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Unforgettable You

Page 10

by Deanndra Hall

  “Will it hurt a lot?”

  Even though I don’t know the details, I have a good idea of what went on with her ex, and a wave of love and pride rushes through me. She trusts me enough to experiment with something that terrifies her, and I will not take that for granted, so I shake my head fervently. “No. It’ll make your skin warm, though.” I take her face in my hands. “Angel, are you sure you want to do this?” She just nods and bites her lip. “Okay. But you stop me if you need to, promise? I don’t want you going on just to please me. I don’t want you scared or hurt, understand?” She nods again. “And then we’ll do something else. What do you want that to be?”

  There’s an almost imperceptible shiver that runs through her before she says, “I don’t know. Can we have sex?”

  “Out here?” Now I’m shocked.

  “Yeah. I want to get used to doing that.”

  I almost fall off the sofa. “You’re sure?”

  She nods. “Trish does it.”

  “That’s not a good reason to do anything, just because someone you know does it. It needs to be something you want to do. Are you absolutely, positively sure?” She nods again. “Well, okay then. Maybe anally while you’re still on the cross for time and simplicity?” She nods again. That really surprises me. We’ve only had anal sex once, and I never dreamed she’d be interested in doing that in front of others. “Is that all? Then off to the private room?”

  “Um . . . could you find someone to use the giant vibrator on me while you’re doing that?”

  “You mean while I’m ass fucking you?” Now I’m pretty sure I’m here with a woman I’ve never met before.


  “Wow, well, uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure I could do that. If you’re sure.” She nods again. “Okay, then, well, um, would you be agreeable to possibly performing some kind of act to satisfy that person, if that’s what they want in exchange for the favor?”

  For a second, I think she’ll back out, and then, very cautiously, she says, “Uh, yeah, if it’s someone you know and trust.”

  “I’ll see if I can find someone, but understand: When they come over to negotiate, that’s my negotiation, not yours. I’m your Dom, and you’ll do as I arrange. Understood?” She nods.

  Now I’m certain I don’t know her at all. Then I get an idea. “Hang on just a second. Stay right here.”

  I head across the room to the bar, and Dave looks up as I approach. “You scening?”

  “Yeah, but I may need your help. You game?”

  He grins. “With that girl? Oh, yeah. You just tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”

  I knew I could count on Dave. Once I’ve explained, I ask him, “What would you like in return?”

  He just smiles. “Let your sub decide that. Anything. Nothing. Whatever she’s comfortable with. Doesn’t matter. I’ll help regardless.”

  And that’s why I love Dave.

  He asks one of the other guys to take over for him at the bar and follows me back to the sofa. “Master Adams has agreed to help us. Your safeword is red, and you use it anytime you need to. If you call yellow, we’ll reevaluate and see what we need to change. Got it?” She nods. “You need to say it out loud. I may not always be able to see you nod, so I need to hear your voice. Remember?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I look her directly in the eyes. “Because there will be two of us in this scene with you, Master Adams is Sir. And from this point on, you’ll address me as Master. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sss . . . Master.”

  “Very good. And we need to come up with a hand signal, something easy for you to do and easy to remember, in case at some point you have a gag in your mouth or something.”

  There’s that shiver again. “The ‘or something’ scares me a little.”

  I smile. “I just said that because I couldn’t think of an ‘or something.’”

  “Oh, okay.” She sits and thinks for a minute, then says, “How about this?” Holding up her fist, she makes a knocking type of movement up and down. “Will that work?”

  “Yeah! That’s perfect! So, got it? Red for stop, yellow for reevaluate, the hand signal if you can’t speak, but otherwise, speak out loud, don’t nod. Got all that?”

  “Yes, Sss . . . Master.” There’s a little hesitation in her voice, and then she motions for me to come closer, so I bend down and she leans up to my ear. “What does he want?”

  This will be a good lesson for her – very good. “He and I talked about it, and he wants you to decide. Ask him. And it’s your call.”

