Book Read Free

Ruin & Reliance

Page 103

by Jeremy Dwyer


  Kobus sailed the Staunch Carriage Five eastward across the Kazofen Ocean.

  Razmig stood by his side and said: “Master Besattoken desires more souls.”

  “Didn’t we just provide them? I still have to find a ship with a cargo worth taking. All of the ships we’ve passed so far were too well protected. There were too many cannons on the frigates that were escorting them,” Kobus said.

  “Master Besattoken has a hunger for souls that never dies,” Razmig said.

  “What about us? What about making a profit?” Kobus asked.

  “Material gain is less important than spiritual power,” Razmig said.

  “We live in a material world. The only way to make a decent profit here is to take over a loaded ship that’s easy to catch and plunder. When we see a good target, we can send out the spirits to attack the crew and make them kill each other. Help me find that ship and you can collect the souls. Only this time, I want the ship’s cargo,” Kobus said.

  “I will ask Master Besattoken to lead us to another ship,” Razmig said. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He spoke into the spirit world and said: “Master Besattoken, we seek another ship to capture so that the crew may be slain and their spirits given over to your power.”

  The voice of Besattoken spoke into his spirit and said: “Seek the Silver Jackal, a vast and wealthy ship with thirty thousand (30000) soldiers. Send for the spirits to possess them and compel them to slay each other. Then, perform the ritual to consign their spirits to me. The ship is concealed – only rarely have I sensed it – so you must search diligently.”

  “Kobus, we have a new command from Master Besattoken. We are to find the Silver Jackal and kill its crew, to give their souls over to him. The ship is vast and wealthy, so you may plunder it when we are finished,” Razmig said.

  “Where is the Silver Jackal? I need directions so I can steer,” Kobus said.

  “The ship we seek is well hidden. We must search diligently,” Razmig said.

  “This is a big ocean. I don’t know what you expect to find, or when. We don’t live forever. Not even a few thousand years. You have to give me something better than that. North, south, east, west, something to narrow it down,” Kobus said.

  “We must do our best to serve the master. Using all of our abilities, we must search for the Silver Jackal and hand over its crew to our master,” Razmig said.

  “It’s just us. This is going to take a long time, and we’ve got long odds against us,” Kobus said. He continued sailing the Staunch Carriage Five eastward across the Kazofen Ocean.


  Inside her fortress, Polyxene continued experimenting with the remaining yellow-green gems. She examined them further, looking for ways to extract yet more power, and to understand how to duplicate them. She created an aperture in her diamond armor through which she drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to manipulate crystals and stones. She then sealed the aperture and focused on analyzing the low-level structure of the yellow-green gems from every angle imaginable.

  Nearby, the swirling darkness in the first ruby spire came to a standstill. “My minions have brought me reports of armies gathering in Cinder Valley in Waderav,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the spire.

  “And?” Polyxene asked.

  “The battle has not yet begun. The enemy has not presented itself,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the first ruby spire.

  “This is interesting to you, Evethixomar, not to me,” Polyxene said.

  “My minions also tell me of another demon known as Besattoken. He is leading a ship across these waters in search of spirits to subdue. He has captured many, and they are held in a lapis lazuli. The swarm is sent against the living, to possess them and drive them to kill each other. Then, a ritual encases them in the crystal,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the first ruby spire.

  “I should like to take hold of this demon for myself. Then, both he and the spirits he has captured will serve me,” Polyxene said.

  “Give me freedom and I can bring the lapis lazuli to you, and thereby lure the demon to you,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the first ruby spire.

  “You are wasting your efforts bargaining for freedom. I’d rather have both of you in my collection,” Polyxene said.

  “Then I can do little to help you,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the first ruby spire.

  “You can tell me their position and heading. You know what will happen if you don’t,” Polyxene said.

  “They are heading eastward. The ship is currently one hundred thirty-nine (139) miles south of this mountain fortress,” the voice of Evethixomar said, vibrating through the structure of the first ruby spire.

  Once again, Polyxene glided across the crystal fortress floor toward the second quartz dome. As she did previously, she placed her hands on the base of the dome to alter its low-level structure, thus releasing a small amount of the energy of the violet stellar core within. The solar energy permeated the fortress floor, and the entire mountain began to move southeastward across the Kazofen Ocean.


  On board the Silver Jackal, Ransu caught sight of a ship. “I see a ship, moving eastward, on a nearly parallel course, only eleven (11) miles to the south,” he said.

  “And I see a massive tidal wave – five hundred twenty (520) feet tall! The ocean was calm and it just jumped up out nowhere! It’s one hundred thirty-seven (137) miles to the north and headed this way! Fast!” Gabija said.

  “That’s not right!” Ransu said.

  “Tell the captain! Change our course!” Gabija said.

  Ransu ran across the deck toward the wheelhouse and yelled through the open door: “Tidal wave! One hundred thirty-seven (137) miles to the north!”

