Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 109

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I’d prefer to defeat our enemy. This is no time for playing games!” Count Nemanja said.

  “I play to win, my lord. And when I win, you win,” Colonel Crina said.

  “I want you to fight and eliminate our enemy, Colonel Crina, not get pregnant by their soldiers and multiply their numbers!” Count Nemanja said.

  “No! Who is this? Where are they?” Colonel Ghenadie screamed as one thousand eight hundred sixty-seven (1867) of the soldiers in his brigade were slain by something he could not see.

  “I sense nothing new! I cannot read their thoughts!” Colonel Iulan said.

  “I see no one in false light. There is no sign of this enemy!” Colonel Dumitru said.

  “We cannot strike what we cannot see! Move out!” Colonel Sorina said. She led her brigade of two thousand two hundred fifty (2250) soldiers in a strategic withdrawal, running eastward.

  “No! Traitor!” Count Nemanja screamed.

  “They were attacked on the way out! Only seven hundred thirty-one (731) escaped!” Colonel Ghenadie said as he watched Colonel Sorina’s retreat.

  “She’s a worthless coward! I should have known!” Count Nemanja said.

  Colonel Dumitru watched in horror as one thousand nine hundred fifty-eight (1958) of his own soldiers were suddenly slain by an unseen enemy. “No! Where? Who?” he screamed.

  “I still can’t see them!” Colonel Ghenadie screamed.

  “Half of you, lower your swords to strike. The other half, hold them high to deflect the acid. Alternate! Strike! Deflect! Strike! Deflect! You heard me! Do it!” Count Nemanja said.

  The surviving soldiers across all four (4) remaining brigades chose alternate sword positions – half holding them high, the other half extending them to strike.

  “Now! I dare you to strike at me! Come at me! Whoever you are! Wherever you are! I fear neither the warrior nor the wasteland!” Count Nemanja screamed. He held one (1) of his own swords high up to deflect the acid rain and the other sword in a fighting stance, ready to strike.


  The spirits of Duchess Siana, Duke Rhys, Lovise, Yrian, Quianna and Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael, along with their fallen soldiers, as well as the spirits of Baron Amidio, Leocadio, along with their fallen soldiers and scouts and the Ihalik spy Derek, in addition to the spirits of Prince Istvan and Colonel Abirad, along with their fallen soldiers and Gilroy, as well as the spirts of the slain soldiers from Count Nemanja’s army, and the spirits of Baron Penko and his slain soldiers and the farmers and stonecutters whom they fought, all found themselves confined in a strange realm that was a deep shade of blue. They were weak and restful, having none of their former strength, speed, wit, perception or purpose. Their energy nearly completely left them, and they did not have any understanding of what this meant.


  From his cave high up in the mountains, Nov’Talod held the staff with the lapis lazuli at the tip and watched it glow ever brighter as more spirits entered. The pearl in his left hand alternately pulsed light and dark as spirits from the valley below reflected off of its surface and were sent into the lapis lazuli.

  CHAPTER 64: Valley of Peril and Death

  On board the Yield Adjuster Twenty-Seven, Captain Nicomedes both assisted and directed his sailors in firing the final shots of variable gems out of the cannons. Nandru and Yarina Bazavador supervised the attack and watched the crystals pierce the mountains. Upon completion of this operation, Nandru Bazavador said: “Come with me, Captain.”

  Nandru Bazavador led Yarina and Captain Nicomedes as they walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse where Sunniva was steering the ship.

  “Sunniva, position the ship near the southern wall of the valley. Remain at this altitude or higher so we can safely watch,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  “We are already at the maximum altitude of one hundred twenty (120) feet. We cannot safely go higher,” Sunniva said.

  “You are wrong, Sunniva. Ships can safely ascend to well above one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude when they’re in the shade of mountains,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  “Yes,” Sunniva said. She steered the Yield Adjuster Twenty-Seven southward through the air above Cinder Valley and hovered the ship near the mountain wall.

  “Why here?” Yarina Bazavador asked.

