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The Red Lands 1

Page 13

by ForestRage

"I checked it like you showed me. I think we have enough for about two months. It can last if I make more soup and food like that. We will be out of flour soon though, the bread making uses it up a lot."

  The young girl answered. Compared to the near lifeless person from before, she was now more active. She had a round freckled face with brown hair cut just above the shoulders. Her hair was neatly secured and covered in a cloth like cooks usually wear.

  The next person to speak was Clod. He had filled out to become a typical farmer specimen. With his short-cropped blond hair and square jaw, he was a likely candidate for any tradesman if it wasn't for his leg.

  "We need more nails and some oil to maintain the weapons. The swords are beginning to rust. If I can get more lumber it would be good."

  Chu nodded his head. If he had to find a fault with this budding farmer, it would be the teen’s insistence on grinding and scattering dried herbs around the barn. Clod had him purchase a large amount at the Trading Post, as well as scour the nearby surroundings for the dried twigs. In consideration of leaving the village, he placed the idea on hold.

  Until he felt comfortable, he would not want to step foot outside his little corner of the world. Before he proceeded he wanted more information. Only by building up a solid foundation would he ascend another step up the ladder.

  "Chu, Lucy keeps hogging the crossbow. I want one for myself. And my sword is too lame, so I want a flashier one. I also I want my own tools, since Clod doesn't let me do what I want. Furthermore, I want other food because Sue keeps making soup nearly every other day. I want more stew and good food. And I want...."


  "We don't have money for more weapons. The reason Lucy doesn't give you the crossbow is because you only waste time during training."


  "Last time you took the tools you wasted nearly half of the lumber. If Clod didn't make use of it and made small benches and tables, that would have been money down the drain."


  "Don't keep bothering Sue in the kitchen otherwise I am going to personally start cooking watered down gruel for you. How many people in any of these villages around here can feast on snow bear meat?"


  "Next time I see you dawdling and not training, I am going to take away your sword."

  Used to these unreasonable demands and the beating that followed, Lucy gave her report. Both her and Miki were responsible for keeping watch. Sometimes the other girls would help a few hours to break the monotony.

  The pair were like typical country girls with rough hands and dry skin. Lucy had loose shoulder length blond hair and the brightest blue eyes. Her appearance would garner second glances anywhere. To avoid this, she kept herself cloaked and wrapped up in rags while living in the slums. Here she felt comfortable enough to show her appearance.

  "So far we have seen nothing out of the ordinary. One day Miki did see some people walking in the distance, but they were probably from the farms. They never came close to the forest but kept to the grasslands. We need some more cross-bolts, about twenty are damaged from the repeated use. Clod sharpened some, but others remain bent and useless."

  Miki gave a shout of agreement from the top. They always talked loud enough for her to hear. In a quiet place like this they didn't have to shout. She had long black hair worn in a ponytail and a pair of black eyes.

  Unlike Lucy who had a western type look she had more of an Asian complexion. If wasn't for the rough living leading to scabs, scars and blisters both girls would certainly grow to be beauties. Unfortunate hard life in the slums proved detrimental to a girl's beauty.

  Sakura and Dyna were still little kids and they didn't have much responsibility apart from helping in chores. Sakura was a black-haired girl with an oval face and a quiet nature unlike Dyna.

  Dyna was a red-haired girl who sported a tomboy look. Her green eyes captured most by their color. She preferred to help in chores, rather than learn to read.

  "Chu, we have finished all the sewing. The hardest work is getting water from the well. If we can get some more buckets it would be great. The oil lamps that you bought are great, but we need more oil."

  "Ok, I will look into it."

  Like this Chu was slowly training them to be more understanding and responsible.

  "Sakura, I want you to help Miki with her reading. She needs extra work after our usual classes. Ming would take her place as the watch. We all need to be able to read and understand some basic words before spring."

  Besides the training in the evening, Chu made sure everyone was learning to read. If these children were to remain with him, it would be a bonus to keep them knowledgeable. Sakura demonstrated the most promise being able to grasp the basics even faster than Chu.

  "Tomorrow Ming, Lucy and I will go to the village. While gone Miki will take command. If anything happens, hang a red sheet from the tower so we can spot it. Take safety in the cellar. Do it like we practiced."

  "Do we bolt both doors when you go, or just the outer one?"

  Chu raised his head to answer back Miki.

  "Just bar the outer door. The inside one is not a problem."

  The door to the barn was made smaller and was now designed by Chu to act as a trap in capturing non-climbing animals like wolves. Unfortunately, lone wolves were not prowling around since they had long integrated themselves into large packs. He didn't have a chance to put it in action.

  Whether it was because they now lived in near isolation to the far south or their lack of movement out of the barn, they witness no sightings of wild animals. During the day the fallen snow visible around the barn as far as they could see remained trackless.

  So far, they were able to remain out of the scope of the wild hunting beast.

  "We only have the small sled, so our purchases can only be so much. If the snow melts and eases up for a few days, we may be able to rent the wagon again."

