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Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6)

Page 4

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Buster, what have we got?”

  “Everything is locked down, Captain. For normal access, one would need the security codes and biometric readings.”

  “And that is why I had Sue implant those cracking and control algorithms in you. Can you get in?”

  Buster walked over to the raised command pod, studied the console and pointed his right index finger at a generic connection port. The fingertip split open and a connector on a small shaft extruded.

  “I see you’ve got some upgrades, Buster.”

  “Yes, Captain. After seeing the tools which Vidhee possessed, I had Igaklay whip up some for me.”

  “Is your connector shielded?”

  “Yes, Captain. It is linked to an isolated crystal with a stand-alone analysis program. At first, all I will do is inspect the port and it’s access paths.”

  “Go for it, Tinman.”

  “Going for it, Wrenchy.”

  Buster inserted his connector into the port. After a quick moment of inaction, Buster, still connected to the console, began describing his findings.

  “This jack is a service jack, designed for someone with the proper clearances to connect a maintenance device.”

  “Can the ship be controlled through this device or port?”

  “No, Mack. It is strictly used for inspection and repair.”

  ‘Well, that doesn’t do us any good.”

  “On the contrary, Mack. A good software engineer could repair or modify the security module.”

  “You’re saying that we can hack the ship’s security through this port?”

  “For someone with the proper expertise, yes, Captain. We can seize control of the security module.”

  “And that would allow us to gain control of Jewel.”

  “That is correct, Captain.”

  “Well, we know one bright lassie that has the proper expertise, Tinman. Lassie, have ya been listening?”

  “Yes. It sounds like I need to get over there.”

  “Keiko, could you prep the shuttle for Sue?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Captain. I think I want to EVA over.”

  “Have you ever done an EVA before, Sue?”

  “No, Captain. But this is a short hop. I thought that it would be a good way to start.”

  “Aren’t you the brave one, Lassie.”

  “Can it, Wrenchy.”

  “You don’t come across without me right close to you.”

  “After watching your antics, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Keiko, while Mack returns to Griffin, could you help Sue into her H.E. suit?”

  “Will do, Captain. Igaklay, you have the bridge.”

  “I have the bridge,” Igaklay formally answered Keiko.

  Thirty minutes later, Mack and Sue entered Jewel of the Stars bridge. Sue moved to where Buster stood and saw that he still had his finger stuck in the service jack. As she approached, Buster withdrew his connector and stepped to the side.

  Still helmeted and gloved, Sue pulled her personal tablet from a side pocket, pulled a connection cable from another pocket and connected everything together. Then she plugged the connector into the service port. After pressing some icons, she worked her screen and stared at the results.

  “The first security level is for repair and maintenance, Captain. I need to get through this one before I can see what’s in the main security module.”

  “Can you do it?”

  “I’ll let you know in about ten minutes.”

  “Scotty, are you still listening?”

  “Yes, Hawk. But, we may have a situation.”

  “What kind of a situation?”

  “Lieutenant Torres has been doing a sector check, searching for anything which would periodically block out any stars.”


  “She found an object about the size of a ground vehicle standing off our stern.”

  “have you got an image?”

  “Not in detail. Whatever it is, it contains a lot of stealth tech.”

  “One of ours?”

  “I don’t think so. Its outline doesn’t fit any of our surveillance or attack drones.”

  “You’re thinking that it might be Mortek?”

  “That’s our guess, Hawk.”

  “What do you recommend?”

  “Brooksy thinks it might have weapons capabilities. He wants to kill it. Toast thinks it might be an observation satellite.”


  “Either way, weapon or surveillance, I go with Brooksy.”

  “Your call. You have that nice X-cannon. You should put it to a good use.”

  “My thought exactly, Hawk.”

  “Let me know the outcome. I need to get back to getting control of Jewel.”

  “In a few, Hawk.”

  “Good hunting, Scotty.”

  Krag returned his attention to his premier hacker.

  “Update, Sue?”

  “I’ve broken through the maintenance security wall. Currently I’m testing the security leading to the ship’s AI.”

  “Do I have time to tour Jewel?”

  “Yes. This is going to take a while.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “Not right now.”

  “If you do, send Mack. He can get it from Griffin.”

  “Well, I am a little hungry. I like to snack when I dig this deep.”

  “Mack, you heard the lady.”

  “Whatever her heart desires, Cap.”

  “Buster, do you have a floor plan of Jewel?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Let’s go for a walk.”

  During Krag’s exploration of Jewel of the Stars, his com linked pinged.

  “Hawk, Scotty here.”

  “Hey Scotty. How’s our tagalong?”

  “Inert. Weiskoff’s X-cannon works like a charm.”

  “Have you checked it out?”

  “Yup. It sure looks like a Mortek surveillance drone. The whole thing is covered with what we figure to be receivers and cameras.”

  “Think it’s rigged?”

  “Could be, Hawk. Everything we’ve seen about the Morteks tells us that they go through material and people like candy. I wouldn’t put it past them to rig it to blow.”

  “I wouldn’t either. Can you throw something at it? Shake it up a little?”


