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The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905

Page 170

by Demon Translations

  He, along with Nalan Ruxue’s group of five, altogether were already six people. Cheng Yixiao took two Late Stage Profound Congealing Cultivators as he rushed towards one of the Blood River Peaks, while the other Early Stage Profound Core Cultivator took the rest of the two people as he also rushed towards the other Blood River Peak.

  But Jia Lingwei and her trio did not follow them, that was because they had not even reached an agreement with Cheng Yixiao to form a team with them. In any case they can’t always form a team right after they spotted the Blood River Red Lotus behind them, right?

  Moreover, Nalan Ruxue also did not follow up to help them collect the Blood River Red Lotuses, which made the Yan Ji trio not understand what was the matter with her.

  “Senior Apprentice Sister Ji. Although I do not care how you see me, but the two of us have often been mentioned together in the same breath, moreover we both are also disciples from big Academies. If this Ruxue has made some mistake and offended you in any way, then I really would like the chance to apologize to you here. Furthermore, Junior Apprentice Sister Yan, I really have no idea why are you acting like this towards me, I do hope you would be able to explain it to me, and make it clear as to what this matter is all about.” After the rest of the people had rushed forward to collect the Blood River Red Lotus, Nalan Ruxue calmly looked at the Yan Ji trio and spoke.

  Her tone was also mild, it was obvious that it was not to actually express her apologies, but because she had always thought Yan Ji as a Senior Apprentice Sister of hers. But the way she was holding herself in her eyes was not entirely in the style of a Senior Apprentice Sister. But because the two people’s various speech tones and actions always had a hint of childish tendencies, because of which they were always called as the Le Continent’s ‘Twin Lotus Flowers on one stock.’ Moreover, the people who usually met them every day would only say that as to pay some lip service to their existences. In the event of something happening between them, perhaps it might even spread out to the people who had grudges with their two great Academies.

  “I have an opinion to share with you, even though the reputation of the Wu Nian Academy is something that touches the sky, I’m not from the Wu Nian Academy, so why must I be pleasant with you?” Zhangsun Yan was already smouldering with resentment towards her, now that Nalan Ruxue brought herself to the door, how could she let this opportunity go.

  Nalan Ruxue’s thoughts were apparently even more magnanimous than Zhangsun Yan’s, as she still spoke in a calm tone, “Wu Nian Academy IS a 9 Star Academy, it is not something that I made up. As for the affairs of the Wu Nian Academy, they are the worries of the Academy Elders and the Academy Head, I’m just a small disciple that has no relation to it. Besides, I did not necessarily want you to be pleasant towards me. Although I Nalan Ruxue might not have an extraordinary character, but it does not mean that I will always show warm feelings while end up meeting with cold rebuke.”

  Seeing the Jia Lingwei was going to speak up, Zhangsun Yan bluntly derided her, “I am not convinced by you who uses a borrowed knife to harm others, you even ungratefully plotted against Senior Apprentice Brother Ning Cheng. Senior Apprentice Brother Ning Cheng had braved danger and death to save you, yet you not only appreciated the effort, but even went so far as to plot against him, and even maligned him, is this how your so called 9 Star Academy conducts their affairs?”

  “Weren’t you only touched in your chest just once? Senior Apprentice Brother Ning Cheng had also touched my chest, but do you see me calling out to others and secretly plotting against him with a borrowed knife? Not to mention me, even Senior Apprentice Sister Ji and Elder Sister Lingwei’s chests were also touched by him, do you see them clamouring to plot against him? Is your chest so valuable? Is it not just meat and fat? Or is it that it is made out of Best Quality Spirit Stones?”

  “Aah……” Nalan Ruxue stared at Zhangsun Yan in shock, although Zhangsun Yan was very young, but one should not speak out in such an irresponsible manner aah. Besides those remarks, the Zhangsun Yan from this time was completely different from the one she remembered aah.

