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by No Exit from Pakistan (pdf)

  Friedberg, Aaron, 174


  Friedman, Tom, 192

  Iraq war and, 117–118

  military mobilization in, 185–188

  Gates, Robert, 46

  Musharraf’s relations with, 124–125,

  Gelb, Leslie, 148


  GeoTV, censorship of, 63–64

  Muslim community in, 193

  “Ghairat (honor) Brigade,” 92

  nuclear weapons in, 43–46, 181–184

  Ghazi, Abdul Rashid, 131

  Pakistani investment in, 231–232

  Gilani, Yousuf Raza, 183, 215–216n29, 220

  Pakistan’s tensions with, 6–8, 20–22,

  Glenn, John, 91n65, 91, 92

  39–43, 124–125, 184, 193–194,

  global economy, Pakistani vulnerability in, 6–7


  Goldstone, Jack, 68n146

  security vulnerabilities of, 185–188, 193

  Grameen Bank, 226–227

  terrorist attacks in, 14–15, 46, 99–102, 115,

  Greece, terrorism in, 186

  139–140, 185–188, 193

  Grossman, Marc, 165

  “Twin Peaks crisis” in, 115

  Gul, Hamid, 51–52, 58, 65, 69–70, 101–102,

  U.S.-Pakistani relations and role of, 72–73,

  183n44, 202

  75, 85–86, 86n52, 182–184, 212, 213,

  Gwadar port development project, 191–192


  U.S. relations with, 20–22, 85, 179–182,

  Haass, Richard, 109–110, 180–181

  184, 196–199

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  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


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  Indian National Congress, 180

  Kargil conflict and, 38, 42–43

  Indo-Pakistani wars, 39, 43, 78, 85–86

  “Twin Peaks crisis” in, 115

  Kargil conflict and, 38, 42–43

  Kayani, Ashfaq, 105–106, 106n5, 155–156,

  nationalism in Pakistan and, 89

  158, 167–168, 221, 237

  Indus Hospital project, 25–26

  Kennedy, John F., 83–85, 86n52

  infant mortality in Pakistan, 33–34, 228

  Kerry, John, 133, 137, 141–145, 222

  infrastructure failures in Pakistan, 35–38

  Kerry-Lugar-Berman (KLB) aid package,

  Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI)

