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The Essence of You

Page 15

by Owenby, J. A.

  “Come on in,” Franklin said, keying in the code and stepping inside. “Janice is asleep, but she won’t hear us.”

  Michael patted Franklin on the back. “I’m looking forward to your Christmas party this year. I wish we were here on better circumstances and catching up with our friend.”

  “Is anyone hungry or thirsty? I have a full bar, snacks in the fridge, and soda.”

  I held up my hand sheepishly. “I’m starving.”

  Layne chuckled and slid his arm around me. “My girl can eat.”

  Franklin grinned at me. “Aww, then you should meet Mac.”

  My eyebrow arched. “Mac?”

  “Mackenzie, but we call her Mac. She’s my daughter, and when she’s stressed, she can eat like no one I’ve ever seen. She’s petite, so at least she can get away with it. I, on the other hand, couldn’t.” Franklin patted his flat stomach. “Follow me.” Franklin locked the door behind us, then turned on his heel and guided us into the kitchen.

  I stared at the black-and-white swirled marble that not only graced the entrance but expanded down the hallway as far as I could see. Massive decorative pillars marked the opening of a formal dining room on the left, and a more casual living area was to our right. A mahogany staircase led upstairs.

  It was rude to gawk, but as we entered the kitchen, I did just that. A rich, deep brownstone covered the wall and accented the stove and oven, and the dark cabinets complemented the tan marble countertops. The large stainless steel refrigerator took up most of the wall. It could easily have fit three standard-sized fridges inside it.

  “Please, we will be here for a while, so let’s get everyone comfortable.” He opened the fridge and began pulling out beer, iced tea, and soda. Next, he took out a large dish. “Ruby made this today.” He lifted the lid and eyeballed it. “Oh, it’s her taco casserole. It will melt in your mouth. Who wants some?”

  We all stared at each other, then agreed we could eat. Franklin popped it in the oven for twenty minutes while we grabbed drinks, plates, and silverware. I sat at the bar while Marilyn and Michael settled in at the little table in the breakfast nook. Layne slid onto the seat next to me, rubbing his hand in small circles on my back. If my anxiety wasn’t so high, I would probably have fallen asleep.

  Franklin grabbed a tan dish towel from the oven handle, wiped his hands off, then leaned against the kitchen counter, facing us. “While this is cooking, we can start discussing details.”

  We nodded, allowing him to lead the conversation.

  “Here’s what I know about this case so far. It’s huge. Jack Flannery has crossed eleven states, murdering two to three women in each one that the FBI is aware of. What makes this case so interesting is that he’s not targeting prostitutes or young girls who are on the streets. His victims are professional women who have money. They’re educated, smart, and don’t easily fall for someone asking for help to find his lost puppy. Jack’s a good-looking guy, so that helps. He’s meeting these people at business conferences, fundraisers, and political events. He’s sharp and cunning.”

  Shivers ripped through my body. That man had been on my property. Regardless if we were related or not, he was dangerous. How can I sleep there again? Shit. Is Avery there alone?

  My eyes widened with fear. “Excuse me, but I have a very gorgeous roomie that I live with, and I need to make sure she’s not alone at our place tonight.”

  “It’s already taken care of, hon,” Marilyn said behind me. “Benji told her she needed to either stay with Justin or her family tonight. No one is at your house.”

  I sank in my seat, relieved. I couldn’t believe it had taken me that long to consider Avery’s safety.

  The oven timer buzzed, and Franklin removed the casserole. He continued to talk while he cut everyone’s pieces and placed them on plates for us. “This next part is going to get detailed and gruesome. So for now, Tensley, why don’t you tell me what you do remember about your father while we eat?” He put a plate in front of me then Layne.

  It smelled heavenly, and my mouth watered from anticipation.

  “Thank you,” I said, digging right in. Grabbing a napkin off the counter as my eyes rolled back in my head. “Amazing.”

  Everyone laughed, and I was thankful for the lighter mood, even if it was only briefly.

  I speared another bite with my fork, grateful for the warm, delicious food. Sometimes the little things were all it took to make me happy.

