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Shifters Forever Worlds Epic Collection Volume 3

Page 7

by Elle Thorne

  “Just work,” Cari said.

  “You?” Laken looked at Cade.

  Cade shrugged. “Work, mostly.” She took a sip of the wine.

  Behind them, the door opened.

  “Isaac!” Miriam ran to the door and hugged the big polar bear shifter. “You made it.”

  Laken studied Ky’s brother. If possible, he looked even more worn out than the last time they’d seen him.

  “How’s the case?” Ky asked his brother after giving him a shoulder hug.

  “Goddamned cat burglar. Things escalated shortly after you left. But I think we may be getting close.”

  “What?” Carina said to Isaac. “I’m Laken’s sister. Carina. Cari, preferably.”

  “Isaac.” He shook her hand.

  “What’s this about a cat burglar?” Cari asked.

  “Isaac’s with NYPD. He’s a detective.” Miriam beamed with pride. “Let’s go into the living room. We’ve got appetizers galore.”

  “Special Task Force,” Ky added.

  “Quit that, you two.” Isaac shook his head, then said to Cari, “I’ve been working on the cat burglar case.”

  “You said you were getting close?” Cari probed.

  “Do you still think it’s a shifter?” Ky asked.

  A crash, the sound of glass shattering, made Laken flinch. Cade’s wine glass had broken into tiny bits and had sent red wine splatters out in a wide circle.

  Cade’s obsidian eyes were wide, her olive skin pale. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t know what happened.”

  Miriam patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t concern yourself. It’s an easy fix. I’ll be right back.”

  “Let me help.” Cade trailed her toward the kitchen.

  “Is she okay?” Isaac’s asked, following her with his eyes.

  Laken noticed the amber of his bear in the depths of his eyes. Was it possible? Could he and Cade be…

  Ky was watching her, a smile on his face. “I saw it, too,” he whispered, taking her hand.

  “Is that something we want to discourage?”

  “Good luck with that,” he smiled. “Isaac’s as headstrong as I am.”

  Laken rose up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”


  Black panther shifter Cadence Araya, sexy, curvy, and edgy. She knows what she’s doing is wrong—ish. But why she’s doing it is quite right. Hopefully she’s not caught before she reaches her goal.

  Polar bear shifter Isaac Romanoff’s been selected to serve on a special Task Force investigating a string of burglaries committed by a very talented cat burglar. The elusive thief has evaded capture for a couple of years. He suspects the criminal is a shifter.

  He’s in for a hell of a surprise.

  Chapter One

  No one said being a cat burglar would be easy.

  But it was worth it. And it was the quickest way for black panther shifter Cadence Araya to get her hands on a boatload of money.

  Eyes burning like she’d had a handful of sand thrown in them, Cade was suffering from a sleepless night, but she couldn’t pass up this dinner. She hadn’t seen her sister Laken in a month, not since she’d left for Africa to work with the victims of war. She’d taken her new mate Ky Romanoff with her. He’d given up a prestigious job with the Shifter Supreme Court to travel with Laken, and they were coming back today.

  Cade missed Laken. Missed her sister’s caring mannerisms. Missed the way she calmed her when Cade was in a tizzy over the details of one job or another. Except Laken didn’t know about Cade’s jobs.

  Miss Goody Two Shoes that she was, Laken wouldn’t get it.

  Nope, not one bit.

  “Ready?” Cade turned to their baby sister Carina.

  “What’s the hurry? We’re not expected for another hour.” Cari yanked on the zipper on her pants. The zipper’s steel teeth sealed with a metal-on-metal grinding sound. The two sisters were meeting Laken and Ky at the Romanoffs—Ky’s aunt and uncle—for dinner.

  “I don’t know. I’m just antsy.” Cade tugged on her dress’s hem. She hated dresses; she’d rather be in her yoga pants and a comfy tee that hugged her curves just so.

  “Because of last night’s job? I thought you said it went okay.”

  I lied. “It did.”