  “The first shot was fired into the southern mountain wall. That created the earliest rupture, so it should cause the first collapse and release of a steady lava flow,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  “And we’re this close to it?!” Yarina Bazavador asked.

  “We can steer the ship away from the mountain wall, and still observe,” Captain Nicomedes said. He hoped for cautious decisions to be made, and could offer suggestions, but couldn’t disobey the commands he was given while under telepathic control.

  “There’s nothing to gain by putting ourselves at risk. Move the ship away from the mountain wall, Captain,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “No. If we move away from the mountain, we won’t have the shade. Sunniva, elevate the ship to six hundred (600) feet of altitude,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  Sunniva pulled levers to gradually elevate the Yield Adjuster Twenty-Seven but she stopped at three hundred ninety-one (391) feet.

  “She had to stop here. The gaps between the mountains allow light to pass through and break the shade. The gaps widen with increasing altitude,” Captain Nicomedes said.

  Nandru Bazavador probed both their thoughts, then looked out the window and said: “I suppose this will do for now.”

  Yarina Bazavador looked at the lever that controlled the ship’s altitude and noticed that it was at three hundred ninety-one (391) feet. “Is this even safe?” she asked.

  “At the moment, it appears to be. Make no mistake: we will have to leave long before the valley fills completely with flowing lava. I just want to watch it begin,” Nandru Bazavador said.


  Judith walked across the valley floor, fully protected from the torrent of caustic gray-blue liquid falling down all around her. She approached Count Nemanja and said: “I am Judith, Chronicler of twelve hundred forty-five (1245) years. Under the authority of the Oath, I will observe your actions in this place, and record all that I hear and see.”

  “Excellent, Chronicler! I am more pleased to see you than anyone could ever be! Today, on this battlefield, you will witness my victory and record it for the ages. Your book will serve as proof that I, Count Nemanja, controlled Cinder Valley and defeated the invaders! I want to show my gratitude for your arrival at this historic moment, trustworthy Chronicler. Your written words – describing my triumph – need to be read by everyone. May I kiss your hand in thanks, Judith?” Count Nemanja said.

  “No. I am only here to record the truth, not to become your friend or servant,” Judith said. She drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to slow the passage of time. She exerted this power, both to extend her own life and to be able to observe fast-moving events in full detail.

  “Of course not! What need have I for friends? No, I am here to defeat an enemy. If I must repeat myself, I will: I dare my attacker to strike again! Come out of your hiding place and strike at me!” Count Nemanja said.

  From where he waited in the spirit world, Lavakara overheard Count Nemanja’s demands. He was more than happy to oblige, so he drew his sword from its sheath and then appeared in the material world directly in front of the warlord.

  “Now you are mine!” Count Nemanja screamed. In his left hand, he held a dark-bladed sword skyward to repel the falling gray-blue corrosive liquid. With his right hand, he swung his other dark-bladed sword toward the lightly-armored warrior who had just appeared before him.

  Lavakara swung his own sword and it slowed – then suddenly stopped – as it came nearer to the dark-bladed sword, but before the edges made contact. He realized that the weapon was immobilized, and therefore useless to him now, so he exerted his powers and vanished into the spirit world.
  “Coward! Come out of hiding and surrender to me! You cannot defeat me! You were disarmed so quickly that you have no hope of winning! Your power comes only from stealth! You are not a true warrior!” Count Nemanja screamed. The sword that Lavakara dropped hovered in the air, next to the dark-bladed sword that Nemanja held in his outstretched right hand.

  Lavakara reappeared behind Count Nemanja and grabbed hold of the warlord’s left wrist. He pulled it downward hard and fast, causing the dark-bladed sword to strike another of Nemanja’s soldiers, cutting open that warrior’s face and chest. The dark-bladed sword fell out of Nemanja’s left hand and down to the ground.

  Count Nemanja spun around and brought his right hand forward, propelling both his own dark-bladed sword and the previously-immobilized-and-hovering sword into Lavakara’s heart, killing him.