  “I don’t remember much about my father. I’d barely turned three when he took off. I don’t even remember what he looks like. I know that doesn’t help, but I can’t imagine that I’m related to this Flannery monster. I mean, people have pissed me off, but I’ve never harmed or killed anyone. If my dad was a murder, isn’t it …” I frowned, searching for the right word. “Genetic? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my opinion that their brain is broken. It’s not firing correctly or something. I wouldn’t go so far as to say nothing is wrong with me, but not like that.”

  “You’re not necessarily incorrect, but there are several theories floating around out there.” Franklin took a drink of his soda and pursed his lips into a thin line. Apparently, he wasn’t hungry. “Are you open to a DNA test?”

  I put my fork down. Shit was getting real. “Yeah. I’ll do it.” I glanced over my shoulder at Layne, who placed a gentle kiss on the side of my head.

  “How long does it take?” I asked.

  “Not long at all. The results can take up to two weeks, but I have a friend who can push it through faster, and we could have the results in forty-eight hours, possibly sooner.”

  “That fast?” I squeaked. My stomach churned. What if I was wrong and Jack Flannery, the serial killer, was my father? Shit. Even Luke Skywalker’s father would look like a good option compared to Flannery.

  “The sooner the better. The DNA results won’t clear or convict you since the FBI has photos of him on your property. It will, however, give us something to work with. If you’re related, it might explain why he was in your shed. We would then assume he would come back. I realize it’s going to be unnerving for you, but once we clear you of hiding him, the accusations will be all over. It will be worth a few difficult days.”

  “We’ll be with you. You have our full support,” Michael added.

  I stared at my clean plate, wondering how my life would change and hoping this would all be a memory that would fade into the night.

  Franklin collected our plates and ran water over them in the sink. “Why don’t we move into my office?”

  I grabbed my beer and hopped off the barstool. Layne took my hand, his fingers threading through mine while we followed everyone past the living room and down a long hall.

  Franklin’s office was at the back of the house. “Have a seat wherever you like.” He sat at his desk.

  I chose one of the black leather wingback chairs in the corner. Layne settled in next to me while Michael and Marilyn sat closer to Franklin’s desk.

  The mahogany wood from the staircase continued into his office. Several bookshelves held law books and pictures of him with a beautiful woman whom I assumed was his wife. My face lit up as my eyes landed on Hendrix and Gemma. A gorgeous dark-haired girl stood next to them. I suspected it was Mackenzie, his daughter. They looked so happy. I wanted that. I wanted to belong to a happy family. Maybe someday.

  My attention was pulled away as Franklin began to talk again. “The FBI finally caught a break in these murders when they found a few spots of blood that didn’t match the last victim. It was then they identified the killer. Jack’s been on the run since. He knows he’s being watched, so I hope that stops his killing spree, but I doubt it. He loves the game. Jack builds a friendship with these women after meeting them at a conference or event. He continues to attend events and establishes a connection. Once they trust him, he invites them for drinks at his place. They never see the light of day again. He’s a cruel, sick bastard.”

  Franklin cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
It was the first time I’d seen the case get to him. “In some instances, he prepared a soundproof room and suspended them from the ceiling with meat hooks in their skin.”

  I gagged. “What kind of person does something like that?” I grunted, clutching my stomach. I suddenly regretted that I’d wanted to eat before we discussed details.

  “That’s just the beginning, I’m afraid. When the victims have been found, they’ve been … filleted and put in a wedding dress. At some point, he’s had sex with them, but I don’t know if it’s pre- or postmortem.”

  “Dear God,” Marilyn said, the color draining from her face.

  Michael clutched her hand, visibly upset.

  I swallowed multiple times, forcing back the bitter bile that threatened to come up. Jack Flannery was one sick fuck.

  “Sir, she can’t go back to that house. No one can. He knows where she is, and if anything happened to her …” Layne pinched the bridge of his nose. “It just can’t happen.” His voice cracked with a combination of fear and anger.

  “How long have you two been together?” Franklin asked, compassion filling his handsome face.

