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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

Page 27

by Tony Corden

  Seishin had expected the reaction and followed the whip toward the mage, letting it fly loose as she drew her swords. Královna_Kouzel_666 was ready and met the charge with a spreading net of blood which flowed from cuts she’d made by impaling her nails in the palms of her hands. The net wrapped around Seishin and then, powered by the mage’s shrouds, it tightened until Seishin couldn’t move. The net tightened even more and though Leah thought it would have killed Seishin eventually, the mage took no chances and blasted her in the head with a spell of white-hot fire.

  As both contestants vanished, Leah realised she had ten minutes to prepare for her fight. After the meditation and stretching she moved more freely. She checked with Gèng who said that Dr Roberts had vetoed the use of more anti-inflammatories as some of the possible side-effects involved the nervous system and she wasn’t sure it was sufficiently stable after the severe stress Leah’s use of enhanced perception had been putting it under. Leah re-equipped her dragon armour and then equipped the makeshift brace after first making some changes to tighten it even more. She knew that would restrict her even more, but didn’t want to do even more damage than she already had. With the tightened harness in place, Leah couldn’t lift her arm much past forty-five degrees. She hoped she’d be able to deal with the knight at a distance.

  As she had the last time, Leah closed her eyes and cleared her mind. She slowed her breathing and tried to put everything from her mind except the coming battle. She was calm and ready when Gèng said, “They will transfer you to the arena in thirty seconds.”


  Chapter 37

  December 17, 2073 - MERKIZE CONTEST - Part 6


  The trumpet sounded and for the second time that day she felt the floor beneath her shudder as she was moved to the arena. She opened her eyes and flared the wings slowly before turning to look over at Delta_Knight_01. The second trumpet blast rang out and as she’d done last time she folded her wings to the side and brought her right hand across in a fist and laid it on her left breast, then with her eyes still looking toward the knight she bowed at the waist. She held the pose as she’d been taught and then stood bringing her hands back to her sides.

  Delta_Knight_01 had started to move in her direction but stopped. He brought his feet together and lifted his hand to open his visor. With the front of his face revealed he gave her a small nod then lowered his visor. Leah waited for him to ready himself, then brought her staff down and began to walk slowly toward him. She wasn’t sure what he expected, but he’d moved his shield slightly as if expecting an attack. He paused and started to move in her direction. Leah didn’t want him too close, but she’d realised her initial attacks on Yuè Fēi had not only given him valuable time to respond, but the strength of her attacks diminished slightly over the distance. Delta_Knight_01 apparently used spells and jewels to protect him if his last battle had shown her anything and she was hoping to drain or overpower them before having to fight in close. She doubted she’d be facing Merideath today and was going to use whatever she could, except gravity, to try and beat the knight.

  When the Knight was just over twenty metres away, Leah brought both hands together on the staff mid-step, and as she planted her foot, she thrust the staff toward the Knight and dual cast Chain Lightning through the staff. A bolt of plasma ten centimetres in diameter flashed from the end of the staff and slammed into the knight who’d noticed the change in her gait and brought the shield around in front of him and braced it with his shoulder.

  The spell didn’t arc back and forth but arrived as a single prolonged burst of plasma that lasted for several seconds. As soon as it finished, Leah lowered the staff and had to blink a few times before she could see clearly enough through the afterimage which had burned across her eyes. The Knight’s shield glowed cherry-red around the outside and bright white in its centre. Leah could see the groove his feet had made as he’d been driven back by the blast. Several jewels on the shield began to twinkle, and the colour began to dim, so Leah brought the staff forward a second time and double-cast Dragonfire using the staff and the added strength of her dragon armour. The spell looked different from the first only in that it seemed even brighter, thicker, and lasted a second longer. Leah checked the level of her mana before looking up and was surprised to find she’d used up over two-thirds of her mana supply and half her Ki in the two spells. She was relieved to see that both shrouds were still at full strength.

