Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 108

by Jeremy Dwyer

  CHAPTER 63: Mystery of Destroyer and Captor

  Erikkos and Kastor led the remaining three thousand three hundred fifty-seven (3357) farmers and two hundred fourteen (214) stonecutters through the maze of tunnels inside the mountains surrounding Cinder Valley. Kastor followed the map he held and it led them to a chamber filled with lava and dotted with rocks.

  “On top of those rocks, I see deposits of sap. It looks like it is slowly taking the form of the yellow-green gems. They are absorbing the heat from the lava,” Kastor said.

  “That’s what we came here to get, right?” Erikkos asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t think they’ve been heated for a long enough time. It still looks to be mostly liquid, with only small crystals forming,” Kastor said.

  “But it has been here longer than the raw sap we have with us. We should take what we see and use it,” Erikkos said.

  “If we interrupt the process, we can’t be sure the gems will be of any use. We should place the new sap here to let it bake in the heat for some time. We can return for it in a few months and measure its progress, as well as the changes in the sap that’s already here,” Kastor said.

  “We should take what we can, while we can,” Erikkos said.

  “I disagree. Nothing I am seeing makes me think that these crystals are ready to be used,” Kastor said.

  “We should take some now, to test how good they are. We can wait for the rest,” Erikkos said. He stepped off of the tunnel walkway and onto a stone jutting out of the lava. He then leaned over and stepped onto another stone, and then another until he reached a rock that was covered in small crystals and sap. He started picking up small yellow-green gems – twenty-six (26) of them – and placing them into his coat pocket. He dropped seven (7) more that were too hot to the touch and lost them in the lava.

  “Get back here! You’re wasting the crystals and risking your life. If you fall into that lava, there is nothing to save you!” Kastor said.

  “The stones are close enough together that I was able to make it easily,” Erikkos said.

  Kastor’s perceptions were enhanced by the Ursegan waters flowing through him. He noticed something move at the side of the chamber. He turned to face it and saw red liquid as it began dripping from the walls. “We should take ourselves out of here! At once!” he said. Kastor began to move out of the chamber and back toward the entrance. He ran as quickly as he could without waiting for the drip to become a flow, because he assumed – without proof or evidence – that it would soon become a torrent.

  Erikkos ran across the rocks that spanned the lava, returned to the tunnel walkway and followed behind Kastor. The two hundred fourteen (214) remaining stonecutters and the three thousand three hundred fifty-seven (3357) remaining farmers ran behind both of them.

  “No! I hear more soldiers! One thousand five hundred (1500) of them, coming through the tunnels,” Erikkos said.

  “I am not surprised. We will have to hide again,” Kastor said. He exerted his powers to delay the movement of light around himself and Erikkos, concealing them from view. They stood still to avoid stumbling into a battle.


  Under the cover of darkness, Ghoukas and Baldovino followed them, moving as quickly as possible to avoid being touched by even a drop of the burning lava that was beginning to drip out of the tunnel walls.


  The battalion of one thousand five hundred (1500) soldiers marched toward the farmers and stonecutters and a battle ensued. The fighting was fierce, and the untrained laborers were still tired from their previous conflict. The numerical advantage of the farmers and stonecutters was not enough to prevail, and they were all slain. However, the lingering effect of the song that Erikkos used to enthrall the laborers also emboldened them while fighting and their stone weapons were undeniably dangerous, even if far less than ideal in their quality. As a result, the soldiers were reduced in number to two hundred nineteen (219) and they departed immediately after the battle ended.


  Concealed by his power to delay time, Kastor and Erikkos watched as their conscripted farmers and stonecutters were eliminated. Erikkos continued listening for the sounds of the soldiers until he was satisfied that they were gone.

  “We’re alone now,” Erikkos said.

  Kastor eased his powers so that they were no longer concealed, although no one was around to see them – as far as they knew.

  Erikkos reached into his coat pocket and revealed three (3) of the small yellow-green gems he captured. “I have these. Twenty-six (26) of them,” he said.

  “That is a small victory for a large effort, but we will have to make the most of it,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos placed the three (3) small yellow-green gems back into his coat pocket.

  “We still need to leave here quickly,” Kastor said. He continued running through the tunnels and Erikkos kept pace with him.


  Under the cover of darkness, Ghoukas and Baldovino followed them through the tunnels, moving as quickly as they could.


  The surviving two hundred nineteen (219) soldiers ran through the tunnels and went back outside to meet Baron Penko, Hywel, Edorta and the battalion of five hundred (500) soldiers.

  “My lord, we encountered intruders near the magma chamber and killed them all,” the leading soldier said.

  “How many were there?” Baron Penko asked.

  “Around three thousand five hundred (3500) – all poorly trained, but carrying stone weapons and shields. That is the reason we suffered so many losses, my lord,” the leading soldier said.

  Baron Penko exerted his powers to peer into the mountain as far as he could, including around the corners of the maze of tunnels, which diminished his full range. “The enemy is defeated. I see no more signs of them. Hywel, seal the mountain,” he said.