  “Very recently, but we’ve known each other since high school,” I responded, giving Layne’s hand a gentle squeeze. I glanced over at him, and his blue eyes were filled with worry.

  “Then it sounds like our first priority is to keep you two safe so you can enjoy your future together. Do you have someone you can stay with?” Franklin directed his question at me.

  Tears filled my eyes as I looked at everyone in the room. “I …”

  “She’s staying with us. Both of them are,” Marilyn said. “Benji will be thrilled to have you all under the same roof. He’s been lonely anyway.”

  I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear with a shaky hand. “Marilyn, I can’t impose. We have no idea how long this might take.”

  “It’s already decided,” Michael added. “Layne, it would make more sense if you stayed with us as well unless you have a family you can stay with that you’ve not seen lately? We don’t know if he's followed you to where you’re staying now.”

  “I’ve been living with my uncle, but he’s out of town for a few weeks.”

  “Oh my God, I visited you guys yesterday. I’d been at the Parkers’ for hours. "If Jack is tracking me, then he might have seen me at your house. That would put everyone at risk. I can’t do that.” I dabbed at my forehead with my hand. I wasn’t feeling so great. All the events of the night had me reeling.

  Marilyn scooted to the edge of her seat, her eyes never leaving my face. “We have a security system and the means to hire bodyguards.”

  Michael nodded. “Correct. That’s why we think it would be better for everyone to stay at our place. Besides, if you’re all under one roof, you’re easier to keep up with. If all of you are scattered, I’m afraid my wife won’t get a wink of sleep. We need to remain functional. Sharp.” His leg bounced up and down briefly. We were all scared.

  I tugged on my lower lip with my teeth, analyzing the situation from as many angles as possible. “What if the bodyguards throw off everything? If I were Jack, the minute I saw them, I’d move.”

  Franklin pulled a business card from his wallet. “I have a recommendation: Westbrook Security. These guys are the best I’ve ever worked with. If you want them hidden, you’ll never see them. Trust me—Pierce is your man.” He handed the card to Michael.

  “I’ll call them tomorrow, then. At least for now, it’s settled, and the kids will stay with us.”

  Marilyn gave us a sincere smile. “What good is a big house if it’s not filled with fun and laughter?”

  “Thank you,” Layne said. “My main priority is keeping Tensley safe.”

  “It’s now about all of you,” Franklin added, leaning back in his chair. “All right. Let’s get your bodyguards in place first, then someone can take Tensley downtown for the DNA test as soon as we can. I’ll call my contact and see how fast they can test her and deliver results. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait long.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “For everything.”

  “You bet. You all get some sleep.” Franklin continued some small talk as he escorted us to the front door.

  A few minutes later, we were on our way to my best friend’s house. I wondered if he would still be up even though it was late.

  There was no way I would be able to sleep. I wouldn’t admit it, but I might be afraid to close my eyes after hearing the details of Jack Flannery’s murders. At least I could snuggle up to Layne, but even then, I didn’t think it would slow my mind down from fucking with me.

  My pulse continued to escalate on the ride to Benji’s. Layne hadn’t released my hand, and I was grateful. The last thing I wanted was to be alone.

  * * *

  Marilyn was a natural and gracious host. Layne and I kept our voices down as we ascended the tan carpeted stairs behind her in case Benji was asleep. I’d been in the house many times, but I was always struck by how much the Parkers loved their home. Family photos lined the walls and included Benji waterskiing behind their boat, attending reunions, and at Christmas parties. I’d been invited to the parties since I’d met Benji, but my insides twisted into knots when I saw the pictures because I knew it wasn’t a facade. The love they shared and the bond they had were genuine, and someday I hoped to have those for myself. Until then, I counted my blessings that the Parkers included me in holidays and get-togethers.

