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Black Coffee, Biscotti & Murder

Page 4

by Sara Bourgeois

  “Wow,” Kari breathed. “That’s pretty amazing.”

  “He’s a great guy,” Maddy confirmed, though her smile looked sad. “I know there are girls hanging around him all the time, but he’s very loyal.” She cleared her throat, and something passed over her face that Kari couldn’t quite identify. “Did you know we’re celebrating our first anniversary as a couple tomorrow?”

  “You are?” Kari clapped her hands together with delight. “Oh my gosh, that is amazing! If you guys want to come into the coffee shop, your drinks and biscotti will totally be on the house!”

  She thought about getting a picture of them, as well, to hang on the shop’s wall. She reminded herself to ask Kasi’s opinion on this after the show.

  Maddy giggled. “That sounds like the perfect way to start our day, for sure! I think we’re planning to head to that seafood restaurant in town for dinner. Is it any good?”

  “Sailor Moon?” Kari asked. “Oh, yeah, it’s amazing. You should get the garlic scallops and the Waldorf salad.” As she talked about the food, she felt herself getting hungry.

  I wonder if I can convince Kasi to go on a sister date with me soon? I haven’t had Sailor Moon’s scallops in forever! Kari thought.

  “Ooh, that sounds fabulous,” Maddy said. “I absolutely love scallops. Jake isn’t much of a seafood person, but he said they have great steaks, too. Do you know how many times I’ve tried to get him to go for sushi with me? He just gets so grossed out by the smell of fish, and it certainly doesn’t help if it’s raw!”

  Kari grinned. “I think that’s a man thing! But, yes, their king cut filet is world-famous! So, he’ll be just fine.”

  “Are you talking about us?” Russell and Jake walked backstage, and Russell asked the question with sly grin. “I heard the words ‘world famous’!”

  “I’m not sure about world famous, but I’m certainly feeling pretty good right now!” Jake sat down next to Maddy and put his arm around her. “What did you think?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

  She snuggled up to him and gushed, “Amazing, as usual! I swear, you get better every time I hear you.”

  “Well, I couldn’t do it without this guy,” Jake answered, indicating Russell, who had pulled beers from out of the backstage fridge and was passing them around.

  “Oh, come on,” Russell said with a laugh, popping the top on his beer and settling into one of the cushy armchairs across the couch. “I could never outshine you. You’re the star of the show, and everyone knows it. I’m just along for the ride!”

  Jake shook his head. “No way, man. No way. There is absolutely no way I would be here without you, and we both know it.” The friends clinked their bottles together, and Kari settled back, enjoying the moment of camaraderie.

  Who would have guessed that she would be backstage with the Fire Spitters after a big show? Life, certainly, was good.

  Chapter 8


  As the group sipped their beers, Kari saw her sister approaching them from the auditorium.

  “What’s going on?” Kari asked her. “I thought you had all the energy in the world, and I still hear The Outcasts performing!”

  Kasi flopped down on the couch next to her and sighed. “Apparently, I’m not as young as I claimed to be, either. I’m beat! Besides, you know that The Neighboring Town is now my favorite band. Your loss, Outcasts!”

  Kari smiled at her sister but noticed that Maddy’s smile had gradually faded as Kasi talked.

  Does she not like my sister? Kari wondered. She knew that Kasi could be a bit of a scene-stealer, but the girl had a heart of gold. She resisted the urge to say as much to Maddy and instead took another sip of her beer.

  “I haven’t seen you drink beer forever!” Kasi exclaimed, pointing to the bottle in her sister’s hand. “What gives?”

  Kari shrugged. Russell had put it in her hand, and she didn’t want to appear rude, even though beer was one of her least favorite drinks. She glanced over and saw that he was still within earshot.

  “I…just felt like it?” she tried.

  “Huh. Well…when in Rome…” Kasi looked around. “What’s a girl gotta do to get a beer around here?”

  Russell laughed and grabbed her one from the refrigerator, popping the top and wiping off the foam before handing it over.

