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Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3

Page 9

by Laura Burton

  “Would it be too presumptuous of me to assume we will have a second date?” he asked, a bit of an Eaton accent coming through. Julie had never heard anyone speak to her in such a formal way, except for the private-school boys back in England. She nodded shyly. “I have to go to a charity event this weekend.” He took a nervous breath and squeezed Julie’s hands. “I would love to take you as my plus one.”

  His words sank like rocks in the pit of Julie’s stomach. Sitting in this tight gown for a few hours was torture enough. The idea of attending some fancy charity dinner with cameras, other famous people and all that came with those kinds of affairs had Julie’s stomach doing backflips. She did not like attention. Couldn’t they just hang out at her apartment and watch Netflix like normal people? As she prepared to turn him down, the hopeful look on Harry’s face melted her resolve.

  “Okay, but can we do something else first?”

  Harry let go of her hands and sat back with his brows raised again. “What did you have in mind?”

  Chapter Four

  An Ugly Surprise

  “I have to admit, I’ve never done this before,” Harry said warily as he helped Julie scale the steps into the carriage. He glanced across the road to Benjamin, who was standing in the shadows and gave him a nod. He craned his neck to look back to see the rest of the security team in position. They were perfectly safe, but it was not advisable for a billionaire to take a nighttime stroll through Central Park. At least they were in a carriage.

  “Neither have I,” Julie said. “It’s such a beautiful night though, don’t you think it’ll be lovely?” She settled down on the wooden bench. Harry climbed up into the carriage and gave her a sheepish grin in response. He pulled out a red rose from his jacket and handed it to her.

  “A red rose, for the damsel in the red dress,” he said as he gave her his best smolder. “I stole that from a movie.”

  “Did you take this from the restaurant?” Julie asked pointedly.

  Harry’s smile faltered, a little deflated by her reaction.

  Clearly this woman misses nothing.

  Despite her disapproval, she hesitantly took the flower. “And I suppose you plan to steal my heart, too?” she asked coyly. Her eyes glowed like lamps, and her lips were round and plump. Sitting in such close proximity sent rushes of heat through all parts of Harry’s body. He swallowed nervously.

  “I––” His voice was too high. He swallowed harder and cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Julie turned away and looked down.

  “Oh” was all she said. The carriage rolled forward and the steady sound of the horses’ hooves hitting the path was relaxing. Harry rubbed his sweaty palms against his pant legs.

  You can do this, Harry. Be cool.

  He softly pulled back Julie’s white blonde hair from her neck and she turned to look at him. Their noses hovered less than two inches apart. Her uneven breaths tickled his cheeks.

  “I only mean, I would never assume your heart was for anyone to own,” he said quietly. She blinked her long lashes and her lips fell apart slightly. “But if it was… then it must be earned. Not taken.” He spoke barely above a whisper. She stared at him for a moment, then he heard her breath catch and saw her pupils dilate. Her plump lips curved upward and her eyes sparkled.

  Nice save.

  The wheels of the carriage bumped, and Julie cried out as she fell forward. Harry instinctively held her up. Had he not reached out, she would have face-planted in his lap. He inwardly laughed at the thought.

  “Are you all right?” he asked as she righted herself, her hand pressed against her heaving chest.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, a little breathless. “That just caught me off guard.”

  “Are you always this clumsy?”

  Julie glared at him and a look of defiance rose in her face. She gestured to her dress.

  “It’s this stupid gown,” she said. “I can hardly breathe, let alone move properly. I’ll have you know that when I’m wearing normal clothes, I’m not clumsy at all.”

  Harry gave her a casual smirk.

  “Oh really? You sure about that?” he asked, pointing to the Band-aid on Julie’s finger. She followed his line of sight and smiled bashfully. Sensing she was a little distracted, Harry moved closer and took her hand. He raised it to his face and gently pressed his lips on her finger. “Well, I’m sorry you don’t feel comfortable. For what it’s worth… you look like a million dollars.”

