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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

Page 23

by Tony Corden

  Leah was able to look out into the crowd as she walked toward the dais on the far side of the stage. The people from Dunyanin who’d planned the event had paid to use the technology and software similar to what Leah had experienced at the Virtual World Today Studios. She was looking out into an auditorium that seemed to stretch backwards and upwards as far as Leah could see. There was a number just under the front row which showed the number of people who’d logged in to watch the event live. Currently, the number was 2,376,984,234, but Leah remembered that Jen had shared that they expected over five billion viewers.

  As she stepped onto the dais, Leah turned to face the audience and concentrating, she had the wings snap out from her sides to reveal a wingspan of over four metres. As she brought the wings back to rest behind her body, she could hear the crowd’s cheer almost as a physical force as millions came to their feet shouting in appreciation. It took a while for the sound to abate and then the announcer said, “Next we have Seishin_no_kage_12 who has increased her level to 440. Seishin_no_kage_12 is one of Dunyanin’s most feared assassins and leads Clan Neko-te, which is the most secretive and exclusive clan on Shenqi. Leah turned to watch Seshin walk onto the stage as the Orc listed her main accomplishments. Seshin was wearing a similar outfit and didn’t acknowledge the crowd at all. Instead, she seemed to be staring at Leah and the wings sticking up behind her back

  One by one, the other contestants were introduced, and each of them looked toward Leah before facing the crowd. When everyone had been introduced, the orc said, “Each bout will be adjudicated and awarded points by an independent jury under guidelines drawn up by the Multiverse’s International Virtual Gaming Standards and Integrity Commission. In addition, we have asked the Commission to appoint an observer to ensure all guidelines are adhered to. We’ve taken this step to reassure the players and the millions of people who have placed a wager that Dunyanin is seriously committed to fair and responsible gambling. In line with our legislated responsibility, we encourage everyone watching to only use registered betting institutions.

  “The first bout is scheduled to start in just under twenty-eight virtual minutes. Between now and then the ten contestants will meet the jury, and the names will be drawn for the first five bouts. A live feed of the draw will be shown. In the meantime, please enjoy a montage featuring the ten contestants and what has happened so far.”

  As he finished speaking, the stage and audience disappeared. Leah was now standing in a room with the other contestants and the orc who had been speaking. There was a large door behind the speaker through which Leah could see people milling around in small groups with waiters moving between the groups with canapés and drinks. Gèng said, “Sharon, Peter and Stephen have reached a temporary agreement with Dunyanin based on your suggestion. After today’s competition, they will sit down and discuss the issue in greater depth. Sharon has joined the other contestants PR representatives, and she is in the next room. She wants you to know that it is filled with reporters and comperes from the world’s premier gaming news and interest shows. After each bout, the contestants will be interviewed, and she is setting the stage for questions that will help promote your image. She wants you to be ready for a question about the police investigation and suggests you say you can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”

  “Is that true?”

  “Is what true?”

  “Can I comment on an ongoing investigation? Is there any law or regulation that says I can’t?”

  Gèng was silent for a moment then said, “There is no law or regulation, but your lawyer has told you not to.”


  “Your lawyer has suggested you say nothing.”

  “Tell Sharon I will try and be on my best behaviour.”

  After a moment, Gèng replied, “She wants you to know that such a promise is more likely to give her an anxiety attack rather than soothe her frazzled nerves.”

  The Orc coughed gently to get everyone’s attention and said, “In a moment we will head into the main operations room for the contest. Reporters and your PR representatives are already there. You have five minutes to finalise any details, and then we will call you to the front of the room for the drawing of names for the first bouts. Are there any questions at this stage?”

  Gottes_Kreiger_10, Namus’ Paladin said, “I am not comfortable having a suspected murderer as one of the contestants. I believe it will tarnish the contest, ruin Dunyanin’s reputation, diminish the reputation of the other competitors, and reduce the financial benefits for all concerned.”

  Before the Orc could respond, Ivan said, “Закро́й свой рот, су́ка!” Leah wasn’t surprised there was no translation because one of Jimmy’s boys was from Russia, though she was impressed that Ivan had shown a little restraint.

  Before she could ask Gèng for the translation and before Ivan could continue, the Orc stepped forward and said, “Gottes_Kreiger_10, I assure you that the Dunyanin administrators have discussed the issue you just raised not only with our Board, but we have also sought legal counsel. Nothing in Dunyanin’s handbook allows or even implies that we will restrict gameplay based on a person’s current or historical legal standing, except where the player has used Dunyanin to participate in criminal activity. While several members of the Board expressed similar concerns, we have affirmed the right of all current contestants to participate.”

  Turning to Ivan, the Orc said, “Ivan, with respect, there are billions of people watching this contest. It is in all our interests to treat each other with civility.”

  Ivan nodded and said, “I understand, and I apologise for letting the goat get to me.”

  There was a slight change in the tone when the word ‘goat’ was translated, which usually denoted there were other possible meanings. Leah didn’t need to inquire what the other meanings were as her Russian language education included a large number of unsavoury terms.