  Hywel pushed the stone doors closed and then exerted his powers to manipulate the low-level structure of the stone in the vertical strip of mountain wall between them. He thus sealed the mountain shut.

  “Edorta, inform the Premier Governors that the enemy has been confronted and defeated,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Edorta said. He exerted his powers to connect to the spirit world and made contact with a familiar spirit. He sent the message through and awaited the response. When it was received he said: “My lord, the Premier Governors are pleased with this report. Now, they want you to remain at the ready and continue protecting the tunnels from further intrusion,” he said.

  “We’re going back to the castle. The soldiers will return to their barracks and await my further orders,” Baron Penko said. He marched along the road leading back to his castle, followed by Hywel, Edorta and the seven hundred nineteen (719) remaining soldiers from the original brigade of five thousand (5000).

  The soldiers split off and returned to their barracks while Baron Penko, Hywel and Edorta returned to the castle.

  The guards opened the castle gate and admitted Baron Penko and his henchmen. They walked through the hallways of the castle toward the throne room.

  Hywel and Edorta waited in the hallway while Baron Penko opened the door to the throne room. The baron entered and walked to the far side, where his throne was positioned. Before sitting on it, he saw that a stream of lava was flowing from a breach in the back wall of the room, which was carved out of the mountain side. The wall quickly gave way, releasing a torrent of molten rock. The burning stream incinerated Baron Penko before he could escape.

  Hywel and Edorta both watched in horror and then ran through the castle corridors. Edorta exerted his power to leave the material world and enter the spirit world so that he could not be touched by the molten rock. Hywel exited the castle altogether and then fled into the wilderness.


  “Onora, now is the time,” Kaija said.

  Lady Onora drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power of music. The lyrics and melody formed quickly in
her prayer-filled thoughts and she began to sing:

  Among all of the elements,

  The strongest are the stones.

  Yet they are not firm enough,

  To make His Altars or His Thrones.

  No matter what you believe,

  God is the source of all creation,

  Who formed all of the elements.

  He gives life and strength immense.

  On Him we rely for salvation.


  In this desolate valley,

  The protective hymn resounds throughout.

  God's Ocean Water Harmony

  Vindicates the faith of the devout.

  Among all of the elements,

  The warmest are the suns that burn above.

  Yet they are not hot enough,

  To rival His Radiant Love.

  No matter what you believe,

  God is the source of all creation,

  Who formed all of the elements.

  He gives life and warmth immense.

  On Him we rely for salvation.


  Among all of the elements,

  The richest are the waters of the seas.

  Yet they are not precious enough,

  To fill His Majestic Treasuries.

  No matter what you believe,

  God is the source of all creation,

  Who formed all of the elements.

  He gives life and riches immense.

  On Him we rely for salvation.


  Among all of the elements,

  The greatest are your spirits found within.

  Yet they have not prayed enough,

  To learn His Laws and avoid ruin.

  No matter what you believe,

  God is the source of all creation,

  Who formed all of the elements.

  He gives life and greatness immense.

  On Him we rely for salvation.


  An unseen shield formed around her, deflecting all danger. The poisonous gray-blue lake waters did not fall upon Lady Onora, Kaija or Romana, Saku, Colonel Lodokus or Lieutenant Mazavida, Captain Pradrock or Akantha, Ruth, Elise, Sophie, Patrick, Molly, Sean, Ciaran, Odhran or the other fifty-six (56) farmers. The corrosive liquid did not touch the Consecration of the Hopeful or the Resolute Traverser or the Sandstone Cutter nearby.

  The Chronicler Ximenez recorded the song into his book, including both the lyrics and the melody. He watched as the caustic gray-blue waters fell in a circle around the group of people and the nearby ships, but left the people and the vessels untouched. He drew sketches of the acid rainfall and how it was deflected.

  The Chronicler Alonso also recorded the song into his book. He paid close attention to the falling acid rain, and how it corroded the land outside the protected area. He drew sketches of these things into his book.

  “We are safe. See for yourselves. The burning lake waters cannot touch us. They fall in every other place,” Kaija said.

  “Onora, your voice – your song – is amazing! You’re just as powerful as Elise. Your music is keeping us safe. I believe what I see, and I can see that much,” Ruth said.

  “She is a woman of deep faith. God gave her that singing voice, just as He gave the gift of music to me,” Elise said.

  “The ground around us is burning when the lake waters fall on it. The waters must be acid, but they’re not falling here,” Ciaran said.

  “For now…let’s hope it lasts,” Sean said.

  “I see it, and I even believe it, but we still shouldn’t be here. This place is dead. The whole valley is worse than a grave,” Sophie said.

  “I do believe we are safe. However, I can’t believe that anything will grow in this valley ever again,” Odhran said.

  “Why are we still here?” Molly asked.

  “Even if we’re safe for now, this valley is getting worse by the second. They’re right. We do need to leave,” Patrick said.

  “We need to stay. The spirit wants us to be here,” Akantha said.

