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In English
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Quel Ragazzo della Curva B (Dir. Romano Scandariato)
Ultrà (Dir. Ricky Tognazzi)
E Noi Ve Lo Diciamo (dir. Giuseppe Marcon)
Farebbero Tutti Silenzio (Dir. Andrea Zambelli)
ACAB (Dir. Stefano Sollima)
Secondo Tempo (Dir. Fabio Bastianello)
Il Potere dev’essere bianconero (Dir. Daniele Segre)
Ragazzi di Stadio (Dir. Daniele Segre)
Eccezzziunale… veramente (Dir. Carlo Vanzina)
Estranei alla Massa (Dir. Vincenzo Marra)
Ovunque Tu Sarai (Dir. Roberto Capucci)
L’Ultimo Ultras (Dir. Stefano Calvagna)
Diaz (Dir. Daniele Vicari)
Sulla Mia Pelle (Dir. Alessio Cremonini)
About the Author
Tobias Jones is the author of seven previous books, including The Dark Heart of Italy, Blood on the Altar and A Place of Refuge. He has written and presented documentaries for the BBC and for RAI, the Italian state broadcaster, and has been a columnist for the Observer and Internazionale. He is the co-founder of Windsor Hill Wood and an occasional midfielder for the England Writers’ football team. He lives in Parma, Italy.
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