  Seeing Jia Lingwei silently looking at her, Zhangsun Yan finally realized that the cat was out of the bag now, as she had said the words ‘Ning Cheng’ out loud. Fortunately, this did not necessarily mean that Nalan Ruxue would realize that Cheng Xiaoning was Ning Cheng.

  All these things were originally in the past, but now that Zhangsun Yan had brought it out in the open, Yan Ji’s face immediately felt as if it was burning.

  Jia Lingwei suddenly broke this extremely embarrassing situation and spoke, “Junior Apprentice Sister Ruxue, it seems that you really misunderstood that Ning Cheng. You should have realized it later that he had indeed saved you, Yan Yan is usually frank and candid with her words, I hope you do not mind it.”

  She was very depressed at the moment, how long had Zhangsun Yan followed Yan Ji? Yet her mouth had become even more outspoken.

  “What?” Nalan Ruxue was still shocked and had only spoken two characters, but before she even had the time to even react, Yan Ji suddenly rushed sideways towards a distant Blood River Peak.

  “It’s Elder Brother Cheng……” Zhangsun Yan screamed out, as she hurriedly brought out her own magical weapon as she also hurried past her.

  Ning Cheng was completely surrounded by endless hordes of Blood River Otters. With having no way out, he finally had no choice to bring out the True Cosmic Devil Axe. Using the True Cosmic Devil Axe to cast out an Axe Line, it immediately aroused a baleful Devilish Aura that felt that it could cover the entire sky.

  Originally there were numerous Blood River Peaks here, and each Blood River Peak had many churning Blood River tributaries, giving out sounds that were enough to even shake the heavens. Ning Cheng just wanted to find a nondescript Blood River Peak and fight with the Blood River Otters above it, so that it would be difficult to discover him. But now that Ning Cheng had brought out the True Cosmic Devil Axe, then even if he did not want to be found out it would have been very difficult.

  Jia Lingwei immediately rushed up and grabbed Zhangsun Yan, “Yan Yan, are you crazy, you are just an Early Stage Profound Congealing Cultivator, do you really want to court death that much? I will go there; you just wait for us with Ruxue here.”

  Zhangsun Yan finally sobered up, she knew that her cultivation was the worst among them, as such even if she wanted to help it would only prove to be a hindrance. But then she immediately thought of Jia Lingwei’s True Essence being almost exhausted, and quickly spoke up, “Senior Apprentice Sister Lingwei, you cannot go there, your True Essence is almost exhausted, and has yet to be fully recovered.”

  “There is already no need for me to go up……”

  Jia Lingwei was looking at that distant place where the river waters from the Blood River Peak were just about to surge, she knew that it was the prelude for the High Tide of the Blood River Peak and could only helplessly look on.

  “Senior Apprentice Sister Ji……” Zhangsun Yan cried out in a shocked voice, as she once again rushed out only to find out that Yan Ji had already disappeared.


  Just as Ning Cheng was forced to bring out the True Cosmic Devil Axe at that time, he already realized that he had no choice but to retreat from that place, he had already observed that the aura of the Blood Rivers tributaries all around him were starting to surge, he came to the conclusion that it should be because of the high tide. Ning Cheng had already prepared himself for the Blood River High Tide, but he knew that he could not begin any later.

  Sweeping out with the Axe Line’s violent Killing Intent, even those Blood River Otters that were able to fly were completely defenceless under this kind of violent Killing Intent, and were instantly killed the moment the Axe Line touched them, exploding in a bloody haze.

  In just a split second, Ning Cheng took back his axe while simultaneously retreated, he knew that if he continued to linger around the time of the high tide, then even if had the Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings,
his behaviour would simply be akin to seeking death,

  Stimulating the Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings, Ning Cheng slipped past the air above the Blood River tributaries. But then a powerful suction force erupted from a hidden whirlpool beneath the surface of the Blood River tributaries, apparently wanting to suck in Ning Cheng into the Blood River. Even then Ning Cheng was not much worried, all he had to do was to increase his power output to increase the acceleration produced by the Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings.

  He already was aware that flying over the Blood River would result in a strong suction force being directed at him, however as long as he had the Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings then he only needed to increase the acceleration to be safe.

