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Ruin & Reliance

Page 3

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “This Aura cannot be trusted by anyone, and her voice is among the most powerful. This makes her dangerous and we should work to contain her. Still, that’s a matter for later. Finish your report, please,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “The sun worshippers controlled the central bank on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island. They sent out a summons for the children to come from the Port of Illumination to the island in the center and be registered. The day before, Aura had a dream that predicted this summons, warning that it was for a religious sacrifice and the children were to be the victims. When the summons came, I believed her. Aura sang a song – City of Lies – and warned everyone in the city to sail away. We left on one of the escaping ships and traveled out to the Scholar’s Path, in the Port of Hithagredil. That’s when I spoke to Kassia. She has a friend, Daley, who drinks Ikkith Tar, and gives her cover from the central bank. Kassia showed me a journal of bank corruption – piracy, sabotage, large rate hikes – but nothing I could see against us. Still, she said there were more journals, hidden away, and a few other people could find them if anything ever happened to her. The central bank wants her dead.”

  “Those journals may prove valuable, and I would like to see them, if possible,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “You can see them, if we can get Kassia to trust us, and if I can find her again before she moves on to a new hiding spot. Also, she said there was a lot of information inside the central bank’s offices on that island, but we need mathematicians to understand it and we’re going to need an army to even get to it, after what just happened,” Claudia said.

  “We’re not sending an army. We’re going to look for strong evidence or proof that the central bank has adversely affected our economic activity through criminal means. Manipulating interest rates may be unethical, but it’s not criminal, so all that we can do is manage our own lending. Their taxes only apply to participants in their trade agreements, so the tax rate changes can only affect us indirectly, when we trade with those participants. All we need to do is measure the visible effects of those activities and adjust our own resource allocation models where needed. Nathan and the other resource coordinators are quite capable of calculating the correct response. I am more concerned with the sabotage and piracy – that is an even greater threat,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “We can deploy our fleets and other forces against the threats of piracy or sabotage. Also, we can confront the central bank – if and when we have proof of crimes they have already committed,” General Joshua said.

  “Kassia said that our military is incompetent. She doesn’t think we can fight a war,” Claudia said.

  “The army and navy are more than competent. A few improperly trained higher ranking officers have made poor decisions, or were promoted to those ranks for the wrong reasons. We have been working to remove them from their posts and improve training for their replacements,” General Joshua said.

  “And, we’re not planning to fight a war. We’re planning to correct economic problems, and prevent crimes by pirates and saboteurs. Even the Ihalik Empire has worked against that, and we cooperate with them to keep the shipping lanes safe,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “Do you want me to find Kassia again and get access to her journals? Or to bring Aura back here?” Claudia asked.

  “Not yet. But we won’t forget them, either. I want your attention focused on matters here for a while,” Prince Trahaearn said. Claudia probed Trahaearn’s thoughts and learned that the prince had suspicions about some of the citizens within the Jenaldej Empire being less than trustworthy in economic matters.

  CHAPTER 2: Mandates of Governor and Duchess

  In a private room within the Trading Center One building on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island in the Pirovalen Ocean, Duchess Uliana paused to consider the best course of action. Nehexalor stood beside her, as did the Torches of Majesty: Blazer Endrit, Blazer Luken and Blazer Darakizar.

  “I have no doubt that the central bank will send reinforcements to reclaim this island. The sacrificial offering is lost, so there is no value in staying here and defending this place. Worse still, other enemies of our sacred faith – the true faith, which is in the majestic and glorious Nine (9) Blue Suns, the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings – will learn of our intentions from those who escaped. These dreadful disbelievers will choose to exact vengeance against us for the magnificent and holy ritual we were planning,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “Yet, the Temple of the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings still stands on this very island. It is sacred, and should not be abandoned,” Blazer Endrit said.

  “Remaining here would be too dangerous, Blazer Endrit. The central bank has many fleets scattered across the world, and they guard their holdings jealously, even if not immediately. They will see this as the opportunity to return. It is not as if Nehexalor would be powerful enough to keep them away,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “I am sorry I failed you, my lady. The other singer was much more powerful than I expected,” Nehexalor said.

  “Nehexalor does have powerful music. It was enough to keep away King Xander’s fleet,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “The king was an arrogant fool, who went in search of a myth and let down his guard. That is why he was so easily defeated before overtaking the world. The central bank is much more influential, ubiquitous and scheming, which makes them extremely dangerous. Do not give too much credit to Nehexalor, who failed to protect our plans against the threat of the musical enchantress. He will have to work hard to regain my confidence,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “We kept a ship waiting, my lady. The Azure Solar Acolyte is docked on the western side of the island,” Blazer Luken said.

  “Before we leave, we should take something of value to compensate ourselves for the loss of use of the temple. We can alter the bank’s records to conceal our actions. Blazer Luken, you are to inform the captain to ready the ship, and send twenty (20) of the crew members back here with rolling carts to help us take what we can. Go quickly,” Duchess Uliana said.