  “Thank you!” Lavakara said with his dying breath. He exerted his spiritual power and pushed his spirit toward Count Nemanja, in order to steal the body of the superior warrior.

  Judith recorded all of this into her book – the words and the actions in the battle – despite the speed at which everything occurred. She was not at all bothered by Lavakara’s death, even though she privately preferred that the rival warriors suffered mutual defeat.


  Before the soul transference could occur, the spirit of Lavakara was confined in a strange realm that was a deep shade of blue. He was weak and restful, having none of his former strength, speed, wit or purpose. His energy nearly completely left him, and he did not have any understanding of what this meant.


  “You’re welcome, cowardly weakling,” Count Nemanja said. The conflict with the mysteriously appearing warrior was brief. However, during the momentary struggle, neither of the dark-bladed swords that Nemanja held was pointed upward. The skyward dark-bladed weapons wielded by half of Nemanja’s nearby soldiers afforded their leader only partial protection from the rain of caustic gray-blue liquid. The corrosive fluid fell upon Nemanja’s head, neck, back and arms and began to burn him severely. Within one (1) minute, his armor was breached, exposing all of his skin. Within two (2) minutes, his vertebrae and spinal cord melted and his heart stopped beating. Within three (3) minutes, Count Nemanja’s entire body was completely dissolved.

  Judith recorded all of this into her book, including the final words of Count Nemanja and the grisly details of his body melting away.


  The spirit of Count Nemanja was confined in a strange realm that was a deep shade of blue. He was weak and restful, having none of his former strength, speed, wit or purpose. His energy nearly completely left him, and he did not have any understanding of what this meant.


  While under the cover of darkness and standing in a nearby alcove formed by the mountainous border of Cinder Valley, Rexana and Zoe watched the war unfold only two (2) miles away. They saw that Lavakara was destroyed in battle and that Count Nemanja was killed by the gray-blue poison that rained down on him.

  Fenella telepathically monitored their thoughts, and shared the knowledge with Vadim and Brant. She also added, telepathically, the instruction: “Vadim, keep us well hidden. Everyone else, keep quiet. Count Nemanja was the leader. With him dead, his army might scatter, but they’re still dangerous. This is not our fight. Not yet, anyway.”

  Vadim drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to refresh his powers of darkness. He thereby maintained their cover of darkness. The alcove protected them from the falling gray-blue caustic liquid.


  On board the Consecration of the Hopeful, Reko watched the battle unfold. He saw the defeat of both warriors: the leader by the rain of acid and the other combatant by the sword. On board the Resolute Traverser, Massimo saw the same. Jolene telepathically probed Massimo’s thoughts and transmitted this report to Captain Pradrock.


  Kaija telepathically monitored her crew and learned about all of this. “The leader of the largest army has been killed by the corrosive liquid after he defeated a hidden warrior. We still aren’t sure where the acid rain is coming from,” she said.

  “The enemy army may not surrender right away. If the power and authority is divided among lieutenants, they can still lead and fight,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “And we’re still here, in danger,” Ruth said.

  “Because we’re still being led around by fools who believe in fables,” Sophie said.

  “Your own leadership didn’t get you out of trouble, Sophie. I know how you attempted to trick Baron Vizakrid. Your scheme only made the situation worse, before it got better. Elise’s faith is what saved you. Because of her belief in God, He gave her the power of music. By His Grace, the song let you walk safely through the fire and go free. You know this,” Kaija said.

  “We had to try something! We couldn’t wait around and let him abuse us! There was trouble and we got out! That’s my whole point! Waiting around here to be killed isn’t the answer. We have to get out!” Sophie said.

  “You are safe right where you are,” Kaija said.

  “We might be safe here for the moment, but standing at the edge of a battlefield isn’t the same as living our lives. This valley is no place to call home,” Ruth said.

  “Be patient, Ruth. We need to wait until the proper time before we move anywhere,” Kaija said.

  “What makes you so sure?” Ruth asked.

  “Are going to tell me you’re reading God’s Mind like you do with us?” Sophie asked.

