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The Seductress of Andromeda

Page 12

by Callista Hawkes

  Succumb to the inevitable and let the creature consume you

  Pull on the wetsuit and abandon the submersible

  While it might be a case of ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire’, you’re not going to just sit back and let this creature devour you. You climb out of your seat and struggle towards the back of the submersible as the vessel is thrown about in the grip of the creature. You yank open the locker door and quickly pull on the wetsuit, oxygen tank and mask. You brace yourself against the wall and open the hatch. The seawater rushes in, flooding the interior in moments. You climb out of the submersible, several dark tentacles wrapped around the stricken vessel and swim upwards. You glance below you as the spotlights play over the gaping maw of the creature. You kick away, swimming up into the darkness, conscious that you have a limited amount of oxygen and a long and arduous swim through the pitch black cave system ahead of you. You swim hard, keen to put as much distance between you and the terrible creature as possible. You feel the water stir around you and your eyes widen as you feel a tentacle wrap around your ankle. You scream into your mouthpiece as the creature holds you in an iron grip and begins to drag you inexorably back towards its maw. You reach down, desperately trying to free yourself, but it is futile and it quickly draws you down past the submersible. The smaller tentacles inside its mouth tremble excitedly as the creature senses it has its prey. You wrench off your mask, freezing cold seawater flooding your mouth as you decide that drowning is preferable to being eaten alive.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  Deciding it would be a fool’s errand to attempt to swim to the surface, you sigh and watch as the submersible is slowly drawn into the creature’s terrible maw, the tiny tentacles inside flexing in anticipation. The gaping abyss closes in around you, the tiny tentacles slapping against the hull as you are pulled inside. The darkness closes in as the submersible descends into the creature’s throat, the dim internal lighting the only remaining source of illumination.

  “So this is how it ends.” You mutter bleakly. You had always thought the end would come in a fire fight on some distant planet or shot out of the sky in the depths of space. Perhaps eventually even a heart attack while some exotic and beautiful alien vigorously rode you to death. You smile at the thought. That wouldn’t be a bad way to go. The smile vanishes as you are drawn further into the innards of the strange organism. No such luck. Instead, you’ll slowly suffocate, entombed inside this tiny submersible at the bottom of an ocean. Your melancholy train of thought is shattered as you are nearly thrown from your seat. The vessel is buffeted about and you cling to the controls as you are rapidly thrust back up the gullet of the creature. Propelled violently out of its maw, the submersible rolls and spins before you manage to bring it back under control. The spotlights play over the creature, the long tentacles shrinking back towards it and leaving you alone.

  “I guess I gave you indigestion.” You grin, not believing your luck. The spotlights pick up the cave winding past the creature and you quickly pilot the submersible towards it and out of reach before it has second thoughts.

  You progress through the winding and labyrinthine cavern system. As the spotlights play over before the rocky walls, you become increasingly convinced that you are hopelessly lost and going in circles. Finally, the passage ahead widens and you can see a strange purplish glow beyond it. You breathe a deep sigh of relief as you open the throttle, the propellers whirring as you emerge out of the mouth of the cave and into a broad trench. You grin, glad to be free of the narrow confines of the darkened tunnels. The glow seems to filter up from below and you descend towards it.


  Not liking the look of the strange air bubbles rising from the other passage, you steer into the narrower of the two. You slow down as the rocky walls begin to close in, sweeping the spotlight about as you continue further into the cave system. You mop your brow with the back of your hand, conscious that if the submersible becomes wedged or the hull is breached, you are a dead man.

  “Should have gone the long way round.” You mutter to yourself as you continue to make tiny corrections as you weave your way through the ever narrowing passage. You find yourself breathing in as you pass through a particularly narrow section, wincing as you hear the side of the submersible scrape against the rocky wall, the vessel vibrating before you clear it. The spotlights pick up a narrow opening in the distance, a strange purplish glow just beyond. The faint glow must be Drazix’s settlement just beyond the mouth of the passage, but the mouth is by far the tightest part of the cavern system you have travelled through.

  “So near but so far.” You smile grimly. The choice is simple: Risk it or turn back and try the other passage.

  Risk it and hope the submersible will pass through

  Turn back and try the other passage

  Cursing, you carefully spin the submersible about and weave your way back through the narrow passage towards the junction. Once again, it is a slow and laborious process as you carefully negotiate the narrow tunnels. Finally you reach the mouth of the other passageway, bubbles still rising from within it.

  With a sigh, you pilot the vessel towards it, descending into the darkness. The spotlights sweep around the cavernous passage, the conical beams sliding down the rocky walls. As you gaze at the instrumentation, you see movement in your peripheral vision. You quickly glance in the direction of the movement, but see only the rocky cavern sides and rising bubbles in the light.

  “Keep your shit together Trent.” You mutter, hoping you’re out of this endless underwater labyrinth soon. You continue ever deeper, descending further and further into the rocky shaft. Abruptly, you are nearly shaken from your seat as the submersible rocks to one side. It twists violently around, the spotlights momentarily playing over something dark writhing outside your vessel.

