within minutes, he was back with an expanding file folder and two sets of keys. Cyrus took the papers, and I grabbed both key rings from the Lieutenant.

  “That black sedan is yours for as long as it’s needed, ma’am,” Smith Two said with a small salute.

  “Please, call me Reagan.” I gave him a genuine smile. “My mother is ma’am, not me.”

  “Captain Baine tells us you’ll be at Mrs. Baine’s home if we should need you?” Smith One asked.

  “That’s right,” I agreed. “And you have my mobile number obviously.”

  “Ms. Baine…Reagan.” Smith Two shifted from foot to foot for a moment before continuing. “Maxwell Duran is a savage bastard. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “Smith,” I said, pulling myself to my full height and glaring at him. “Do you need to see my kill sheet?”

  “No, ma’am,” he yelped, snapping back into military posture in an instant. “I know the entire Baine family history. But this guy…he scares me.”

  “To be honest, Lieutenant,” I said, my voice as calm as I could manage. “He scares me, too. That’s why I have to be the one to do this.”

  My words earned another salute from both Smiths, and we were dismissed. As I slid behind the wheel, I heard Cyrus mutter, “You always have to be such a badass.”

  “Everybody needs a hobby,” I said as I turned over the engine then pulled out of the lot.

  Chapter Eleven

  My mom wasn’t home when we got to the house, so we all took turns showering then met back in the kitchen. Cyrus had made himself at home and started coffee brewing.

  “So what exactly is the plan?” Ash asked when we’d all been sufficiently caffeinated and were sitting around the table as relaxed as any of us really got.

  “I don’t know yet,” I admitted. “Now that I’ve thrown my tantrum and demanded the contract back, I can’t really ask the big green dick for help. We have to figure this out on our own…and to be honest, I’m lost.”

  Cyrus laughed, his foot finding mine under the table and nudging me playfully. “Is that referring to the captain or the Army in general?”

  “In general.” I smiled, knocking my shoe against his. “But I’m especially not calling my father. My best bet right now is to get ahold of Mitch and see if he has any contacts who can help us out.”

  The front door opened, and all three of us jumped to our feet, hands at our sides to grab a gun if necessary.

  “Stand down, soldiers,” my mom said with a laugh as she bustled into the kitchen, her arms full of bags.

  The guys ran over to help her, and she smiled her thanks at them as she allowed the parcels to be taken and placed on the counter. She raised her brows at me as she watched the two large men move, and I felt myself blush.

  “Mom, this is Cyrus and Ash. Guys, this is my mom, Mrs. Baine.”

  “Please, call me Helena,” she said as she shook their hands. “Is anyone hungry?”

  We all agreed we could eat, so I helped Mom unpack the groceries then sat at the island while she started cutting fruit and cheese, and the guys were shooed out to watch television.

  “They’re very handsome,” Mom said coyly as she worked.

  “Yes, they are,” I admitted. I knew she was fishing, but I wasn’t sure how much information would be too much for her. Living with our family, she had a stronger constitution than any woman had a right to. But it had been a necessity that was unavoidable.

  I’d watched my mother live with my dad, raise two obnoxious teenagers who’d both signed up to hunt monsters and taken off at the first chance they’d gotten, and she still managed to look happy ninety percent of the time. She’d done her fair share of patching, stitching and bandaging wounds, not to mention giving her own blood to save my brother’s lover. Yeah, I was pretty sure there wasn’t much she couldn’t handle, but I didn’t want to be the one responsible for finding her breaking point.

  “Are you involved with one of them?”

  “Mom,” I said cautiously. “I don’t know if I’m ready to have this conversation with you.”

  “So both of them,” she guessed, turning around to wash her hands.

  “How do you do that?” I asked, throwing my hands up in frustration. She was just like Crystal sometimes. She could jump from point A to point D and be right every time.

  “Darling, you’re like an open book. I don’t know how you’ve managed to survive this long as a secret agent or whatever it is you do with your father. One look at you tells me everything you’ve done in the last year.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” I said, narrowing my eyes.