  “I could fire a signal drone at it, Captain. Since we don’t have much use for them anymore, it wouldn’t be much of a loss.”

  “Yeah, Hawk. We can rattle it.”

  “Okay. Give it a shake. See what happens.”

  “Roger, Hawk. Out.”


  Krag heard the other voice over his com implant. “Yes, Sue?”

  “I’m through the primary firewall and into the computer’s operating system.”

  “We’ll be right there. Let it sit until Buster can plug in.”


  Krag and Buster hurried back to Jewel’s bridge. Both, Tribune Ambakai and Sergeant Boulos saluted as they entered.

  “As you were, gentle beings.”

  Buster repositioned beside Sue, extended his right index finger and plugged into the console.”

  “I’m connected, Captain. What do you want to do?

  “Can you isolate all of the security protocols?”

  “Would you like me to?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “It is done, Captain.”

  “Well, we get to use all that code I put in six years ago.”

  “I’ve used it a few times, Sue. You’ve always come through.”

  “Thanks, Captain.”

  “Ya, Cap. She’s right brainy.”

  “That she is. Sue, please insert our own security module. Set it up for administrator access only. Set up a unique sign on and give it to Buster and Igaklay.”

  “I already started, Captain.”

  “Good job. Next, Sue, Mack, we need an interface. Create something w
hich allows us to control Jewel from Griffin.”

  “Me and Lassie, we got this. Do you want a tight-beam link or broadband?”

  “Let’s start with the tight beam. Put in some hooks, in case we want to use a broadband later.”

  “I’ve got a trans-receiver in my toolbox. It shouldn’t take long.”

  “Buster, get Jewel powered back up. Mack, I want a full inspection. Igaklay, are you listening?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Once those two get the link up and running, can you work through Jewel’s systems and run down any faults?”

  “Easily, Captain.”

  “Good. That’s the game plan people. First, Sue and Mack create the link. Then, Buster powers up Jewel. Lastly, Sue, Mack and Igaklay inspect her and work up a repair list.”

  “Are you going to mount a mass negator in Jewel of the Stars and bring her to Ballison?”

  “If she is space worthy, that is the plan, Igaklay.”

  “Because of Jewel of the Stars’ mass, I am going to need to build another mass negator the one and a half times bigger as the one I constructed for Wisdom Seeker.”

  “Will that be a problem?”

  “No, Captain. Anticipating that there might be a need for more of those, I built up an inventory. All that is needed is the assembly and fuelling of the dark matter.”

  “Go ahead and get it to us as soon as possible.”

  “That will be about ten days, Captain.”

  “Do your best, Igaklay.”

  “I always do, Captain.”

  “Don’t get a big head, Iggy.”

  “It’s moon-sized, Wrenchy.”

  Chapter 04

  Aboard Heimdallr, Atlantius Space

  Twenty minutes earlier, Heimdallr’s crew heard Hawk’s recommendation to throw something at the drifting Mortek drone. Liking the idea, they proceeded.

  “Ready to launch the com drone, Captain.”

  “Launch it, Brooksy.”

  Captain Scott and Lieutenant Torres watched Lieutenant Brooks work his console as he dropped the communication drone form Heimdallr’s small holding bay and flew it towards the almost invisible lump floating a thousand miles away. At five thousand miles and hour, it took about twelve minutes to reach the Mortek drone.

  They human communication drone fired its bow thrusters, slowing it down to less than a hundred miles an hour. Brooksy ensured that its flight path arrowed towards the Mortek drone. Everyone watched as the two collided and they pin-balled apart like balls on a snooker table.

  “No explosion, Captain.”

  “So, it doesn’t have a trembler-activated explosive device. Toast, get me Hawk.”



  “Hawk here, Scotty.”

  “As planned, we hit the Mortek drone with the com drone. Nothing exploded.”

  “Do you think that it is safe to retrieve it?”

  “That’s as far as I’d go. Someone else can crack it open.”

  “That would be my pa, Cap.”

  “My thought exactly, Mack. Scotty, can you retrieve the Mortek drone and get it over to the shipyards? Real careful?”

  “Like a baby chick, Hawk. I’ll get her there.”

  “Good. Then get back. We’re about ready for our next ship.”

  “Copy that, Hawk. See you in a few.”


  “You heard the Commander. Let’s pick up that slag and get it to the shipyard.”

  “Man, I’m liking this jump drive, Cap. We can get there and back in a couple of hours.”

  “And I won’t have to put up with your chatter for the month it would have taken, before.”

  “Awe, you love me, Toast.”

  “Not in your wildest dreams, Pervert.”

  “I can dream pretty wild, Sweetness.”

  “You two, get me a Mortek drone. And retrieve our com unit.”

  “On it, Cap.”

  Aboard Gazelle, Cencore

  “Well done, Mandy. Jesse, what have we got?”

  “Nothing, Captain. No Mortek ships within closing distance. You picked a good spot.”

  “Stay on the gravity rocket launcher and X-cannon. I don’t want any surprises.”

  “Roger that, Captain.”

