Book Read Free

Six Branches

Page 10

by Jeanne Allen

  My face grows hot. I can’t believe I got so worked up over a simple touch earlier. Daisy has a right to be annoyed; I would be. I never considered myself that kind of person, but I’ve never been in a real relationship before, so I don’t know.

  Daisy gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning to quirk an eyebrow at the remaining Kladí in the room. “I’ll explain this clearly so you don’t go all caveman on me. Rose has been through a lot recently and needs to process it. I’m taking her upstairs to have some girl to girl chats, and you are all going to leave her alone until tomorrow morning.”

  Jackson moves, about to rise to the challenge, so I intervene. “Please.”

  I’m in danger, from what exactly, I still don’t understand. But Daisy’s right; I could use some female perspective on what’s going on, as well as some distance to process everything rolling around in my head.

  I hit Jackson with my best wide-eyed-doe look. Works almost too well. Jackson’s eyes widen in panic and lock with mine as he sputters, “Oh, um, I guess that’s fine.”

  It’s like I found Superman’s kryptonite.

  I catch Lucas grinning at me out of the corner of my eye. Figures the Goblin would approve of my own voodoo powers, though my puppy eyes still can’t compete with his smile.

  Before I say more than a rushed goodnight, Daisy drags me out of the room and up the stairs. I don’t know how she knows which room is mine, but she goes directly to it.

  She freezes at the doorway. “Sorry. I act before thinking a lot. Is it okay if I come in? I can’t believe I didn’t ask you.”

  I shrug. I’ve never been territorial of my belongings or space. I’ve never felt like anywhere I lived was really mine anyway, even with Mary. So, it doesn’t bother me when Daisy grins and steps into the room I’m staying in.

  She bounces over to collapse on the bed, kicking her feet up in the air to situate herself squarely in the center of the bed.

  With a chuckle, I follow her into the room. “Sure, go ahead, make yourself at home.”

  She sits up, mock indignation alight on her dainty features. “Hey, I asked!” She crosses her arms over her chest but can only hold the posture for a few seconds before a grin cracks through her veneer. She gestures to the bed. “Sit down, sit down.”

  As much as I’ve shed my usual bashfulness around the members of this house, I’m still not used to all the casual touching of the Phósopoi. Instead, I opt to sit on a comfortable-looking chair near the vanity.

  Daisy waits until I situate myself before pouncing. “I can’t believe the Wellington twins found their Agora and so quickly! And you’ve got Sebastian Taylor and Prince Jackson as well. Way to score all of the most eligible unBonded Kladí in nearly every region.”

  My hands tingle at the easy way she discusses the changes I’ve tried very hard to push to the back of my head since Monday.

  Now that it’s the two of us, away from the simultaneous craziness and calming quality of my Kladí, I freak-out. “Holy Cheese Muffins. You’re right. What am I going to do? I don’t know how to have one boyfriend, let alone six. This is bad. This is really bad. Daisy, you have to help me.”

  “Whoa. Whoa. Slow down there, cowgirl. One thing at a time.” Daisy’s eyes light up with mirth as she raises her hands in the universal sign of placating. “First of all, Six? I thought it was just the four downstairs?”

  I shake my head. “No, Forrest went to go get the last member, the only one I’ve not met yet. He lives in New York.”

  “Forrest Blake?”

  “I don’t know his last name.” I find this ridiculous since we’re supposed to be soulmates or something. Shouldn’t I know his last name?

  “Gorgeous tattoos, got the whole sexy thing down to a science? Sound familiar?” At my raised eyebrows, Daisy grins and claps her hands. “Oh, this is even better! Wow, you couldn’t have gotten better Kladí if you handpicked them yourself. You must be really powerful. No, don’t answer that.” She holds up her hand to cut off my protests. “I can already tell you don’t know your own strength yet. That’s fine. Let’s go back to the whole six Kladí thing. That’s a lot, even for a powerful Agora. Who is the last one?”

  I sigh. Kira certainly recognized the name of my last soulmate. “Um, his name is Jin Kim. Jackson mentioned him as the—”

  “Assassin,” Daisy breathes.