  “The environment has become extremely perilous. Yet, Akantha says that she believes the spirit’s message, and I trust her in these matters, despite the obvious dangers,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “The command to come here was given by God. This is where we need to be. We cannot run or hide from Him. We need to have faith in God’s Plan,” Kaija said.

  “God will provide for us, and for the land,” Romana said.

  “What has God provided? The Pirovalen waters make the song powerful, not your fables and folklore,” Colonel Lodokus said.

  “God provided the oceans. The power of the music is ultimately from Him,” Onora said.

  “You’re a fool to believe in anything other than the oceans. It was an ocean – not a mythical deity – that gave the power to your song. Your music can help us escape before the valley floor melts away. We need to go now!” Lieutenant Mazavida said.

  “You have the power of light, Lieutenant Mazavida, yet you don’t see the truth. Learn to have faith and see God’s Plan for you, for all of us,” Kaija said.


  The corrosive gray-blue liquid poured down upon the Riches of the Albatross and the nine (9) accompanying ships. Duchess Siana, Duke Rhys, Lovise, Yrian, Quianna and Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael were burned to death, along with their crew and the four thousand (4000) soldiers. Their ships melted away.


  The spray of caustic lake water rained down on the Creeping Leopard and the twenty-four (24) ships in its fleet. Baron Amidio, Leocadio, along with their five thousand (5000) soldiers and Derek – while still under the cover of false light – were burned to death. The ships dissolved from the corrosive liquid.

  The Chronicler Caemgen recorded all that he saw into his book and walked safely onto dry ground.


  From the spirit world, the Guardian Angel Ondothel stood guard over Caemgen. He made certain that not a single drop of the corrosive gray-blue liquid touched the Chronicler. Even his book was shielded from the acidic substance.


  The corrosive lake water drenched the Marshland Wolf and the accompanying vessel. Prince Istvan and Colonel Abirad, along with their scouts and four thousand (4000) remaining soldiers, were all burned to death. The ships melted completely.


  Under the cover of darkness, Gilroy walked across the Cinder Valley floor. However, the darkness was no protection, and he was burned to death by the falling gray-blue corrosive lake water.

  The three (3) dark scouts sent by Baron Amidio were equally vulnerable and shared his fate.


  Colonel Ghenadie watched from a mile away as ships were burned and their crews were killed. “My lord, the burning lake water has destroyed many of the ships and soldiers around us. We are safe, but we cannot protect them,” he said.

  “It is not our mission to protect them, Colonel Ghenadie. It was their mission to protect Cinder Valley, and they failed. Now, we will defend this location, and we will receive all due credit. The central bank will be in debt to us alone. They will have no choice but to reward us alone,” Count Nemanja said.

  “My lord, I see five (5) people approaching, under the cover of darkness,” Colonel Ghenadie said.

  “They are close enough that I sense their thoughts, my lord. I know who they are. It is Baron Helladius, along with his telepath, Kerenza, his spirit medium, Cahal, his dark scout, Lygia, and his light scout, Arngeirr,” Colonel Iulan said.

  “And?” Count Nemanja asked.

  “Their army was assigned to guard the north passage, but was slaughtered. The soldiers began to attack one another. Hostile spirits possessed them and caused the mutiny,” Colonel Iulan said.

  “This enemy is powerful. Their defeat will be a testament to our abilities…and our importance,” Count Nemanja said.

  “My lord, we have no defense against spirits,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “Make a plan, Colonel So
rina. You have a sharp mind. I trust your strategies and tactics,” Count Nemanja said.

  “My lord, I suggest that we should not remain in this valley. The very ground is burning away from the acid rain. We can move out and let any remaining enemies perish when the land collapses beneath them. The air is thick with ash, so it will sicken anyone who isn’t protected. They won’t be able to remain here alive. And neither can we…not for long,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “Nonsense, Colonel Sorina. We came here to guard against intruders. If we are afraid of the environment, and they are not, they will win,” Count Nemanja said.

  “We serve best on the battlefield, my lord. This is a wasteland. We can’t survive here for long, even with these swords to delay the impact of the perils,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “You’re afraid of everything, Colonel Sorina. How you do anything at all amazes me,” Colonel Crina said.

  “We did not come here to fail, Colonel Sorina. There is no acceptable excuse for that,” Count Nemanja said.

  “This is a strategic withdrawal, my lord. Colonel Ghenadie can monitor the valley with his far sight. If the enemy forces die from the acid rain, we have succeeded. If they try to escape, we can catch and kill them,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “We are safe here, Colonel Sorina. The enemy may also be safe, and well-hidden. We need to find and destroy them,” Count Nemanja said.

  “I know just how to find them and make them weak,” Colona Crina said. She began to undress, starting with opening her shirt.

  “No, Colonel Crina. Seduction is not an option. I need my soldiers ready for battle, not watching you undress and losing their focus,” Count Nemanja said.

  “If that’s what you prefer, my lord. I just like to give it everything I’ve got. I’m not the kind to get scared and run away. I’d rather get close enough to catch them, then hold them tight,” Colonel Crina said and she closed her shirt.


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