  Her eyelashes flutter as she looks up at Dave, and I know what she’s thinking. He’s a good-looking man, and I’m guessing there’s a war going on inside her right now between what she wants and what she thinks I’d want her to do. “Um, Sir, what would be your pleasure?”

  Wow. Hearing her say that makes me hard. I can’t imagine what it’s doing to Dave.

  Dave’s voice is liquid gold when he says, “Little sub, your call: Blow job, hand job, or fuck. Or nothing if all of the previous makes you too uncomfortable.”

  She looks to me, so I tell her point-blank, “Your choice, angel. Up to you. None of those acts will make me upset or uncomfortable. Any of those choices is fair, but totally your call.” But I know what I’m hoping she’ll say.

  Her eyes roam up and down Dave. “Um . . . blow job?”

  That was not what I was hoping for.

  Dave nods. “Works for me.” He gives her a casual smile, and I see her relax.

  Then she looks to me, but I make sure my facial expression doesn’t give away the fact that I was hoping she’d decline every option he’d offered. I really don’t want to share her, but this was her choice, and I’ll accept it. “Good. Got that worked out. There’s a performance area opening up over there. Ready?”

  “Yes, Master.” She seems confident now that it’s settled between her, Dave, and me. She waits for me to escort her; I haven’t yet explained to her about walking a respectful distance behind me. That will come. I’m not overly concerned with protocol yet. I just want her to get into the mindset and enjoy it at the same time. I think everything else will work itself out eventually, especially as much time as she and Trish like to spend together.

  We mount the steps with Dave waiting at the bottom and to the side, and then I point to the floor. “Present yourself.” She drops and manages to be in an almost perfect presentation stance, plenty good enough for me anyway. “Very good. Now, rise and go to the cross.” Crossing the room, she steps up onto the foot rests and waits while I strap her in. I rummage around through the equipment in the corner and find the things I’m looking for. One is a nice suede flogger, and I swish it around to make sure it’s as supple as I like. Perfect. I step up beside her, and she looks a little rattled. “Your safeword?”

  “Red, Master.”

  “Very good. I’ll begin by giving you ten lashes on each cheek with the flogger and see how that goes. Is that agreeable?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I lay my hand on her shoulder blade. “Baby girl, relax. Try to enjoy the sensations. Just let them wash over you. Most of the time I’d have you count, but I’ll keep the count tonight. You just worry about getting what you need, okay? They won’t be hard strikes, so it should be fine.”

  She nods, followed by, “Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, Sir. I mean, Master.”

  “It’s okay. You’re under stress, but you remembered. That’s good. Okay, here we go.”

  I announce to the audience what we’ll be doing, then return to her and announce in a strong voice, “Prepare yourself, submissive. The discipline will begin.”

  The initial contact is easy enough, but after the first six blows, she’s panting a little. I bark to her, “Sub, concentrate on the sensations.”

  She responds immediately with, “Yes, Master.” Good – she’s still with me.

  The rest of the lashes go pretty well. Her ass is a beautiful shade of rose when I’m done, and she’s panting
soundly. Returning to her head, I look into her face from behind the cross. She’s fine; a little flushed, but otherwise fine. “Holding up?”

  “Yes, Master,” she says, her voice a little shaky but still okay.

  I motion to Dave to join us, and he takes the vibrator I hand to him. He knows how this works – he’ll be looking to me for his cue. Moving back behind her, I move the string from the thong to the side. The lube I brought into the scene with me is my favorite, so I coat her hole thoroughly, then unzip my leathers, roll the latex down, and slather the lube up and down my cock. “Submissive, prepare yourself to be entered.” She tenses almost immediately, and I remind her, “Relax. This will go much better if you do.” It’s work to get the head of my cock into her rosette, but it finally slips through the first ring of muscles and stops at the second, and I push harder to get it through that barrier. Once I do, I hear her whimper. “Sub, your color.”

  “Green, Master.”