  “No. I wait for God to lead me. That’s why I pray to Him for guidance. He leads me to where I have to go, step by step. Along the way, I do what I must, to serve Him,” Kaija said.

  The Chronicler Ximenez recorded all of these conversations into his book, along with a description of the ongoing decay of the land immediately outside their protective circle. He felt confident that God, in fact, was protecting them.

  The Chronicler Alonso also recorded all of these conversations into his book. He sketched out images of the progressive ruination of the surrounding lands as the acid rain continued to fall. He did not have any confidence – in either direction – regarding protection by God. It was not his place to judge, only to observe, record and – hopefully – learn.


  Under the cover of darkness provided by Lygia, Arngeirr watched the battle unfold. He saw that Count Nemanja defeated an attacker in battle, but was then destroyed by the acid rain. The only reason the caustic downpour didn’t threaten him or his group was that they had found an alcove in the mountain wall.

  Kerenza probed Arngeirr’s mind and telepathically transmitted this information to Cahal, Lygia and Baron Helladius.

  Cahal exerted his powers to make contact with a familiar spirit through whom he transmitted a message to the central bank, informing them of what had occurred. He received a response through that same spirit.

  Kerenza knew immediately the instruction that had been given to Cahal and telepathically transmitted the message to Baron Helladius, Lygia and Arngeirr: “We need to leave Cinder Valley at the first opportunity and monitor the area from the outside, reporting back what we see to the central bank.”

  “How can we leave? If we step outside this alcove, we’ll be melted away by the acid rain,” Arngeirr said.

  Kerenza telepathically transmitted a message to Baron Helladius, Arngeirr, Cahal and Lygia: “Be quiet! You’ll be heard! A hidden enemy may yet be here! Do not move or do anything to attract attention! We need to see the end of the battle before we can move! I know that we can’t go immediately!”

  “I can’t run on the best of days. I cannot run through this,” Baron Helladius whispered.

  Kerenza telepathically transmitted a message to Baron Helladius: “Please, my lord, be quiet and do not worry about going anywhere. None of us can hope to outrun this storm of acid. If we cannot all walk together, we cannot go anywhere at all. We’re staying where we are until the environment is safe and the battl
e is truly over.”


  Nandru and Yarina Bazavador stood inside the wheelhouse of the Yield Adjuster Twenty-Seven and waited for the results. The ship hovered three hundred ninety-one (391) feet above the valley floor, and was positioned only twenty-seven (27) feet away from the southern mountain wall, where the first puncture had been made by the cannon-fired gems. “In just a few moments, we should see something,” Nandru said.


  The cannon-fired gems that were embedded into the mountain walls began to expand in place, as their low-level crystal structures were designed to do. The small punctures they initially made – which slowly leaked lava – suddenly became gaping holes. The molten rock trapped within those mountains became raging rivers, spewing forth from the apertures and pouring down onto the valley floor.


  The new, raging lava rivers flooded Cinder Valley, incinerating Colonel Iulan, Colonel Dumitru and Colonel Ghenadie, along with their brigades of soldiers, including the brigade that served under Colonel Crina. The time-slowing powers of their dark-bladed swords could only protect them from the torrent of gray-blue corrosive liquid raining down or from the lava flowing around them, but not from both, so they were burned to death by one peril or the other.

  Colonel Crina’s Trerada waterbinding protected her personally. The dark-bladed sword she held slowed time around her feet so that the lava did not approach her. The falling corrosive gray-blue liquid burned her skin when it made contact, but she healed immediately and was able to run to higher ground, with her health and beauty intact.


  Zoe and Rexana saw the raging lava rivers moving quickly across the valley floor, but they were protected in their alcove, along with Fenella, Vadim and Brant. Fenella probed the thoughts of Zoe and Rexana and felt they were being overconfident in the safety of their position.

  “We can’t stay here. We have to go!” Fenella said.

  “The acid rain will dissolve us if we go out there. There’s nowhere to run! Stay here! We’re safe! The lava probably won’t come here. We’re off to the side of the valley, in this alcove. I don’t think it will flow around every corner,” Rexana said.


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