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Ruin & Reliance

Page 97

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “What is it, Rexana?” Duke Jovan asked.

  “Armies and ships are gathering in the eastern quadrant of Cinder Valley. Count Nemanja is among them, and he has twenty thousand six hundred fifty (20650) soldiers assembled. There are thousands of other soldiers, and four hundred eighteen (418) ships,” Rexana said.

  “A thief like Count Nemanja deserves a wasteland like Cinder Valley. However, I don’t know why he would want to go there. That land is dead and worthless,” Duke Jovan said.

  Fenella probed Duke Jovan’s mind and knew what he was thinking. “You could defeat Count Nemanja in battle, my lord. I have no doubt. You could also take his land while he is away and distracted. Yet, he has never acted directly against you. Peace between you and him is an option. You could take the time to enjoy your own land and those who love you,” she said.

  “Think about it, Fenella. Why would a greedy landowner concern himself with occupying a volcanic wasteland? Nothing grows in Cinder Valley, so there is no financial gain from holding it. That means the valley is not his true goal. Count Nemanja would profit most by marching through the northern passage leading out of the valley, and then taking my territory and the land to the north of here. That is what he is planning. That is why I am considering striking at him. You can read the thoughts on the surface of my mind, Fenella, but you don’t probe to find the deeper reasons. That’s why you don’t understand me,” Duke Jovan said.

  “I apologize, my lord. I wish to understand you,” Fenella said.

  “Actually, I think I agree with Duke Jovan. This has to be part of a plan to attack somebody and take good land. Brant and I can go to Cinder Valley. That’s where the dreams are taking us, anyway,” Zoe said.

  “The soldiers were all standing still when I saw them. They’re gathered in the east and not advancing toward the north. This may not be a plan against you, my lord, even if they do intend to attack someone,” Rexana said. She saw Vadim hiding in the darkness, but said nothing because he was part of the guard to protect Duke Jovan.

  “Let Zoe and Brant go ahead, my lord. Let Rexana go as well, and continue watching the soldiers in the valley. If any part of the army moves toward the north, they can return and warn us. I beg you not to strike first. You can still have peace in your time, my lord. You deserve peace,” Fenella said.

  “Yes, Fenella, I do deserve peace. And I know how to get it. I will attack suddenly and destroy every enemy in that valley. Then, the very thought of their existence cannot trouble me. They will be unable to steal anything from anyone. When I know they are dead, then I will have peace,” Duke Jovan said.

  “Despite his unjust ways, Count Nemanja has never threatened or approached you, my lord. I do agree that you should send spies to keep aware of the army’s movements, but there is nothing to be gained by striking first,” Massa said.

  “Please, my lord, listen to Massa’s advice,” Fenella said.

  “I am listening. However, the final decision belongs to me, Fenella,” Duke Jovan said.

  “No, don’t do this, my lord. I’m begging you. Talk him out of it, Vadim. Please,” Fenella said. She knew from reading Duke Jovan’s thoughts that he had already decided to attack.

  From under the cover of darkness, Vadim appeared and said: “My lord, if the enemy is not moving, we should spy on them. However, based on Rexana’s report, they are close enough to march against us if they choose. I do not suggest launching an attack, but I do recommend we prepare the troops for battle. The enemy will not be able to take this castle or the land so long as we remain here for defense,” Vadim said.

  “Prepare the soldiers, Vadim,” Duke Jovan said.

  “Yes, my lord. I will prepare them to fight and defend this castle,” Vadim said.

  “No. We will march into Cinder Valley from the north and attack Count Nemanja and his soldiers fiercely. We can eliminate them all before they notice our presence or have a chance to respond,” Duke Jovan said.

  “I have confidence in your ability to magnify our military power, my lord. If you would agree to remain here, our defense would be impenetrable. Going into battle in that valley, however, means that we will not have the advantage of position, my lord,” Vadim said.

  “Actually, we will have the advantage. Our position will be unseen,” Duke Jovan said.

  “I will personally conceal you in the darkness, my lord. However, I cannot cloak the entire army,” Vadim said.

  “I can hide them all, Vadim. Follow me, and we will get ready for battle. Massa, remain here and supervise the castle until I return. Summon spirits against any intruders,” Duke Jovan said. He stood up from his throne and walked toward the castle gate.

  “Yes, my lord,” Massa said and he remained standing by the throne. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He was fearful of summoning spirits, and would only do so if every other choice was more dangerous. The thirty-seven (37) year old man was neither bold nor courageous – he was only fair and loyal. He used his powers mostly to guard Duke Jovan and his other servants against spiritual attacks.


  Fenella, Rexana, Vadim, Zoe and Brant followed Duke Jovan outside. They crossed the bridge leading from the castle gate to the surrounding land.

  “What you are thinking is amazing, my lord, and I have every confidence it will surprise and terrify your enemies, but we need to be very quick. Stealth requires speed to be effective,” Fenella said.

  “We will,” Duke Jovan said.

