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Breaking the Habit: The Breaking Series #4

Page 26

by Leigh, Ember

  “Fuck.” Levi grinned so wide, it damn near stretched off his face. “I think I’m gonna cry.”

  “I’m not saying I want to be in the tabloids all the time. We can find a balance, you know? Figure out how to work it. How to make it work.”

  “I should warn you…there’s probably going to be an article coming out sometime about me peeing on your house.”

  A laugh escaped her. “Did you piss on my house?”

  “I did, but only accidentally, and because I was waiting for you for hours after the fight on Saturday. Nikki wouldn’t let me in because she’s a good friend to you. So, you know. If they spin it that I was hexing your house with my urine or something, don’t believe it.”

  Laughter overcame her. Because it was ridiculous. All of it. And for the first time in her life, she could handle the frustrations and absurdity of it all. With Levi at her side, she had not only a partner but a jokester in crime. She wouldn’t be suffering alone.

  Not anymore.

  “And if you get mad at me again,” Levi went on, “I’ll send John Stamos to make it better.” His eyes sparkled, sending amusement and heat and love curling through her, filling every last space of her body. “Instead of makeup sex, it’ll be makeup Stamos.”

  She melted against him, laughter and tears escaping her in equal measure. This man gave her something she’d always dreamt of but hadn’t truly thought could exist. This man showed her that love didn’t only injure, it could also heal. Levi surged forward and captured her lips in a kiss that stopped time. Her entire body tingled with unshakeable certainty.

  “Hey, Ri,” Levi said when their kiss broke. “Wanna hear my new joke?”

  She ran her hands through his hair. “Absolutely.”

  “It’s about bread.”

  “Tell it.”

  “I can’t stand white bread, but I looove Ri.” Levi’s satisfied smirk made her roll her eyes.

  “Okay. See, I don’t trust people who like rye—”

  “Think about it. Say it again.”

  “I love rye?” Riley asked.

  He narrowed his eyes, leaning in. “Yes. I love Ri. I love you.”

  The words from his lips stunned her, made her mouth fall open and all the thoughts inside her body grind to a halt. She must have given him the deer-in-headlights look for too long, because he squeezed her waist.

  “Did you have a heart attack?”

  She dissolved into laughter, resting her head on his shoulder, getting lost in the reassuring solidity of his embrace.

  “Oh, Levi.” Her eyes fluttered shut, and suddenly emotion was clogging her throat. “I love you too. More than I ever thought possible.”

  Chapter 34


  Riley rushed around her house, readying herself for the final fight night, take two. Nikki and Fiona rushed alongside her.

  “Fi—” Riley started, rummaging through her makeup bag. “Have you seen my—”

  “It’s here,” Fiona announced, coming into the bathroom, holding her mascara in her hand. Riley’s newest mascara acquisition worked wonders, which meant everyone constantly borrowed it.

  “Thank God,” she murmured. She needed to look perfect tonight. Because there had never been as important a night as this.

  Levi had really worked wonders with his fame. His dramatic climb from MMA obscurity to celebrity meant that the normal celebrity world had taken notice. Now, people who’d never seen an MMA match in their lives were tuning into the WFC second final. Nikki had even seen a shout-out on Twitter from Lady Gaga, which meant that this league was already going to be the most popular, even in its first year in existence.

  And Levi was at the forefront of it.

  Her belly prickled with excitement as the three of them piled into Fiona’s beater car. Riley checked and double checked that she had Levi’s house key, which he’d presented to her soon after the last fight attached to her favorite Stamos keychain that she’d thought was lost after the non-drama of Titi.

  In return, Riley had gifted Levi with her own house key. Attached to a miniature plastic orange soda bottle.

  Fiona belted out the lyrics to her newest single as they crept through traffic. Fiona had always been an amazing singer, but recently she’d been offered a serious deal by a very serious record label. And the girl was about to be going places.