  Of course Carina knew about Cade’s nighttime activities. Cade had to confess after Cari found Cade’s stash of equipment. Not a very abundant stash, but when one considered what else was in the stash—jewels and cash, lots of it—Carina had a right to ask questions.

  And Cade couldn’t lie to her.

  So she’d told Cari everything—including what she was doing with the money.

  Cari understood, but that didn’t stop her from worrying and hovering like an overprotective hen at times.

  “Let’s get a latte on the way. My treat.”

  Cade and Cari arrived early at the Romanoff residence. Ky’s uncle Mikhail and aunt Miriam were welcoming and sweet, making them feel comfortable.

  Laken and Ky were a few minutes behind. A luggage situation, Miriam explained.

  They’d just become acquainted with the Romanoffs and Ky’s brother Jonah, a polar bear shifter, when a knock sounded at the door.

  Miriam slipped away to open it. Seconds later, Cade heard the deep timbre of Ky’s voice, and the softer sound of Laken’s.

  Then she heard Miriam say, “I’ve never seen you so happy. Come in. Almost everyone’s here. Including Carina and Cadence. And they’ve missed you.”

  “Almost everyone?” Ky’s voice. “Let me guess, Jonah’s not here.”

  Miriam laughed. “Oh, no. He’s here. This time it’s your other brother Isaac. He said he’d be a few minutes late. Something to do with a case.”

  “Did Mae and the others make it safely to Bear Canyon Valley?” Ky again.

  “No incidents, thankfully,” Miriam said. “And we’ve seen Bain twice. He had lunch with your uncle once, and dinner with both of us last week.”

  Cari tugged on Cade’s sleeve and they headed for the front door. They grabbed Laken in a hug.

  “I’m glad you’re home.” Cari took Laken’s hand. “Tell me you’re staying through the holidays.”

  “Yes, say you are,” Cade insisted.

  Miriam shuttled them toward the next room.

  Mikhail came in, carrying three wine glasses filled with dark red wine. He handed Laken, Cade, and Carina a glass each. “Merlot? You’ll love this one, if you’re a fan. It’s a special edition.”

  “Thank you,” Laken said to Mikhail, accepting the wine glass. “And yes, we’re staying through the holidays. What have you two been up to?”

  “Just work,” Cari said.

  “You?” Laken looked at Cade.

  Cade shrugged. Oh, just a burglary or two. “Work, mostly.” She took a sip of the wine.

  Behind them came the sound of a door opening.

  “Isaac!” Miriam hastened away and hugged a large polar bear shifter. “You made it.”

  Cade’s attention was riveted on the newcomer. Square jaw, chiseled features, eyes the color of the ocean in Cozumel, the place she and Carina had vacationed a little over a month ago. Laken had bought tickets for all three, but she’d had to bail and serve on the Shifter Supreme Court.

  Cade harnessed her mind, bringing her wandering thoughts back to the present. She also averted her eyes, lest she be caught staring.

  Though he was easy to stare at. A fascinating combination of sapphire eyes, dark brown hair, and stubble in dire need of a razor emphasized the man’s innate sexiness.

  A pair of dark circles under his eyes made her think of her own artfully covered signs of sleeplessness. She’d laid the concealer on heavy today.

  He glanced away from his aunt, his posture on guard, his gaze surveying and taking reconnaissance. His scrutiny over Cari was a quick glance, then he did the same to Cade.

  No. Not exactly. There was no such thing as a quick glance when it c
ame to Cadence Araya.

  His eyes traveled from hers and down her body, then back up again, and settled on her eyes.

  The depths of his sapphire gaze had a gold flicker. She recognized his bear. Then to her dismay, Cade’s panther growled in her mind, making assertions that Cade wasn’t interested in and didn’t have time for. She pushed her panther back, not allowing her a voice. Her panther snarled, and this time the snarl was pure frustration aimed directly at Cade.

  Isaac Romanoff… She ran the name through her mind, savoring it. She couldn’t pull her eyes from his face.

  “How’s the case?” Ky asked Isaac after the two brothers had hugged.

  Isaac’s gaze tore from hers and he turned his attention to his brother. “Goddamned cat burglar. Things escalated shortly after you left. But I think we may be getting close.”