  “As m’lady wishes!” He did a little bow. “That’s a pretty strong IPA. If you want something a little milder, just let me know. I’m sure I can scare something up for you.”

  “Why, thank you, kind sir!” Kasi took a long pull and failed to hide her look of distaste. Kari wasn’t sure if her sister had ever tried one of the super-hoppy IPAs, and she knew they were a bit of an acquired taste.

  “Mmm, yum!” she choked. “You the man, Intricate!”

  Kari tried not to roll her eyes. When Kasi flirted, it usually came off as ridiculous because she had little to no practice.

  And was she really flirting with a dude sporting a man-bun? Maybe the manic atmosphere of the concert was getting to her.

  “Who’s that?” Kasi asked, pointing to a man in his mid-40s, who was approaching. Russell and Jake got up and walked over to him without saying anything.

  He had on what looked like a very expensive suit, though the professional image was a bit diminished by his slicked-back hair and a very large diamond stud winking from his left ear.

  Kari noticed that, when all of their attention shifted, her sister tried to hide the bottle of beer behind the couch. She tried not to chuckle.

  “I don’t recognize him,” Maddy said, watching as the man put his arms around the two men and started to lead them to the corner. “Maybe he works at the venue? Or for one of the other bands?”

  Kari leaned closer and barely caught the words, “How would you like your music to be distributed all over the world?”

  Her eyes widening, Kari looked at Maddy and then at her sister. Both of them also had shocked looks on their faces.

  “Did you hear that?” she hissed.

  Kasi, never one to be subtle, blared, “Oh my gosh, are you guys getting signed?”

  Slicked-back Suit turned toward them and offered up a wide, slightly smarmy grin.

  “Well, hello, ladies! My name is Max Watson, and I represent Milestone Records. How are you all doing tonight? Did you enjoy the Fire Spitters’ show?”

  “Milestone Records?” Kasi asked, her mouth hanging open. “As in, the biggest record label in the world?”

  “That would be the one! We tend to send a representative to all the big music festivals in the country to see if there’s some new talent we think we could add to our brand. I happened to be the lucky one to come to Mulls Village!” Max gave them a big wink before turning back to Jake and Russell.

  “Mulls Village?” Kasi muttered; her eyebrows raised. “Jeez. He could at least get the name of our town right.”

  Ignoring her sister’s comment, Kari turned to Maddy. “Can you believe this? This might finally be it for them! This could be their big break!”

  She expected to see Maddy react with joy, but, instead, her eyes started to fill with tears. Quickly, she brushed them away and tried on a tremulous smile.

  “It’s just…wonderful! It’s great! I mean, truly great!” She quickly got up and rushed out of the room, murmuring something about using the ladies’ room.

  “What the heck was that all about?” Kasi asked her sister. “I figured she’d be ecstatic! I know I am, and I’m not even dating one of them!”

  “With the way Intricate was eyeing you, I’m sure you could change all that.” Kari gave her sister a shove and started laughing. “Mrs. Intricate, I presume?”

  “Ugh, stop!” Kasi said, sticking her tongue out. “I was just being polite!”

  “Come on, you deserve a little payback for all the ribbing you give me about Hunter!” Kari pointed out. “I have to get my shots in when I can.”

  Kasi acknowledged that with a nod. “Point taken! But seriously, what’s up with Maddy
? You think she’s okay?”

  Kari shrugged. “Maybe she’s worried about being left behind? You know all those stories you hear about singers making it big and leaving their girlfriends behind to date other stars. She could just be feeling a little insecure?”

  “Jake would never do that,” Kasi scoffed. “Hunter has told us a million times how down-to-earth he is. That’s why, he’s still such good friends with him.”

  “True,” Kari conceded.

  Not only did Jake still keep a house in Mills Township, but he frequently returned to get involved in charity work and to support the local music community. Though they hadn’t been signed by a big label yet, they were already pretty famous, and it hadn’t seemed to change him one bit.

  However, Kari also knew that people could react out of fear, even if their fears were completely unwarranted.