  “Well,” she clipped as she turned back around and glared at me, hands on her hips and her gaze traveling up and down my body. “You’ve recently had a pretty bad accident, though you look as if you’ve healed pretty nicely. But it must have been to your shoulders or back because your posture is better than it usually is. You’ve obviously had to…take someone out recently because your eyes have that haunted look you get when you have to do something like that. And you’ve had a huge blow out with your father over what he’s done to Mitch, and even though you’re pissed off at him, you appreciate that he trusts you enough to let you have your contract back.”

  “What. The. Fuck?” I stared at her in disbelief. “There is no way you could possibly know all of that just from looking at me.”

  “First of all, watch your mouth. And two, fine, I may have spoken to your father this morning.”

  “That’s cheating,” I mumbled as I crossed my arms.

  “Well.” She threw the dishtowel she’d dried her hands on to the counter and glared at me, “You never tell me anything. Someone needs to let me know my daughter’s still alive. You run off to the desert, chasing monsters and arms dealers, and I don’t have any idea what’s going on. Then you come home with these men and expect me not to wonder?”

  “Are you mad?”

  “Not about the men,” she said, covering my hand with hers. “All I want is for you to be happy, sweetie. But I can’t say I’m pleased that you don’t pick up a phone now and then to let me know you’re all right.”

  “I know. And I am sorry. Things just get so hectic over there.”

  “And that’s why I worry,” she said with a shrug. “But you’re home now and thankfully in one piece. So let’s just leave it.”

  I helped her carry the trays of food to the table and called the guys in to eat. The silence was palpable, and I realized that at least Cyrus had heard us talking. Most likely, with his wolf ears, he could hear anything going on in the whole house.

  “Have you heard from Mitch?” I asked finally when I couldn’t take the awkwardness anymore.

  “Yes. He stops by once in a while. I think Jarrod is on tour with the band, so Mitch should be home tonight if you’d like to go see him.”

  That was good news. He was another family member I rarely took the time to call, and I figured I’d get the same lecture from him later.

  “Are you boys all settled in the guest room?” Mom asked Ash and Cyrus.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Ash said with a nod. “Thank you very much for letting us stay in your home.”

  “Any friend of Reagan’s is welcome here,” she replied with a wave of her hand. “Will you be home for dinner?”

  “I don’t think so.” I shook my head. “We’re going out in a little while, and we’ll probably be at Mitch’s pretty late. Don’t wait up.”

  “I never do,” she said with a wry smile.

  Which was a lie. She always waited up. In fact, I was pretty sure the only time she ever slept was when Mitch and I were both out of town at the same time. If there was even a chance one of her children would be home, she’d be sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of food and a first-aid kit.

  I looked at my watch and saw that it was going on three p.m. I knew the guys were wondering where we were going, and to be honest, I wasn’t sur
e they’d be up for it. But as we’d be sleeping in separate rooms at the house, I was kind of hoping they’d be willing to ravish the fuck out of me before we went to meet Mitch.

  It had been a long couple days, and I needed to burn off some adrenaline. Not to mention the fact we hadn’t exactly been able to enjoy everything as fully as we could have given the circumstances of our trysts. I wanted them both beyond reason, and I wasn’t sure how many more chances we’d have once we got a plan in place for going after Duran.

  If things went badly, we might not have a lot of time to enjoy ourselves, and for once, I wouldn’t let fear or insecurity take away something that was mine.

  The thought visibly startled me, and everyone looked at me curiously. I shook my head and stared back down at my plate as I let the thought wash over me again. Mine. They were mine. And it would be foolish to try to deny that I was theirs.

  It was always dangerous to trust feelings that developed for people with whom you’ve shared intense situations. The brain and the heart don’t always work in tandem. But somehow, I just knew this could be the real deal. I could really make a life with these men. They understood me, they appeared to respect me, and they knew that my job was my life. Ashim and Cyrus accepted me for me, and that was something I didn’t have a lot of experience with.