  “Very good.” I continue to push in until I’m all the way there, then I get very, very still so her body can grow accustomed to my shaft. After one minute, I lean into her shoulder and tell her, under my breath, “I’m going to fuck you now, angel. Don’t be afraid to let me know how it feels. You can cry out, scream, whatever you want. Ready?”

  Breathlessly, she calls back to me, “Yes, Master.” I draw out and then shove back in, and she squeals a little. The second time, I get the same reaction, but the third time, she just moans loudly. Talk about something that’ll get you hard – that’ll do it. I’ve managed to get in eight or nine strokes when I look at Dave and signal him with a nod. He kneels in front of her, then directs a gentle smile into her eyes as he hits the switch.

  A scream is the best way I can describe what shoots from her lips, although it’s more like tires on pavement. I’m pretty sure most of it is surprise; she knew it was coming, she just didn’t know when. The vibrations are so strong that I can feel them in my dick, and I know it’s driving her crazy. She’s trying to squirm, but the bindings won’t let her, and she’s crying out and panting and making a lot of noise. I’m tall enough and my legs are long enough that I’m having to stand with my feet far, far apart to make me short enough. There’s a lot of tensing going on in her lower body, and I remind her, “Sub, you will not come until I tell you that you can.” Good time to practice orgasm control, especially with Dave at the helm. He’s a pro.

  “Yes, Master,” she manages to huff out. That vibrator is bound to be driving her mad, but she’s hanging in there. In a few more minutes she groans out, “Oh my god, Master, please, may I come?”

  “You needn’t ask. I’ll tell you when to come, sub.” I’m laying it on thick, but I won’t have to for long. Even though I can’t see from my vantage point, I can hear the variations in the sounds the vibrator’s making, and I know Dave’s manipulating it in such a way that she’s having to work to control herself. And unless I miss my guess, he’s also fondling her nipples with his free hand to add to her challenge. He didn’t ask me about that; he knows that I’d expect it, so he wouldn’t hesitate.

  I can feel my own climax growing deep in my gut, my balls tightening, the muscles in my ass bunching, and I know I’m really, really close. I close my eyes and try to think about changing the oil in my car. That always helps to take my mind off sex. And it works – for about a minute and a half. Then I go right back to thinking about that hot little ass my fingers are digging into, and I’m almost ready again.

  After I’ve managed to stave it off once more by thinking about cleaning out the refrigerator, I decide it’s time to give in. I’m really, really surprised that she hasn’t called her safeword, but it hasn’t happened.

  It’s all building and climbing inside me, and I lean into Sheila’s shoulder and whisper in her ear, “I’m almost ready. Are you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she groans back. “Oh, god, please, Sir, please?” She’s so crazed that she forgets what she’s supposed to call me, but I can understand that. It’s no big deal.

  “Okay.” I take about six more strokes, then say loudly enough for the crowd to hear me, “Sub, come with your master.” As soon as the words are out, I give one of those creamy, delicate shoulders a hard nip.

  And that’s it for me. I unload into the condom and when I do, I feel her tighten down on me like a clamp on a hose and she starts to scream. The vibrator’s still humming like mad, and I’m pretty sure she’s about to blow apart. As soon as I pull out of her, I signal Dave and he shuts off the vibrator.

  Her chest is heaving, her tits rising and falling as she sucks in air. I check; yeah, she’s almost in subspace, her eyes half closed and lips slightly parted. Leathers zipped up, I trail the fingers of both hands from her shoulders all the way down her back and down her ass, and she arches her back and whimpers. It only takes a few seconds to release her from the bindings and she’s in my arms, cuddled close while I carry her to the back.

  I kick the door to the private room closed and climb up into the middle of the bed with her, then draw her up tight against me. I want to just lie there and hold her, but she owes Dave a courtesy before we can just relax and before she leaves subspace. He’s already opened the door and is standing in the doorway, leaning against the facing, so I motion for him to sit on the edge of the bed. “Submissive, your Sir has an expectation born of a promise you made to him. I expect you to fulfill that obligation. On your knees in front of him.”

