Daddy Boss (A Boss Romance Love Story)

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Daddy Boss (A Boss Romance Love Story) Page 15

by Bishop, Claire

  Chapter 25


  It was the day of the art show, and I was feeling really good about everything. I also woke up extra early and was excited to see Rachel. A day and a half without seeing her was too much for me. The whole thing was crazy for me to think about because I never would never have expected to feel this way ever again. After everything I’d been through, and everything that happened to me regarding Whitney’s death, I never thought that I would be even okay again, let alone feeling this way.

  Rachel and I began setting up. We had a lot to get done before the show started at four that afternoon. I was feeling really good about this one, and I knew Derek would sell it all out. He was an amazing artist, and I was so glad to represent them. Honored actually. He was my best friend and a damn good artist.

  “You know Rachel,” I started, as we were setting up various pieces around the room. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done since you came to work here. You’ve gone above and beyond for me, and for Nell. I can’t even begin to thank you enough for all you’ve done,” I said to her. “It’s been really good for Nell. A-and me.”

  Rachel stopped what she was doing, then turned and looked at me. I wasn’t sure how she was feeling about what I’d said. I found that I was holding my breath as I wait for her response, and I hoped that I wasn't pushing any boundaries.

  “You’re welcome, James,” she said. With a bright smile, she took a step closer to me.

  I just couldn’t get enough of her. She was absolutely gorgeous, and her eyes were always sparkling. And her smile—oh boy, her smile. It was breathtaking. She was so pretty, but she was one of those girls that didn’t try to flaunt it all the time. In fact, I don’t think she even had a clue about how gorgeous she really was. She was quite shy really, and played coy a lot. But I found I liked that about her.

  One thing I couldn’t stand was women who were fake and required someone to point out her beauty every three seconds. I hated women that were needy or those who were always caught up in some sort of drama. High maintenance women were very hard to be in relationships with. Me, I preferred the laid-back ones, much like Rachel. Exactly like Rachel.

  I wrapped my arms around her, “I’m serious. You’re the silver lining to my life right now. I’ve been through a lot and felt like I was just existing, trying to do my best for Nell but failing in so many other ways. But now, I finally feel like I can be okay again and I’m excited to see what the future will bring.” Once again, I was nervous, thinking I might have crossed the line. I hoped that I hadn’t been exposing myself too much. The last thing I wanted was to scare her away. That wasn’t my intention at all.

  She smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around me. “You have been that for me, too. Both you and Nell. I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am for the both of you. I was in such a dark place for so long, and I’m finally starting to feel better. I went to see Sadie the other day, and she said the same thing about me. So, thank you,” she said.

  It touched my heart that she felt that way. Especially when it came to Nell, who was my entire world. To hear that she cared about Nell just as much, meant the world to me. I knew I was making a good decision by spending more and more time with her. My feelings were growing, but I just wasn’t completely sure yet. I knew my feelings were strong, but because I didn’t know how she felt about me, I wasn’t sure what to say.

  We went back to setting up the room, which took a lot of work on days like this. I love doing art shows, and actually enjoyed setting them up. I just hoped that she felt the same way because it was a huge amount of work. It took a lot of time and careful planning. Turns out, she was well suited for this work. She had done such a great job. She was the one that came up with where we were going to place everything. She had an eye for what looked good where, and it helped make my job so much easier. This was exactly what an assistant was supposed to do, something I had never actually experienced.

  “Thank you for all your help today. Your placement ideas were absolutely amazing, and look; it’s working out perfectly.” I found that I couldn’t stop complimenting her, and hoped it didn’t bother her. From the looks of it, she was okay, but you just never know.

  “You’re welcome. I really do enjoy my job, you know. I love every part of it. I’ve always been in the arts; in fact, I’ve always wanted a job at an art gallery. So, this is a dream come true for me,” she said.

  I wanted to ask her what she’d done before, but something held me back. Something told me that I shouldn’t ask those kinds of questions yet. If she wanted me to know, she would reveal it herself. Right?

  The show started right on time at four o’clock, and people had started lining up outside at three, so we ended up with a large crowd. I found myself looking around for Rachel a lot more than I should have been. I talked to a lot of people, but anytime I did, I would glance around and try to find her. I’d make eye contact with her across the room, then return my attention to the other person. I was constantly concerned with where she was and just needed to know she was still nearby.

  “Hey, man,” Derek came up to me in the middle of the show.

  “Hey,” I said and took a sip from my champagne glass. “You’re doing awesome. I think you’re going to sell everything,” I said to him.

  “Did you have any doubts before?” he asked.

  “Don’t get all cocky,” I said to him. It was a fair warning because the last time I had an artist get cocky, he didn’t sell a single piece. Derek was well aware of what had happened that time.

  He laughed. “I’m not cocky. I’m confident. I know my pieces are awesome, and I know people like them,” he said.

  There was a lot of truth to what he said. He actually was a really good artist, and he hadn’t had a single show where he didn’t sell a lot of pieces. The least he had ever sold was something like ninety-five percent of the show offerings. There were two giant pieces left from that show, his second, and personally, I felt it had more to do with the pricing than anything else.