  As I looked across the table at them, watching Cyrus steal a grape off of Ash’s plate and the darker man glaring playfully at his blond counterpart, I knew I wanted to find out what we could have between us. I wasn’t going to run. And I wouldn’t push them away.

  * * * *

  “So where are we going?” Cyrus asked as we all got back in the car. “Are you taking us on a tour of your childhood?”

  “No,” I said with a laugh. “We’re going somewhere to get naked and sweaty.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Ash murmured, leaning over and nipping my earlobe.

  That small contact made my pussy flood with need, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. It amazed me how much I could want them. And it was very distracting.

  “Not while I’m driving,” I said, shrugging him away but smiling.

  “And where is this naked sweating going to be taking place?” Cyrus asked, his hand reaching between the seats so he could run fingers over my arm.

  “I share an apartment with Mitch,” I said, glancing in the rearview mirror. “Well, not really share. He pays for it, and I crash there when I’m in town. He and Jarrod own a loft so he never uses it, but for some reason, he’s never been able to let it go.”

  In truth, I knew why he kept it. He said he needed a space that was just his. But honestly, I think he kept it so I would always have somewhere to go. Mitch had tried to look out for me my whole life and when I was younger I’d pretended to hate it. Now, it just made me feel loved.

  When we got to the complex, it was a struggle not to sprint from the car. I wanted to feel Ash and Cyrus touching me, kissing me, making love to me. Since the idea to come here had first entered my mind, it had been hard to concentrate on anything else. Even thoughts of Duran had been pushed to the backburner. Everything else could wait.

  The guys followed me into the building and upstairs to the apartment. I fished out my keys and opened the door, allowing the men to go in first. Neither drew their weapons, but they each entered cautiously, their gazes sweeping the room as I entered the code to disarm the alarm.

  After shutting us inside, I closed my eyes for a moment and inhaled. This apartment smelled more like home than the bedroom I’d slept in for eighteen years. That was where I lived, but this place was where I’d grown up. For better and for worse.

  When my lids opened, I saw two sets of hungry eyes staring back at me, and it completely took my breath away. For a moment, I wondered if that was how I looked at them too, but then they were moving closer to me, and I realized it didn’t really matter.

  We automatically removed our weapons, leaving a considerable pile on the coffee table before we fell into a heap together on the floor. Ash kissed me violently, his tongue and teeth ravishing my mouth as Cyrus ripped open my shirt and trailed hot kisses over my chest and down my ribcage.

  “You’re going to destroy my wardrobe,” I complained against Ash’s mouth.

  “Baby, I’ll buy you a thousand shirts if you keep letting me rip them off of your body,” Cyrus teased before moving his mouth farther down my body.

  His fingers undid the button of my jeans, and I raised my hips so he could remove them. The movement pressed my breasts firmly against Ash’s chest.

  The darker man’s arm snaked behind my back, his fingers unclasping my bra with one flick. He nipped gently at my lower lip before releasing me to remove the remnants of my clothes.

  They both stared at me again and that crawling sensation came back. “You’re not going to start kissing my scars again, are you?” I asked, half afraid that they would.

  “No, darling,” Cyrus said as he shifted closer to my head. “We aren’t going to do anything you don’t like. I promise.” Then his mouth was pressed to mine, and Ash slid down my body, his tongue guiding his way over my flesh until it settled between my legs.

  The first gentle suck against my clit made me cry into Cyrus’ mouth. The pleasure shooting through my nerves brought my back off the floor again. Two fingers slid easily inside my slick channel just as my nipples were pinched hard by other hands. An orgasm ripped through my body like a blast, causing me to tremble beneath the men as muscles spasmed and my vision swam.

  I’d never felt release like the sort I’d experienced with these men. I wasn’t sure if it was just the ministrations of all of their extra parts combined at once or if it was because of who they were. Probably, it was both, but my mind wasn’t connecting thoughts at the moment so the question never fully formed, and there wouldn’t have been much of an answer anyway. All I knew for certain was that I never, ever wanted them to stop touching me.

