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by No Exit from Pakistan (pdf)

  Salala incident, U.S.-Pakistan tensions over,

  Haqqani network; Tehrik-i-Taliban

  108, 205


  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1, 5, 27, 237

  in Afghanistan, 18–22, 40, 52, 114,

  Saudi Arabia

  125–129, 202–204

  Pakistan’s relations with, 6–7, 95n78, 98,

  “AfPak” strategy and, 161–167

  169, 187–188

  Islamic extremism and, 53–54

  Salafism supported by, 100

  Kashmir dispute and, 39

  U.S. relations with, 215

  ouster from Swat valley of, 47, 140

  Schmidt, John, 66–67

  Pakistan’s support for, 23, 38–39, 51–52,

  September 11, 2001 attacks

  99, 105–108, 127, 158–159, 161–163,

  Baig’s skepticism concerning, 201

  167n112, 169, 200–202

  drone development following, 151–156

  Punjabi Taliban group, 53

  U.S. Afghan policies linked to, 95

  Tankel, Stephen, 102

  U.S.-Indian relations following, 181–182

  Tarar, Sultan Amir, 202

  U.S.-Pakistani relations in wake of, 4,

  Tarbela Dam project, 25, 229–230

  103–104, 108–117, 134–135

  tariff policies, Pakistan economic development

  Sethi, Najam, 62

  and, 230–231

  Shahzad, Faisal, 13–14

  Taseer, Salman, 50–51

  © in this web service Cambridge University Press


  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


  More information



  tax policies in Pakistan, 37–38

  financial assistance programs in Pakistan

  Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), 13–14,

  from, 74–76, 112, 122–123, 140,



  attacks on Pakistani military by, 69–70

  flawed assumptions concerning Pakistan in,

  drone strikes against, 158


  expansion of, 161–162

  Indian relations with, 20–22, 85, 179–182,

  military campaign against, 217


  Tarar assassination by, 202

  nuclear weapons accidents in, 44–45

  violence in Peshawar by, 169–172

  politics of Pakistan policies in, 202–204

  Tellis, Ashley, 180–181

  port defenses in, 210n22, 210–211


  strategic options in Pakistan for, 26–27, 206

  economic costs of, 186

  vulnerability of, 7–11

  as “immediate threat” to U.S., 11–16

  U.S. Agency for International Development

  Pakistan safe havens for, 49–58, 114–117,

  (USAID), 23–24, 149n44, 145–150,

  125–129, 162–163


  Pakistan’s vulnerability to, 62, 69–70,

  comprehensive cooperation strategy and,

  139–140, 169–172


  U.S.-Pakistan cooperation concerning, 7–11,

  USNS Impeccable incident, 176


  U.S.-Pakistan relations

  Tetlay, Ahmed, 227–229

  Afghanistan war and, 92–103, 202–204

  textile industry, Pakistan-Bangladesh

  “AfPak” strategy and, 161–167

  comparisons of, 36

  anti-Americanism in Pakistan and, 73–103

  Tora Bora raid, 114–117

  in Bush administration, 23, 82, 103–104,

  trade-related issues

  109–114, 143n22, 181–182

  comprehensive cooperation strategy and,

  China’s role in, 182–184, 188–192,



  India-China relations and, 194–195,

  Cold War and, 178–179


  comprehensive cooperation strategy for,

  India-Pakistan tensions and, 186–187


  Truman, Harry S., 75n9

  covert operations cooperation and, 208–209

  trust fund for Pakistan investment, proposals

  crisis-oriented policies in, 109–110

  for, 225

  Davis affair and, 136–139

  “Twin Peaks crisis,” 115

  defensive insulation strategy for, 206–214

  distrust and disagreement in, 165n108,

  Uighur separatist groups, 21, 190


  Ul-Haq, Abrar, 60

  drone strikes and, 11–16, 23–24, 138

  Ummah Tameer-e-Nau (UTN), 51n82

  future options for, 182–184, 235–237

  United Nations’ Millennium Development

  historical background, 1–4, 72–73, 76n15,

  Goals, 224


  United States . See also U.S.-Pakistan relations

  Iraq war and, 117–118

  assistance programs in Pakistan by, 23–24

  “KLB” legislation and, 141–150, 216–217

  China’s relations with, 175–178, 188–192,

  military-first cooperation strategy and,



  competing priorities in Pakistani strategies

  missed opportunities in, 108–117

  for, 233–235

  in Musharraf era, 105–108, 118–122

  defensive insulation strategy in Pakistan

  mutual vulnerability in, 5–11

  and, 206–214

  nationalism in Pakistan and, 91–92

  drone strike debate in, 158–159

  nuclear expansion in Pakistan and, 90,

  economic sanctions against Pakistan by,



  Obama administration and, 136–168

  F-16 aircraft deal with Pakistan, 91, 95,

  overview of U.S. options in, 26–27


  political climate in U.S. and, 202–204

  © in this web service Cambridge University Press


  Cambridge University Press

  978-1-107-04546-0 - No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey


  More information



  U.S.-Pakistan relations ( cont. )

  water shortages in Pakistan, 36–37

  potential state failure and, 10–11

  Weinstein, Warren, 149

  pragmatism in, 24–26

  Wilson, Charlie, 93–94, 95

  recent failures in, 22–26

  Woodward, Bob, 162, 164n104, 209n19

  reformist movement in Pakistan and, 70–71

  World Bank, 225, 229–230

  regional context for, 20–22, 169–172,

  World Health Organization, 25–26


  successes in, 122–125

  youth culture in Pakistan

  surge in Afghanistan and, 164–167

  media technology and, 64

  U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and

  politics and, 58–60, 65

  future of, 204–206

  resistance to nationalism in, 92

  Zia’s Islamization of Pakistan and, 96–99

  YouTube, in Pakistan, 64, 92

  U.S. Special Forces, raids in Pakistan by,


  Zafar, Roshaneh, 226–227

  U.S. State Department, Pakistan aid policies

  Zardari, Asif Al
i, 32, 64, 80, 80n32, 133,

  and, 145–150


  Zardari, Bilawal, 80

  Vajpayee, Atal Bihari, 124, 179

  Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad, 2, 49–50

  Vietnam War

  censorship in regime of, 62

  Afghan war compared with, 93

  death of, 51, 81

  U.S. Pakistan policy and influence of, 85,

  execution of Bhutto (Z. A.) and, 80


  Islamic extremism and, 53–54

  Islamization of, 96–99

  Wahhabi Islam, 54, 99–100

  military relations with, 200–201

  Wall Street Journal, 38–39

  nuclear expansion under, 90

  Waseem, Mohammad, 76–77

  U.S. support for, 76–77, 82, 93–95, 112

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