  "Food and supplies like the oil for lamps will be priority in this trip."

  Food, clothes and shelter. He believed he covered all the basics.

  What he didn't know was soon he was going to face a test on how secure he had made himself.

  Chapter 20

  Returning to the village

  The next day Chu set out for the village. He left in the morning, as soon as the sun came up. Chu and Ming carried a spear each, while Lucy had a crossbow slung across her back. Between them, they took turns pulling a small sled.

  Under Chu's instruction, Clod built a small sled out of the cut pieces of board. He made it slightly longer than a wheelbarrow. A double rope attached to the front, assisted in the towing. He had Ming test it out before their trip, pulling it along the snow with three of the girls in tow.

  The weather looked clear, with only blue skies as far as the eye could see. If a storm blew up by chance, they had enough time to reach, and hunker down in the village or return to the barn.

  With the grasslands covered in just under two feet of snow, the journey proved tougher than usual. Pulling the sled, while wearing their padded clothing and wrapped in scarves under a hooded cloak, caused sweat to drip from their foreheads.

  If not for them taking their time, and being accustomed to hard manual labor, they might already have quit.

  The snow blanketed the world in white. If not for the trees in the distance, and the few ruins they remembered, the white landscape might have disoriented them.

  They stopped to rest a few times, under some of the familiar ruins. These broken structures, offered little protection from the elements. They served only in providing a comfort to the mind.

  Halfway through the trip, they stopped at one of the ruins. Entering this structure, Chu found the firewood he stored.

  Dusting off the snow, he used a flint along with an oil soaked rag to slowly kindle a fire. Sitting in the welcome warmth, they ate their lunch in silence.

  Before leaving they stamped out the embers and quenched the smoking wood in the snow. Although the fire needed c
are to light, Chu felt the results turned out satisfactory.

  They reached the village in the early afternoon. They had taken their time, after trudging through the snow. The Trading Post looked desolate without the usual scurrying of workers, merchants and hunters.

  There were only a few guards, and a clerk at the receiving bay. Most of the activities were now carried out at the General store located within the village.

  Chu didn't waste time here and went into the village. Most of the items he needed, consisted of food that would be kept at the General store. The gates at the village entrance, was half closed as a precaution.

  Upon seeing the children and their poor makeshift sled, the guards easily labeled them as slum children and let them pass. The well insulated padded outfits designed by Chu, lay hidden below deliberately patched cloaks.

  At the General store, a large familiar shadow greeted them.

  "What the heck! Where the hell have you been?"

  Chu found himself slightly surprised at the question. He remembered telling Griz that he was going to hunker down for the winter.

  The manager obviously knew he no longer lived in the slum area. He did borrow a cart from him after all, when he hauled his belongings away.

  "Why the concern Mr Griz. Has something happened?"

  Griz pulled them to a corner of the counter. The few people in the shop, were taken care of by another two clerks who were Griz's assistants.

  "When last have you been to the village?"

  "This is my first trip after I left."

  Griz gave Chu the latest news of what happened. Being the head of the Trading Post, he was entitled to the latest gossips and activities.

  About two weeks ago, hunters in the north reported sighting wolf packs. These packs had around twenty to thirty wolves and started to move into the grasslands. Once wolf packs begin to venture out of the forest, it means they have become daring enough to challenge human settlements.

  A hunting group has already fallen prey to one such pack. On the open grasslands a wolf pack is a dangerous enemy. With nowhere to run and climb, packs steamroll over their foes through vicious attacks from all directions utilizing their numbers.

  The ferocity of a pack with their endless chasing stamina on open ground was something those traveling on foot could never hope to outrun.

  Two days ago, a wolf pack raided the slums during the night. In the chaos about ten people lost their lives. The rest barely managed to escape into the village. By the time the garrison responded the beasts had long retreated.

  Several farms in the north have reported packs roaming about, so half the garrison have already been sent out on patrols. Along with some commissioned hunters they are to track and kill those in the grasslands.

  There was also rumors from the north of teams of adventurers and lone trappers disappearing without a trace. This showed how wide a scope of territory the packs were claiming as their hunting grounds.

  "I don't know which hole you dug yourself into these weeks, but I suggest you return to the village. This year the northern forts reported a lot more beast than usual came through the mountains."

  Griz gave him some friendly advice. This was information that would be shared among merchants and traders. It would have been firsthand information in a near isolated place like this.

  He continued talking to Chu.

  "With the north starting to broil, soon these beast raids are going to be more daring. Wolves are one thing, but there are other animals that can easily scale walls or break them."

  "I see. Then I am going to be in a hurry today. Please give me these items that I need. Don't forget that summer discount."

  Chu gave a reply and then started to list all the supplies he needed. He didn't forget to add-on some more crossbolt purchases.

  Griz had an assistant bring over the items he wanted. He didn't know if the kid had balls or was just plain ignorant of the situation these villages faced during the winter season. Given a choice he would have long followed the last merchant caravan leaving before the snow began to fall. The only reason he was here was because of the posting of personnel by the Trading post.