  “Are you the artist?” the woman asked, as she walked over to us. Derek smiled and introduced himself, then the two of them walked away. I shook my head, recalling that he always seems to end up getting phone numbers from a few women at every single one of his shows. I never knew an artist could get so much.

  I glanced around the room and spotted Rachel. She walked over to me, smiling.

  “He’s doing really well,” she said.

  “Guess I should have told you this so you’d know what to expect. Derek always does great. He gets cocky, but the results don’t lie. People love his work and put their money where their mouth is. Guess that’s why I put up with his lip service.”

  Rachel laughed. She was holding a glass of champagne and put it to her lips and took a drink. As she swallowed, I was wishing that I could have been the glass pressed to her lips. She looked absolutely stunning in her tight little black dress. She changed just before we started the show, and I really hadn’t even had a chance to compliment her.

  “You look really good in that dress,” I said to her.

  She blushed, which I found really attractive. “Thank you,” she said.

  I sensed that she had gotten shy after my comment, and I hoped it didn’t scare her off. But she didn’t move, so I figured that I was okay. I found myself wishing I knew how she felt about me and hoping she would open up and really talk to me because then I could tell her how I felt about her. Then I wouldn’t have to feel like I needed to hide my feelings from her all the time.

  Derek ended up selling every single one of his pieces. I knew he would; there had never been a doubt in my mind. He approached me after the show.

  “Thanks for the show, man. It was great as usual, he said to me.

  “No, man, thank you. You sold out, again,” I said and high-fived him.

  Derek said goodbye and slipped out the door, leaving the gallery quiet and back to just being me and Rachel. I found I liked it better that way.

  “What did you mean when you said I was your silver lining?” she asked, as we were cleaning up.

  “Well, I’ve needed someone in my life. Someone amazing and beautiful and smart. Someone that actually meant something to me. Somebody that could bring a smile to my face. Someone that I find myself constantly thinking about,” I paused, cringing. I didn’t mean to go overboard, and I wasn’t sure how she was going to react. Relief came quickly as she smiled brightly at me. “I’m grateful to have you in my life, Rachel.”

  Without missing a beat, she wrapped her arms around me, stood on her tip toes, and kissed me. Her lips pressed into mine, harder now, and soon enough my arms found their way around her body. I slid my hands down her sides, around her back, then down to her delicious ass. I gave it a squeeze, and she moaned against my lips.

  “You’re a naughty girl; you know that?” I said to her.

  She bit her lip as I grabbed her face and met her mouth with mine. I slid my tongue into her mouth and moved in the same motion as hers. Our tongues were encircling each other as we started kissing harder and faster. It was hot, and I was getting more and more turned on. I wanted to fuck her right there in the middle of the art gallery, a space that had been filled with people only minutes before.

  “I want you so bad,” she whispered against my lips.

  I moaned, then bit her bottom lip and moved my mouth down her neck to her gorgeous tits. I pulled her dress down some and discovered she wore no bra.

  “Oh, I was wondering if you were wearing one,” I said and took one of her nipples in my mouth. With my finger and thumb, I rolled her other nipple around and around. She moaned, and soon I switched nipples, prompting her to moan some more.

  I pulled her into my body, as my pants grew tighter from my erection. I pressed it into her and grabbed her face and kissed her lips once more.

  She moaned even more against my lips.

  “Do you want it?” I asked, and slid my hand down her dress.

  She didn’t speak, only nodded her head. I slid my hand up her dress and found that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  “Oh, Jesus. Fuck. You’re such a dirty girl.” I said and slipped a finger inside of her. She was already soaking wet for me.

  Grabbing her hand, I led her upstairs to my office. There were plenty more options in terms of accommodations for us up there. I wanted her to be comfortable, and not laying on the cold, dirty floor. I closed the door behind me.

  “In your office?” she asked, with a sexy, playful smile spread across her lips. I pulled her into me again, pressing my cock against her. She moaned louder, saying, “I want to fuck you so bad,” she said.

  That was all I needed to hear.

  Chapter 26


  James picked me up, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I could feel the erection through his jeans, pressing into my pussy. I was so glad I’d chosen not to wear underwear. He carried me over to his desk and set me down on top of it. We started kissing harder, and he slid his hand down to my leg.

  He ran his hand up and down my thigh, slowly teasing me. Then I felt him slide a finger inside of me, deep this time.

  “Oh fuck,” I moaned. It felt so good. He moved his finger in and out of my pussy and started kissing my neck, working his way down to my tits once again. I wanted to fuck him so bad. I was so turned on, and all I could think about was the feeling of his finger inside of me, and wishing it was his cock. He wiggled it around, sliding it along the walls of my pussy and hitting the special spot.

  Just as I was beginning to get used to how it felt, I felt him slide a second finger inside of me.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he said. His voice was husky and deep. It was full of lust, and I could tell that he was really turned on, which only turned me on more. I wanted to feel his cock shoved inside of me, so badly.