  It seemed everyone was being lifted, finding success, right around the same time. Maybe Levi’s meteoric ascent had catapulted everyone around him. Holt Body Fitness was an icon in the LA gym scene now. They had a waiting list a year long for the training camp, since so many non-professional fighters wanted to train with Travis just because.

  And just the other day, Riley found her name on a list of the most influential sports photographers in history. In all of freaking history. She’d printed out the article to hang in her studio, which was undergoing a major overhaul to include her recent—and her personal favorite—work. All of which centered around MMA, Levi, and the haunting shadows and tension of the octagon.

  And that was the other thing—she could afford rent now. Several times over. Her own client base had ballooned, including welcoming on a boxer who was so impressed by Levi’s photos that he needed Riley to start something similar for him. With four viral photos in her portfolio, two ongoing sports photography clients, and a diverse assortment of creative side projects, Riley had never felt happier or more fulfilled in her career.

  And there was so much more yet to come.

  “I noticed you always sing about love,” Riley murmured as Fiona finished singing another song. “Why is that, if you’re so against it?”

  Fiona sighed and shook her head. “Love is everywhere, in everything.”

  “I think there’s someone out there for you,” Riley said, squeezing her friend’s arm from the backseat. “If only you’ll let it in.” Six months ago, if someone had told Riley that, she would have laughed in their face. But now? Every inch of her body sang with contentment. With gratitude. With excitement for what the future held at Levi’s side.

  Because now, the two of them were an out-in-the-open item. Marcus had been thrilled when Riley offered herself up on the tabloid pyre, unprompted and bitter. It only fueled his and Titi’s campaign. Now the dust had settled, and the contract was fulfilled.

  “That’s very sweet and all,” Fiona started, searching out Riley’s gaze through the rearview mirror, “but superstardom is going to be my long-term boyfriend. Haven’t you noticed? Lady Gaga never keeps a man for long. It’s part of marrying your job.”

  “Lady Gaga tweeted about the match tonight,” Nikki murmured as she inspected her lipstick in the visor mirror.

  “And probably she’s going to hook up with a variety of MMA fighters afterward, which she should do,” Fiona said.

  “I can see if Levi has the 411 on any other hotties,” Riley offered. “Maybe you can join the Holt family.”

  “Wait, can I join the Holt family?” Nikki asked.

  “I’m sure that we’ll all be related by our gym family sooner or later,” Riley said with a wink to her friends.

  When they got to the arena, Riley ducked out of the car early to head to the special access back doors as usual. She relished the distant thunder of the audience as she hurried down the narrow hallways coiling through the underbelly of the arena. This would be her last time here…for now. Until the next session, when Levi would defend his title. Which he would win tonight.

  And of course, she would be along for the ride.

  Wherever Levi went, she wanted to be there taking pictures, laughing at his dad jokes, and loving on him every step of the way.

  It wasn’t hard to want to give him everything. When Levi was so doting, so generous, so thoughtful and loving in every way possible, Riley knew that the only way forward with him was for forever.

  Riley already had the perma-grin on her face as she pushed into the dressing room. And there was Levi. Gripping the arm rests of his chair, staring into the mirror, p
erfect plaits in his hair.

  “Hey, baaaabe,” Levi crooned, catching her gaze through the mirror. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  “Keep it PG,” Travis warned. “I need all his sexual frustration in addition to adrenaline and sheer testosterone.”

  “That’s how we win fights,” Levi admitted. “I’ll kiss your face off after I win, don’t worry.”

  She dragged a finger along the top of his shoulders, over the fascinating array of freckles that lived there. “Can’t wait. I’ve been meaning to get a new face.”

  Turned out dad jokes were contagious. Levi snorted.

  “No, babe. I like yours.” He grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her back toward him for a kiss. She giggled and brushed her lips against his.

  This time around, they only spent a few nights apart before the match. Even Travis could admit that too much time apart was only going to hurt Levi’s performance.

  Riley got a few dressing room shots from different angles, even climbing on a stool to get the right angle as Travis and Lex worked on pumping Levi up. When Travis prompted Levi for his final, league-winning joke, she knew it was almost time to head out.

