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Ruin & Reliance

Page 44

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “No, Brigadier General. We will collapse the entire Jenaldej Empire economy before they find the cause,” General Aerona said.


  Duchess Esteri died and her spirit descended into a place of fiery darkness. Pain enveloped her, burning hotter than ever before.

  “Why does the fire burn and not warm me with its love?” the spirit of Duchess Esteri asked.

  “This is the Maelstrom of Vengeance, where the fires of justice burn hotter, and love has died forever,” a deep and terrifying voice said.

  “Who are you? Why am I here?” the spirit of Duchess Esteri asked.

  “I am Gadamalto, the Master of Spirits in this domain. You lived your life giving worship to the sun god by sacrificing the flesh of the innocent in rituals of fire. You relied upon a false deity; thus, your spirit is now ruined, eternally,” the deep and terrifying voice said.

  Gadamalto burned the spirit of Duchess Esteri in eternal fire, and she knew only hate and pain without end.


  Captain Porfirio held the lifeless body of Duchess Esteri in his arms and kissed her forehead and her lips. He knelt down by the bedside and prayed: “Illuminate me. Elevate me. Set ablaze my spirit. This I ask the seventy (70). Return my beloved to me.”

  After an hour of sorrow, he stood up, left the room and exited the castle. He walked back to the docks, boarded the Azure Solar Acolyte and waited in the wheelhouse, as was his duty.


  High up in the mountains of the Glivoran Trail land bridge, a pair of men stood inside of a large cave whose walls were covered in glyphs depicting birth, youth, maturity, old age and death, connected by arrows to spirits, oceans, stars, stones, animals and plants. The cave was eight (8) feet high, twenty-one (21) feet wide and two hundred seventy-nine (279) feet deep.

  The first man – gray-bearded and wearing slate gray robes – drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He knelt on the stone floor of the cave and spoke out so that he could be heard in both the material and spiritual worlds, saying: “Lord Ralithos, Eternal King of Stones and Mountains, the ritual has been prepared and the offering is near.”

  A voice spoke through the stones in the cave, saying: “Spill their blood and smear it upon the stone walls.”

  The main in the slate gray robes stood up and said: “Hakan, bring in the children.”

  The second man – dressed in light brown robes – said: “I have only half of the offering now, Bashkim. We are not ready. We should wait.”

  “Bring what we have, Hakan. We will sacrifice them. Then, you will bring the rest. There is no need to make Lord Ralithos wait any longer for their blood,” the man in the slate gray robs – Bashkim – said.

  “This is dangerous, Bashkim. Yet, you are entrusted with the ritual,” the man in the light brown robes – Hakan – said. He went outside the cave and called to the children. He returned, followed by one hundred five (105) children.

  “Children! Gather in a circle and kneel before Lord Ralithos,” Bashkim said.

  The one hundred five (105) children formed a circle and knelt down on the stone floor of the cave.

  Hakan knelt down outside the circle of children. He drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to slow the passage of time. By this, he continued extending his own ancient life of four million three hundred thousand (4300000) years and delayed the onset of hunger. The ritual did not demand his suffering through starvation: it only required that of the children used as sacrificial offerings.

  Bashkim walked to the center of the circle of children and knelt down. He then began to pray, saying: “Lord Ralithos, Eternal King of Stones and Mountains, we present these children to you. When their days of fasting have come and gone, and their bodies have withered and weakened, and they have taken the ritual walk along the mountain trail to achieve the state of purity and readiness, their blood will be shed for you, to give you glory. Stone is the master. Blood is the servant. Stone endures forever. Flesh lasts for a moment. Stone is strong. Flesh is weak.”


  In the continent of Nataloridivu, atop the gently-sloping hallowed hill, was the eighteen (18) sided polygonal steel-framed blue sapphire temple. Within the seventy (70) foot tall sacred structure, Duchess Uliana knelt down in front of an altar made of blue topaz.

  Duchess Uliana prayed: “Illuminate me. Elevate me. Set ablaze my spirit. This I ask the seventy (70).”

  A swirling darkness within the blue topaz altar became still. A voice within said: “You have failed to build my new temple. The fire of my anger is growing quickly. An infernal death awaits those who disappoint me,” vibrating through the topaz altar as it spoke.

  “I swear to thee, my Luminous Lord Narsvet, that I did all that I could to provide a temple for you,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “You are not worthy to speak my name! Your destruction is near!” the voice of Narsvet said, vibrating through the topaz altar as he spoke.

  “I am weak, and my enemies are strong. Forgive me. Please forgive me. If I had greater power, I would give to you all that you demand and deserve,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “Do not put conditions on worshipping me! Do not attempt to impose any requirements on me, your god and master! I will destroy you here and now if you forget who is the lord of the sky!” the voice of Narsvet said, vibrating through the topaz altar as he spoke.

  “I am weak and foolish! I do not know how to serve you, my Luminous Lord! I do not have wisdom enough to meet your demands! I beg you to have mercy on me!” Duchess Uliana said.