  “This is Benji’s room. Layne, you’ll be across the hall, and Tensley will be the last door on the left. Let me make sure the bathrooms have clean towels before you get settled. That way, if you want to … oh dear.” Marilyn stopped midway down the hallway and turned toward me. “I’ll get you some pajamas, Tensley. We look about the same size. I’m probably a little bigger, but I don’t think you’ll drown in them. Layne, you can probably borrow a clean shirt and shorts from Benji. I’ll make sure we grab you both fresh clothes tomorrow.”

  “Thank you again, Mrs. Parker,” Layne said. “I’m happy to help with anything around the house too. I’m a neat guy, so I won’t make a mess or be in the way.”

  My heart expanded with an array of emotions: love, appreciation, respect, and awe. Layne had been through so much, but he’d remained kind and respectful. I didn’t know how he hadn’t closed off the world after losing Nicole. Or maybe he had, and I just hadn’t been around to witness it.

  Marilyn patted him on the cheek and beamed at him. “I knew the first time I laid eyes on you that you were a good man. You’d have to be in order to win Tensley over.”

  My cheeks flushed with her words. Although she was paying Layne a wonderful compliment, she understood it was difficult for me to allow new people into my circle, much less a boyfriend.

  A little after three in the morning, Marilyn left and returned with clean clothes for us. Not only had she brought me something to sleep in, but she’d also provided me with a fresh pair of jeans and a polo shirt. She’d even included a brand-new pair of underwear with the tag still on them. They were from Saks Fifth Avenue. As soon as she disappeared down the stairs for the night, I grabbed Layne’s hand and dragged him down the hall to my room.

  “I want to see if Benji is awake, but first …” I flipped on the light, stood on my tiptoes, and kissed him. His arms encircled my waist and pulled me flush against his muscular body. “I need a distraction right now.” Frantically, I fumbled with the button and zipper on his jeans and tugged them down. I wrapped my fingers around his hard dick and sighed while I stroked him.

  “I like the way you think.” He groaned before his lips crashed down on mine.

  In record time, my pants and panties were around my ankles. I stepped out of them, and Layne spread my legs.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered against my ear.

  I moved his hand and slid my fingers along my wet slit, then I rubbed my juices along the tip of his cock.

  “Oh my God, that feels good.”

  We’d only been to
gether once, but I wasn’t in the mood to make love. I wanted him to fuck me. And I wanted to make him come harder than he had in his entire life.

  I brushed past him and crawled onto the bed on all fours, my ass tipped in the air. I tossed him a look over my shoulder and grinned.

  Layne kicked off his jeans and waited for my next move.

  I rolled over and shed my shirt and bra. “No touching. You can only watch.” I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and traced a trail down my stomach with my fingertips.

  He laced his fingers behind his head and sucked in a sharp breath, his heated gaze never diverting from my body. My hand slipped between my legs, and I spread my folds apart for him, gently circling my throbbing clit. Layne grabbed his hard dick and squeezed.

  “No touching. That means you too.” An impish grin appeared on my face while I eased a finger inside myself, then two. I moved my hips to my own rhythm, pleasure mounting in me. My other hand tweaked my nipple, and Layne looked like he was about to explode. I moaned, throwing my head back as I pleasured myself, and he watched. This was sexy as hell, and I would happily watch him as well. But right then, I needed him to finish me off.

  “I need you,” I said, removing my fingers from my sensitive flesh.

  In two long steps, Layne was on his knees, greedily sucking and licking my pussy. His fingers clutched my ass cheeks, holding me in place while his tongue slid inside me.

  “Oh yeah.” I grabbed his shoulders, digging my fingernails into his skin while I willed myself not to come. Not yet. I wasn’t ready for his hot, wet mouth to leave me. My hips wiggled beneath him, my orgasm seconds away. His hands wrapped around my waist, pinning me in place.

  “Dammit, Layne.” The moment I spoke his name, he sucked my bud harder and pumped his fingers inside me.

  Black dots floated behind my eyes as I exploded. I clutched at the cream comforter and clamped my mouth shut so I wouldn’t scream.

  I whimpered as Layne stood and rummaged in his wallet for a condom. He expertly rolled it on while I waited impatiently. I needed to find out if and when he’d been tested so I could get on the pill and not deal with the condoms.


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