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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

Page 61

by Tony Corden

  “None of them are fully employed at the moment, although all of them are currently managing something similar, though smaller, in a different and non-competitive world elsewhere in the multiverse. All of them are able to step into the role immediately unless you are going to mandate an exclusivity clause in the contract. I met each of the candidates and mentioned there was a possible opportunity opening up. All are willing to consider the position as they’ve been looking to add more to their portfolios. They are all waiting should you wish to interview them.”

  “I’d like that. When and where should we meet?”

  Lis looked around and said, “I’ve told them of the time constraints, and they have all put time aside and are waiting for the invitation. I explained this would be a significant opportunity for them, so don’t be concerned at the speed we’re moving or the fact that they may have had to reschedule other meetings. With the speed at which things happen in the multiverse, they know that change happens quickly. Stephen has prepared an NDA. If you agree I’ll send that to them and arrange the first meeting ten minutes from now. We’ll need that time to review the sorts of questions you should be asking and update you on what you can and can’t say.”

  Leah agreed and was busy for the next two hours meeting the applicants and then discussing each of them with the group. At the end, she said, “Accepting that I know less than you I would be willing to appoint any of them but I was personally impressed most by Marianne Chevalier. Besides her business experience, she has qualifications from the Royal Academy of Music in London with a focus in Classical Piano, and she’s completed eighteen full marathons in the real world. She’s done all this while raising three children by herself. She seemed the most excited by the opportunity, and she disagreed with Leon a few times.”

  Leon stared for a second and then said, “You like her because she disagreed with me.”

  “Yes. She wasn’t prepared to go along with something just to get the job. Both times she knew something you pretended you weren’t aware of. I think the other four all knew the information, but the others weren’t prepared to pull you up on your supposed ignorance.”

  Lis said, “I understand your reasoning, although I believe the others would have approached Leon privately and given him the information in a manner where he wouldn’t be shown up in front of his boss.”

  Leah said, “While that makes me feel a bit better about the others, I still prefer the straight talking from the start. I don’t really have time to change the person’s ways of doing business. Leon, who would you prefer to work with? They’ll primarily be working with you.”

  “I agree with Marianne as the first choice. We put that scenario into play for that exact reason. I also liked the way she listened to each of us. When Abril made a comment about advertising, she reacted to it where the others glossed over it. Again, she ticked the boxes for me.”

  There was more discussion, but overall there was general agreement. Lis contacted Marianne who returned to sign a contract. Afterwards, Marianne, Leon, Leah and Wisp sat down to discuss the next few actions to take in preparation for the announcement, which was to happen in just two virtual hours.


  Chapter 83

  December 19, 2073 - Early Morning - Part 9


  By the time they’d finished, they only had twenty minutes to enter Cosmos Online and prepare for the announcement. The first thing they did was arrange access for Marianne and make changes to the system name in preparation for the press conference. After the press conference, Marianne would have only twenty-four virtual hours to prepare the station for its first players.

  In the end, Wisp’s suggestion for a name had been a clear winner. She reviewed the discussion she had with Leah about possible systems the portal could be aimed at, and then took the eighteen tubes and projected them as Gèng had done until they were shown as cones in three dimensions. She used the main star systems Gèng had highlighted and transferred that into a two-dimensional constellation style map and drew pictures to encompass the main stars as people had for thousands of years. The drawing she finally chose was of a six-winged angel. Her suggested name for the system was Seraph, and she wanted to do the same for any other portals they found. She hoped this wouldn’t be too long as Red and Tungsten’s group were due to reenter normal space early Wednesday morning.

  Not only did she give a name, but she’d also designed a logo for the system. It was a stylised angel with six wings, and some feathers on the wings were highlighted to look like the portal. Wisp did all this after noticing that adding a custom logo was one of the options available to owners. Cosmos Online managed most stations, and they exclusively used the company logo in public areas. Marianne was pleased with both the name and logo and she had already begun working with a marketing consultancy group to start working on a strategy to market the system.

  After making the changes, Leah said, “Wisp, where are we meeting the others for the announcement?”

  “The announcement will be at Cosmos Online headquarters. None of the others are planning to be visible at the announcement. Even I plan to be on the side, standing in a group with Stephen and the other officials. A month ago we would all have been there, but now we don’t want the problems which go with fame. I’m sorry, but it’s just you. Just remember to smile.”

  Marianne said, “As far as marketing goes, your friends’ idea has merit. It’s best not to confuse people with a whole lot of names and faces. You’re a known commodity, and the people trust you. That alone will make our opening the biggest event in Cosmos Online since the first rush when it went live. What are you going to wear?”

  “I’m sure Gèng’s thought of something.”

  “I suggest some space armour, the sort you could wear on a space ship, or in a space station. We want the Chinese market so do what you’ve been doing and blend your heritage.”