  141–150, 216–217, 233

  China’s informational reliance on, 190

  Khalilzad, Zalmay, 127

  CIA relations with, 111–112, 137, 181–182,

  Khan, Abdul Bari, 25–26


  Khan, Abdul Qadeer (A. Q.), 17–18, 87–88,

  civilian government and, 215–216n29

  88n56, 88n57, 90, 103, 119, 187–188

  Haqqani network and, 155–156

  Khan, Akhter Hameed, 228n53

  LeT and, 14–15, 102

  Khan, Ali, 56n103, 58

  political manipulations of, 47–49, 116

  Khan, Ayub, 75–76, 82, 85–86, 221

  support for Taliban in, 105–108, 202

  Bhutto’s relations with, 77–78

  investment in Pakistan, comprehensive

  on India, 178–179

  cooperation strategy for, 225–231

  Khan, Hayat Ullah, 154


  Khan, Imran, 15–16

  India’s relations with, 196

  anti-drone protests and, 157–158

  Khan (A. Q.) and, 119

  media as tool for, 64

  Pakistan’s relations with, 187–188, 211

  popularity of, 58–60, 65

  revolution in, 98

  reform agenda of, 60–62, 68, 70–71

  Iraq, U.S. war in, 117–118, 201

  Khan, Kamran, 65

  Ismaili sect, 228n53

  Khan, Munir Ahmed, 88n56

  Israel, terrorism in, 186, 187

  Khan, Shoaib Sultan, 228n53

  Khan Research Laboratory (KRL), 87–88

  Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), 54

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 83–85

  Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), 52, 99–102

  Kidwai, Khalid, 216–217


  Kissinger, Henry, 86–87, 90, 175

  Chinese relations with, 174, 176, 189

  Krasner, Stephen, 122

  infant mortality in, 33

  U.S. relations with, 3, 20, 198

  Lahore University of Management Sciences

  jihadist groups in Pakistan, 73–74,

  (LUMS), 225


  land reform, failure in Pakistan of, 30–32

  Red Mosque crisis and, 130–131

  Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), 14–15, 39, 52, 97,

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 49–50, 66


  Johnson, Lyndon B., 83–85

  CIA surveillance of, 137

  judiciary in Pakistan

  Mumbai attack by, 46, 99–102, 139–140,

  anti-Americanism in, 80–83


  Musharraf’s conflicts with, 130

  Musharraf and, 114

  political activism of, 47–49

  Pakistan support for, 69, 163, 205–206

  lawyers’ movement in Pakistan, 80–83,

  Kaplan, Robert, 191–192


  Karakoram Highway project, 191, 191n72

  Libya, nuclear technology in, 18, 187–188

  Karamat, Jehangir, 88–89

  Lieven, Anatol, 66

  Kargil conflict, 38, 42–43

  living standards in Pakistan, 33–35

  Karzai, Hamid, 40, 127

  Lodhi, Maleeha, 60–62, 67, 111–112

  Kashf Foundation, 226–227

  Lugar, Richard, 141–145


  India-Pakistan dispute over, 39–43, 77–78,

  madrassas in Pakistan, 35, 52, 97

  124–125, 218–219

  Mao Zedong, 22, 77, 175–176

  insurgency in, 14, 100

  Mazari, Shireen, 38–39, 65

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  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


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  McChrystal, Stanley, 164n103, 164n104