  However, at this time the suction force, just like a dam bursting, reached towards Ning Cheng’s body from the river, Ning Cheng’s heart suddenly sank, he finally realized that his understanding of the Blood River Mountains was not fully correct.

  The suction force acting on him now was a hundred times more powerful than before, not to mention that even if he crazily stimulated his Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings, even if he recklessly incited the Twin Heavenly Cloud Wings to the point of destruction he would not be able to hold up against this kind of terrible suction force.

  “Bang……” A huge Blood River Tide rushed over, this wave was as if it was attracted to Ning Cheng. Swallowing up Ning Cheng it swept him away down the Blood River.

  Yan Ji had rushed close to Ning Cheng’s place, she already realized that the high tide of the Blood River had already begun a moment before, and saw Ning Cheng being swept away by a huge wave from the Blood River. But before she could panic out loud or even react, the next wave had already swept towards her position.

  Chapter 0213 – At The Bottom Of The Blood River

  Translated By – DemonKiller

  Checked and Edited By – MissLucifer and CurlyAdi

  Proofread By – SmartyMouth

  Please do not host our works anywhere else without permission.

  Ning Cheng had heard from other people before that the waters of the Blood River had very strong corrosive powers, now that he had no place to escape, his first reaction was to enter the Mysterious Yellow Bead. But just at the instant the tide exploded onto him, Ning Cheng did not enter the Mysterious Yellow Bead, but rather used his True Essence to put up a shield around him.

  Once the True Essence’s shield could not protect him from the tides comprised of the blood coloured waters, only then would he try to enter the Mysterious Yellow Bead.

  But on this slice of the Blood River Mountains, there were already a lot of disciples from the big Academies that had already arrived, as such once the Mysterious Yellow Bead’s Aura was exposed, then he definitely would not need to guess as to what would happen to him. Moreover, he also had the reputation of being a Devil Cultivator which was simply not good at all. In the case of not having any relevant benefits to them, even though the situation would plunge downwards for him, but at the very least it would definitely not give rise to the situation of some mighty figures taking the initiative to chase him to death. However, he had the Mysterious Yellow Bead, once the Mysterious Yellow Origin Aura was exposed, then even if he managed to escape to the ends of this world, there would always be someone who would still hunt him down and kill him.

  More importantly, he himself did not know if he could actually enter the Mysterious Yellow Bead, but at least he knew that at the moment his True Essence Shield could provide him with an ironclad support in here as long as he could keep it up.

  What made Ning Cheng to let loose a sigh of relief, was that this Blood River’s water and the water from the ordinary rivers did not seem much different. Other than a bit of fishy smell, it could even be called as the same. Even when he was at the early stages of the Essence Building Realm he could still create a True Essence Shield in the water, now that his cultivation was hundreds of times much more powerful than at that time, as such how could it pose any problem for him at the moment? Although the True Essence Shield was being hit repeatedly by the waves of the bloody water, but these impacts did not pose much of a threat to him.

  Feeling the flow of the blood red waters outside, Ning Cheng was thinking of something that was completely unrelated to this affair.

  Crashing into this Blood River did not seem to be such a great matter that it was made out to be, even if the waters of the Blood River had strong corrosive powers, but just using one’s True Essence to form a shield, one could easily guard against the waters of the Blood River, then why did it pose such a threat to the cultivators inside the Law’s Waw? Why did Zhangsun Yan say that it was so fearful? According to her, once someone was whirled away by the Blood River, then even their skeleton would not remain behind.

  At the moment he was surrounded on all sides by the waters from the Blood River, moreover there was nothing in here that could indicate that it could whittle away bones aah? One could even easily block this stuff with the help of a True Essence Shield. Ning Cheng believed that even if it was an ordinary cultivator, even they could easily achieve this.