  “That doesn’t mean she isn’t afraid of what it might mean for them,” she told Kasi. “I might be a little worried, too.”

  When Maddy appeared a few minutes later, she appeared to have composed herself, and her face was now shining with the expected happiness.

  “They’re still talking!” she whispered, pointing to the threesome in the corner. “This has got to be good news.”

  Jake broke away from Russell and Max and rushed over to plant a kiss on Maddy’s cheek.

  “Hey, he wants to discuss more in private. We’re just going to head to the dressing room for a bit, okay?”

  “Okay, babe!” Maddy said brightly. “Good luck!”

  “Thank you!” His cheeks flushed with excitement, Jake gave Maddy one more kiss before jogging back to his partner and the record label rep.

  The three girls watched as Russell, Jake, and Max walked toward the dressing room, still deep in conversation.

  “Can you believe this?” Kasi screeched, getting up to throw her arms around Maddy. “We actually got to be here to witness the Fire Spitters’ big break!”

  Kari watched Maddy’s reaction closely, wondering how she’d take her sister’s display of affection.

  To her delight, Maddy hugged her back and started jumping up and down. “We may need to all go out after this to celebrate! Are there any good places in town?”

  Kasi looked at her sister, a sly look in her eyes. Before Kari could wonder what she was up to, she started rapping, “Mills is where I pay my bills!”

  “Mills is where I honed my skills!” Kari joined in, getting up and doing a little dance.

  “Mills is where I never feel alone!” Kasi hollered.

  Maddy threw her hands in the air and screamed, “Mills is what I like to call HOME!”

  The three girls collapsed on the couch, breathing hard and giggling. What an amazing night, Kari thought. Nothing in the world could ruin this.

  Chapter 9


  Despite all of his efforts, Hunter knew that he had sweat through both his undershirt and the button-down he wore over it. He would freeze once he went outside, but there was still a smile on his face. The night had gone great.

  The bands were excellent, and Jake and Russell were amazing. He got to spend more time with Kari—and Kasi, too, of course.

  And he got paid for the whole thing.

  Still, he was glad the night was over.

  He stretched his arms above his head and behind his back. He could tell already that he was going to be feeling this tomorrow and, probably, for the next few days, as well.

  Most people didn’t realize how difficult it was to stand at attention for any real length of time. It took a lot out of you. He couldn’t wait to get home, take a shower, and hit the sack.

  All he had left to do was oversee the clean-up.

  “Jorge,” Hunter called out to the head of the cleaning crew. “Do me a favor, and have your guys be extra careful with the Christmas decorations when it’s time for clean-up, okay?”

  “You got it, Hunter,” Jorge replied and gave him a thumbs-up. “Did Everett say what he was going to do with them?”

  “No, but knowing him, I’m sure he has something planned for’em. Just try to keep them in one piece as you move them and get them into the back storage room. If they don’t fit, we’ll sort it out after.”

  “I think we can squeeze them in,” Jorge assured him. “You catch any of the show?”

  “I was right there when Dragon and Intricate went on stage.”

  “No way! Those guys are my jam! I’m so jealous.” Jorge grabbed two of his crew, and they went over to the eight-foot Christmas tree at the side of the stage to start discussing how to take it down after the show.

  Hunter could hear him singing as he walked away. “Mills is where I pay my bills. Mills is where I honed my skills…”

  Hunter smiled as he watched them. The Fire Spitters really were something of a local phenomenon—or a fixture, at the very least. He knew that Jake did what he could to give back to the community, and it was just one of the things that Hunter really respected about him.

  He surveyed the large auditorium, which would soon be empty—and a mess. He knew the cleaning crew would have the situation well in hand, and he decided it was probably time he checked on the girls.

  Kari, Kasi, and Maddy were all waiting in the lounge area backstage. He knew Kasi was hoping to catch the guys from The Neighboring Town to see if she could get a picture with them, and he also knew he’d do whatever he could to make it happen.

  As Hunter walked into the lounge area, he looked around and quickly spotted the three girls on the couch, laughing. He was happy to see them laughing together and was especially glad to see Maddy in a good mood.

