Book Read Free

Ruin & Reliance

Page 41

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I know. They will very likely declare an embargo against this city,” Commissioner Hannah said.

  “It’s worse than that. They may declare embargoes against several other cities throughout Ihalik, if they feel their financial interests are sufficiently threatened and they can prove that we are at fault. The central bank governors are very aggressive,” Commissioner Wallace said.

  “That’s exactly what I hope they do. We don’t need any part of the central bank’s business, ever again, and we can prove it,” Commissioner Hannah said.

  CHAPTER 25: Fortresses of Knowledge and Greed

  After Captain Ibriy’s crew finished their repairs to the Cypress Advantage, they retracted the boarding ramp and raised the anchor. Captain Ibriy returned to the wheelhouse and sailed the ship eastward across the Kazofen Ocean.


  Inside their cabin, Erikkos and Kastor felt the ship begin to move again.

  “The repairs didn’t take long at all,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos’ ears perked up and he said: “Something’s not right.”

  “What do you mean?” Kastor asked.

  “I hear something. I’ve traveled on ships sailing across every ocean and I know the sounds of the sea. This is wrong,” Erikkos said.

  “Can you be more specific? If you sense danger to us or our shared purpose, tell me, so that I can assist you,” Kastor asked.

  Erikkos drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of music and sound. He concentrated and listened more carefully. “There’s something in our way – something massive moving across the ocean. If this ship collides with it, repairs won’t be an option,” Erikkos said.

  “Where is it? What is it?” Kastor asked.

  “Let’s go out on deck! Hurry!” Erikkos said.

  Erikkos and Kastor exited their cabin and went out on deck. They looked out to sea in every direction around the Cypress Advantage but saw nothing.

  “I don’t see it,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos hummed a tune, across the audible spectrum and beyond, at pitches both lower and higher than anyone else could hear. Some of the musical notes that could be heard were painful.

  Kastor held his hands over his ears and the crew of the ship was disturbed by the sound.

  Captain Ibriy took his hands off of the ship’s wheel, yielding control to his first mate. He then stepped out on deck. “What are you doing?!” he screamed.

  “Stop the ship! We’re going to crash!” Erikkos said.

  “Into what? There’s nothing in our way!” Captain Ibriy yelled.

  Erikkos continued humming, varying the frequency. The sound was painful for everyone else.

  “Stop this noise!” Captain Ibriy screamed, holding his hands over his ears. Kastor did the same, and the crew members working on deck were distracted by the pain.

  “What are you doing, my friend? This is harmful!” Kastor asked. He then slowed the passage of time around himself to delay the sound reaching him, and thus to change its pitch to something less painful.

  Erikkos continued humming, varying the frequency even more.

  Captain Ibriy reached out to punch Erikkos, who stepped out of the way.

  “Look!” Erikkos yelled.

  Captain Ibriy looked out and saw a mountain appear ahead of the Cypress Advantage. It was both massive and slowly moving, extending beyond the range of unassisted vision.

  “Stop the ship! Stop the ship! Stop the ship! Now!” Captain Ibriy screamed. He ran back to the wheelhouse and grabbed hold of the wheel and the levers that controlled the sails. The Cypress Advantage came to an abrupt stop and Captain Ibriy ran back out on deck. “What is it?! It looks like a mountain! How was a mountain invisible?! How is a mountain moving?!” he asked.

  “Is that truly a mountain? Or just an illusion?” Kastor asked.

  “The mountain is real! It was hidden by an illusion, bending the light around it so we couldn’t see it directly. The movement of the mountain revealed its presence by the way sound reflected off of it,” Erikkos said.

  “That part makes sense. Yet, what would enable an entire mountain to move?” Kastor asked.

  “Wait! The mountain looks like it’s moving perpendicular to the ship. Once it passes, we can proceed,” Captain Ibriy said.

  “I don’t think you’re sufficiently alarmed by the danger that looms before you, Captain,” Kastor said.

  “I am very alarmed! Believe me, I am extremely alarmed! But there’s nothing I can do! It’s a mountain! This is a ship! Unless it moves toward the ship, the best we can do is sail around it,” Captain Ibriy said.

  “It begs many questions,” Kastor said.

  “If I don’t do my job, I’ll be begging for food,” Captain Ibriy said.

  “He’s right, Kastor. There’s nothing we can do…at the moment,” Erikkos said.

  “Is there something we can learn?” Kastor asked.

  “I don’t see – or hear – any compelling reason to try to land on the mountain’s coast. Unless we have evidence that something of value can be found there, we need to let it pass us by,” Erikkos said.

  “Concentrate and learn what you can through sound. Do your senses indicate what powerful force is moving an entire mountain?” Kastor asked.

  Erikkos focused his powers of sound and music to listen for what power might be at work. The mountain vanished from sight a minute later.

  “What?! Where did it go?! Now, I can’t see anything! If I can at least see the mountain, I can avoid it. Now, we’re in danger, all over again!” Captain Ibriy said.