  “What?” Carina glanced at Isaac, then at Cade, then back to Isaac, a guilty look on her face.

  Jesus. Don’t react to that word.

  She’d have to remind Cari to be a little more poker-faced and not let people see that the words “cat burglar” caught her attention. She nudged Cari.

  His scent, manly with a hint of the outdoors, infiltrated her senses, filling her lungs. She breathed out, fighting to regain control over her senses. “I’m Cadence.”

  Cari took her cue. “I’m Laken’s sister. Carina. Cari, preferably.”

  “Isaac.” He shook Cari’s hand, but his eyes were glued on Cade.

  The intensity of his gaze made her pulse pick up speed.

  “What’s this about a cat burglar?” Cari asked with an almost full-blown telltale glance at Cade.

  Cade ground her teeth in frustration. Keep it up, little sister. They’ll have me serving several sentences at this rate. Carina was practically announcing Cade’s guilt.

  Miriam beamed with pride. “Isaac’s with the NYPD. He’s a detective. Let’s go into the living room. We’ve got appetizers galore.”

  “Special Task Force,” Ky added.

  “Quit that, you two.” The sex-on-a-stick any woman would’ve liked to lick shook his head, then turned to Cari. “I’ve been assigned to the cat burglar case.”

  Cade bit back a gasp, digging sharp teeth into her bottom lip.

  “You said you were getting close?” Cari probed.

  For the love of all that’s holy, shut the fuck up, Carina. Cade forced a smile to her face, hoping that was what she’d plastered there, but unsure, because damn, her face felt like it was in a grimace from hell.

  “Do you still think it’s a shifter?” Ky asked.

  It happened. Cade had no control over it. It was like her fingers stopped functioning the second that question left Ky’s lips.

  Her glass plummeted to the Italian tile, shattering into a myriad of tiny, sparkling, catch-the-light pieces that teased Cade with how much they reminded her of diamonds. The tiny shards that had wine on them reminded her of rubies.

  Or blood.

  Yeah, mine. Blood’s going to be shed because Laken’s going to kill me if she finds out what I’ve been up to.

  A shiver prickled its way down her spine while her face’s temperature dropped.

  My crimes returning to haunt me.

  Cade looked up from the mess on the floor. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t know what happened.”

  Miriam patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t concern yourself. It’s an easy fix. I’ll be right back.”

  Isaac’s eyes narrowed.

  Cade cringed at what that could mean. Or maybe it means nothing and I’m too damned paranoid.

  What were the fucking odds that the brother of her sister’s mate would be the one hunting her down?

  I should stop now.

  “Let me help.” Cade trailed Miriam toward the kitchen.

  I should stop before my tush is busted.

  Miriam opened a drawer in the kitchen and handed Cade a handful of paper towels. She reached into the large pantry and pulled out a cordless mini-vacuum cleaner.

  “I wish you’d let me clean it up,” Miriam said, her eyes traveling over Cade’s face. “You don’t look well.”

  Great. I look a mess when the only man I’ve been attracted to in ages is here. Figures. Not to mention he wants me in cuffs, and not the sexy, fuzzy kind.

  What the hell was she thinking? She couldn’t be attracted to him. His mission was to see her behind bars.

  I’ve lost it. It’s official.

  From the other room, she heard Isaac’s voice. “Is she okay?”

  Chapter Two


  That was the first thought that came to Isaac’s mind when he saw Cadence Araya.

  The second thing that entered his mind was his bear, in terms of decibel level. His bear completely lost it, roaring and growling, creating a ruckus in Isaac’s mind that made it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

  She was stunning. A beauty, but not of the conventional type. Eyes so dark they were unfathomable, gleaming with a spirit that intrigued him, fascinated him. Her cheekbones looked as if they’d been sculpted by an artist, and her figure… it was lush and gorgeous, curves on top of curves.

  A throb in his pants cautioned an impending disaster if he didn’t rein in his thoughts.