  “What the fuck is that?” You growl, peering out of the dome shaped window as you fight to regain control. The cones of light sweep wildly about as the submersible is wrenched one way and then the other. Your eyes widen as you see a long, thick tentacle lash out, flailing through the water before smacking against the window, a series of suckers as big as your head pulsating against the glass as it tries to attach itself to the submersible. It slips away and the spotlights play over the long tentacle stretching down to its base at the bottom of the cavern. The tentacle is one of several arranged around a broad, gaping circular maw, rows of tiny tentacles within it obviously designed to draw in its prey. Bubbles rise out of six large pulsing gill-like apertures arranged around the creature’s mouth. As you are pulled towards the terrible maw of the creature, more dark tentacles stretch out, wrapping around the submersible. You stop fighting with the controls, realising it is futile. As the maw fills your vision, you search wildly around for some form of salvation. You spot an emergency wetsuit and oxygen tank in a locker behind you, but you could never hope that it will have enough air to enable you to swim back to the surface. Your choices seem equally grim: Be consumed or drown.

  Succumb to the inevitable and let the creature consume you

  Pull on the wetsuit and abandon the submersible

  “Fuck it.” You grimace and throttle forward, the propellers whirring as you aim the submersible at the centre of the narrow opening. You decide to give it everything and hope that if it is too small, your momentum will carry you through. You pick up speed as you race towards the mouth of the cave, the aperture looking smaller the closer you get.

  “Shit!” You curse, realising too late that the submersible will not pass cleanly through. You are going too fast now to stop, so committing to your fate, you open the throttle to maximum and brace yourself. The jagged rocks of the opening loom like teeth and you wince, shutting your eyes as the submersible smashes into them. You cling to your seat, the rocks scraping against the hull as the propellers thrust you through. For a moment, you think your momentum will take you through, but the rocks slow you until you are wedged in the open
ing. Your heart sinks and your blood runs cold as you fears are realised. Desperate now, you pulse the throttle, the propellers whining as they fight to force you through.

  “Come on, come on!” You growl, waggling the controls, the submersible rocking from side to side as you try to squeeze the submersible out of the cave. You can see the wide expanse of a deep sea trench beyond the opening and the faint purple glow further down. So close. The hull groans in protest, the rocky walls scraping against the outside of the hull until you are sure you are on the brink of ripping the vessel apart. With a final laboured screech, the submersible works free of the opening and you are thrust forward out of the mouth of the cave and into the wide trench beyond

  “Yes!” You cry out, pumping your fist with relief. Grinning broadly, the tension leaving your body, you guide the submersible down into the trench towards the faint purple glow.


  You gaze intently at the strange purple glow as the submersible drops further into the trench. As you draw closer, you breathe a sigh of relief. The purple glow becomes clearer as you close in and you can make out hundreds of large bubble-like domes built into the sides of the chasm. Looking about you in wonder, you watch Aquilans swimming amongst the domes or going about their business within. Following the waypoint towards one of the larger domes, you pilot the submersible beneath it and guide it upwards and through a moon pool bordered with flashing red lights. You emerge through the water inside the dome, rivulets of seawater running down the window. The HUD flashes that you have reached your destination. You unstrap yourself from the seat, open the hatch and stumble out into the bioluminescent habitat.

  “Mr Trent I presume?” An Aquilan female asks, gliding towards you. You nod. “My name’s Vaxia. My husband will be out in a moment.” You nod again. Vaxia exudes elegance, a long white dress fitting snugly around her tall, slender figure. Her translucent bluish flesh is strange, but she is humanoid enough for you to find her attractive. She self-consciously runs a hand over her bald scalp and you realise you are staring.

  “This is some place you have here.” You tell her, tearing your gaze away from her and looking about the chamber.

  “Thank you.” She replies with a wry smile, her violet eyes gleaming. “It’s always a pleasure to see the look on a surface dweller’s face when they visit Aquila Prime.” A door sighs open and a tall Aquilan male appears. “Ah here’s Drazix now.”

  “Trent!” He smiles, crossing the room towards you and shaking you by the hand. His fingers feel cool and spongy, but his grip is firm. “Eris spoke very highly of you, though she was rather cryptic about just what it was you need our help with. Come, have dinner with us and you can enlighten me as to her latest devious scheme.”

  You eat the last of your meal, which is predictably some form of seafood reminiscent of sushi. You are all gathered around a low table in the next room and almost forget that you are far below the surface of the sea, just a thin transparent bubble between you and the crushing depths of the ocean. During the course of the meal, you have explained the details of the heist and their intended role in it. Drazix leans forward attentively, his interest clearly piqued.

  “You can count us in.” He smiles. “Eris will have meticulously planned the operation and if we can execute it cleanly, it will be low risk too.”

  “Have you worked with Eris many times before?” You ask him.

