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Moscow, 1937

Page 93

by Karl Schlogel

  Khimenkov, Viktor Gavrilovich 265

  Kirov, Sergei Mironovich 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 163

  Koestler, Arthur 108, 520

  Koestring, Ernst 541–2

  Kolli, Nikolai 242–3

  Koltsov, Mikhail

  arrest and death sentence 94, 108

  and Lion Feuchtwanger 91, 93–4

  on Spanish Civil War 95–6

  Kommunarka shooting range 474, 475–7, 480, 484

  Kosterina, Nina 406–8, 506–8

  Köstring, Ernst 411

  Kovrigin, S. 109–11

  Kraval’, Ivan 60–1, 119, 120, 122

  Kremlin 56

  Ordzhonikidze at 160, 162, 170

  Stalin–Feuchtwanger meeting 82–6

  Krestinskii, Nikolai 61, 519, 522, 525

  Krushchev, Nikita 64, 141, 187, 195, 354, 481, 556

  ‘kulaks’, former 491–3, 494, 495, 503

  labour camps 468

  see also Moscow–Volga Canal, prisoners

  labour communes 488


  interpretations of Pushkin 150–4

  of show trials 69–73, 74–6, 129–31, 525

  The Last Days (play) 151–2

  Lenin, Vladimir I. 216–17, 458

  statues 240, 345, 349, 552–3

  Lenin in October (film) 372–3, 379, 384

  Lenin Mausoleum 212, 229–30, 235

  libraries 58, 156

  Likhachev, Ivan 417–19, 427

  literacy 156, 158

  Lominadze, Vissarion 173

  Lubianka 25–6, 68, 478–9

  Bukharin in 153, 185, 462, 526–9, 532–7

  Lukács, Georg 398

  luxury goods

  advertisements 314–17, 318, 319, 320

  end of rationing 318–19

  inventories of NKVD searches 369–71

  The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov) 21

  and shortages 317–18, 320–2, 323–5

  magazines see newspapers/magazines/ journals

  Maggo, Petr Ivanovich 536, 537

  Mandelstam, Osip 408–9, 433

  maps 467–8

  General Plan of Moscow 12, 13

  geological 258, 272, 467

  German (1941) 66, 538–9, 540, 541–3

  Spanish Civil War 96, 97

  Mashkov, Il’ia 291

  mass executions see NKVD/GPU, mass executions

  mass graves 475–6, 479–80

  sociology of 485–91

  statistics 480

  The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov) arrests/executions/disappearances 27–30