  Down, fella, he cautioned his bear, as if this was all his bear and only his bear, and had nothing to do with Isaac himself.

  No, nothing at all. Not one bit.

  Denial wouldn’t serve him; he knew that.

  One second he was getting ribbed by his family, then Ky asked him a question… something… Isaac was hard pressed to remember what, because his mind was focused on Cadence.

  Then a second later, she was pale, her glass shattered on the floor, her light gray pants speckled with wine.

  Jonah slipped into the room. “I have to go.”

  “Before dinner?” Aunt Miriam didn’t hide her disappointment, pouting. “You haven’t had dinner with us for a while. What’s up, Jonah? Is there something you’re not telling us?”

  Isaac could see something was going on with Jonah, but he was half-distracted by that fascinating creature with the obsidian eyes. Jonah would share whatever it was when he was ready. Isaac wasn’t about to pry, and he knew Ky wouldn’t, either.

  “I’ll try to come by some evening this week, Aunt Miriam.” Jonah strode toward the front door.

  “That’s what you said last time.”

  “I promise.” Jonah’s voice trailed behind him.

  Isaac turned toward Cadence and his aunt.

  “Take Cadence into the dining room,” his aunt said. “She doesn’t look well.”

  Shit, I think she looks great. But he knew what his aunt meant. Cadence didn’t really look like she was okay. Her color had gone from pale cream to a light tint of Frankenstein green.

  Isaac put his hand behind her back to guide her.

  He didn’t expect she’d flinch when he touched her back. He also didn’t expect the surge of energy that traveled through him, even though their flesh was separated by the fabric of her clothing.

  Was that what she was reacting to? He inhaled deeply, hoping her scent would give her emotions away.


  Nothing? How could it be? Block? Why was she using hunter’s block? No shifter did that unless they wanted to hide something.

  His cop mentality took over, suspicious and curious about what she could want to hide.

  What secrets are you keeping, little panther?

  Isaac spent the rest of the evening concentrating on Carina, because she seemed like a safer bet than trying to manage a coherent thought process around Cadence. His bear’s constant rampage and range of emotions had Isaac’s mind roaring and going in circles.

  Dinner took forever and at the same time seemed to last less than a moment. Forever because it was hellishly difficult not to look at the curvy brunette. And less than a moment because he wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her.

  Nah, hell no, I didn’t just go t

  His bear growled assent. He sure as hell had gone there.

  I have no business getting emotionally involved with a woman. Didn’t I learn my fucking lesson well enough last time?

  His last relationship had not ended well.

  Understatement of the year, that’s for sure.

  His bear rumbled.

  Yeah, we won’t go there.

  “How was Africa?” he asked Ky.

  “Hot. Rewarding. We’re going to the Middle East next.”

  “I didn’t think you’d ever go back there.”

  “Different cause, different purpose. Different traveling companion.” Ky put his arm around Laken. She leaned into his shoulder.

  His brother Ky had served in the Middle East with Sigma Eps, the paranormal unit of the special forces.

  “Very different traveling companion, no doubt. Much prettier,” Isaac agreed.

  Laken blushed, the light pink color kissing her cheeks. “Stop it or we’ll start talking about your Special Task Force.”

  He raised his napkin, waving it in surrender. “I give.”

  He liked his brother’s mate. Straightforward and sweet. What a contrast to the darkness he saw in Cadence. Not a bad darkness, a mysterious one. A darkness he liked, one he wanted to explore.

  “I know what!” Laken grinned. “Come over tomorrow night. My place. Cade and Cari will be there. A family gathering.”

  The only thoughts he had of Cadence didn’t have anything to do with family.

  Across from Laken, Cadence choked, coughing and spurting, her face turning red while Carina pounded on her back.

  Cadence turned to her. “That doesn’t help,” she exclaimed, trying to breathe between bites. She raised a glass of water to her lips and drank sips between coughing fits.

  “I hope that doesn’t mean you don’t like the Salisbury steak,” Miriam said, then added, “This just doesn’t seem to be a good night for you, dear.”

  “Sure doesn’t seem like it,” Cadence wheezed.


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