  Her doe eyes go the size of saucers, and all traces of gentle teasing and mirth vanish. She pales like her cousin did when Jackson mentioned the name earlier today.

  “What, what’s wrong?” Who is my last Kladí? What kind of man earns a nickname like The Assassin anyway?

  “N-nothing. Let’s move on. I think it’s best you meet him for yourself first.” Daisy flicks her eyes away for a moment, but in a breath, she’s back. The hunch of her shoulders suggests her unease, but the corners of her mouth pull up into a cheery smile that seems genuine. “I can’t help you with that one, but I’ve known the twins for ages, and I’ve heard about Prince Jackson. Even Sebastian comes from a notorious Warrior clan. I can dish on the rest for now.”

  I take the offer for what it is: an olive branch. “Wait a moment.”

  Standing, I rummage around in my duffel bag and find a comfortable set of pajamas for Daisy and myself.

  When I hold them up, they earn a giggle at the Llama-centric designs.

  She’s still giggling when she returns from my en-suite. “Llamas?”

  “One of my foster families owned a llama farm. I fell in love with them then.” My skin heats up again, which irritates me.

  I hate how easily people can tell when I’m embarrassed. Thanks to my nightmares and unstable living conditions, friends never slept over, so not many people see my quirky side interests. In retrospect, my obsession with llamas might seem a bit childish.

  Thankfully, Daisy doesn’t comment and flashes me another cheeky grin before re-settling into the bed. After getting ready myself, I join her, keeping a good few feet of distance.

  “Okay.” I lean my head back and let out a slow breath, completely relaxed.

  My nightmares will never again keep me from something as normal as a sleepover. I don’t know if it’s the proximity of the guys or the pre-Bond, and I honestly don’t care as long as I get another night of uninterrupted sleep.

  I turn to see Daisy staring at me strangely, but as our eyes meet, she clears her expression, giving me another wide smile. “Okay, where should I begin?”

  “Jackson. Definitely tell me what you know about Jackson.”

  “Ah, the Golden Boy Prince of Region Two. That, my friend, I can do.”

  Chapter 6

  During the next five days, I settle into a routine.

  In the morning, I eat breakfast with Sebastian and Jackson.

  Lucas sleeps until noon and warns me on pain of death to never attempt to disturb his slumber before then.

  Lyle usually wakes up as we leave for class or work, coming to the front hallway to nag about everything from breakfast to remembering an umbrella in case it rains… in September… in Minnesota. I learn to follow Sebastian’s lead, nodding and smiling at his mother hen tendencies. Lyle is stubborn when it comes to his concerns on our health and safety. It’s often faster to go along with his suggestions.

  The guys refuse to let me out of their sight all week.

  On Monday and Wednesday, I leave with Sebastian to go to class, stopping back at the house to eat lunch with Jackson and the twins before Jackson works his shift at the hospital and the twins go to soccer practice.

  On Tuesday and then again today, we part ways for me to go to work. They kept tabs on me last time I was at work, and Sebastian made another surprise appearance at the Kitty Kat. Today, it’s Lyle who drops by, much to Leeli’s delight. When Sebastian also arrives, visiting me at work for the third time in less than two weeks, I swear Leeli starts planning my nonexistent future wedding. I can tell by the wink and suggestive gesturing, entirely too lewd for my comfort level. Leeli the ma
tchmaker even goes as far as sending me home early, giving me time to hop back on Sebastian’s bike and drive off, leaving a disgruntled Lyle behind to follow in the twins’ car.

  Thankfully, there are no more incidents.

  “We’re back!” I yell into the kitchen where the guys hang out. They usually stay up until most of us arrive home unless Jackson works an overnight shift.

  No one answers my call as we shuffle into the hallway, and when I peek into the kitchen, I find it dark. Shaking my head, I strain my ears and follow the faint sound of voices to the living room, where all four of my Kladí gather, along with Daisy and her ‘boyfriend’ Andrew.

  “What’s going on?” I eye the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed aura Lucas and Daisy give off.

  Jackson’s furrowed brow and silence begins to make sense. It’s never a good idea when those two are together. After five days, even I know that much.