  “Yes, I know. You are indeed a weakling and a fool. However, I am great, and deserve worship from the worthy. Even other gods should kneel before me, for I am radiant. The sky is my kingdom. You don’t deserve to live. You don’t deserve mercy for your failings. You deserve to burn to death because you are so useless and worthless. You are so inferior in every respect that I should expect less from you, if only to not disappoint myself and become angrier,” the voice of Narsvet said, vibrating through the topaz altar as he spoke.

  “Oh, my Luminous Lord, please guide me! Not for my sake, but so that you can be served well. Make a good woman of me, wise enough to please you. For your own joy, use me as an instrument of worship,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “I will make good use of you. You will appease me, or be destroyed if you fail. Now, go and make a blood sacrifice to the suns. The oblations should be young children, numbering six hundred thirty (630), because seventy (70) is the number of the suns, and nine (9) is the number of the kings of the sky. Believe no other numbers,” the voice of Narsvet said, vibrating through the topaz altar as he spoke.

  “Yes, my Luminous Lord,” Duchess Uliana said.


  Duchess Uliana stood up and exited the temple. She then walked down the gently-sloping hallowed hill and went to the docks, where the Azure Solar Acolyte was moored. Uliana boarded the ship. The Torches of Majesty – Blazer Endrit, Blazer Luken and Blazer Darakizar – all stood on deck, awaiting orders.

  “Be ready. I need your fires to burn hotter and brighter. The wrath of our Luminous Lord will soon overtake us unless we make a worthy offering,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “What are we to do – build another temple?” Blazer Luken asked.

  “No, we must prepare a sacrifice,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “We tried and failed before,” Blazer Endrit said.

  “We already have a new temple. Does the Luminous Lord want us to return and bless it using the ritual sacrifice?” Blazer Darakizar asked.

  “Not now. Just be ready to gather the offering…by force,” Duchess Uliana said.

  The Torches of Majesty each drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from their vials and were energized with the power to listen to the stars, and also with the stellar power of turning water into fire.


  Duchess Uliana entered the wheelhous
e and found the captain. “Captain Porfirio, chart a course for the Glivoran Trail. We must secure an offering to our Luminous Lord, by taking from the offspring of our enemies, who worship the false gods of the stones and mountains. We will dedicate the blood of their young to a worthy use,” she said.

  “I will chart the course, my lady,” Captain Porfirio said. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated and thereby learned their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course.

  CHAPTER 27: Profits of Bankers and Nobles

  On Tilvonix Island in the Ursegan Ocean, inside Depository Building Number Three Hundred Six, Premier Governors Dustin, Kynthia and Enrichetta all stood facing the ruby spire.

  “As yield rates have risen for precious gems, unit prices have decreased, which is what we expected,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “The yields and prices for most fish, livestock, and crops – wheat, corn, barley, oats and others – have all remained stable. Population size has also remained steady since the tempest, so that labor supply and demand have both leveled off and kept salaries in a narrow range. We need to adjust that. More fluctuation is still needed to prevent market stagnation and increase our profits in opportunistic trading,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “We can introduce large variations by offering higher crop prices, regionally. Our subordinate land barons and dukes in Waderav will not hesitate to use their armies to seize neighboring farmlands and increase their profits if they think it to be worth their time and efforts. The combat will also reduce the labor population, by several million. That, in turn, will further increase prices due to the farming and mining services those peasants and slaves no longer provide,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Then we should start by giving instructions to Governor Aranka to arrange for the purchase of a thirty (30) day supply of each of the food crops at higher prices. This opportunity will motivate the landholders to act against their neighbors and seize more territory for farming on our behalf. The increased demand will also reduce regional food supplies and drive up prices in the short term. We can dispose of the purchased food as waste, or resell it at even more inflated prices. It is time to send messages to our subordinate land barons and dukes, telling them to prepare the harvest and expect that higher payment.” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “This should only be for those land barons and dukes along the main trade routes. Not for Baron Redmond, though. He has other duties besides farming,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Agreed: our dealings will begin with Baron Amidio, Duke Rhys and Baron Vizakrid. I suggest a thirty-one (31) percent increase in the offered price,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “I will have Athamus send the message,” Premier Governor Dustin said. He formed an aperture in his diamond armor through which he drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to manipulate crystal and stone. He then sealed the aperture once again.

  “Not yet. I don’t agree that Premier Governor Kynthia’s price adjustment will be adequate. I suggest a forty-five (45) percent increase, instead. I want our subordinate land barons and dukes to be highly motivated to seize and occupy as much farmland as possible. They should enlarge their armies, even if by conscription. This will lead to more conflict and higher death rates,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Be careful, Premier Governor Enrichetta. Too much enticement of those land barons and dukes will lead to a far larger war that will reduce the labor supply below the necessary levels to sustain our share of the market. There is a point of diminishing returns,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “All wars end, Premier Governor Dustin. There are always survivors. Just remember that there must not be lasting peace in Waderav. That would allow the lower classes to grow so numerous as to become a threat to the central bank’s power,” Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Then I suggest we split the difference. A thirty-eight (38) percent increase in crop prices should be offered by the central bank,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  Premier Governor Enrichetta thought about this for a moment and said: “That may suffice for now.”