  From the expression on the Orc’s face, he was also aware of the different possibilities, although he declined to offer any advice and ushered the contestants into the operations room. Before Leah could take everything in, Sharon was at her side. She said, “So far, so good. The wings have everyone talking, and they’ve deflected people from the other issue. Please, please, please don’t say or do anything to make them remember it. Now, I have some people I want you to meet. Be nice and say only positive and encouraging things.”

  Leah smiled and did exactly as Sharon asked for the next few minutes until the Dunyanin administrator, a female who looked like an elf but with scales over her body, called the contestants to the front where five cylinders stood.

  The cylinders were a metre high and several metres in diameter. Each cylinder had two circular beams of solid golden light which connected the top of the cylinder with the roof. Behind the cylinders were seated four people. The lady introduced them as the judges and a representative from the Integrity Commission.

  After each judge and the representative had said a few words the head judge, a man who had pioneered some of the algorithms used to assign scores in PvP battles stood to get everyone’s attention. He said, “Together with the other judges I have reviewed the process by which the contestants will be assigned for the first two rounds of this competition. We have certified that it conforms in all ways to accepted gaming practice concerning randomness. For the first round, the names will be randomly revealed one after the other. The first two names are designated as the names of those chosen for the first bout. The next two names for the second bout and so on. For those who may have placed wagers on who the contestants in each bout will be, let me assure you that the names will not be chosen until I initiate the process by pressing this button.”

  As he finished, a hand-sized button appeared in front of him. Looking around and getting the nod from the event producer, he said, “The contestants in bout one will be …”

  As he said ‘be’ he pushed down hard on the red button. There was a drumroll and one of the cylindrical st
ages lit up. The left-hand golden beam began to pulse with light before scattering into thousands of pieces to show a 3D image of Královna_Kouzel_666. As soon as the model had formed completely, there was a second drum roll, and the right-hand golden beam began to pulsate before shattering to reveal the orc warrior Мастер_Cмерти. The two images turned to face each other and took a ready stance as if to do battle.

  There was a momentary pause in which everyone except the contestants began to talk and then a third drumroll caught their attention and the second stage lit up. The first contestant of the second bout was Merideath, and Leah found herself praying that she wasn’t chosen. When she faced Merideath, she wanted to be at full health. Leah struggled to stifle the sigh of relief when Seishin_no_kage_12’s image appeared opposite Merideath. Ivan’s large barbarian figure was the next model to appear followed by his opponent Gottes_Krieger_10. As soon as the Paladin appeared, Ivan’s booming laughter almost drowned out the drumroll for the fourth bout.

  First to appear was the black and gold form of Delta_Knight_01 followed by his opponent Princesa_Amazônica_23. As soon as the elven ranger appeared, Leah looked across and bowed her head politely to Yuè_Fēi_Lóng. He very politely inclined his head and they turned together to watch their images appear on the fifth and final dais.

  The scaled elf administrator stood. Once she had everyone's attention, she said, “Each contestant has been provided with a private balcony overlooking the arena. You are free to watch from your balcony, or you may use the common area should you wish to talk with other contestants or with the press. The balconies, as is the entire arena, are a part of Dunyanin so feel free to practice or otherwise prepare. You are not permitted to log out of Dunyanin for the duration of the contest. Should you do so, then you will forfeit all future matches in this round. The first bout will begin in ten minutes, and there will be a ten-minute interval between bouts. We all look forward to a thrilling and well-fought competition. Good luck!”

  None of the information was new but was a repeat of the rules Dunyanin had provided for each contestant. If Leah had known she was in the fifth bout, she wouldn’t have rushed taking the shadow shroud. As the administrator finished talking, each of the contestants was transported into a large domed room with high ceilings and one wall positioned to overlook the arena. Leah knew that each and every one of the billions of people watching had access to the same view. Most of them even had the capability to reorientate the arena to match their viewing preference. Leah said, “Gèng, please reorient the view so I can watch from ground level. When the bout begins, I would like to be able to see both contestants.”

  The arena shifted until it was level with the room Leah was in. As she waited for the first fight, she slowly relaxed the grip she had maintained on the two shrouds which kept them shaped as a set of wings. Next, Leah willed the shadow to flow away from the light and to gather on her legs and lower torso. She then gathered the light around her shoulders and arms. She noted a reluctance in the light shadow as it came near the cuirass but was satisfied when it formed as she directed. Both shrouds kept the liquid form Leah had forced them to adopt.

  Leah began to move the shrouds around her body and the ease at which they flowed from one position to the next increased as she practised. One moment her right side was covered in shadow and her left in light, then with a thought, they slid over each other and changed sides. Slowly she increased the rate at which she changed the shrouds locations. Several times Leah almost lost control until she began including directions on the pathway she wanted the shrouds to take. Leah was pleased to find that the people who developed the shrouds had included some sort of memory in their code as once the shrouds had successfully moved from one position to another several times they could do so again without Leah needing to direct their paths. Leah also concluded that the shrouds were controlled by some form of AI which applied Leah’s reasoning to new positions as she added them.