  “Do you know what day it is tomorrow?” Daisy pounces as soon as she notices me entering the room.


  Daisy rolls her eyes. “Yeah, but also Founder’s Day. No classes!”

  “Ah, right.” Sweat starts to gather on my palms. I have a feeling I’m not going to like where this conversation is going.

  “Soooo, you’ve been hit with all this heavy stuff all week, plus you have the hottest escorts on campus. It would be an absolute tragedy if we didn’t go out. Everyone is going out tonight.” Her enthusiasm practically bleeds out of her ears. Lucas nods vigorously in agreement.

  My brows pull into my hairline. The more energetic Lucas and his partner-in-mischief appear, the more Jackson emits heavy clouds of disapproval. This can’t be going anywhere good. Lyle and Sebastian both give me smiles of encouragement when I move hesitantly to the edge of the couch where they had already sat down.

  “You’ve been under a lot of stress this week, Rose. Forrest and Jin are due back soon, so a little fun might be in order.” Mr. Calm-and-Cool Sebastian putting in his vote with the lot helps convince me of the plan.

  I turn to Jackson, the only one who seems opposed to the drag-Rose-outside mission of the Goblin duo. He stares at me for a moment before letting out a long breath.

  His face softens as he lets go of whatever held him back. “As long as we all go.”

  Lucas’s smirk widens and the glint in his eyes sharpens. “Oh, really? We’ll all go, professor?”

  Jackson sighs, the red at the base of his neck making an appearance as it always does when someone mentions his title around me. “Fine, you three go with her. I’ll stay outside to monitor the situation.”

  I frown, not liking the idea of Jackson waiting around all night. “You sure? Don’t you have to work?”

  “I’m sure. Daisy’s right. You deserve to have some fun. Besides, I quit my job at the hospital. They’re giving my hours to the doctor they’re considering hiring to replace me.” His explanation seems good enough for Daisy.

  She scrambles up to drag me out of the room, cutting off the million questions formulating after that particular information bomb.

  As we traipse up the stairs, I ask, “What are we doing?”

  “We’re going to this place I know, super chill with the right amount of loud music and drinks. As your new best friend, it’s my job to make sure you look as hot as possible,” she says over her shoulder.

  I laugh in response, my insides humming with happiness. I’m a loner by nature, content with observing others live life or living vicariously through experiences like with Leeli’s stories. But in the last few days, I’ve started to take more of an active part in my own life than I have since I was ten. It feels good.

  “Holy shit,” Lucas swears under his breath.

  One hour after Daisy whisked me away, we stand in the hallway of the first floor. When Daisy promised to make me Heart Attack Hot, I laughed at her description. But now, staring at the slightly glazed eyes of my Kladí, I realize she delivered on her promise.

  They eye the tiny dress Daisy loaned me. Even Sebastian ditches his usual serene aura for the icy stare that comes when he’s angry or gone alpha male. Tonight, there’s an added layer to those wintery-blues. His eyes burn with something akin to hunger. I turn away from his penetrating gaze, but I still feel the cold bite of his attention on my skin, causing me to shiver.

  I cover my chest with my arms, hoping the boys don’t notice the thin material of this dress. On Daisy, it probably hits at the knee in a loose style, but with my height, I keep tugging down the short hem, terrified I’ll flash something more than a bit of leg. The tight fabric molds to my curves like a second skin.

  I feel more naked now than in my panties before I put it on. But, according to Daisy, I own nothing club-worthy in my meager supply of clothes the twins helped me bring over after I officially checked out of my dorm a couple days ago.

  Luckily, I own one pair of black heels I inherited from Mary and never managed to sell with the rest of her clothes. Paired with the black dress and smoky eyes, the effect is more Goth than club. I don’t mind though, since it’ll stop people from trying to touch me.

  The boys certainly approve of the transformation. Aside from Lucas’s one outburst, they continue to stare.

  I almost worry they’ll have heart attacks, but finally, Jackson clears his throat. “You look beautiful, Rose.”

  The rest nod in agreement.

  “Fucking hot, babe.” Sebastian winks, grabbing my hand and wrapping it through his arm.