  Looking up she was somewhat amazed to see the Knight still standing. The only thing left from his shield was the imprint it had left on his armour as it vaporised. He’d been driven back even further, and his left pauldron, gardbrace, rerebrace, couter and vambrace all glowed white. The jewels must have been overpowered for moments after Leah looked up, he unequipped the whole of his left arm’s armour and let it drop to the ground. Leah began to raise her staff to finish him off when he equipped a second set of armour and a replacement shield that looked the same as his first.

  She smiled ruefully, then with a shake of her head she double cast Dark Chain Lightning through the large Darkness Diamond in the staff and willed the shadow shroud to add mana to it. This time the plasma was dark as night and seemed to dim the lights across the arena until it was covered in shadow. Even the afterburn was dark in her eyes. Looking up she saw the Knight’s body had been flung backwards and there was no sign of the second shield. The floor of the arena was blackened on either side of where he’d been standing, and the ground looked pitted on either side.

  He hadn’t moved, but Leah knew he was still alive because she was still in the arena. Checking the level of her mana, she saw it, and her ki were both empty. Leah reached into her backpack and took two restore potions. She figured if he had another set of armour she’d need more mana. The problem was she couldn’t use any of those spells in dual cast for at least twenty-four virtual hours, although she did have other spells. Leah took a step toward the knight only to see the body move slightly, confirming he was still alive.

  As she approached, she could see the whole left side of his armour was missing as was most of his skin. His flesh was blistered and broken. His left arm ended at the elbow, and his left ear was missing. Leah looked down and thought for a moment of how to end his misery but as she brought both hands forward to cast she changed her mind and dual cast Heal focusing her mind on what had happened when Merdiven had healed V’fali. She pictured the emerald crystal that had encased V’fali but changed it from emerald to the slightly darker colour of the scales on her armour and willed not only her mana but that of the light shroud to help heal the knight.

  The light from her hands filled the arena displacing the remaining shadow with a green light which remained for a moment after Leah's spell had finished. Leah looked down at the crystal-encased knight for a moment before moving off several metres and sitting down to meditate. She wasn’t sure why she’d saved him. It was only a game, and he wasn’t a construct. She owed him nothing and would most likely fight him again in the future. She was sure they would even try to kill each other. In the end, she concluded that it just wasn’t who she was. She could end suffering in an animal, but when it came to people, she was her mother’s daughter, and Lin believed death, in all its many forms, was to be fought.

  She wasn’t sure how long it was, but she stirred when she heard the crystal crack. She remained sitting until she heard Delta_Knight_01 say, “Why? Why heal me? And what exactly did you do?”

  Standing, she turned to look at him. He’d removed his broken armour and had equipped another replacement set. It was older and had fewer jewels, and those that it did have were dull as if they’d been left uncharged when replaced. He was holding his helm, and she understood immediately why he’d ask what she’d done. His body showed no effects from the terrible burns, his arm had been remade as had his ear. The tattoo which had been burned off looked whole, but over his skin, or under it, it was hard to tell exactly, was the outline of dragon scales. From the bits she could s
ee it looked as if the pattern matched the green scales of her armour.

  She grinned and looking up into his face, said, “I’ve no idea. You have a teenage daughter. You should know we just act without thinking things through half the time. I remember crying for hours after watching someone kill a chicken and the only thing that consoled me was a bowl of rice and my mother’s chicken curry. I just know I couldn’t bring myself to kill you in that condition. Don’t worry though, now you’re standing, I’m almost ready to try and kill you again.”

  “You have to be kidding. I’d say you won that round.”

  “Nope. I checked the regulations twice. The fight is to continue until someone is dead. No surrendering and no forfeits allowed. We both know we’re not made to just let someone kill us, so it looks like we’re back to the duel. Honestly, I just wish the last blast had killed you. But it didn’t.”

  “So, what now?”