  “I want you,” I whimpered as the pulsing in my body subsided to a dull thumping. “Please. I want to feel both of you inside me again.”

  “Do you want us the same as before?” Ash asked, his face resting on my thigh.

  “Yes, but switched,” I said, hoping that made sense to them.

  “Hands and knees, baby,” Cyrus said, leaning down to kiss me again before standing to remove his clothes.

  I rolled to my knees and rested my ass on my feet as I waited for them to get naked. Their bodies were so strong, toned and perfect. Raising myself up again, I reached for both of them, my hands closing around each of their cocks and stroking them gently.

  Slowly, I leaned toward Ash and flicked my tongue over his tip, the spicy taste and smell of him filling my senses. Then I turned to take Cyrus into my mouth, swirling my tongue around his shaft before releasing him and going back to Ash. They allowed me to alternate tasting them for a few minutes, each moaning their pleasure as I took them in, then hissing their displeasure when I let go.

  Finally, Ash dropped to his knees next to me and kissed me, his tongue probing my mouth, fingers gripping my hair. When he pulled back, he whispered, “I love tasting him on you. I can’t wait to eat him out of your pussy someday.”

  The words shot straight to my core and caused me to shiver. My eyes widened at the thought, and a mental image of what that would be like played through my head. It made every muscle in my body clench, and the pressure in my clit intensified.

  “But right now, I want to fuck you,” he continued, his hand on my back, urging me forward as he shifted to kneel behind me, his legs pushing my thighs apart.

  As I wrapped my hand around the base of Cyrus’ cock, Ash positioned himself at my entrance, and we both moved together, me swallowing Cyrus’ shaft as Ash pushed himself into my aching channel.

  When I’d had the idea to come to the apartment, I’d thought it would be a good time to take things slow and explore each other uninterrupted. But now that they were both inside me, I just wanted them to fuck me until they broke me.
  Luckily, they seemed to feel the same as I did. Ash wasn’t remotely gentle with me. His fingers had a death grip on my hips, and he was rocketing himself in and out of me at a speed that seemed impossible. Every forward thrust pushed his tip against my g-spot, causing my muscles to tighten over and over again until I felt like an over-wound spring about snap.

  Cyrus tried to allow me to set the pace of my mouth, but I had trouble concentrating on him while attempting not to collapse to the ground in a writhing mess of pleasure. Eventually, he just started thrusting when I stopped being able to focus on his shaft. His body moved slower than Ash’s. Obviously, he didn’t want to accidentally choke me, but the speed was fast enough to make my eyes water when he hit the back of my throat.

  Finally, or possibly way too soon, the friction against that sweet spot inside me was too much for my body to take anymore, and I came, screaming around Cyrus’ cock, my body jerking and convulsing to the point that Ash had to wrap his arm around me to hold me up. His rhythm was faltering, and within seconds of my body exploding, he came too, his shaft twitching inside me as he fell over me, trying to support his own weight on his hands so he didn’t actually land on my back.

  Cyrus still fucked my mouth, though I could tell he was close, as well. With all of the strength I had left, I wrapped my hand around him again and pumped in time with him until his flavor filled my mouth and ran down my throat in hot bursts as a genuine howl tore from his throat.

  We were so lost in our pleasure that I jumped violently when the sounds of our lovemaking were overtaken by the bellowing of a voice through the apartment.

  “What the fuck is going on out here?” Mitch yelled from the hallway.

  Chapter Twelve

  I screamed, and the guys both went for their guns.

  “No!” I yelled as I realized it was my brother standing in the hallway pointing a shotgun at us. “It’s Mitch.”

  I grabbed a blanket from the sofa and wrapped it around myself, too startled to be embarrassed at the moment, though I knew that feeling would be close behind once the adrenaline subsided.


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