  Premier Governor Dustin placed his hands on the ruby spire and the swirling darkness within came to a standstill. He then said: “Athamus, send your minion spirits to inform Governor Aranka to arrange for purchase of a thirty (30) day supply of all food crops from our subordinate land barons and dukes along the main trade routes in Waderav. She is to offer a thirty-eight (38) percent increase over the market price. Inform Baron Amidio, Duke Rhys and Baron Vizakrid to expect this higher payment and to provide the crops when the cargo ships arrive.”

  “I will send my minions to instruct Governor Aranka to arrange the purchase and to inform those land barons and dukes in your service to be prepared with crops to sell at that price,” the voice of Athamus said, vibrating through the ruby spire.


  Inside the Trading Center Five Building, on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island in the Pirovalen Ocean, Sechnall and Governor Aranka waited in the office that previously belonged to Governor Lux.

  “Governor Aranka, I have received a new message from the Premier Governors,” Sechnall said.

  “What is it, Sechnall?” Governor Aranka asked.

  “We are to arrange for purchase of a thirty (30) day supply of all food crops from our subordinate land barons and dukes along the main trade routes in Waderav. The price is to be thirty-eight (38) percent above the market price,” Sechnall said.

  “I know just the ship and the captain. Come with me, Sechnall, and we will make the arrangements to send the Yield Adjuster Twenty-Seven with the money to purchase the crops. It’s as large as four (4) standard cargo ships, well-defended and highly maneuverable. Captain Nicomedes and his crew are more than capable of making the transaction. That way, I can retain my fleet here, available for when I need them,” Governor Aranka said.

  “What of the Chroniclers? Should we work to misdirect them?” Sechnall asked.

  “If they are still here, it is no matter. We are doing business as usual, and that’s all they will ever know,” Governor Aranka said. She opened and unlocked the door, left the office, and exited the Trading Center Five building, followed by Sechnall. They returned to the Trading Center One building, wherein Governor Aranka began making arrangements.


  The Resolute Traverser was docked in the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path land bridge. Captain Pradrock stood on deck and directed the two hundred sixty-five (265) dock workers as they lowered that same number of crates of precious gems into the ship’s cargo hold.

  “Massimo and Fritz, I need you to inspect these three (3) crates and match the contents to the manifest. After that, we’ll sample another three (3), up to thirty (30) in total,” Pradrock said.

  Fritz drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to manipulate crystal and stone.

  Massimo drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his own vial to be energized with the power to create and bend light.

  In close cooperation, Fritz and Massimo opened the chosen crates. Fritz peered into the low-level structure of several crystals to be certain that they matched the manifests in terms of purity and quality. Massimo bent light around the gems, to peer down into the crates and verify the count of how many were present.

  Jolene drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. She probed the thoughts of the dock workers and searched for any who might have helped themselves to any of the precious gems or tampered with the manifests. She knew that these were her orders without the captain having to openly tell her.

  After five (5) hours of close inspection, Fritz said: “Captain, the sample passed inspection.”

  “Thank you,” Captain Pradrock
said. He waited for the last of the dock workers to leave the ship and return to the port.


  Inside of a room within a traveler’s lodge in the Port of Hithagredil, Aura sat on a bed and held Arik while he slept. She feared for her son in the event that anyone ever found her and decided to exact revenge for what she had done in service to King Xander. She even feared her sister, Kassia, who might want to avenge the death of their other sister, Lyssa. Aura also wondered what become of her sister, Rivka, who shared guilt in Lyssa’s death. Aura wasn’t sure if Kassia would want to avenge her death or considered it justified.

  Daley and Kassia sat on the bed across from her and watched.

  “I promise to look after Arik if anything happens. He is my family,” Kassia said.

  “Every day, I’m more afraid something is going to happen. Not for my sake, but I do want to be with him, and for him to know me,” Aura said.

  “I can’t promise what the future will or won’t bring. Anything can happen. Any evil can appear – or reappear – at any time,” Kassia said.

  “Your life has to be lived in hiding. I wouldn’t go anywhere interesting,” Daley said.

  “Then we have to leave. This is a busy port. That makes it interesting,” Kassia said.

  “This isn’t the only busy port. It might be alright for a while,” Daley said.

  “Let’s not assume anything. I need you to do me a favor, Daley. Take a little walk through this port city and make sure that it’s business as usual. I’ll stay here with Aura and Arik. I don’t want them out of my sight for long,” Kassia said.

  “I’ll take a look around. I’ll be back in a few day, more or less,” Daley said. He stood up from the bed, drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of darkness. He exerted his power, cloaking himself. Kassia stood up from the bed, opened the door to peek out into the hallway, and Daley exited as she did so. After Kassia felt him pass by, she paused a moment and then closed the door. She sat back down on the bed and looked at Aura and Arik, and focused only on how much she loved her sister and nephew. “We are going to do what we can to protect you. I don’t want revenge. I don’t want conflict. I want God’s Mercy. I want this little family to stay together,” she said.


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