  Munter, Cameron, 158–159, 205n11

  McMahon, Robert J., 75

  Musharraf, Pervez, 15, 23

  media in Pakistan, 62–65, 68–69

  assassination attempts against, 118–122

  journalist exchange programs and, 64

  Bhutto (B.) and, 131–133

  Megaports Initiative, 210n22

  Bush administration and, 114–122, 215,

  “Mehran men,” 60–62

  218, 221

  Mehran naval base, attack on, 69–70

  Clinton administration and, 179–182

  Mehsud, Baitullah, 13–14, 99, 157

  coup against Sharif, 47–48, 221

  Mehsud, Hakimullah, 202

  departure of, 29, 38

  “memogate” scandal, 80n32, 107

  drone strike authorizations by, 153–156,

  microfinancing initiatives in Pakistan, 226–227


  military assistance to Pakistan, 6–7

  FATA incursions under, 128

  in Cold War era, 74–76

  India’s relations with, 124–125, 218–219

. policies concerning, 117–118, 120

  Iraq war and, 117–118

  military-first cooperation strategy, 233–235

  Khan’s (A. Q.) nuclear theft and, 88

  U.S.-Pakistan relations and, 26–27, 214–222

  Lashkar-e-Taiba and, 102

  military in Pakistan

  lawyers’ movement against, 80–83

  “AfPak” strategy and, 163

  media censorship by, 62, 63–64

  anti-Indian ideology in, 39–43, 218–219

  military relations with, 118–122, 130

  Bhutto’s (Z. A.) civilian control of, 79

  nuclear expansion under, 119

  China’s dependency on, 190

  political failures of, 31, 129–134, 221

  civilian government and, 140–145,

  return to Pakistan and house arrest of,

  215–216n29, 219–222


  comprehensive cooperation strategy and

  self-imposed exile of, 133

  role of, 222–233

  Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan and,

  drone strikes supported by, 153–158


  future projections concerning, 66

  U.S. support for, 27, 76–77, 82, 103,

  garrison mentality of, 38–39

  105–108, 110–114, 201–202

  growth of, 29

  Muslim Brotherhood, 57

  Hizb ut-Tahrir and, 55–58, 218

  Muslim Commercial Bank, 231–232

  Lashkar-e-Taiba and, 14–15, 102

  My American Journey (Powell), 110

  lawyers’ movement against, 80–83

  media censorship by, 63–64

  National Command Authority (Pakistan), 44

  media criticism of, 65

  nationalist movement in Pakistan

  Musharraf’s relations with, 118–122, 130

  anti-Americanism of, 83–92

  nationalist ideology in, 38–39, 92

  nuclear expansion influenced by, 87–90

  nuclear arsenal and, 18

  origins of, 49–50

  political manipulations of, 116

  National Research Council, 210

  power and autonomy of, 25n17, 47–49, 215

  National Security Council (Pakistan), 121–122

  public opinion of, 32n8, 32, 33

  The Nation (Pakistani English-language

  Swat Valley offensive by, 139–140

  newspaper), 38–39

  U.S. support for, 24–26, 76–77, 82,

  NATO forces in Afghanistan, 19, 40, 52,

  110–114, 118–122, 200–202, 214–222

  107–108, 125–126, 204–206

  vulnerability of, 6–7

  Nawaz, Maajid, 57n107

  Mohajir ethnic group, 30–32

  Naxalite movement (India), 193

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 11, 23, 114

  Nazir, Tariq, 228–229

  Mohan, C. Raja, 193, 196

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 75, 195–196

  Monsoon (Kaplan), 191–192

  Nepal, 42, 46, 194

  Muhammed, Nek, 154

  Neumann, Ronald, 127, 127n64

  Mujib, Sheikh, 79n31

  The News (Pakistani English-language

  Mullen, Michael, 62, 105–106, 106n5, 108,

  newspaper), 38

  166–167, 204

  Nixon, Richard, 86–87, 175–176

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  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


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  No Exit ( Huis Clos) (Sartre), 1, 27–28

  floods of 2010 in, 148–149

  “Nonalignment 2.0” (report), 195–196

  India’s tensions with, 6–8, 20–22, 39–43,

  Northern Distribution Network, NATO’s use

  124–125, 184, 218–219

  of, 205

  nuclear program in, 7–8, 11, 16–18, 69–70,

  North Korea

  91–92, 187–188, 209–212

  China’s relations with, 183

  population projections for, 65–66

  Pakistan’s relations with, 187–188

  public opinion of government in, 32n8, 32,

  Novogratz, Jacqueline, 226


  Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST),

  regional instability and, 169–172, 197–199


  “Twin Peaks crisis” in, 115

  nuclear weapons

  U.S. military operations in, 169–172

  deterrence strategy for Pakistan, 209–212

  vulnerability of, 6–7, 69–70

  Indo-Pakistani relations and role of, 43–46,

  Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission,



  Khan’s (A. Q.) role in Pakistan’s

  Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PML-N),

  development of, 87–88, 88n56, 90, 103,

  31, 60–62, 132

  119, 187–188

  Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam)

  Pakistan’s expansion of, 7–11, 69–70,

  (PML-Q), 31, 121–122, 130–131

  91–92, 187–188

  Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), 31, 60–62, 78,

  U.S.-India partnership on, 181–184,

  79n31, 107


  “Pakistan Private Investment Initiative,”