  Vadim went to the barracks around the castle and roused Duke Jovan’s army: two thousand one hundred (2100) soldiers followed him to the grounds in front of the castle where they faced its lord.

  “Prepare to march into battle,” Duke Jovan said.

  The two thousand one hundred (2100) soldiers each drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from their vials to be energized with the powers of strength and speed.

  “You can see in the dark?” Duke Jovan asked.

  “Yes, my lord, by the power of these waters,” Rexana said. She drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight.

  “So can I, by the same waters,” Zoe said. She drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight.

  Duke Jovan drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power of music. He began to sing:

  We now gather our superior forces,

  To slay our helpless enemies on the battlefield.

  Their deaths will bring peace and we will take their resources.

  We shall destroy them quickly. Their fates are sealed.

  None of their farmlands, quarries or streams,

  Is too well protected, or beyond our reach.

  We shall bring ruin beyond their worst dreams.

  They rely on weak defenses we can quickly breach.


  We are hidden by this harmony.

  Our path to victory is clear.

  We are unseen by our enemy.

  Their deaths shall be in pain and fear.

  We shall capture whatever wealth they hold.

  Their good fortunes shall be completely reversed.

  We shall claim their land, harvest, gems and gold.

  They shall be ruined, impoverished and cursed.

  Neither strength, stealth nor speed can halt our attack.

  Neither terrain nor armor can provide adequate defense.

  Vision of my greater power is what our enemies lack.

  Our presence is concealed from sight, sound, thought and every sense.


  We shall break our enemies and banish them from the land.

  Despite their greater numbers, they have no chance to resist.

  Our advantage is music's power to conceal and command.

  If they refuse to be conquered, then by this song, I insist.r />
  Only those who are clever, quick and strong can hope to prevail.

  By our overwhelming power, we shall be rich and rejoice.

  Take everything from the weak and foolish: they deserve to fail.

  They shall die and leave their wealth to us; they have no other choice.


  Duke Jovan and his two thousand one hundred (2100) soldiers vanished from sight. Under the cloak of the music, they began marching southward toward Cinder Valley.

  “I don’t see them!” Rexana said.

  “Neither do I!” Zoe said.

  “I can’t even sense their thoughts,” Fenella said.

  “He’s going to tear a lot of them apart! This is going to be some wild fight, even if I can’t see it and I don’t know who’s going to win it in the end!” Brant said.

  “The other army is large. Duke Jovan has to make good use of his stealth advantage. It’s not enough just to be fast – he has to be fierce,” Rexana said.

  “I don’t know who’s going to win either, unfortunately,” Vadim said.

  “We need to get moving,” Zoe said.

  Brant drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. “And fighting. I’m ready!” he said.

  “Are you ready? Am I?” Zoe asked.

  “Isn’t that what the dreams are about?” Brant asked.

  “I wonder. I used to think they were. Now, I don’t know what to think,” Zoe said.

  “Why would you trust a dream?” Rexana asked.

  “They get us out of trouble,” Brant said.

  “And into trouble,” Zoe said.

  “I’m a light scout. My job is to warn of trouble, not go looking for it,” Rexana said.

  “Duke Jovan’s looking for trouble, so he’s not giving us much of a choice. I love him. I love him more than he knows. But all he wants to do is get revenge on everyone who even reminds him of his old enemy. He doesn’t know how to show love in return. He doesn’t know how to let go of the pain of his past and enjoy the present time, or look forward to the future,” Fenella said.

  “Life is more than a fight…as long as we win,” Zoe said.

  “I hope he wins. I want to see all the robber barons knocked out. A lot of people can’t live in peace while they’re around, killing, stealing and making slaves out of people. When they’re gone, everybody else can enjoy life,” Brant said.

  “Hope is not enough. We’re sworn to help Duke Jovan win. I intend to go into battle and give him my full support…even though I can’t see where he is at the moment,” Vadim said. He drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power of darkness. “I can cloak each of you so that we can approach the valley without being easily noticed,” he said.

  “Not yet. Just be ready, Vadim,” Fenella said. She drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. “Even if I can’t sense his thoughts through the power of that song, I’m going to do everything I can to help him win. I’ll go ahead and find out what everyone in Cinder Valley really is planning. That’s when I’m going to need some dark cover, and maybe some false light, too, for a distraction,” she said.

  “There’s one hundred seventy-five (175) miles between here and the northern mountain pass leading into the valley. That’s a nine (9) day march,” Rexana said.

  “We should try to get there before him,” Vadim said.

  “I’m a fast walker, but Zoe can’t keep up to my best speed. Can any of you?” Brant asked.

  “I doubt it, big guy. But just because you drink the ‘tiger waters’ doesn’t mean you should try to get there first and handle everything yourself,” Fenella said.

  “I’ll do my best, but we should stick together. Brant seems like he’s in a hurry for a fight,” Zoe said.

  “We don’t want to miss anything…even if we can’t see Jovan doing the fighting. This is a big deal. He’s serious about taking that army down, and I think he’s going to hit them hard and fast and knock out a lot of soldiers,” Brant said.