  “Now we fight. I’d like to move back to where I was because you’re stronger and faster than me. I expect you to try and kill me just as you’d been doing before. You owe me nothing except to make use of my gift. I didn’t just watch your fighting style. I also researched who you are, both as a player and as a person. Everything I found out says you are an honourable man. I just want you to do your best in the dual because I’m not going to improve by fighting only the people and things I know I can beat.”

  Delta_Knight_01 looked down and then nodded. He put out his hand to shake hers and said, “My name is Noah, my friends call me Flood. May the best warrior win. Either way, It’d be my honour to buy you a drink afterwards.”

  Leah smiled, nodded, shook his hand and simply said, “I’m Leah,” before turning and walking back to where she’d been when she’d blasted him. When she got there, she turned and saw he’d come to attention. When she was facing him, he lifted his visor and nodded as he had at the beginning. Leah repeated her two-handed salute and bow, then raising her staff she waited several seconds before bringing it down and casting rain of fire.

  The armour he was wearing was old, but it still kept him from being fried, although for the first time he actively moved to avoid the incoming spells. Leah would have normally used her bow but even held low like she had in her battle with Yuè Fēi, she lacked the strength to hold the bow steady enough for accuracy. Leah summoned a variety of minions and spiders to keep him busy while she considered her options. Keeping three creatures on him at all time kept him busy, and she kept her distance. He didn’t have much in the way of a ranged attack, but occasionally he would flip his sword at her, and a bolt of fire would race toward her and splash harmlessly over her armour. He also had what she thought of as grenades. They were spelled in a variety of ways, and as he fought, he would throw them in her direction. After several minutes of this, Noah dropped three grenades on the summoned creatures and raced toward Leah. She teleported away and summoned three more. A minute later, she received a message that she’d increased her summoning so that she could summon four creatures at a time.

  She waited until Noah was engaged with a Warrior drone and summoned a fourth creature, one of Lord Kötü’s minions. The knight was taken by surprise, but he took no damage and began to move faster and with more fluidity. After a minute, although Leah knew she could do this almost indefinitely, she again took the initiative and moved closer to engage the knight with her summoned creatures. As she did, he dropped grenades on each of them and stepped in to duel directly with her. Leah had the amber dragon in her left hand and blocked his thrust before following it up with a spell to his face. She lost track of time then as everything was a frenzied mix of block, cast, parry, summon, lunge, shield, mist, retreat, and advance, all repeated time and time again.

  Leah was slowly giving ground and more and more on the back foot and retreating, although neither of them had taken much damage to their health. Leah’s shrouds were taking a beating, and her mana was dropping lower by second. Seeing her falter, Noah increased the tempo and power of his attacks, focussing his blows from above and targeting her right side putting pressure on her shields as her right arm was only moving to help provide balance. She fought almost exclusively with her left now. The flame of Noah’s sword was constantly flicking over her armour and visor, and Leah decided to try something desperate. She was tired and even if she teleported away knew she would be back where she was soon enough, only with less mana at her disposal.

  She ducked underneath Noah’s next attack and drove her wings forward, willing the edges to form a razor sharp blade. Leah had done this twice before, and each time Delta_Knight_01 had been able to block with his shield and a vambrace. Both times he’d also redistributed his weight onto the back foot to stop being knocked over. Instead of attacking as she had the last two times, Leah stepped back and double cast Tangle. She hadn’t used this previously but was almost certain it would work. She willed the vines to grow thorns strong enough to cut or break Noah’s armour. Vines as thick as her wrist burst from the ground and covered Noah, they became so thick Leah couldn’t see the knight at all. Taking a breath she transformed herself into Ateş Maymunu, a Level 411 Scaled Fire Tamarin and waited. There was a huge blast, and the vines began to wither and burn before Noah stepped out of the blaze his sword on fire and his armour scratched, dented and holed in numerous places.