  as “vital threat” to U.S., 16–18


  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for

  Oakley, Robert, 91

  Justice) (PTI), 58–60

  Obama, Barack

  reform agenda of, 60–62, 68

  “AfPak” strategy under, 161–167

  Panetta, Leon, 105–106, 151, 158–159

  China policies under, 177

  Pasha, Ahmed Shuja, 215–216n29

  Davis affair and, 136–139

  Pashtun ethnic group, 30–32, 40, 52–53

  democratization initiatives in Pakistan

  in Peshawar, Pakistan, 170

  under, 140–145

  Taliban and, 125–126

  drone policy of, 153–154, 154n66, 156,

  “patient capital” initiatives in Pakistan, 226

  158, 160–161

  Patterson, Anne, 38–39

  election in 2008 of, 59

  Peace Accord of 2006 (Pakistan), 125–126

  India policy under, 182, 197

  Pearl, Daniel, 38–39

  Pakistan policy under, 23–24, 103–104,

  Plame, Valerie, 111

  109, 205–206, 216–217, 219–222

  politics in Pakistan

  surge in Afghanistan and, 164–167

  comprehensive cooperation strategy as

  U.S.-Pakistan relations and, 4, 107,

  affecting, 225–231

  136–151, 167–168

  media culture and, 62–65

  Obama’s Wars (Woodward), 162

  military dominance of, 25n17, 47–49,

  Omar, Mohammed Mullah, 99, 127, 162–163


  On China (Kissinger), 175

  reform agenda and, 60–62

  youthful idealism and, 58–60

  Pakistan . See U.S.-Pakistani relations

  population projections for Pakistan, 65–66

  breakup of East and West Pakistan and,

  Powell, Colin, 109–114, 117, 124, 218


  Powers, Francis Gary, 169

  China’s relations with, 6–10, 20–22, 38–39,

  Pressler, Larry, 91n65, 91, 92, 142

  43, 70–71, 85–86, 182–184, 188–189,

  Punjabi ethnic group, 30–32


  Punjabi Taliban, 53

  civilian government in, 29

  drone debate in, 157–158

  Qadri, Mumtaz, 50–51

  F-16 aircraft deal with, 91, 95, 123–124

  Qureshi, Shah Mahmood, 60–62

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  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


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  Raphel, Robin, 146–149

  Shahzad, Syed Saleem, 62

  Rashid, Ahmed, 181–182

  Shakai Agreement (2004), 127–128

  Reagan, Ronald

  Sharif, Nawaz, 132

  Pakistan policy under, 90–91, 94–95,

  censorship in regime of, 62


  coup against, 31, 47–48, 116, 221

  Soviet Union policy under, 94–95

  military relations with, 88

  Red Mosque crisis, 130–131

  re-election of, 61

  reformist movement in Pakistan, 60–62,

  Sharif, Shahbaz, 235


  Shia Islam in Pakistan, 97n89, 96–99

  regional context for, 70–71

  Siachen glacier, 42

  regional instability

  Singh, Manmohan, 124–125, 193–194,

  China’s global ascendancy and, 172–178


  as “emergent threat” to U.S., 18–22

  “Skunk Works” drone facility, 151–152

  Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and, 6–8,

  South Korea, 187


  Soviet Union

  reformist movement in Pakistan and, 70–71

  China and, 178–179

  U.S.-Pakistan relations and, 16, 169–172,

  invasion of Afghanistan by, 90, 92–94,



  U.S. vulnerability to, 9–10

  Kashmir dispute and role of, 77–78

  Rehman, I. A., 63, 64

  U.S.-Pakistani relations and, 1–4, 74–76,

  Rehman, Sherry, 150


  Reporters without Borders, 65

  U.S. relations with, 94–95

  revolution, potential in Pakistan for, 68n146,

  Spain, terrorism in, 186

  68, 69

  Special Forces . See U.S. Special Forces, raids in

  Rice, Condoleezza, 109, 120, 124, 125, 127,

  Pakistan by

  132, 180–181

  Sri Lanka, 42, 46, 194

  Rosenberg, Matthew, 38–39

  state failure in Pakistan, potential for,

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 175–176


  Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN),

  Storming the World Stage (Tankel), 102

  227–228, 228n53, 229

  Sufi Islam in Pakistan, 54, 170

  Sunni Islam in Pakistan, 97n89, 96–99

  Saeed, Hafiz Muhammad, 14–15, 52, 58,

  Sunni Ittehad Council, 50–51

  69–70, 99–102

  Salafism, 54, 98, 99–100

  Taliban . See also affiliated groups (e.g.,


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