  Leah shook her head and logged out. She had five minutes before she would portal to the Cosmos Online headquarters. When she arrived, she saw a suit of space armour standing ready. It looked like something one of the Chinese generals in many of the old movies her dad liked to watch would wear.

  The main body was black nano fabric with the traditional Chinese raised mountain pattern of interlinked flexible metallic nano-plate which could harden to form a solid protective shell. Additional armour around the upper chest and the spine were again created from the metallic nano-plate but a deep burgundy colour with a lamellar imprint and a central chest piece in the shape of the Seraph logo but done in gold. An outer-cloak used the burgundy lamellar construction over black nano-fabric, while each of the lamellar plates had an embossed Seraph logo in black nano-plate. It was finished with matching boots and a Ming Dynasty style helmet. Holsters with blasters were situated under her arms and on the hips as well as a combined backpack and filtration unit under the outer cloak and designed to give extra protection.

  Gèng was standing next to it and making a few changes. Leah walked over and with a raised eyebrow said, “Really, you don’t think it’s just a touch too much? You know I can’t take this with me when I play.”

  “Sure you can. I’ve made a few arrangements, and there will be a Paige Boutique on the main Seraph Concourse. I have options to open elsewhere in Cosmos Online as well. Cosmos Online has even agreed for me to sell a line of combat gear. This is the most expensive suit in what I’m calling the ‘Seraph Range’. The cloak has several thrusters and can be used to move in weightless conditions. When it does, it opens and forms six armoured wings which resemble the logo. I’ve talked with Max, and as a part of your team, I have a central and strategic location on the station. I’ve begun working on a range which incorporates each of the planets in the system. I have full accreditation to sell Cosmos Online acceptable clothing and armour in any of my stores throughout the multiverse.”

  “Wow, I’m pleased you’ve found something you really enjoy doing.”

  Gèng walked
close and said, “Leah, I hope you realise that my greatest satisfaction comes in helping you interact with the multiverse. That is my first priority at all times. Being your PAI is who I am and what I want to be.”

  Leah reached out, and after embracing Gèng she said, “I’d be lost without you. I can’t believe I spent sixteen years in my mind all alone and now I can’t imagine life without you.”

  Gèng returned the embrace and said, “Then it’s just as well I’m staying. You, on the other hand, are due at the Cosmos Online headquarters in ten seconds.”


  As she finished talking, Leah found herself wearing the armour and looking into a mirror. When she smiled, Gèng transferred her to the Cosmos Online headquarters near the podium where they issued press releases. Wisp saw Leah’s new armour and couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. Leah gave her an Imperial stare and moved to stand beside the CEO Jānis Sokolovkis.

  One moment the room in front of them was empty. The next it was filled with reporters. Leah knew it was similar technology to that used in the Virtual World Today Studios, but the sudden nature of their appearance startled her for a moment. Almost immediately she could see that her presence was a surprise, and as well as the buzz of conversation some of the reporters disappeared so their more senior colleagues could take their places.

  Mr Sokolovkis stepped toward a podium which appeared and said, “Welcome to Cosmos Online. We invited you here today because we have some exciting news to announce. The player Atherleah and her team have discovered and claimed the first Level Five Space Station to be found in the Cosmos Online universe. Before I introduce Atherleah, I would like to show you what the system looks like and what it has to offer for the players who visit. The system has been named ‘Seraph’. It has a single star with seven planets and has an extensive and rich asteroid belt.”

  As Jānis described the system images appeared in front of him. Leah knew each of the journalists was not only seeing this as if they were the only one in the room, but they were also receiving a copy of the data to use in whatever reports they filed. Leah could see the interest on their faces at the two inhabited planets. Their interest reached its highest level when Jānis described the Space Station and Portal.

  As he’d finished, he said, “Atherleah and her team have not only discovered the first Level Five Station and the first intra-stellar portal, but they are also the first group to take advantage of Cosmos Online’s policy of ceding full control of the system to those who find it. Her team named the system and designed the logo. They will take over the management immediately and operate all aspects of the system. Cosmos Online will, of course, maintain control of membership options and avatars. We will maintain the same public facilities that we do on all other stations, but the rest of the facility including quests will be managed by Atherleah’s Group. Please welcome Atherleah, who has a few words to say.”

  Leah stepped forward and said, “Thank you, Mr Sokolovkis. There isn’t much to add except to thank Cosmos Online for the exceptional planning and skill which has gone into developing the system. I’ve looked at the breadth of quests available, and I am confident I could play in the system for years and not complete even a quarter of them. My team has been fortunate to hire, as consultants, some of the gifted developers who have worked so hard to make this system as outstanding as it appears to be. We’ve also been able to appoint an exceptional and experienced manager to oversee the system.”

  Leah described Marianne’s achievements and skills, then handed the podium over to Marianne for some closing comments before announcing when the system would open for business. When Marianne finished, Jānis thanked everyone for coming and assured them that there was even more great news on the horizon.