  Leah had been waiting for him, and as he stepped out, she moved forward. Brushing aside his swinging sword she spat at him covering his visor with acid and wrapped her arms around him and began to squeeze. He brought the hilt of the sword against her back several times, then with increasing urgency as she applied pressure and as the acid began to eat through his visor. Flaming his sword, he brought the blade against the back of her head, tearing the skin and setting her ablaze. On fire, Leah transformed into a Level 617 Scaled Tamarin of Fire and increased the pressure on the knight, trying to break his back and chest. Noah began to squirm and screamed as the acid began to eat into his face.

  Leah brought more pressure to bear when Noah, just as he had when fighting Princesa_Amazônica_23, brought his head back in preparation for a headbutt hoping to drive the horns into the tamarin’s skull. Leah had been ready for this and moved her head to the side, and although she wanted to clamp her jaws around his neck, she remembered what had happened to the Jaguar. As she moved her head, she had to lessen her grip slightly. Delta_Knight_01 was ready and equipped his dagger driving it into Leah’s right shoulder. Leah flinched giving him enough leverage to pull the knife back and drive it in again, this time lower down. Leah pushed through the pain and squeezed hard, breaking his ribs, but the damage had been done. Less than a minute later, Noah stood over her disappearing body his health less than ten per cent. He also disappeared as the noise from cheering spectators washing over him.


  Chapter 38

  December 17, 2073 - MERKIZE CONTEST - Part 7


  Arriving back in the room set aside for her, Leah collapsed into a chair. Out of the situation, she could suddenly think of things she could have, or should have done, but none of that mattered. She’d done her best at the time. She was tired and wanted to sleep and recuperate, but Gèng said, “Sharon wants an interview. If you’re willing, you have two minutes to get ready.”

  “I want to watch Merideath’s match, is there time?”

  “Except for Gottes_Krieger_10, all the players have met with Deathmaster at the Pub. Most stay to watch the following match and make the odd comment.”

  “OK, tell Sharon I’ll get changed and come out.”

  Leah re-equipped the apricot dress and changed her wings before moving carefully toward the door. Gèng said, “Commentators on several programs have pointed out you may be carrying some sort of injury. They’ve noticed the decrease in agility and the limitations to your movement.”

  “Hmmm. Well, they have that right. How much damage did I do?”

  “There is relatively little structural damage. I suspect the increased pain is due to pressu
re from swelling.”

  Leah found Sharon outside the door and together they walked to Deathmaster’s studio. Sharon talked the whole way, sharing what Leah should and shouldn’t say, and warning her about the most likely subjects to be discussed. As she opened the final door before Leah entered the bar, she said, “Finally, be prepared just in case they ask about Thad. Interest is intense since you mentioned you had a boyfriend. Just be careful of saying too much if you want to keep things private.”

  Deathmaster was sitting with Noah, and each had a drink in front of them. Leah headed for the bar and said, “I’ll have another White Rabbit, and do you have anything to eat?”

  The barkeep had begun reaching for the beer and seemed to hang for a moment before finishing the move. Handing her the beer, he said, “We don’t usually serve snacks, but I’ll see if we can get something thrown together in the kitchen. What did you have in mind?”

  Handing over another two golds, Leah said, “If possible maybe a plate of nachos to share, or some buffalo wings and hot chips?”

  “I’ll see what I can rustle up. I’ll bring it over.”

  Nodding in reply, Leah grabbed the bottle with her left hand and went to stand opposite Deathmaster. Pointing to an empty stool, she said, “Hey guys, mind if I join you?”

  Deathmaster shook his head and pointed to a stool opposite him. He said, “Grab a seat. I was just talking with Delta Knight here. You guys had the longest fight so far.”

  Sitting carefully, Leah pulled the wings close to her and said, “That is all Delta’s fault. It seems he never throws anything out. I mean, what warrior keeps three sets of armour in their backpack ‘just in case’?”


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