  “Yes, a few jobs here and there.” He nods. “She’s primarily an accomplished assassin of course, but she certainly has a good eye for thievery too, which is where we come in. She’s a pleasure to work with and an even greater pleasure to mate with. She is remarkably sexually imaginative.” Your eyes widen at his shameless admission in front of his wife, but Vaxia doesn’t even flinch.

  “So I understand you can squeeze through narrow spaces.” You reply, quickly changing the subject. “Are Aquilans shape-shifters?”

  “Not quite.” He chuckles, reaching for a bottle and topping up your glass with a strange wine-like concoction you have all been drinking. “But we have no skeletons, so our bodies are pliant and elastic. So while it’s true we can control our shape to a certain extent, we are not shape-shifters as such.” You blink as you feel his wife’s hand on your thigh beneath the table, her fingers curling around the inside of your leg and sliding upwards.

  “A handy skill.” You reply, glancing at Vaxia as she continues to caress you, her fingers slipping ever closer to your tingling groin.

  “You have no idea.” She chuckles, her hand sliding over the growing bulge in your trousers. You raise an eyebrow, but she continues, chewing her lower lip as she explores you. You feel her fingers pull at the zip of your fly before delving inside.

  “I’m starting to.” You reply, shifting uncomfortably in your chair as her cool fingers tighten around your hardening shaft. She smiles wickedly before glancing at her husband. Drazix barely suppresses a chuckle and you realise he is completely aware of what his wife is doing to you.

  Allow her to continue


  Well, if her husband has no objections, you certainly do not. Vaxia pulls your cock free of your trousers and you quiver involuntarily as her thumb brushes over the sensitive crown. She chuckles and begins to gently stroke your cock up and down.

  “Well, I for one grow weary.” Drazix announces, getting up from the table. “I shall leave you in my wife’s capable hands.” He adds with a smirk before retreating from the room. As the door slides shut behind him, Vaxia moves closer to you, a predatory glint in her eye.

  “Alone at last.” She purrs, leaning into you and pressing her lips to yours. Your eyes widen in surprise as she spears her tongue between your lips. You recover quickly and kiss her back, surrendering yourself to the beautiful Aquilan. Her cool, spongy lips feel unusual, but her enthusiasm is infectious and your hands roam over her body, caressing her breasts through the snug white dress.

  “You’re sure your husband is okay with this?” You whisper, glancing nervously in the direction of the door he had exited through.

  “Perfectly happy.” She smiles. “The taking of multiple lovers is commonplace among Aquilans. We learn new skills that we can then use with our spouse. It’s seen as a healthy practice amongst my people.”

  “I’ll have to come here on holiday.” You grin. Vaxia chuckles and presses her lips back to yours, her tongue flicking over yours and her fingers running through your hair.

  “Perhaps we should retire to the guest room.” She murmurs, breaking the kiss before getting to her feet and taking your hand.

  Allow her to lead you to the bedroom

  Guide her onto the table and go down on her

  “There’s no rush.” You reply, pressing her against the table. Vaxia gasps in surprise, smiling broadly at your new found confidence. You press your lips back to hers, kissing her urgently as your hands slide down her slender body. You hook your fingers under the hem of her dress and pull it up, peeling it up past her waist. She breaks the kiss, her lips pouting and her eyes gazing deeply into yours as you pull the flimsy garment up over her head. She reclines back onto the table, her naked body shamelessly displayed to you. You drink in her exotic otherworldly form. Her blue translucent flesh, her long, toned legs, her narrow hips and flat stomach, her small but firm breasts and her bald head.

  “What are you going to do to me?” She breathes, her startlingly violet eyes gazing expectantly up at you and her chest heaving in anticipation. You smile enigmatically and lean over her, pressing your lips back to hers. You kiss her for a moment before sliding your lips downwards. You feather kisses down her chin and throat before trailing your lips to a nipple and drawing it into your mouth. You feel her squirm slightly, a gasp escaping her lips. Her hands caress your head, her fingers threading through your hair as you gently tease each of her nipples in turn. After a few moments, you feel a subtle downward pressure as she encourages you to continue your journey. She smile and kiss down towards her navel, her blue flesh smooth but cool. You
playfully flick your tongue inside the little hollow before continuing down her stomach. You feel her shift slightly, her legs opening invitingly as you kiss ever closer. Her pubic region is as smooth and hairless as the rest of her body. As you drop to your knees, your face level with her slit, you can smell her arousal, her neat blue folds glistening with her juices. You lean forward and gently run your tongue up her slit, parting her lips with the tip. You salivate as her sweet flavour tantalises your taste buds and press your tongue more firmly inside her.

  “Oh yes!” Vaxia squeals with delight. “Oh your tongue feels so hot inside me! Yes taste me. Eat my pussy.” You probe deeper inside her before sliding your tongue upwards and flicking it over her tiny clitoris. You feel her stiffen, gasping with pleasure as you tease the fleshy nub. You slide your hand up between her legs and press your fingers to her pussy. They sink easily inside her and her moans intensify as you begin to work them in and out. Her breathless gasps and groans of delight are infectious and your hardened cock, still jutting out of your trousers, throbs in sympathy.


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