  Captain Kyosti looked through the window and saw the tidal wave with his vision of ordinary range, meaning that it was now less than (10) miles away. He felt intense fear. “I see it! What moves that fast?!” he yelled.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Razmig and Kobus both heard the rushing water and looked northward to see the massive tidal wave heading their way.

  Kobus tried to steer the ship out of the way, but the massive wave crashed down on the deck and sent the vessel careening off course.


  On board the Silver Jackal, the tidal wave smashed into the deck and snapped the six (6) central masts and sails. Large sections of the deck railings broke and the brigades of soldiers were tossed about. Of the thirty thousand (30000) warriors, eighteen thousand nine hundred sixty-two (18962) were swept out to sea and died.

  Inside the wheelhouse, Tapani struggled to orient the ship after the tidal wave’s impact and just barely managed to prevent it from overturning.

  Out on deck, Gabija screamed: “We’ve lost the cloak! The ship can be seen!”


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, both Kobus and Razmig could see part of another ship suddenly become visible.

  “That ship is partially cloaked! Now, we can follow it!” Kobus said. He steered the ship toward the spotted vessel.


  On board the Silver Jackal, Gabija screamed: “They see us! The other ship is moving in!” She ran across the deck, heading toward the wheelhouse and screamed over and over again: “They see us!” Ransu was standing at the doorway when she arrived.

  Inside the wheelhouse, Tapani and Captain Kyosti both overheard this.

  “Get off the water! Move fast!” Captain Kyosti yelled.

  Tapani pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Kobus pulled
levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He followed the target ship.

  “Do not lose sight of them! Master Besattoken will be angry if we fail!” Razmig said.


  Tapani sailed the Silver Jackal southeastward through the air above the Kazofen Ocean and traveled over the Glivoran Trail land bridge. He continued on this course and traveled above the Trerada Ocean, heading southwest toward the Farmer’s Road land bridge.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Kobus sailed the ship and following the other vessel to the best of his ability, heading southwest above the Glivoran Trail land bridge, then over the Trerada Ocean, heading toward the Farmer’s Road land bridge. “That ship is too fast! I can only see part of it! If I blink, I’ll lose it! We can’t stay in the air too long. We’re overexposed to the suns! We’ll burn!” he said.

  “Do not stop! Do not slow! We must not fail!” Razmig said.

  “We have to send the spirits to attack the crew! That’s the only way to stop them!” Kobus said.

  “Then do it!” Razmig said.

  Kobus let go of the ship’s wheel and took hold of his staff. He tapped it on the floorboards and said: “Go forth!”

  A swarm of spirits came forth from the lapis lazuli and raced toward the other ship.

  Kobus then took hold of the ship’s wheel and continued steering it to purse the other vessel.


  On board the Silver Jackal, a swarm of spirits attacked the remaining eleven thousand thirty eight (11038) soldiers on deck, and they began to fight and kill each another.

  Inside her cabin, Tearlag sensed the swarm of hostile spirits. She drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean to be further energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. She then knelt down to pray and said: “I pray to Thee, My God, My Protector, to keep this ship safe and to send these wicked spirits away. Work through me, Your Servant, and use the power given to me by Your Ocean, to dispel the evil.”

  Inside the wheelhouse, Tapani struggled to steer the ship southeastward over the Farmer’s Road land bridge, then over the Pirovalen Ocean, heading rapidly toward the Scholar’s Path land bridge.

  On deck, the spirit swarm moved about, looking to possess the remaining soldiers, but then the haunts suddenly fled back toward the lapis lazuli that was held on the other vessel.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Razmig sensed the spirits returning to the lapis lazuli crystal atop the staff. “Why are the spirits returning?” he asked.

  “I don’t know! You tell me!” Kobus said. He continued following the other vessel as both ships sailed through the air at high speeds.


  Inside the wheelhouse of the Silver Jackal, Captain Kyosti said: “Bring the ship down to sea level in the Port of Hithagredil! We can’t stay at this altitude! We’re overexposed to the suns!”

  Tapani pulled levers to return the ship to sea level, but even the twelve (12) masts that remained after the tidal wave impact were heavily damaged and they didn’t pivot correctly back to their upright positions. As a result, the massive ship didn’t level and it crashed violently into the docks, where it struck other vessels.


  The Blazing Payback was sheared in half as the massive cargo ship fell from the air and ripped through its hull. Captain Fernao and his crew reacted as best they could by jumping overboard into the Pirovalen Ocean. They swam ashore and gathered together in the docks.

  In the turmoil of the ship’s destruction, the captives – Mayor Langford, Meliora and Zenaida, whose hands were still tied – fell overboard and were left to fend for themselves. Owing to the Trerada waters he drank, Langford had the enhanced vitality to hold his breath longer than his lady friends and propel himself with just his legs. By kick-swimming, he made it to shore where he rested safely. Zenaida and Meliora went underwater, lost consciousness, and drowned.


  Inside the wheelhouse of the Incisive, Agent Kenaz pointed toward the open air and said “I hear the ship’s movements! There!” only moments before something raced past his field of view.