  It was true. Her milky complexion was a stark contrast to the deep shade of red she was wearing, and the dress fit her like a glove, accentuating her curves and flowing out at the bottom. Her blonde hair hung in loose waves over her shoulders and her big eyes had him captivated all evening. What color were they? Amber? Yellow? Brown? Sometimes all three. They kept changing. Like being drawn to a magnet, he moved forward and stopped barely an inch away from her lips. He waited. Her eyes were studying him and he could see her mind racing, trying to decide what to do. Then the carriage jolted, and their lips collided. Harry cupped her face with his hands and moved tenderly. Julie moaned or sighed; he wasn’t sure. Her small hands clutched the back of his jacket, bidding him to continue. Fireworks set off in all directions in Harry’s brain. His lips tingled and he felt it all the way down his arms to his fingertips. The kiss ended too soon, and Julie moved back a little leaving Harry wanting more.

  “I’m sorry,” Harry said quickly. Tightness spread across his chest and he padded his jacket looking for the familiar shape of his inhaler. He felt it pressed up against his shirt.

  “For what?” Julie asked.

  “For the pun.”

  “What pun?”

  Harry pulled out the inhaler and turned away quickly as he took a deep breath.

  “Are you okay?” Julie asked.

  He calmed. Turned back to her and held up the inhaler with a broad grin.

  “You take my breath away.”

  Harry clasped his hands behind his back as he strolled beside Julie along the road. Benjamin and his team were close by but keeping a distance, in the hope Julie wouldn’t notice. He did not want to suffocate her with all the security on their first date, or deal with all the questions that inevitably came with finding out he had an entourage.

  “Well, this is me,” Julie announced as they came to a stop. Harry looked up at the steps to a multi-story apartment building.

  “You have a green door,” Harry thought aloud. Julie looked up at it.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Harry gritted his teeth.

  Why did I say that?

  Nerves were kicking in again.

  “Green is my favorite color, so I’ll remember that.”

  “You’ll… remember the color of my door?” Julie’s puzzled look sent blood rushing to the surface of Harry’s skin. He was certain his entire face must look beetroot red now.

  “I don’t know why I said that, I don’t mean to sound—”

  “—like a stalker?” Julie asked. Harry stopped breathing for a moment and stared at her in horror. Julie’s face broke out into a wicked smile and she brushed his arm with her fingers.

  “You’re lucky I find it endearing and not creepy.”

  Harry gulped. What now? Do they hug and say good-bye? Could he lean in for another kiss? Maybe he should shake her hand. While he stood there, his brain running through the scenarios, Julie rose on tiptoes and gently brushed her lips against his cheek.

  “I’ve had a wonderful evening,” she said. The warmth in her voice made Harry feel fuzzy and happy inside. He nodded, unable to find his voice. Julie eyed him carefully, her head tilted to one side. She turned away, then shot him one more look.

  “You know, you’re a bit different. But you really are a gentleman,” she said. Harry could detect a hint of surprise in the tone of her voice. He swallowed and raised his hand in an awkward wave.

  “That’s me.” He flashed her a Cheshire cat smile. Julie shook her head to herself and picked up
her dress as she climbed the steps.

  “I had a wonderful time too,” Harry called after her. “I think you’re great. Better than great. I’m sorry I’m weird. But I’d like to see you again!” Sweat started to form above his lip and across his brow.

  Stop talking. Stop talking.

  “You will see me again. We’re going to that charity event, remember?” Julie called back, now fiddling with her keys. She stood at the top of the steps in the elegant gown, and her long blonde hair flowed freely to her lower back. She looked like a goddess.

  “The charity thing…,” Harry murmured to himself. His mother’s face popped into his head and he jumped with realization. “Oh yes, the charity thing. I’ll call you about it tomorrow?” He shouted. Julie nodded back at him as the door swung open.

  “Good night, Harry.”