  autobiographical features 17

  censorship and posthumous

  publication 16–17

  city map, locations and staging posts 17–24

  dramatis personae: dual characters 24–5

  Faust/Mephistopheles 14, 16

  flight, metaphor and perspective 12–15

  literary analyses 15–16

  ‘magical realism’ 11

  NKVD 25–6

  Pontius Pilate/Jerusalem theme 11, 14, 17, 18–19, 27, 29–30

  as roman-à-clef 10–11, 31–2

  Mayenburg, Ruth von 47–8, 223, 399

  Medvedkin, Aleksandr (New Moscow) 33–5, 45, 47

  Metro 42, 236, 241, 242, 243, 253

  Mikoian, Anastas 183, 353, 456, 512, 513–16, 517

  military see Red Army

  Molotov, Viacheslav 169, 188, 340, 347, 502, 504, 566

  Moscow 1937 (Feuchtwanger) 85, 87, 90

  Moscow River 39, 42–3

  Moscow–Volga Canal 40, 66, 274–5

  aesthetic and technical achievement 279–83

  commencement of work 278–9

  NKVD conspiracy 517

  Moscow–Volga Canal


  Butovo Mass Graves 487, 490

  and camps 276–8, 283–92, 331

  experts 287–8

  re-education 288–92

  release 274, 279

  route 278

  as second arterial highway 275–9

  Seventeenth International Congress excursion 273

  terminals 236, 280, 282–3

  and White Sea Canal 275, 276–8, 287, 291, 293

  Mosfilm studios 378–82

  Moskvin, Mikhail 402–3

  mountaineers, Butovo mass graves 489

  Mukhina, Vera 198, 201, 202, 203, 239, 251, 554

  murals 348–9

  museums 146, 147

  Mushketov, Dmitrii Ivanovich 263


  classical 439–42

  and ‘din of time’ 433–4

  and film 377–8, 383, 437–9, 463–5

  jazz (dzhaz) 58–9, 434–7, 438, 442–3

  Moscow–Volga Canal prisoners 289

  Pioneer band march 408

  radio 219–20, 222–3, 228

  musicians, Butovo mass graves 488

  Naszkowski, Marian 389–90

  New Economic Policy (NEP) 36–7, 55, 318, 319, 338, 339

  New Moscow (film) 33–5, 45, 47

  The New Moscow (painting, Pimenov) 42, 43

  New York Times 144, 435–6

  newspapers/magazines/journals 58

  American Photos (Il’f and Petrov) 452–3

  diplomatic contacts 361

  expeditions 295, 306

  Feuchtwanger’s tour 85, 93

  General Plan of Moscow 35

  Izvestiia 145, 161, 184

  Moscow–Volga Canal prison camp 289–90

  newly elected deputies 445–6

  October Revolution anniversary 346

  Pushkin Jubilee 149–50

  reconstruction of Moscow 544

  Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony 440–1

  Soviet landscapes 468

  Spanish Civil War 95–6, 97–8

  The USSR in Construction 175, 177, 327, 329, 369, 374

  see also advertisements; Pravda

  Niedermayer, Oskar Ritter von 541, 542

  Nikita, the Russian Icarus 311

  Nikulin, Lev 307


  anniversary celebrations see Bolshoi Theatre

  black market 322–4

  Bukharin and Rykov trial 185

  census data 119–20

  children’s reception centres 509

  criticism of 272, 502

  Directory of All Moscow 65–6

  football team 250

  and foreign communists/political émigrés 65–6, 393, 401, 403, 542, 543

  and high society 367–71

  intercepts on famine/shortages 321, 324

  maps 539

  mass executions 480–4

  Order No. 00447 491–501, 512

  ‘Registers of Executions by Firing Squad’ 475–6

  sentencing and 498–9, 501

  members/leaders 516–17

  arrest/execution of 502, 518

  suicides 174–5

  October Revolution anniversary celebrations 351

  passport photographs 444

  peasant uprisings 74

  Russian exiles in Paris 206–7

  saboteurs/wreckers 190–3

  and Spanish Civil War 105–6, 107–8

  surveillance of diplomats 360

  surveillance of Ustrialov 343

  territorial and regional boards 495–6

  North-East Passage expeditions 297–8

  North Pole expeditions 294, 297, 301–5, 306, 313

  Dream (play) 308–9

  Seven Brave Men (film) 306, 385

  occupations 114, 118

  October Revolution 36

  anniversary celebrations 344–54, 404–12

  films 372–3, 379–80, 384

  oil 259

  Ordzhonikidze, Sergo 61, 71, 237, 330

  Stalin automobile plant 418, 419, 426–7


  hopeless situation and protest 170–3

  medical report 162

  meetings prior to 162

  responses to 161–7 />
  as weapon 167–70

  orphans 488, 508, 509

  Orwell, George 103, 104

  Osinskii, Valerian 182, 184

  Palace of the Soviets 236–7, 243, 510

  competition 548–52

  construction site 544–6

  Iofan design 551–6

  wartime damage and abandonment of project 556–7

  Pal’chinskii, Petr Ioakimovich 263–4

  Papanin, Ivan (Papanin team) 294, 301, 302–5, 306, 308

  Paris International Exhibition: Soviet Pavilion 198–9

  exhibition trail 199–203

  marginal encounters 205–8

  Moscow–Volga Canal 279

  public reactions to 203–5

  Passport Law (1932) 50

  passport photographs 444


  factory 419–24

  Soviet 101–3

  Pavlov, Mikhail Alekseevich 263


  mass graves 486, 490

  see also collectivization; rural–urban migration

  Penal Code (Article 58) 261, 262–3, 265, 287, 289, 474, 480, 485

  People’s Commissariats 57–8

  Council 37, 38, 60

  disappearances 60, 61–2

  for Heavy Industry 125, 143, 160, 170–1, 172–3, 238

  for Internal Affairs see NKVD/GPU

  redistribution of leadership 446–9

  see also show trials, second

  Perkin, Dmitrii Yefimovich 264

  Petrov, Evgenii 450–5, 459–60, 461–2

  Philosophical Arabesques (Bukharin) 528–9


  deletion 445

  executions and appeal procedures 483

  icons of ‘New Man’ 445

  newly elected deputies 444–5

  police 444–5, 447

  Piatakov, Iurii 61, 84, 125, 128, 129, 136, 137, 143, 170–2

  Pimenov, Iurii (The New Moscow) 42, 43

  Pioneer band march 408

  Platonov, Andrei 152, 155, 156, 221–2, 549

  plays see theatres/plays Podlubnyi, Stepan 294

  polar exploration see North Pole expeditions

  Politburo 162, 499, 502, 503

  on Eisenstein’s Bezhin Meadow (film) 381

  see also Ordzhonikidze, Sergo

  political émigrés see Comintern; exiles; foreign communists/political émigrés

  political parties, anti-Soviet 493, 494, 503

  Popov, Evgenii Evgenievich 264


  census 115–16, 119–21

  factory workers 416

  General Plan of Moscow 38, 50–2

  Pravda 70, 82

  census 122

  on Chapaev (film) 377

  Pravda (cont.)