  Leah moved to where Thad and the others were standing, and after everyone had joked about her armour, they all ordered a set and then Thad stepped close and said, “I’m so sorry for leaving you on the ground. I tried to turn around, but Sparrow physically tackled me and then it was too late.”

  “Stop it. You know she did the right thing, and I don’t blame you at all. All that matters was that Caoimhe got away.”

  “She’s safe, and we rescued just over three and a half thousand slaves. What do you want us to do?”

  “I have no idea where I am or what I’ll be doing next. I was chained in the field and taken somewhere by the mist. I’m not dead, so I assume it’s some new quest. Take Caoimhe back to Aeolipile but keep her hidden. I’m convinced the Prince wants her dead, but I’m not sure about the Queen’s intentions. Let’s keep her identity a secret until we know for sure what the situation is.”

  After some final words with Thad and the others, Leah had Gèng bring her back to the Tower.


  Leah appeared in the gazebo, which was set up as it had been for the previous interview with the independent reporter Erica Morrison. Sharon was already there and said Erica had been at the Cosmos Online announcement and wouldn’t be too long. Erica had asked that Leah remain in the Cosmos Online armour for the first part of the interview.

  When Erica turned up, she started with questions about the space station, and then they took a break while Leah changed into a simple but elegant sleeveless knee-length light jade qípáo, with dark jade embroidery to discuss the Merkize contest and the battle from the day before. Altogether they talked for almost an hour and a half.

  When the interview was finished, Erica said, “Thank you Leah, I probably have enough material for nine or ten short focus pieces. I’ll send a copy of the final cut of each piece through to Sharon before I put them on the market. I expect the first ones to be ready in two or three hours for when the Cosmos Online announcement goes viral and just after your feed of the battle is shown. That way, I make the most money, and you get the best exposure. I’ll spread the rest out over the next few days. Thank you again for the interviews. My client base has exploded, and I’ve even had to turn away a few projects. You’ve given me the freedom to choose the issues that mean something to me.”

  After Erica left, Leah took a fifteen-minute break for a second breakfast and then had her three-hour NREM3 sleep for the day.


  Chapter 84

  December 19, 2073 - Morning - Part 1

  When Leah awoke from her sleep, she had another break and was thrilled to spend it with her mum who had waited in the room. They talked about the different things that had been happening, and Leah began to think things might finally have settled down, although she was getting nervous when she considered the complete silence from Meredith.


  Once she was back in the Tower, Leah made her way to the Dunyanin portal. Gèng was waiting, and said, “Leah, you have over thirty-five thousand messages waiting when you arrive. Most of them are simple messages about the players and NPC’s you killed and the loot you acquired. As you were the only player on your side of the battle, the experience points for each death are yours. Do you want to see any of them when you arrive?”

  “No. Just the major ones or any that stand out as different. Give a shortened summary if you can.”

  Gèng nodded, and Leah stepped through to find herself still seated against the tree and surrounded by one hundred warriors and three glitchwolves. She came slowly to her feet as she scrolled through the messages.

  World Achievement: First 10 (7, Diamond)

  Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity - Warleader of the Günahkâr

  You have achieved the title: Warleader of the Günahkâr

  Level 5 NPA - Skill - Mana Preformation - First 1 (6, Painite)

  You have achieved the title: Master of Mana

  Level 5 NPA - Elite Slayer - First 1 (7, Painite)

  You have achieved the title: Elite Slayer

  Level 5 NPA Spell Master (10 greater) - First 10 (7, Diamond)

  You have achieved the title: Spell Master (10G)

  Level 5 NPA - Spell Grandmaster (100 greater)- First 1 (8, Painite)

  You have achieved the title: Spell Grandmaster (100G)

  Level 4 NPA - Lead 100 NPC’s into Battle - Achieved (Opal)

  Title: Captain

  Level 4 NPA - Lead 500 NPC’s into Battle - Achieved (Opal)

  Title: Major

  Level 4 NPA - Lead 1000 NPC’s into Battle - Achieved (Opal)

  Title: Lieutenant Colonel

  Level 4 NPA - Lead 5000 NPC’s into Battle - Achieved (Opal)

  Title: Colonel

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 10 Players in a single battle - Achieved (Opal)

  Title: Killer

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 50 Players in a single battle - First 10000 (Emerald)

  Title: Slaughterer

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 100 Players in a single battle - First 10000 (Emerald)

  Title: Destroyer

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 500 Players in a single battle - First 100 (Ruby)

  Title: Terminator

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 1000 Players in a single battle - First 10 (3, Diamond)

  You have achieved the title: Exterminator

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 5000 Players in a single battle - First 1 (9, Painite)

  You have achieved the title: Plague

  Level 5 NPA - Kill 10000 Players in a single battle - First 1 (10, Painite)


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