  He raised a hand to his heart as it fluttered with excitement at the sound of his name.

  “Good night.”

  Harry returned to his apartment in a haze. He paid no attention to the muttering staff grouped together across the street. He did not hear Benjamin speaking to him in urgent tones as they sat in the back of the car. He was not even aware of the engine rumbling and the car swinging side to side as the driver navigated the roads. He just sat in a bubble of happiness, replaying the events of the evening.

  Julie twirling her platinum hair and blinking at him coyly across the dinner table at the restaurant and the way she gazed at all of the lights in their private balcony and took in the view. She scrunched up her nose and wriggled it to the side at one point, as if trying to scratch an itch without using her hands. And she sat so poised and elegant, though a hint of a pout told him that perhaps she would prefer to be wearing something more relaxed.

  “It’s this silly dress, you see.”

  He couldn’t remember the exact words she used, but Harry found it refreshing that Julie was so honest. In the Hollywood business, women rarely said a word about their clothes in a negative way. All the actresses walked in the most impractical shoes and dangerously tight and revealing gowns. Harry often wondered if there was some unspoken competition between the women: Who wore it better, whose heels were highest, how many ruffles could they fit on a skirt?

  “Sir, I need you to listen.”

  Harry blinked out of his daze and looked at Benjamin.

  “Sorry, I was miles away….”

  “Yes. I need to make you aware of an event.”

  “What is it? Pushy paparazzi? Rogue reporters?”

  “This is no laughing matter, sir.”

  “Sorry, Benjamin.”

  “It has been brought to my attention that you were being followed.”

  “By who?”

  “It is uncertain at this stage, and we were able to deter the individual from coming too close.”

  “Who do you think they are? Surely you have your theories.”

  “If I’m honest, I think it was a hired investigator.”

  Harry stared at Benjamin’s bushy brows with intensity as he tried to process the news. He puffed out the air from his cheeks as the car came to a stop.

  “Right, well thank you for informing me.” Harry made to leave the car.

  “That’s not all.”

  He stopped short and looked pointedly at Benjamin, whose face had turned grim. He slowly pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his jacket.

  “One of my men found this. It’s addressed to you.”

  Harry took the note and smoothed out the creases to read the single line.

  Walk away now, or I will destroy you.

  Chapter Five

  Lady Luck

  Julie closed the door and twirled on the spot with a squeal.

  “So, how did it go?”

  She jumped and cried out in surprise at the unexpected voice, then turned to see Emily sitting cross-legged on the couch. A black cat purred in her lap, and she looked up at Julie as she walked in.

  “Emily. What are you still doing here?” she asked. Emily raised a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and gave a happy smile.

  “I couldn’t leave Tabby here all alone,” she cooed as she tickled the cat’s ears. Tabby purred and looked at Julie as if to say, “I like her more than you.” Julie stood rooted on the spot, still reeling from shock. Then, a rush of excited energy flooded her veins and she broke into a dance.

  “It was amazing,” she said breathlessly. Emily moved the cat and jumped to her feet with a little scream.

  “Tell me everything. Spare no details.”

  “Harry is so sweet, and he’s totally not what I expected,” Julie began, her eyes glazing over as she replayed the date.

  “Oh, Harry, is it? You’re on informal terms, then?”

  “We had our own private balcony with fairy lights and everything.”

  “How romantic.” Emily sighed and clasped her hands together.

  “He kept apologizing for things,” Julie noted. “Oh, I nearly forgot.” She raised a hand to her cheek with horror. Emily rested her hands on her hips and surveyed Julie.


  Julie looked at Emily as if she was seeing her for the first time. “I was so clumsy, like the stereotypical girl in a romcom. It was mortifying.” She arched her back and attempted to reach the zipper, but Emily marched across the room and took over.

  “So, are we talking, you dropped your purse on the floor? Or you spilled your drink over the table?” She loosened the gown and Julie could breathe deeply for the first time in hours.