  I laugh at his less-than-princely compliment compared to Jackson’s and throw an appreciative glance over my shoulder at the other man. Jackson pouts, miffed Sebastian grabbed me first, and I giggle again.

  Daisy rolls her eyes and takes Andrew’s hand, who escorts her to the door. She stomps outside with a huff. “Where’s my compliment? Rude.”

  I stifle another giggle at her dramatics. What’s with me? I never giggle like this.

  Predictable Lucas takes the bait. “Daisy, my love! Come back,” he shouts as he runs after her.

  They chase each other down the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlamps. I’m happy to feel none of the crazy jealousy from earlier in the week. Not even when Lucas tackles Daisy. Of course, it might help that Daisy’s reaction is to knee him in the stomach.

  We’re all in light spirits as we pile into Lyle’s SUV. Sebastian and I gang up to tease Daisy and Lucas as Jackson drives us to the Library. Close to several campuses, it’s a popular bar with university students since it serves cheap drinks.

  I may not participate in the Minneapolis social scene, but some of the servers at the Kitty Kat are students, and I’ve heard enough to know at least the basics. When Jackson drops us off at the entrance, the first thing I spot is the line that snakes around the building. The brick monstrosity the Library is housed in used to be a warehouse before the owners renovated it, so the line seems extra-long as it travels around the side up to the front entrance.

  Last to get out of the car, I wave a quick goodbye before turning to follow the others, but Jackson stops me.

  “Rose.” I turn to find those forest-green-eyes steady, his voice soft and serious. “I know you want, need, to have fun tonight. I think it’s a good idea to relax. A lot is going to change for you in the coming weeks. But please promise me you will stay with at least one Kladí at all times.”

  I swallow, the light and happy feelings dying a painful death with the heaviness of our conversation. I nod, at a loss for words.

  Jackson reaches out the window to give my hand a squeeze. “I didn’t mean to scare you, just… I want you to be safe.”

  I take a deep breath and give him a small smile. “I know.”

  He gives me another reassuring hand squeeze before pulling back and driving off to wherever he plans to wait for us tonight.

  I hope he brought a good book, I think as I watch him drive away, then I remember who Jackson is. He’s Professor Jackson Evans, MD and a genetics lecturer at twenty-four years old, and, according to what Daisy told m
e, the Golden Boy of the Phósopoi elite. He’s probably going to cure cancer if he gets bored enough.

  I catch myself giggling again as the car peels away. Seriously, what is wrong with me tonight? It’s like I retrograded to my lost pre-teen years.

  Daisy links her arms with mine. “You okay?”

  I give her a nod. “I’m fine, let’s dance!”

  A flutter of excitement hits as we walk toward the Library. Dancing is one of the only things I enjoy that can be classified as extroverted. Though, I usually dance alone.

  When we meet up with the boys, they inform us the twins secured a table while I spoke with Jackson, which means we get to skip the massive line snaking around the building. Lucas also knows the bouncer, who’s a soccer-nut and a fan of Woodrow’s team. He doesn’t even check our IDs, a fantastic boon since I’m five months shy of twenty-one and had resigned myself to getting the dreaded underage stamp tonight. I whisper this to Sebastian as we maneuver our way through the crowded front room.

  “I’m about three years shy,” he whispers back.

  Numbers run through my head, I do them again. There is no way Sebastian is eighteen.

  We stop at the table where Lucas already mixes drinks, but Sebastian’s revelation preoccupies me too much to pay attention. I can’t believe he’s so young. Age is a number, and it’s only two years, but I still feel kind of dirty sort-of-dating an eighteen-year-old.

  Sebastian is eighteen… There are kids in high school that age.

  “You’re sure?” I squeak and flop down beside Sebastian, barely taking time to adjust my skirt.

  Sebastian laughs and flashes his ID.

  Sure enough, eighteen-years-old. Born in 2000 and from Seattle, Washington. At least now I know why Kira called him a border-hopper Washington is a long way from Minnesota. The rest of the group laughs at my stupefied expression.

  “Don’t feel bad. Sebastian doesn’t really act his age,” Lyle tells me kindly. “He’s a genius like Jackson. Graduated high school two years early. That’s why he’s a junior with us.”


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