  Blazer Luken drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He was prepared to use the power to navigate, or to defend against attack by turning water into fire, whichever was necessary. He opened the door to the private room and went out onto the main floor of the Trading Center One building.

  The Chronicler Caemgen was still on the main trading floor, and decided that the blue-skinned man was of interest for the moment. Caemgen drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to slow the flow of time around him. He was thus able to notice nearby events in detail, no matter how quickly they proceeded. He was also able to slow the passage of time within himself, thereby extending his own life.

  Blazer Luken then left the Trading Center One building, walked across the island and approached the western docks, where he boarded the Azure Solar Acolyte, a two hundred seventy (270) foot long frigate with three (3) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. Caemgen followed him this far, but Blazer Luken simply ignored the curious man, hoping that the intrusion would come to an end before long.

  The Chronicler Caemgen noted the ship and recorded a description of it into his book – both the dockside exterior view and the details which he saw more closely after boarding the vessel.

  The captain was standing on deck and saw the blue-skinned man board the vessel followed by the Chronicler of the Oath, whose presence was accepted and largely ignored.

  “Captain Porfirio, you are to plot a course to Nataloridivu and ready the ship for the journey. I will need twenty (20) of the crew members to bring rolling carts and come with me. They will assist in loading the ship,” Blazer Luken said.

  The Chronicler Caemgen also noted this command into his book, but decided that he would be remaining on the island, as he anticipated that it would be the site of events of great interest in the near future.

  Captain Porfirio drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was ene
rgized. He was an experienced navigator, having been given a waterbinding at birth and been trained to listen to the sounds of the stars as soon as he was able. Porfirio spent all of his fifty-three (53) years of life at sea, learning to sail across every ocean, and along the coastlines of all continents, land bridges and known islands. He directed his crew to ready the sails and then dispatched twenty (20) of them to take hold of rolling carts and follow Blazer Luken. Porfirio then listened to the sounds of the many suns above and followed their motions. He thereby plotted a course to return to the continent of Nataloridivu. He had complete faith in the Nine (9) Blue Suns, never questioning the truth of the religion or the authority of any ruling Duchess in matters of the faith. His obedience was greatly enhanced by the fact that he was a favored lover of Duchess Esteri, the former ruler until she became too ill to move about. He looked forward to returning to Nataloridivu and spending time by her side. Her mind was still well despite her fatigue, and her bed was still warm for him, so they would make love when he returned.


  Blazer Luken led the twenty (20) available crew members as they pushed rolling carts off of the Azure Solar Acolyte, then across the island and back to the Trading Center One building. The Chronicler Caemgen followed him on this mission.

  Once Blazer Luken entered the building, he saw Duchess Uliana leading Blazer Endrit, Blazer Darakizar and Nehexalor in an effort to open bank vaults and remove gems and coins.

  “Not a moment too soon, Blazer Luken. Load the carts at once,” Duchess Uliana commanded all of her charges. All the Torches of Majesty, Nehexalor and the twenty (20) crew members worked together, feverishly, to fill the rolling carts with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, citrines, aquamarines, garnets and platinum coins from the opened bank vaults.

  “I supposed you are noting all that we are doing into your book, trustworthy Chronicler. If you tell anyone of our private business, you would be interfering, and thus violating your oath,” Duchess Uliana said. The scornful tone in her voice was not missed by the Chronicler, nor was it of concern to him. He merely recorded her presence, her words and her actions into his book.

  “My presence in this central bank location is not conditioned on any promise of confidentiality for any particular duration. Under the Chronicler’s Oath, I am fully authorized to be here and record what I see. When the contents of my book will be released is a matter yet to be determined, but not by you,” Caemgen said.

  Duchess Uliana was enraged by the intrusion, but could do nothing to limit or end it. She put the Chronicler out of her mind and began working to alter the written accounts of the contents of the bank vaults, subtracting her estimates of what was taken from the previously recorded contents. As each of the twenty (20) rolling carts was filled to capacity, the corresponding crew members pushed them out of the Trading Center One building and back toward the pier in the western docks where the Azure Solar Acolyte was waiting.

  Caemgen noted very accurately what was taken and recorded all of it into his book. He also noticed that some of the stolen gems were lightkeeper crystals and bore interesting images. The Duchess and her subordinates were moving very quickly and likely did not notice this fact. However, time was slowed for Caemgen, since the waters of the Ursegan Ocean flowed through him and allowed him to see rapidly proceeding events in full detail, as long as they were within his line of sight. Still, he did not see all facets of the lightkeeper crystals, so he did not fully gather the knowledge they contained. His vision was not improved in distance or clarity, nor could he see around corners or into any kind of darkness, because the Ursegan waters did not create or extend light, nor did they bend it remotely. A subtle bending of light – due to the slowness of time around him – could be achieved with the Ursegan waters, but it only occurred immediately around him, and did not grant periscopic vision.