  “I’m listening for its movement. The power of music was able to dispel the false light encompassing the mountain only temporarily. The illusion can hide the appearance of it. However, it cannot hide the sound of it, especially given its sheer size. In a short while, the mountain will move out of the ship’s eastward path and you can continue sailing. Just wait,” Erikkos said.

  “I’d feel better if I could see it. I trust my eyes,” Captain Ibriy said.

  “Your eyes were deceived by the illusion, Captain. My sense of sound is what saved your ship. You need to trust that even more. Just wait,” Erikkos said.

  “My friend is right about that much, Captain,” Kastor said.


  Derek and Caemgen followed Captain Duvall as he led his captive, Goyo, toward a large airship situated on dry ground. Its masts and sails were pivoted sideways, extended as sailwings. The boarding ramp was lowered.

  Captain Duvall led Goyo up the boarding ramp and stepped onto the deck of the ship.

  “Captain Duvall, welcome aboard the Sky Lion,” Captain Lusala said when he saw the guard captain board his vessel.

  “Captain Lusala, I have orders from His Majesty, King Hamza Bazavador, to travel to the Duchy of Yutaka, in Waderav. I am to deliver this prisoner, along with a message for Baron Amidio,” Captain Duvall said.

  “Under the authority of the Chronicler’s Oath, I will be going with you,” Caemgen said.

  “I understand that. Yet, who is this other man?” Captain Lusala asked.

  “This is Derek, a spy for the Ihalik Empire. When the prisoner attempted to assassinate His Majesty, the spy intervened, and so he has the favor of King Hamza Bazavador. He will be traveling with us to serve his superiors,” Captain Duvall said.

  “I thank you for your service to our King and wish you well on your journey,” Captain Lusala said.

  “Baron Amidio was behind the assassination attempt, which was intended to steal land belonging to King Hamza Bazavador and join it to the Duchy of Yutaka. The message to the baron is a warning, and His Majesty insists that the baron send a courier with an acknowledgment that we know of his guilt, and a promise that he will make no further attempts against the king’s life or land. Otherwise, an army will be deployed against the baron,” Captain Duvall said.

  “That territory is in southeastern Waderav. I will have my navigator chart a course so we can depart immediatel
y,” Captain Lusala said.


  Captain Lusala entered the wheelhouse and spoke to his navigator, saying: “Uzoma, chart a course to southeastern Waderav, in the Duchy of Yutaka.”

  Uzoma drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course. “I have our course, Captain,” he said after a minute.

  “Sail the ship there at once, Uzoma. This is a matter of great importance,” Captain Lusala said.

  Uzoma pulled levers to elevate the Sky Lion to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He then took the wheel of the ship and steered it eastward over the narrow land mass of the Bazavadoran Isthmus land bridge, until they were over the Nabavodel Ocean, where he returned the ship to sea level. He sailed the vessel eastward and then northeastward, until reaching the Uplifter’s Trail land bridge. From there, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and sails to the sides of the Sky Lion and elevate the ship to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel across the land bridge and returned the ship to sea level in the Gradaken Ocean. Uzoma then sailed the Sky Lion southward, following the coastline of eastern Waderav, until reaching its southeastern edge.


  The Cypress Advantage held its position in the Kazofen Ocean for two (2) days. “I’m still waiting. I don’t see anything. Not even ripples in the water. If a whole mountain is moving, there has to be a sign of it,” Captain Ibriy said.

  “Keep waiting, Captain. The mountain is moving very slowly through the ocean water from southeast to northwest. It is vast in size, so this will take time, perhaps another two (2) days. The false light that surrounds it prevents you from seeing the ripples in the ocean water. Still, there’s no immediate danger given the path the mountain is traveling. As I am on this ship with you, my own best interests are served by giving an accurate and timely report,” Erikkos said.

  “Drink up, my friend, so that your powers do not fade,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of music and sound. He continued listening.


  After exiting the alchemist’s shop where Fantine worked on the southwestern coast of the continent of Baradaxa, Lieutenant Plamen booked passage on a riverboat sailing along a branch of the Royal Jalvinic River. The vessel followed the river northwest, taking him to the Prince Jalvin’s Crossroads land bridge. From there, he paid for transport on a ship sailing northeast across the Ikkith Tar Ocean toward the Port of Bryziklad in the Dark Platinum Road land bridge.

  After arriving in the Port of Bryziklad and disembarking from the ship, Lieutenant Plamen walked the streets of the port town until reaching the domed granite building at its southern end. He entered the single open doorway, which sealed behind him the moment after he entered, revealing an empty room.

  General Gratien eased his powers over the passage of time, so that light reached him more immediately, and he could be seen. “What is your report, Lieutenant Plamen?” he asked.

  “Fantine refused to work for us, General. She doubted that any territory in Waderav could be secured because of the corruption. She believed that the newly constructed city would be used for warfare or taken over by robber barons to oppress peasants. She also expressed concern for her own safety and that of her equipment. I assured her safety, but she was not convinced,” Lieutenant Plamen said.