  “I nearly fell flat on my face,” she said pointing to the long skirt of her gown. She picked up the dress and tiptoed to her bedroom. Emily followed closely behind.

  “Nearly? So, you just tripped, right?”

  Julie grinned as she recalled Harry holding her tightly; she could still feel the warmth of his hands on her back when she thought about it.

  “Harry caught me.”

  Emily nodded with approval.

  “I knew it. I just knew you two would get along.”

  Get along? He’s perfect.

  “So, he’s a client of yours, right? What is he looking for?”

  “A kitchen broom.”


  “Don’t be daft, Julie. He is looking for a girlfriend, obviously.” Emily rolled her eyes with a tut. “And after meeting him, your face came to me.”

  Julie shrugged the dress off her shoulders, stepped out of it and carefully draped it over a chair. Then she grabbed a pair of leggings from her dresser and yanked them on. The soft stretch material felt like coming home after a long day.

  “He kissed me.”

  “Of course, he did,” Emily replied, nodding with approval. “How was it? Were there fireworks?”


  “Are you going to see him again?”

  “He’s going to call me tomorrow, but he already said he wanted me to be his plus one at a charity thing.”

  Emily paced the room in thought.

  “Charity thing,” she said to herself. “Hmm. I wonder which one he’s talking about. We’re going to need to take you shopping again.”

  Julie pulled on a sweater and collapsed onto her king-size bed, exhaling deeply. Tabby meowed to announce his arrival and leapt onto Julie’s legs and stretched out. Julie tickled his tummy.

  “Okay, you’ve given me the highlights. Now tell me everything. Start from the beginning and leave nothing out.” Emily climbed onto the bed as well, and sat up like an excitable puppy, waiting for a treat. Matchmaking was Emily’s job and her bright, expectant eyes showed Julie that this was the part she loved most, so she told her everything. Even the short conversation they had with Merlin and their shared favorite story, The Sword in the Stone. She described the carriage ride. The kiss. Harry’s lame joke after it. Everything.

  “… and then I came in and you nearly scared me to death,” Julie finished.

  Emily’s eyes were tearing up.

  “I told you,” she said, obviously pleased with herself. Juli
e fell back onto the plush pillows and stretched her arms out with a yawn. They had been talking for hours. It had been a long day hunched over the sewing machine, followed by a date strapped into a restrictive dress; the muscles in Julie’s back screamed at her.

  “Told me what?”

  Emily propped herself up on an elbow and looked pointedly at Julie.

  “I told you it was the perfect day to fall in love.”

  Julie threw a pillow at Emily’s smug face.

  “I’m not in love.”

  Yet, she thought silently.

  Julie woke up to the sound of dry heaving. She blinked into the sunshine to see Tabby’s face towering over her and before she could move, the cat coughed up a sticky fur ball that fell right onto Julie’s forehead.

  “Gross,” she moaned as she grabbed a tissue to wipe it away, then jumped out of bed. She was at the sink when the phone vibrated loudly on her nightstand. Tabby screeched at the noise and fled the room. Julie’s heart thumped against her ribcage as she wiped her face with a towel and hurried to retrieve the phone.

  “Hello?” she said in a high voice. She cleared her throat and tried to steady her nerves.

  “Is this Julie Andrews?”

  “Yes, yes this is she.” Julie glanced at the number on her phone. The male’s voice did not sound like Harry.

  “Our client came in to collect her gown this morning. Problem is, the gown is not here. Please tell me you have it.”

  Julie’s stomach lurched. In all of the excitement, she completely forgot about the dress she was working on. She glanced at the clock, her throat swelling up with anxiety.

  “Yes, sorry, Frank. I brought it home to finish over the weekend.”

  “Julie, the client is coming back at 4 p.m. You better have it here, in perfect condition––don’t forget it’s not insured outside the office. If anything happens––”

  “Nothing will happen. I’m just doing some final touches and will get a cab. I promise.”


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