  The crew of the Azure Solar Acolyte consisted of healthy males – each between eighteen (18) and twenty-five (25) years of age – and all were drinkers of the Nabavodel Ocean waters. Even though the Atrejan Ocean waters were the most sacred of all the waters because they allowed the drinker to commune with the sacred suns, some young men had to be set aside for strength and speed. Additionally, these men made fine breeding stock and provided pleasure for the Duchess and her assistants. Their strength and speed, however, were essential in this endeavor: the fully-loaded rolling carts weighed not less than seven hundred fifty (750) pounds, which would have been too heavy to push up the boarding ramp of the vessel without the power of the so-called ‘tiger waters’ as the Nabavodel waters were also known.


  When the last of the twenty (20) rolling carts was filled to capacity with valuable coin and gem assets taken from the central bank’s vaults, the attending crew member began pushing it out of the Trading Center One building, across the island and toward the western docks where the Azure Solar Acolyte was moored. Duchess Uliana, Nehexalor and the Torches of Majesty all followed. Uliana looked behind her and saw that, to her great relief, the Chronicler had not followed. Duchess Uliana and her charges all boarded the vessel and then she entered the wheelhouse and gave the command: “Set sail, Captain! Immediately!”

  Captain Porfirio pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and raise the anchor. When this was complete, he steered the Azure Solar Acolyte away from Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, through the northern gateway of the surrounding Port of Illumination and then onto the open waters of the Pirovalen Ocean. He sailed the ship northwestward across the ‘song waters’ ocean until reaching the Farmer’s Road land bridge. At that point, he pulled levers to convert the ship to its airship configuration and elevate the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship northwestward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Trerada Ocean. From there, he sailed the ship northward until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. Again, he pulled levers to convert the ship to its airship configuration and elevate the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel northward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Kazofen Ocean.

  He continued the journey by sailing northwestward across the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge. At that point, Captain Porfirio again pulled levers to convert the ship to its airship configuration and elevate it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel westward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Zovvin Ocean.

  Captain Porfirio was greatly disturbed by sailing anywhere on the so-called ‘ghost waters’ ocean because it was genuinely and profoundly haunted.

  “These should have been called the ‘demon haunted waters’ or the ‘cursed waters’ to be truthful,” Captain Porfirio said.

  “The ‘ghost waters’ ocean is dangerous, but the power of the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings is greater. Have no fear, Captain,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “There are many dreadful risks for the unwary or the unlucky, Duchess. If we don’t have the blessing of the suns, we will need an abundance of good luck,” Captain Porfirio said.

  “We have their blessing, Captain,” Duchess Uliana said.

  Captain Porfirio contained sailing the Azure Solar Acolyte along the western coastline of the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge, which angled toward the northeast, so that he could have a quick escape back to land if an angry spirit or swarm of spirits attacked. Porfirio then steered the ship westward and northward around the southwestern coast of the continent of Revod until reaching the Jeshirinko Barrier land bridge.

  “The Jeshirinko concern me as much as the ghosts, if not more. Their military is strong, Duchess,” Captain Porfirio said.

  “The people of this land are militant, yet they are fanatically anti-religious. They despise us for worshipping the suns, while they worship the emptiness of knowledge and reason. Their souls are doomed because they do not have the greatest truth within them. They are dangerous, Captain, but I do not fear them. The blessing of the Sky�
��s Nine (9) Kings is upon us alone because of our deep and abiding faith,” Duchess Uliana said.

  Captain Porfirio pulled levers to convert the Azure Solar Acolyte to its airship configuration once again and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship northward over the Jeshirinko Barrier land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Lujladia Ocean. From there, he sailed the Azure Solar Acolyte northward toward the continent of Nataloridivu.


  Kaija drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized. She telepathically scanned the thoughts of the two (2) women and the man who were hiding in the darkness as they walked into the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path land bridge. The woman named Aura was dangerous – she had the voice that served the tyrant, King Xander, although she betrayed him at the end. She now held a son named Arik who she conceived with a guard in that king’s service. The woman named Kassia was Aura’s only surviving sister, the others having been murdered by Aura. Kassia was an enemy of the central bank and had proof of their evils. The man named Daley was giving them the cover of darkness.

  At thirty-eight (38) years old, Kaija had already seen considerable evil in her lifetime. As an oblate of the Vital Navigators of Sanctity, she was tasked with rooting out that evil. Sometimes, that meant destroying it. It was best, however, to redeem an evil soul. Aura, it seemed, was on that path, because she had received a vision warning her of the ritual sacrifice that was planned by the sun worshippers and used her City of Lies song to warn the residents of the Port of Illumination to escape before that ritual took place. Aura was willing, so it was only a matter of bringing her into communion with the Perfect Truthful Innocent One, and that could only be done by prayer. Despite Aura’s grievous sins, it would be best to allow her to find salvation while alive. Punishing her was not part of the mandate, but she would have to be watched to be sure she stayed on the righteous path. It appeared that her sister, Kassia, planned on steering Aura in that direction. There was hope.


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