  Chu made a quick stop at home to reassure his family he was fine, and then met up with the others at the gate. He was adamant they eat something first before setting out. This return trip had to be made in haste.

  Information showed the wolf packs were in the north. A wild animal hunting through cunning and stalking is not going to remain in the same place to become the prey. Beast of this type tend to be smart and migrate to the least suspected place to strike again.

  If the north was now so hot, the most likely place would be for the animals to try their luck in the south.

  If it was such a simple deduction from his part, it would be easy for a smart hunter like a wolf to think of something like this.

  Living in a remote place to avoid the troubles in the village was a wise choice. If he was in the village, not to mention the slums his family might have been prey to others for the riches they suddenly had. The price of isolation was lack of information. In a dangerous place like this in the wilderness, that was courting death.

  The wolf packs had started to move freely on the plains. That much was true as expected each year. However, Griz mentioned one key word.


  There was more than one.

  Given the animal's intelligence, it would only be a matter of time before they circle to the south of the village. In a barn farthest from the village and neighboring farms lay the home of fresh prey.

  What animal wouldn't stalk and prod to inspect their defenses in hopes of food.

  The problem was that this information came a little late for him. Who knows if the packs were already gathering near the south forest to roam the adjacent grasslands. They did strike the village already, south of the village was him.

  The casual walk to return home now was fraught with danger. As the furthest from the village to the south they may avoid detection, but wolves had a keen tracking skill. The barn was safe but being caught outside was the problem.

  "Lucy load the crossbow and scout for us. Ming and I will handle the sled. We have to hurry back, outside is not safe anymore."

  Chu decided to risk it. If he left the sled and ran back, they would have to stretch their food supply. Whether he ran or walked on this open grassland, they would still be easy picking for a wolf pack. The most he could do was hurry to the barn.

  The only noise was the crunching of the snow as they moved. They made the return journey in silence. They spared no effort to rush home. Drenched under the clothes and load the trip home was uneventful. He felt during the whole time as if hungry eyes constantly trained onto his back.

  Only when he entered the barn did Chu feel like the mountain lifted off him.

  Chu took some time to recover from the invisible pressure. It was one thing to be on a tree hunting a single beast. It was another to meet up a pack on the open plains. Danger where he had limited, or no options frightened him.

  After a quick cleanup, Chu gathered them on the platform during the evening meal. Recounting the words of Griz the most he could do was calm their fears. Hopefully the patrolling soldiers would be able to lessen the number of wolves and keep them deterred.

  "We will not use the well from outside. Keep it hidden and draw the water from below. Clod I want the trapdoor and floor above the cellar reinforced with some boards. We will continue to sleep down there."

  "Can't we sleep on here on the platform? It is high, and the wolves can't reach us here."

  Sue chimed. The fear of beast ripping through the floor above their heads was a little terrifying now that they had to think about it.

  "No, I want us down in that cellar at night. Until I am convinced that only wolves dare to attack from the forest then we have to hide."

  He remembered Griz talking about other dangers. Right now, he considered himself an ignorant fool on the ways of this world. Unless necessary he preferred
to hide and observe than to risk his life again.

  "Hopefully since we are so far south of the village and away from the farmhouses, we should be safe...."

  It was logical thinking since south of them lay only grasslands that stretched for miles until the farms circling the next village could be reached. However why did Chu feel he just raised the proverbial flag?

  The night passed quickly and quietly. It seemed as if they were all worried for nothing. Yes, they had to take extra precautions, but it was also something they expected. The day was cloudy, and Chu hoped for a blizzard to dump as much snow making it hard for moving around.

  He was beginning to think he was overestimating the situation. By late evening they were back to the usual routine. Until a muffled shout came from above.


  The whispered shout raised his pores. The emotions behind it nearly made him curse. Looking up he saw the fear and excited face of Miki staring down. She was beckoning to come up in haste to join her.

  He scrambled up the ladder to the platform. He didn't have time to settle himself when she clutched his arm in a vice. Her other small hand extended out pointing to the forest.

  The sight confirmed his fears and had him thanking the gods for the boon of making it home in time.

  On the edge of the forest a white wolf walked slowly out under the setting sun. It raised its head and sniffed the air and then continued walking forwards out into the grasslands.

  It moved a mile away like it was heading northeast to the inner farms. When it walked to a position north of the barn it paused, bending its head and sniffing.

  The setting sun provided enough light to indicate the wolf stood where the tracks in the snow led to the barn.

  'Crud! it found our tracks!'

  The beast turned its nose high in the air and sniffed, then walked towards the village. It paused after some steps and doubled back to face the barn. Finally, it remained standing a mile away, as if in deep contemplation.

  The wolf narrowed its gaze towards the barn, as if looking straight at them. Chu nearly ducked in reflex. He remained stiff as a board as the wolf faced the direction of the barn, lifted it head and gave a mournful howl.


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