  criticism of architecture 229–30, 234–5

  death of Ordzhonikidze 163–6, 173–4

  music 434, 439–40, 442

  Pushkin Jubilee 149–50

  second show trial 140, 141, 142

  Spanish Civil War 95–6

  pre-revolutionary political elite, Butovo mass graves 488–9, 490

  prisons/prisoners 64–5, 468

  Sukhanovka 477, 517–18

  see also Lubianka; Moscow–Volga Canal, prisoners

  privacy, lack of 397–8

  Proletarskii District see Stalin automobile plant

  propaganda, radio as medium of 221–2

  publishing industry 156–8

  Pushkin Jubilee 144–7

  interpretations and coded discourses 150–4

  platitudes of a new culture 155–8

  Russian genius and imperial rule 158–9

  Strastnaia Square celebrations 147–50

  Pushkin statue 148, 157, 158–9

  queues 21, 317, 321–2, 323–4

  Radchenko, Ivan Ivanovich 264

  Radek, Karl 84, 125, 128–9, 137–9, 182, 183, 184, 330

  radio 215–16, 469

  as background noise to new age 220–2

  criticisms and activities of wreckers 227–8

  listeners as ‘citizens of the world’ 223–5

  loudspeakers 217, 221–2

  music 219–20, 222–3, 228

  North Pole conquest 294

  Stalin and Stalinist Constitution 224, 225–7, 336–7, 342

  two faces of progress 216–20

  railway accidents 132–6

  Rakovskii, Christian 526

  rationing, end of 318–19

  Red Army 64, 165, 195–6, 234

  census data 119–20

  map 539–41

  Theatre 236, 237

  US Embassy reception 362–3

  Red Square 209–14

  demonstrations 98

  second show trial 141, 142, 215

  funeral of Ordzhonikidze 166–7, 176

  General Plan 39, 209

  military displays 213–14, 347–8, 350–1

  October Revolution anniversary celebrations 347–8, 350–1

  Pushkin Jubilee 145–6

  see also sports parade

  ‘Registers of Executions by Firing Squad’ 475–6


  and census 120–1

  territorial and regional 495–6

  religious affiliation 111, 113, 118

  religious buildings, demolition of 46–7, 53

  see also Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

  religious leaders, mass graves 486–7, 490

  religious organizations 187

  Remisov, Kolia 485


  Stalin automobile plant 416

  streets and other locations 45, 55–6, 145, 147, 159

  Reshaping the World (Bukharin) 528

  Romm, Mikhail 372, 373, 379

  Rozengol’ts, Arkadii 463

  Rozhkov, Boris Nikolaevich 264

  Rural–urban migration 36–7, 48–52, 413

  census 116

  Proletarskii District 413, 416, 417, 419–21

  Rykov, Aleksei 168–9, 182–5, 519

  saboteurs/wreckers 93

  architecture 234–5

  aviation 298, 312–13

  census 123

  Central Committee plenum (February–March) 188–93

  factories 429–30

  famine 321, 322

  NKVD 190–3

  Politburo meeting 162

  radio 227–8

  railway 133–6

  responsibilities of children 508–9

  Spanish Civil War 104–5

  see also show trials

  Sadovskii, A. 476, 482–4

  Samoilovich, Rudol’f Lazarevich 264

  sanatoria 330

  Schmidt, Otto 302, 307–8, 309–10, 313

  schools 58, 156, 506

  How it All Began (Bukharin) 533–4

  textbooks 58, 156–8

  science see Academy of Sciences; geology/geologists scientific quarter 259–60

  Second World War 477, 556, 588

  maps 538–43

  prelude 99–101, 107, 199–201

  Vladimir Vernadskii 272–3

  see also Germany

  secret language 72–3

  secret police see NKVD/GPU

  Sedov, Lev (son of Trotsky) 70, 71, 73, 140, 206, 207

  Serebriakov, Leonid 125, 129–30

  Seven Brave Men (film) 306, 385

  Shakhovskaia, Anna Dmitrievna 266

  Shakhty trial (1928) 78

  Shchusev, Aleksei 229–30, 233–5

  Sheinman, Iurii Mikhailovich 266

  Shostakovich, Dmitri 435, 439–43

  Fifth Symphony 440–1

  show trials 83, 93, 101–2

  first see Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Centre (1936)

  language of 69–73, 74–6, 129–31, 525

  The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov) 22–4

  origin and aim of 77–8

  second 125–7, 141–3, 188

  defendants and charges 125–6

gn observers 127–9, 141

  human sacrifice, nemesis and chorus 136–41

  language of expert witnesses 129–31

  and Ordzhonikidze 170–1

  Prosecutor Vyshinskii 126, 136, 137, 138–9

  and Pushkin Jubilee 154

  topography of Five-Year Plan 131–6

  third 101–2, 463, 519–21

  accused 519, 524

  exercise in dialectics 523–6

  foreign observers 541–2


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