  “We’re not going to miss anything. Zoe and Rexana can both see far enough ahead, and warn us about what’s going on, before you run in and get yourself in trouble,” Fenella said.

  “We need to enter the valley under the cover of darkness. I can’t cloak you if you’re not nearby,” Vadim said.

  “And Vadim’s not slow, but he’s not fast like you. Neither am I,” Fenella said.

  “I’m not fast, but I’m fast enough…and I’m ready. Let’s go,” Rexana said.

  “While we’re at it, let’s all stay together and communicate. We’re not going to be fighting alone, if we fight at all. We just need to prevent a disaster,” Fenella said.

  “If it isn’t already too late,” Vadim said.

  “It’s not too late, Vadim. It’s not too late,” Fenella said, trying to convince herself of the half-truth.

  “My eyes are wide open,” Rexana said.

  “So are mine…and I still don’t see Duke Jovan,” Zoe said.

  “Let’s keep a positive attitude, Zoe. Let’s have some positive thinking, everybody,” Fenella said.

  “Follow me,” Rexana said and she began marching southward toward Cinder Valley. Vadim, Fenella, Brant and Zoe traveled alongside her.

  CHAPTER 58: Power of Hope and Love

  The Creeping Leopard was a two hundred thirty-seven (237) foot long frigate with three (3) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. On deck, two hundred (200) warriors stood armed and ready with swords and crossbows. Twenty-four (24) identical ships – each carrying the same numbers of warriors – followed the vessel as it sailed westward along the river network spanning across Waderav.

  Inside the wheelhouse of the Creeping Leopard, Baron Amidio and Leocadio watched through the window as the ship approached the gap in the mountain range that surrounded Cinder Valley. The Chronicler Caemgen recorded the sight into his book.

  “The central bank is going to pay me for any and all losses, as well as giving me extra payment for my services, Leocadio,” Baron Amidio said.

  “I am sure that the central bank intends to reimburse you, my lord,” Leocadio said.

  “Intention means nothing! I’m sure they intended to have a ship come and purchase our crops at the increased price, but it never arrived. They are going to pay me for my services, and I am going to collect. I take and manage land on their behalf. If they fail to pay for my services, they won’t get their percentage of the yield, and they won’t have any say in how I manage the property, because I’ll keep it for myself,” Baron Amidio said.

  “You think the central bank won’t deal with you fairly, my lord?” Leocadio asked.

  “They’ve already failed, Leocadio! Didn’t you hear what I said?” Baron Amidio asked.

  “Pirates could have intercepted the ship, my lord. I’m confident the central bank sent it,” Leocadio said.

  “That may be true, Leocadio. However, that’s not an excuse. If the central bank is so powerful, they should better defend their ships and cargo,” Baron Amidio said.

  “Too bad this Chronicler wasn’t on that ship. We’d have an answer about what happened,” Leocadio said.

  “Then we’d have to go to Emeth to read about it. I’m not interested in waiting for an explanation for the central bank’s failure to pay. I’m interested in being paid promptly. If I don’t make a profit, then I have little extra money to pay you. Your wages will be meager, Leocadio. You don’t want that. You want to me to be paid so that you can be paid,” Baron Amidio said.

  “Yes, of course, my lord,” Leocadio said.

  “Keep us in contact with the central bank, Leocadio. I want them to know what they are going to owe me,” Baron Amidio said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Leocadio said. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world.

  Caemgen r
ecorded this conversation into his book. He expected Amidio to eventually lose his temper over a loss of profits. He knew that the lords in Waderav were renowned for both their greed and their cruelty, and he had already witnessed Amidio use the dagger to give Goyo the scar on his cheek before sending him away.


  Under the cover of false light, Derek watched and waited. He did not yet have a specific plan. However, he already overheard Baron Amidio’s plans to guard Cinder Valley on behalf of the central bank, so he could be fairly confident that some evidence of their corruption was to be found in that location. The failure of the central bank’s commerce ship to arrive in Baron Amidio’s territory may very well be of importance. However, he suspected that was a lesser concern. Derek drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to renew his powers of light and maintain his cover.


  The Creeping Leopard sailed to the end of the river, passing through the gap in the mountain range, and then entered a gray-blue lake, followed by the other twenty-four (24) ships.

  “My lord, pull the ships out of this lake, quickly! Sailors have died here! The lake water is acidic and will burn through the hull!” Leocadio said.

  “Pull up and out!” Baron Amidio shouted at the young soldier at the ship’s wheel. The soldier pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the Creeping Leopard and elevated it to thirty (30) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel away from the lake and brought it down onto dry ground, in between the lava flows. The other twenty-four (24) ships all followed their lead and exited the gray-blue lake.

  “It seems we’re not alone, Leocadio. I hope these ships and soldiers are all reinforcements from the central bank,” Baron Amidio said.

  Caemgen recorded these events and the conversation into his book, but he did not see what was special about the lake, other than its odd gray-blue color. He did record the sight of the other ships and soldiers around.


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