  “Okay. Here’s the joke. This one I made for Gage, because he’s obsessed with orange soda.” Levi paused, a serious look coming over his face. “I had a really bad dream last night that I was drowning in an ocean made of orange soda. But it turned out, it was just a Fanta sea.”

  Travis and Lex groaned.

  “Gage is going to love that,” Riley snickered.

  Levi winked at her, and Travis swept toward the door. The roar of the arena grew a little louder with the door open. Levi jerked his head for her to come over.

  “No matter what happens out there,” he whispered into her ear, “I’ve already won. Because I’ve got you and I’ve got Gage. That’s all I need, babe.”

  She peeked up at him through her eyelashes. “And winning is going to be the most delicious icing on top.”

  Travis herded him out the door, and Levi started hopping, tapping his knuckles together. As they got closer to the auditorium and Lex pulled open the door, the whoosh of noise and energy nearly bowled her over. Most fight nights, the place was full, but not packed to the brim.

  Tonight? This event had been sold out since the day the tickets went on sale, the crowd bearing down on them more intense than ever before.

  Levi strutted forward, lifted his fists while the crowd went wild. Fans leaned over the railing, reaching for him. Levi dragged his hands along theirs as he made his way down the aisle. Riley snapped as fast as she could behind him, trying to capture the mania, the starry-eyed kids, the whooping fans who went crazy for Levi Lead Fist.

  Once they made it to the octagon, Riley hurried to her spot in the photographer’s pit. The match turned into a blur once Levi had taken his position. The upbeat music that accompanied his arrival at the octagon faded away, replaced by the announcer hyping the match. Reading the fighter stats and weight.

  And then the ref arrived. Reading the rules. Riley couldn’t look away from the intensity hardened on Levi’s face. His expression alone told her that he was winning this fight. Whatever he’d been missing the last time he’d faced down Benny the Bulldozer…it was back.

  The bell rang. Levi struck fast, so fast that the punch thudded against Benny’s face before the ref was out of the cage. The crowd roared, everyone hopping to their feet. Riley fought to keep her perspective as the other photographers jockeyed around her. She’d opted for the tight lens to start with, knowing in her bones that Levi was going to pull out the antics tonight.

  The two men boxed fast and furious in the octagon, but Levi was faster and more furious. He had Benny backed up against the wall of the cage, and then Benny’s body thudded against the mat. Levi had him pinned between his knees while the punches rained down.

  The arena swelled with disbelief. Chants erupted. Riley couldn’t take pictures fast enough.

  Levi almost managed a submission before the bell rang, signaling the end of the round. He hopped to his feet, offered Benny a hand, then zipped over to Travis and Lex, who waited for him with pure joy on their faces.

  That seemed like a pretty good omen. Riley twisted around, looking up at the cascading wall of fans. Someone held up a sign that said, “LEVI LEAD FIST ME.” Higher up, another sign simply said “LEVI MARRY ME.”

  Levi had his fans, rabid and otherwise. And it only made Riley’s heart swell.

  Six months ago, she couldn’t have imagined calling this arena home. But in the froth and clamor of fight nights, she’d found another outlet for her passion.

  All thanks to Levi.

  Round two started with a bang. Levi opened with kicks at different angles, but Benny was ready. They scuffled, everyone hanging on question marks as the two fighters made no headway, just brutally defended themselves at equal paces.

  But Levi worked his magic. He tugged. Kneed the guy’s chest. And then in some wild blink of the eye, Levi had him twisted and trapped, Benny’s face mashed into the caging. Right above where she stood taking pictures. Like Levi had also thought of her in his offense, orchestrating the shot.

  Riley could always tell when fighters used some famous MMA move, because the shouts and whoops increased, even if nothing was technically happening. That happened now—the crowd roared like Levi had already won the damn thing, but to Riley it looked like he was smooshing Benny into a super painful twist. Riley panned out to get the full scope of the maneuver.

  Benny jerked once against Levi’s hold. And a second time.

  The air whooshed out of him, and then Benny himself tapped out.