  “I am seeing a boatload of ships out there. The Mortek have been very busy. Mandy, we’ll sit here. I need to rework our jump sequences. There are a hell of a lot more ships and activity than I anticipated.”

  Time passed. Jesse kept scoping the immediate space. Mandy just sat, staring through the transparent Transilium shield wrapped around Gazelle’s nose. Jean worked her console.

  “We are going to need three runs.”


  “One for a general view and location of the Mortek ships. For the second run, we need a good look at what has been done to Olympia and our shipyards. After studying some time-lapse images, I see a small group of ships steaming towards an open area. That will be run three.”

  “Three it is, Hornet. Just give me your jump coordinates.”

  “Remember, Mandy. A quarter of a second. No more.”

  “I know,” the young woman indignantly responded.

  “Cool it, Mandy. It’s just a reminder. Jesse, stay sharp. If you see any threat, jump it.”

  “Can I zap one, just for practice?”

  “Not on the first run. After that, we’ll see.”

  “You’re no fun, Captain.”

  Jean gave her gunner ‘the look’. Mandy, I’m passing you the first jump coordinates now.”

  “Got um, Cap. Twenty-seven. That’s a lot of jumps.”

  “There’s a lot of ships. We need to make sure we know what they’ve got.”

  “I’m setting the timer for a quarter of a second on each one, Cap.”

  “When you’re ready, count us down.”

  “Three, two, one.”

  Mandy tapped the icon controlling her pre-programmed jump sequence. Seven seconds later, Gazelle rematerialized at her starting point.

  “Again, well done, Mandy. Let’s put the video up on the screen.”

  Jean worked her board. The front window darkened and the seven-second video played.

  “From our previous intel, Captain, that looks like they’ve almost finished another fleet.”

  “I’m going to rerun it at one-tenth speed. Let’s get a count.”

  “Pause it there, Captain.”

  Jean paused the play.

  “they’ve got their six cruisers, Cap.”

  “Twelve of their destroyers. Isn’t a fleet usually fifteen?”

  “You’re right, Mandy. They’re three short.”

  “I see forty-one frigates, Captain. They’re short there, too.”

  “No super dreadnaughts.”

  “I don’t think our yards are big enough for the Mortek to build them here. That’s our second run, checking out the yards and planet.”

  Jesse and Mandy went back to their previous waiting. Jean worked her numbers.

  “Here you go, Mandy.”

  “Not as many. Looks like a giant cloverleaf.”

  “I want to spend most of the time on the shipyards. The activity on Olympia is secondary. We need to see how far along the Mortek are on ship building.”

  “I’ve got the jump sequence set up, Cap. With the quarter-second holds.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Three, two, one.”

  Again, Gazelle disappeared, only to reappear four seconds later.

  “Now, let’s see what we’ve got.”

  “I see two more destroyers being built. Captain.”

  “Me too, Sergeant. In the two large shipyards. Looks like one is close to coming off the line. The other about halfway.”

  “Is that a frigate just pulling out?”

  “Yup, Mandy.”

  “And what, seven more frigates from those two smaller shipyards?”

  “That’s the read I get.”

  “Looks like they’re st
ripping Olympia pretty good.”

  “When we take her back, there won’t be much left, Jesse.” The sorrow in Jean’s voice bespoke her feelings.

  “Well, let’s do jump three.”

  “There’s something else, Hornet.”

  “What do you see, Mandy?”

  “Except for that small group of ships, none of the ships are moving. Not even a little bit. They’re just floating there.”

  “Mandy’s right, Captain. We don’t even see shuttles running between the ships.”

  “Just a minute. Let me bring up the energy overlay.”

  The three stared at the four second video.

  “One-tenth speed.”

  They watched again.

  “Those ships aren’t powered up. Just enough power for maintenance. Those ships aren’t going nowhere, Captain.”

  “I’ll bet that they don’t even have any crews, Cap. They’re all on maintenance power.”

  “You’re both right. Let’s get our third run in, see what those other ships are doing.”

  Jean planned the run. Mandy entered the data, set the sequence and activated the jumps. Jesse kept her eyes on the Mortek fleet and her hands over the weapons console.

  This time, Mortek ships fired, trying to tag the jumping little ship. As before, the Mortek reaction times were milliseconds behind Gazelle’s jump pattern.

  Once back at their starting point, again, Jean ran the video.

  “Nothing much, Captain. Just maneuvers.”

  “That’s what I get. Jesse?”

  “Looks like a bunch of bored spacers looking for something to do.”

  “I think you both are right. Send our intel to Hawk. We might have an opportunity here.”

  Cencore, Mortek Shipyards

  First Administrator continued to laze around, relishing his success at managing the then-Human, now-Mortek, shipyards. He watched the four space stations majestically orbit the conquered planet, building Mortek ships, contributing to the Mortek war machine. Deciding on more food, First Administrator connected to his servant and prepared to order another meal.

  “The communication override surprised him enough to withdraw his claw from the communicator.

  “First Administrator!”

  “Who is this?”

  “First Sensor, My Leader.”


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