  Agent Noach heeded the sudden warning and steered the Incisive almost completely out of the path of the partially cloaked massive cargo ship as it approached. His reaction speed and maneuvering were far from perfect, however, and two (2) of the Incisive’s masts were snapped off in the collision with the much larger descending vessel.


  Kobus sailed the Staunch Carriage Five behind the other vessel. He pulled levers and lowered the ship gently into the Pirovalen Ocean as he watched the massive cargo ship crash and destroy or damage several other ships that were docked in the port.

  “Send the spirits again!” Razmig said.

  Kobus picked up the staff again, tapped it on the floorboards once more and said: “Go forth!”

  Again, the swarm of spirits came forth from the lapis lazuli and began attacking the nearest sailors, soldiers and dockworkers in the Port of Hithagredil and the ships anchored there.


  While standing on the docks, and still soaked from his fall into the Pirovalen Ocean, Captain Fernao felt a hostile spirit enter into him. The ghost possessed him and he was compelled to attack Zeferino. The strong man defended himself by punching Fernao back so hard that he fell unconscious. Zeferino then felt a spirit enter into him and he punched Rafael, Margaux and Bartel in a single stroke, stunning all of them.

  Saskia telepathically sensed Zeferino’s intent to attack and avoided it. Tiago cloaked himself in darkness so that no one could strike him.

  “Stop! The spirits are making us attack each other!” Aletta said. She focused her own spirit powers to dispel the swarm of haunts, but she struggled because of their number. No spirit entered her, and she pushed the evil spirits out of the still-unconscious Fernao and the still-belligerent Zeferino before he could strike at her.

  “I’m me again!” Zeferino said.

  “I hope I can keep it that way! There must be thousands of spirits attacking!” Aletta said.

  “We’re safer in the deep darkness, where the spirits cannot see,” Tiago said from under the cover of darkness. He extended his powers to cloak the unconscious captain and the rest of the crew, and then the spirits could not find them. Tiago drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to further energize his powers of darkness and maintain the cover over himself and the others.


  The swarm of evil spirits did not relent, moving in to possess the crew of the Incisive. Of these, only Agent Cheveyo was resistant. He focused his own powers and dispelled the haunts from the crew, but not before Agent Noach was slain with a dagger wielded by Agent Claudia while she was possessed. Admiral Tiede was severely wounded by the same dagger in his neck, just missing his jugular vein.

  “It’s taking all I have to keep the evil spirits away!” Agent Cheveyo said.

  “I’ve never turned on my allies! I’ve never done such a thing!” Agent Claudia screamed.

  “It’s not your fault, Claudia,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “She might do it again! All of you might, if the spirits don’t relent. I cannot repel them forever. They are legion,” Agent Cheveyo said.

  “The deep darkness is outside of the reach of spirits,” Agent Leilah said. She drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of darkness. She then exerted her powers to cloak herself, Admiral Tiede and the rest of the crew, including Agents Prudencia, Gavriela, Kenaz, Glyn and Cheveyo. Thus concealed, the swarm of spirits passed over them.


  On board the Silver Jackal, inside the wheelhouse, Captain Kyosti said: “We need to get everyone off this ship and repair it! The hull must have been breached!” He pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp, hoping that anything still worked. He then ran out on deck, followed by Tapani, Ransu and Gabija.r />
  Captain Kyosti directed the remaining soldiers to exit the ship. Gabija hurried over to Tearlag’s cabin, opened the door and pulled her sister out on deck. Ransu, Tapani, Gabija and Tearlag ran down the boarding ramp, in between the brigades of remaining soldiers and went ashore. Captain Kyosti exited the ship last. When he stepped onto the pier, he could see the massive destruction to the hull and the gaps corresponding to the six (6) missing masts, as well as the twelve (12) remaining, heavily-damaged masts.

  “The evil spirits are here. Stay close to me,” Tearlag said. Gabija, Ransu and Tapani huddled close to her while she stood on the docks at the western edge of the Port of Hithagredil. Tearlag continued exerting her spirit powers – and praying – and the swarm of evil spirits kept its distance.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Razmig watched with delight as the dockworkers, merchants, soldiers and sailors became possessed and killed each other. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He performed the ritual to capture the spirits of the fallen by invoking the power of Besattoken.


  The spirits of hundreds of slain soldiers, sailors, dockworkers and merchants – including Agent Noach, Meliora and Zenaida – all found themselves confined in a strange realm that was a deep shade of blue. They were weak and restful, having none of their former strength, speed, wit or determination. Their energy nearly completely left them, and they did not have any understanding of what this meant.


  On board the Staunch Carriage Five, Kobus tapped the staff again and said: “Go forth!” Hundreds of additional spirits went forth, attacking the living throughout the Port of Hithagredil and overriding their inborn will, compelling them to slay each other. With each new attack by the spiritually-possessed residents and visitors in the port city, Razmig captured more souls of the slain and Kobus used the staff to summon the newly captured spirits to incite even more attacks, gathering thousands.


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