  Every two or three times the shrouds changed position Leah would will them to reform as a pair of wings. Sometimes she had the wings with the shadow on the outside, and sometimes with the light. Leah also had one wing become one wing and the other, shadow. She was still working on the shrouds when there was the blast of a trumpet.


  Chapter 33

  December 17, 2073 - MERKIZE CONTEST - Part 2


  The mage Královna_Kouzel_666 appeared at one side of the arena and the towering orc Мастер_Cмерти at the other. They stood still as statues while looking at each other as they waited for the second trumpet blast to begin the bout. As the first sounds of the starting trumpet rang out, Královna cast a small ball of blood which raced toward the orc. As it left her hand, it was the size of her closed fist but as it travelled it began to flatten, and holes appeared until it looked more like a fisherman’s net that she had cast. The image was helped by the small line of blood which connected the still expanding net to her shroud. The connection snapped about three-quarters of the way to Мастер, but it was obvious that Královna still had control as the net began to rotate and swerve in the air toward the orc.

  Мастер preferred to do battle up close, and he’d started moving even as Královna had cast. Seeing the blood net approaching he’d changed directions. As the net followed him, he changed directions again, always heading in the general direction of the mage. Královna hadn’t been idle and a second web followed close behind the first but angled in toward the orc from a different direction. At the same time, the mage had what looked like balls of water and fire speeding toward the orc.

  Leah realised she had under-rated Мастер’s skill set as he demonstrated that he was not only protected by his health, strength and stamina. While the webs were just metres away, he made slicing motions with his machete. The nets were cut into pieces, and although Královna took control of each piece to direct them toward the orc, something pushed them to either side of him as he turned to run straight toward the mage. As he passed the spinning blood webs, his machete which he’d held in front of him dropped. Královna angled the balls of water and fire to collide just in front of him and throw up a billowing cloud of steam which blocked his view. He had been closing in on the mage, and he pushed through the steam only to fall to his knees as the steam began to eat into his flesh and sear his lungs. The arena's programming obviously allowed some feedback as the roar of the crowd drowned out whatever cry of pain Мастер made.

  Мастер wasn’t stopped for long, and although some of his skin continued to boil and slough off, his recuperative powers began to rapidly heal him. Královna hadn’t remained in the one spot and had circled away to Мастер’s left-hand side as she cast more spells toward the orc. Lifting his machete to chest hight, the orc brought his head back to take in a deep breath and then bringing his head snapping forward he roared at Královna with his mouth wide open. He’d never done this during any of the fights Leah had watched, and she was as surprised as Královna when the scream not only caught the spells arching toward him but it drove them back into the mage, knocking her off her feet and forcing her into the floor of the arena. Královna’s shrouds had absorbed most of the spells, but she was a little groggy as she came to her feet. Her body was covered in cuts and abrasions where not all the spells had been stopped.

  Мастер had resumed his advance toward Královna but was coming in a little slower and more watchful. Both combatants still had over eighty per cent of their health and were beginning to heal. As the fight continued, it followed the same pattern, with Královna finding ways to slow Мастер’s advance and his stamina and powers helping him regain his feet and slow Královna down that little bit more. After three or four minutes, both warriors were nearing fifty per cent health. The orc was only five metres from the mage. The closer he got, the more powerful her attacks and the greater control she had over the elements. Мастер was now losing health faster than Královna, yet he still edged closer. Less than a minut
e later, the weary and damaged orc lifted Královna’s body over his head with a cry of victory having ripped out her neck with his teeth. His cry was copied by tens of millions who cheered their hero’s win.

  Throughout the fight, Leah had almost stopped working with the shrouds, but now it was over she had ten minutes to focus before Merideath faced the assassin. Concentrating, Leah had the light shroud form a set of thinner wings at her back and had them harden to form a shield. With the light at her back, she used the shadow shroud to form a variety of weapons. Satisfied with the result, she moved the shadow shroud to cover her back and formed weapons from the light shroud.

  Once again, the sound of a trumpet refocussed Leah’s attention, and she turned to watch as Merideath and Seishin_no_kage_12 appeared on opposite sides of the arena. Neither of the women moved even as the second trumpet blared, but they continued to look at each other. Slowly and almost imperceptibly Seishin faded from view until only Merideath remained. If Merideath was surprised, she didn’t show it. Instead, she stood rock still as if formed from granite. Her staff which she’d grounded was covered in the writhing deep red flame that Gèng had mentioned might be a shroud of demonic fire, and watching it Leah didn’t doubt that for a second. Even though Merideath was still, the fire began to revolve slowly around the staff. As the crowd watched, the fire started to spin faster and faster until it was a small tornado with Merideath and the staff at the epicentre. Smoke began to swirl around inside the flaming tornado then pour outward from its base in an ever increasing circle. The smoke was translucent enough that Leah could see the arena floor as the smoke continued to spread around the arena. Even with the eddying and roiling of the smoke, Leah could see when it connected with Seishin because the smoke darkened as it came in contact with her body.


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