  Slowly, he pulled his fingers out of me, then shoved them right back in and proceeded to finger fuck me, hard. He moved his fingers in and out, going harder and faster with each push and pull. Then I felt his thumb touch my clit.

  His mouth was back on mine, and our tongues were once again intertwined. I was moaning against his lips, and it felt so good. Everything that he was doing to me felt amazing. With his free hand, he played with my nipples, sending an electric shock through my entire body. I wiggled against him and could feel myself getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

  I was so wet that his fingers were moving in and out of me with ease. He started to move them faster and harder, and that was all it took. I was there on the edge one second, and in the next, I was gripping his arms hard, just as a powerful orgasm ripped through me. I could feel it in every inch of my body as my muscles tensed up.

  “Oh fuck!” I yelled out.

  “That’s right, baby. Cum for me,” he said.

  My orgasm continued to send trembles through my body, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut and throw my head back. When I started to come down, he stopped playing with my pussy and pulled his fingers out of me.

  “How was that, baby?” he asked and kissed my lips once more.

  “Incredible,” I said.

  He backed away from me and started to undo his pants. He undid the button and zipper, then started to slide them down. I hopped off the desk.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  Without speaking, I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking sexy,” he said.

  I smiled and lowered myself, dropping to my knees. I pulled his boxers down, revealing his huge, hard cock and grabbed it with my right hand. I put it up to my lips and opened my mouth, wide. I closed my mouth around the tip of his cock like I was kissing it, and then pulled back. I did the same thing, again. This time, a sexy groan escaped his mouth.

  I opened my mouth wider and moved so his cock was halfway in my mouth. This time I closed it, firmly around his cock and began to move my head back and forth. I took him slowly, all the way into my mouth, to the back of my throat. When he hit it, I couldn’t help the small gagging sound that escaped me, and he moaned loud.

  I sucked hard on him, and as I pulled my head back, I dragged my teeth lightly, along his cock. Then I took him all the way back to my throat. When I pulled back this time, I wrapped my right hand around his cock and began to twist it around the bottom. I started to move my head back and forth on the length of him as I twisted my hand around the bottom part of his cock.

  “That feels so good. You really know how to suck my dick,” he said. I looked up at him and made eye contact, then felt his hand go around the back of my head. He started to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. I removed my hand because it wasn’t moving as freely, and he started to thrust harder, hitting the back of my throat, over and over again.

  Then he used his hand, tipped my head back, and pulled his cock out all in one swift motion.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  I did as he asked and quickly rose to my feet.

  “Bend over,” he said to me.

  I bit down on my lip and walked over to the desk. I leaned forward and bent over. I felt him grab my ass, hard.

  “Fuck, your ass is so hot,” he said, and then I felt his hand come down and smack my ass.

  “Mmm,” I moaned for him, and he did it again, causing me to moan louder this time.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good,” he said, and I felt him stick his cock up to my pussy. I looked back, and he was looking down at his cock and my pussy as he held it in his hand. With one thrust he was sliding right inside of me.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned, as he entered me.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned, as he pulled out and thrust back in. “Your cock feels so good like this,” I said.

  He grabbed my hips and began to thrust in and out of me harder. His cock slid out all the way to the tip, and then I felt him slide it along my clit. Then he slammed it hard and slid right back into my pussy. I loved the way he was fucking and teasing me.

/>   He started fucking me, sliding his cock in and out of me a little faster. I felt the thickness of him, stretching me out. Filling every bit of my pussy and sliding along my g-spot. I slid a hand in between my legs and began to rub my clit. I enjoyed touching myself while he was fucking me, it was so hot.

  I felt his hand come down and a loud slap filled the room.

  “Oh!” I moaned loudly.

  Another hand came down on my ass again. This time, it was a little harder. It felt so good paired with the way he was fucking me.

  “I love fucking your tight little pussy,” he moaned, his voice, low and lustful.

  “I love when you fuck my pussy with your huge cock,” I said, back to him.

  He was fucking me over his desk, and I loved it. There had just been so many people in this building, and I was pretty sure the front door was still unlocked, but who cared if anyone caught us.

  He continued to fuck me, and I could feel myself riding that sweet line. The line that separated the way I felt before an orgasm and the orgasm itself.

  “I’m gonna cum,” I told him.

  I felt him start to pick up the pace, which I copied with my fingers rubbing my clit. I could feel the tingling sensation building up in my body.

  There was no way I couldn’t cum, now. I was too far gone to stop now.

  A few more hard thrusts in my pussy and suddenly I was on the other side of that line. I was floating through the air, my body tensing and then all at once, turning to Jell-O. I had chills running through my body, and I felt my orgasm strengthen as he fucked me even harder.

  “Oh my God,” I moaned as I began to descend from my orgasm.

  He pulled out just as I finished, grabbed me, and flipped me over. I was already turned on again and ready to ride the line. There wasn’t much he had to do to turn me on. In fact, I was pretty sure the guy could just look at me and I’d cum. He was so fucking sexy.


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