  Levi stumbled back with wide eyes, the question on his lips practically a shout: are you fucking serious? Benny crumpled to the ground, holding his left arm. The ref entered the cage alongside Benny’s coach to check him out. Riley snapped pictures furiously, trying to immortalize this moment of shock and confusion.

  The verdict came. The judges called the fight. Levi won by unanimous decision.

  Levi threw his arms up, rocketing around the cage in a victory lap. The auditorium boomed with emotion, shouts and cheers and screams filling the space. Tears pressed at Riley’s throat, and she lowered the camera to watch as Levi paused his gloating to help Benny stand. He whispered something into his ear, then Benny’s coach led him out of the octagon.

  The announcer entered the cage, handing the microphone over. Levi’s heavy breathing sounded through the speakers, and then his sexy, rough voice boomed through the arena.

  “Thank you, guys…for all your support. I can’t express how much it means to me. This fight was for Gage. My brother.” Levi pointed up into the audience. “Who finally saw a win for himself. I’m donating half of tonight’s winnings to muscular dystrophy research. I have to thank Travis and Lex, my trainers. And my girlfriend, Riley. My dark angel. My inspiration.”

  Levi handed off the microphone and walked out of the cage, waving to the crowd as he left. Riley swiped away a couple tears and hurried to pack up her things and follow him back into the dressing room.

  Levi, chest heaving, his brown eyes intense and alive, waited for her in the aisleway as fans lunged for him from the seats above, desperate for contact. She ran into his open arms, squeezing her arms around him as they walked together.

  “Levi and Riley!” Fans cheered around them. Riley’s head was spinning.

  Levi swiped a thumb over her cheek, and once they pushed into the back hallway and things were quieter, he said, “I’m supposed to be crying, not you.”

  “You fucking did it, Levi! I’m so proud of you!”

  Travis and Lex whooped and hollered when they entered the dressing room. Riley’s chest hitched with a sob as she lowered her bags. The four of them fell into a group hug, Riley sandwiched in the middle as she clung to Levi’s torso.

  “You did it!” Lex’s voice was raw as he shouted it for the fifth time. “Fuck yes, man!”

  “That was the armbar s
ubmission of the century,” Travis said once the hug broke, pushing at Levi’s shoulders. “Fucking MMA legend!”

  Levi grinned and took it all in. She could tell he was lapping it up. Relishing his victory. Finally breathing easy.

  The league doctor arrived, smiling and attentive as always, saying nothing as they all shouted and reveled around him.

  “Can we please get so drunk tonight?” Lex asked.

  “I fully condone shenanigans tonight of all nights,” Travis added.

  “Yeah, I think I’m finally gonna have some time off, huh?” Levi asked.

  A cold fear struck her. She looked between Levi and Travis. “Wait. So what happens now? Are we done?”

  “For a few weeks,” Travis said. “Levi will keep training, but not as intensely. And then he’ll be on tap to defend his title. We’ll know more in a few months when that match will be.”

  “Don’t worry, babe,” Levi said as the doctor inspected his eyebrow. “You’ll be back at the cage soon enough. But you need the time off. Because you’re gonna have a busy few months coming up.”

  She lifted a brow. He talked like he had personal access to her calendar, which he definitely didn’t. “I don’t understand.”

  Levi wet his bottom lip, his tawny eyes snagging hers in the mirror. “I’ve been waiting to surprise you with this.”

  Her heart leapt to her throat, and she wasn’t sure whether to be scared or hopeful. “What is it?”

  “You know how John Stamos started following me on Twitter and then he showed up at your studio?”

  Travis and Lex watched their interaction intently. Riley’s heart thudded in her chest. “Yes…”

  “Well this other guy started following me on Instagram and chatting with me about my pictures. Which are mostly your pictures. And it turns out he’s the owner of a really sweet gallery in Santa Monica called DRK.” The smile blossomed sweet and slow across Levi’s face. “I went there to go check it out and make sure he was legit. I set up a meeting for you two to talk about your upcoming exhibition there.”


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