  “Fantine’s cooperation is not necessary. Like her, you have a Kazofen waterbinding so you know how to manipulate crystals. We can build our own constructor. That is your next assignment, Lieutenant,” General Gratien said. He then exerted his powers to slow the passage of time, manipulating the speed of light around him, so that he vanished.


  “The mountain has moved out of our path. It is safe to travel eastward,” Erikkos said after another two (2) days of waiting on board the Cypress Advantage.

  “Then let us return to our cabin and the captain can return to his duties,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos and Kastor went back to their cabin and rested.


  Captain Ibriy returned to the wheelhouse and released the levers that held the ship in place. He then sailed the ship eastward across the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. After stopping there to pick up cargo, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevate the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. Captain Ibriy steered the Cypress Advantage eastward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Medathero Ocean. From there, he sailed the ship southeastward and made an additional stop in Emeth to deliver passengers and cargo. Captain Ibriy then sailed the ship eastward until reaching the Colossal March Warpath land bridge, where he made another delivery. At that point, he again pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the Cypress Advantage eastward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Ursegan Ocean. From there, Captain Ibriy sailed the vessel southeastward until reaching the Bazavadoran Isthmus land bridge, where he made another stop.


  When Erikkos and Kastor felt the Cypress Advantage come to this stop, they exited their cabin.

  Captain Ibriy was out on deck, directing his crew. “This is the southwestern coast of the Bazavadoran Isthmus. After this, we’re sailing to Oxatrissa,” he said when he saw his passengers approach.

  Kastor focused his vision, which was still imbued with the power of the amethyst. His eyes turned violet and he looked Captain Ibriy directly in his eyes. “This is our stop. You will wait here for us, Captain. Do not leave without us. When we return to this ship, you will sail where we direct you to,” Kastor said.

  “I won’t leave without you,” Captain Ibriy said. His will was completely overpowered, and he had no idea why.


  Kastor walked down the boarding ramp, followed by Erikkos. They walked along the pier and entered the port city.

  “How long will that command last?” Erikkos asked.

  “Perhaps one (1) or two (2) days at its strongest. It will gradually weaken. The effect lasts three (3) or maybe four (4) days at most, and then he will regain self-control. The quality of the amethyst, as well as the duration of my focusing my eyes on it, determine the longevity,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos reached into his backpack and pulled out a book. He opened it and consulted the maps it contained. “According to my maps, we can take a riverboat from this port, leading to the perimeter around the castle,” he said.

  “We will not get very close without interrogation. The Bazavadoran kings always have telepaths, as well as light scouts and dark scouts. If they sense your intentions to gain access to their secrets – and I have no reason to doubt their powers of perception – we will be attacked,” Kastor said.

  “You have a way in to the castle, of course. Much like we entered the temple,” Erikkos said.

  “That approach can sometimes be effective, but it has only very limited potential to work in this situation. We will have to remain aware and adapt to the king’s defenses. All members of the Bazavadoran family keep the tradition of guarding their secrets and they defend their hidden knowledge with both force and distraction. No trickery is beyond them,” Kastor said.

  “You seem afraid, my friend,” Erikkos said.

  “With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes caution. I am likewise interested in the knowledge protected within the walls of every fortress and the facets of every lightkeeper crystal. Yet, the greatest secrets are guarded by the most lethal and devious traps,” Kastor said.


  Uzoma sailed the Sky Lion southward across the Gradaken Ocean, keeping close to the southeastern coast of Waderav. He then pulled levers to pivot the masts and sails to the sides of the ship and elevate it
to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel over the land and then docked it on the ground in a field near a castle. He pulled another lever to lower the boarding ramp.

  “We will need to leave quickly, Uzoma. Wait here, and I will notify our passengers,” Captain Lusala said.


  Captain Lusala went out on deck and met with Captain Duvall, Derek and the Chronicler Caemgen. The assassin, Goyo, was still bound by Duvall.

  “Captain Duvall, nearby is the castle that commands the Duchy of Yutaka. We cannot remain in this field for long, or we could be attacked. Please be on your way. We can wait on the coast, and return in an hour or a day, if you wish,” Captain Lusala said.

  “Wait on the coast and return in a day. If we are not here, return in two (2) days. If we are still not here, return again in three (3) days. After that, do not look for us, and return home instead,” Captain Duvall said.

  Derek drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of light. He exerted his powers to wrap light around himself, concealing his appearance. He then walked down the ship’s boarding ramp and approached the nearby castle, sight unseen.

  Caemgen drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to slow the passage of time. He thus extended his lifespan and enabled himself to see fast moving events proceed slowly enough to be observed. He walked down the ship’s boarding ramp and approached the nearby castle.

  Captain Duvall drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of strength and speed. He led Goyo down the boarding ramp.


  Captain Lusala returned to the wheelhouse and said: “Uzoma, take us back to the coast. We will return in a day to see if they are ready to leave.”

  Uzoma pulled levers to elevate the Sky Lion to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude and then steered the vessel back to the coastline, returning it to sea level in the Gradaken Ocean. He pulled a lever to drop the anchor and waited.


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