  There were a few times tonight that he thought she looked a little bummed, and he knew the tour was taking a toll on her. He had to remind himself to mention something to Jake about it if he had a chance to talk to him alone. It wasn’t really his place to interfere with their relationship, but he wanted his friend to be aware of what was going on.

  As soon as he got close to them, the three looked up, and Kari stood and ran over to him. His pulse quickened as she grabbed his arm, and it took a second for him to realize she was talking to him.

  “You’ll never guess what happened!” Kari was beaming.

  “I give up.”

  “Wow, you really do ‘never guess’.”

  Hunter looked over at Kasi, who winked at him and gave him a great big grin. Hunter just shook his head.

  He could never help but think of Kasi as his little sister. His ‘get-on-your-very-last-nerve-and-then-some’ little sister.

  Kari, on the other hand, he thought, Kari is more of a…

  His thought was interrupted by Kari speaking again. He could barely follow it; she was so excited.

  “…and they’re back there right now!”

  “Wait, who’s where?” Hunter scratched the back of his head.

  “Ugh! Hunter, focus! There is a record label executive that came back here to talk to Jake and Russell. They went into the back room, and they’re talking right now! They probably already signed a deal for, like, a million bucks!”

  “Uh, I hope he’s holding out for at least two million. Up front. All cash. Or he’ll hear about it from me later!” Maddy was totally nailing the mock business tone.

  “I hope he holds out for his own island,” Kasi said dreamily.

  “Oh, shut up, Kasi!” Kari turns back to Hunter. “So, what do you think?”

  “Wait, are you being serious right now?” Hunter asked.

  Kari rolled her eyes at him. “YES! Yes, we’re being serious! They’re back there right now with a talent scout from Milestone Records!”

  Hunter didn’t know what to do with himself. All thoughts of being tired and sore went right out the window. He felt like a kid who just found out he won the big game.

  He started dancing and hopping around the room like a teenager. “Yes! Yes! Yes! That’s awesome! Yeah!” He started punching each hand up in the air. “Woo-hoo! Alright, Fire Spitters! Alright! I knew this was gonna h
appen! I knew it!”

  “Wait.” He stopped, having realized what Kari had said. “Milestone Records? They’re, like, the biggest label in the country!”

  “In the world,” Maddy chimed in.

  Hunter started dancing again, not caring that all three girls were laughing at him.

  He was so happy for his buddy. He knew how long Jake had worked at this. He knew how many people had told him that he would never make it, and that he should quit dreaming and just get a real job like everyone else in the real world.

  Hunter could hardly believe that all the hard work would finally pay off.

  Hunter stopped, took a moment to collect himself, then turned to the girls. He shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Well, that’s good news. I guess.”

  All three jaws dropped at the sudden change.

  He smiled at all of them, and said, “Nope, not doing it!” He started jumping around like a madman again. “Woo-hoo!”

  “Hey, easy,” Kasi yelled. “You’ll knock over my beer.” She kicked it with her foot, knocking it over. “Oops. Good job, Hunter! You know, that was a very strong IPA.”

  Hunter stopped dancing and opened his mouth to apologize, but Kasi beat him to it.

  “Oh, well, nothing to do now but dance!” Kasi jumped up from the couch and started dancing around with him.

  Together, they started yelling, “Go, Jake! Go, Russell! Go, Fire Spitters! Go, Dragon! Go, Intricate! Go, Fire Spitters!”

  By now, everyone in the whole room was looking over at them. People were pointing and laughing as they jumped up and down, but neither Hunter nor Kasi cared in the least.

  “Go, Jake! Go, Russell! Go, Fire Spitters! Go, Dragon! Go, Intricate! Go, Fire Spitters!” Now, Kari and Maddy had joined in the chorus, and they were clapping as Hunter and Kasi held hands and danced around in a circle.

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Hunter whirled around, almost throwing Kasi into the wall in the process, and looked at Russell. Without a word, Hunter rushed over and grabbed hold of him, giving him a big bear hug that lifted him right off the ground.


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