  The Blood River kept tumbling and surging downwards. Ning Cheng could only feel that he was also being brought downwards with the flow. But as soon as he tried to resist the flow, a strong suction force immediately got hold of him, moreover the force was so powerful that just a little more and it could have easily torn through shield guarding him. But he soon realized that if he followed the direction of the tumbling and surging, the force acting on his guarding shield was a lot lighter, at least it was not enough to break through it.

  Ning Cheng was somewhat depressed in his heart, but at least he was able to to ascertain this fact early on. The suction force from the whirlpools inside the Blood River was still separated into strong and weak areas, if he had not collected the pair of Blood River Red Lotus, then he would have already been brought to the bottom of the Blood River.

  He did not know for how long he had been suspended in such a situation, when Ning Cheng suddenly felt that the surroundings around him had seem to have suddenly become empty. Moreover, he could even feel dry ground underneath his feet. The suction force and even the Blood River waters had completely disappeared, while underneath his feet was sand granules that were completely pitch black in colour. The smallest of these sand granules were as big as the size of a pea while in contrast to it the largest was slightly bigger than a fist.

  But what made Ning Cheng amazed was that this place was very huge, even when he deployed his Spiritual Consciousness to his maximum possible limit he still was not able to find the edge of this region, moreover what was even more terrible was that there was not even a scrap of Spiritual Qi in here. That’s right, it was not that the Spiritual Qi in here was thin, but rather this place did not even have a hint of Spiritual Qi, it was even inferior to cultivation practice environment back on Earth.

  Moreover, the entire surrounding area all around was covered in a dark red light, it was as if it was reflecting the colour of the Blood River, making it seem completely lifeless and without any vigour.

  Ning Cheng carefully walked a few steps forward. Before he found some bones underneath his feet, along with fragments of magical weapons. Seeing this Ning Cheng’s heart immediately sank. As his mind immediately conjured up the scene. If one fell into the Blood River then they would actually be transported to this place, but this place did not even have a scrap of Spiritual Qi, did not have any life, did not seem to have a way out, and did not even have the slightest sound. In this kind of place, other than dying, one would not have a second path to walk on. Even if one did not die, they would definitely go crazy if they stayed in such a place for a long while.

  No wonder Zhangsun Yan had said that the Blood River was very corrosive, maybe it was because once a person fell into the Blood River they would be transferred here, in a place with no Spiritual Qi and seemingly no way to come out, it would only lead to a slow death, without allowing anyone to come out.

  Ning Cheng looked up at the
sky, it was still a dark red in colour, one could simply not even know what was behind the dark red cover that covered the entire world. It gave a feeling of not being able to breath, which made Ning Cheng feel oppressed and irritable. He must exit this place, otherwise staying in this place was equivalent to a living death sentence.


  “Aaaah……” Zhangsun Yan blankly was still watching the distant thunderous sounds coming from the Blood River and was crying non-stop, and was mumbling on to herself for a good long while, “Big Brother Ning gone…… Elder Sister … Elder Sister Ji was also unable to make it out……”

  Nalan Ruxue and Yan Ji’s relation was just one of acquaintances, as such when Yan Ji disappeared into the Blood River, she was not as sad as Zhangsun Yan, instead she asked in a doubtful tone, “Big Brother Ning? Isn’t he Cheng Xiaoning?”

  She had realized that Yan Ji had made a move to try and save someone, because of which she had asked out about it, however just as she asked about it, she felt that something was wrong.

  Sure enough Jia Lingwei spoke with a sigh, “Cheng Xiaoning is Ning Cheng and Ning Cheng is Cheng Xiaoning, he was the one who had saved you people.”

  “WHAT?” Nalan Ruxue screamed out in alarm, and then spoke, “How is that possible? Ning Cheng only had the cultivation of Essence Building Realm, but Cheng Xiaoning, he was able to……”

  Nalan Ruxue did not continue, as her thoughts finally struck upon the link between Ning Cheng and Cheng Xiaoning. Previously she did not know if that Cheng Xiaoning was Ning Cheng, moreover she simply did not even think about it, but now that she heard that Cheng Xiaoning was Ning Cheng, she immediately perceived the things that were common between them.


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