  I help her stand from the bed and she kneels in front of Dave. He waits, and I sit down beside him. “Undo his leathers for him as a courtesy.” Her hands are shaking as she does so, and when the laces are loosened and his fly is open, she reaches a hesitant hand in and brings out his cock. I’d forgotten how big, thick, and hard his is, not to mention that he’s uncircumcised, and I notice her looking at it strangely. Then I realize: She’s probably never seen an uncircumcised penis before in her life. I glance at Dave and point to his cock, and he almost laughs.

  “Ever seen one like this before?” he asks. She shakes her head, and he chuckles. “Here. Let me help you.” Once he’s retracted his foreskin, he takes his cock in one hand and puts the other hand behind her head. “Open wide, darlin’. I expect you to take it all.”

  I watch as she hesitates for only a second, then opens her mouth and lets him guide her head down over his cock. Something in my chest aches watching his length disappear in between those beautiful lips, but I have to accept it, and I know it won’t change the way we feel about each other. Being involved in the lifestyle for so many years and having shared dozens of subs, I’m unprepared to feel this way, though. It’s a surprise for me, and it just reinforces what I believe about the way I feel about her.

  She’s so high and out of it that I watch Dave stand and actually face fuck her. I don’t think she’s even capable of doing it herself at this point, and her hands rest lightly on his thighs as he strokes into her mouth and moans. Sitting beside where he’s standing, I have almost the same view he does, and I’m hard just watching her suck him. He’s moving slowly but still forcing his cock deep into her throat, and she’s struggling with each stroke but not giving up. “Stop fighting the gag, darlin’, and just let it go. Drop your jaw and open your throat – like you’re yawning. There ya go! You’ve got it! Oh, baby, that’s good. That’s so good.”

  It goes on and on – I’d forgotten what a master of control Dave is, not to mention a spectacular teacher – and I watch her go from struggling and almost panicked to relaxed and letting him use her as he pleases. “Okay, now, I’m about to finish up. I’m going to speed up and I want you to just let it happen, okay? Don’t panic. And when I finish, I’m going to hold you down on it for a little bit. You won’t be able to breathe, but don’t get upset or fight it. I know how long you can take it, and I won’t hurt you or hold you on me too long, okay? So here we go. I’ll let you know when, darlin’.”

  He starts to stroke into her faster and more forcefully, and I reach out and stroke her hair as he does. Tha
t seems to help her relax, and he grunts a little with each strike. Finally, he moans out, “Here it comes, darlin’. In three, two, one . . .”

  There’s a momentary look of fear on her face as he pumps a bucket load of cum into her throat and mouth, and she rolls her eyes up to look at both of us, but I smile back at her as Dave pants out, “Hold still.” He pulls her head down on him one last time and holds it there. Her eyes tear up and water as he grows perfectly still, and her face reddens. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s counting the seconds, and I’m guessing thirty. That’s a little extreme for a new sub, but still a good teaching opportunity. She makes a couple of choking sounds, but she doesn’t use her hand signal, so I wait. At the end of his count, he uses her hair to pull her off his dick and she gulps in a lungful of air.

  There’s already a towel in my hand and I set to work wiping her face off and cleaning her up as Dave strokes her hair to calm her. When I’ve got her all tidied up, I scoot back on the bed as Dave helps her from the floor and up beside me. I roll her away from me, her back to my chest, and Dave scoots up in front of her so we can both wrap our arms around her. She reaches out to Dave, and he helps her wrap her arms around his neck, then kisses her lips gently. I kiss her neck and ear and tighten my grip around her.

  We lie like that for a good while. I know Dave is looking into her face and stroking her cheek, making sure she feels appreciated and calm. I can’t imagine what it would be like without him around here. He’s the single greatest stabilizing factor in the whole community, and he’s become my dad since mine passed away, not to mention that my dad was never a kinkster, so I could never talk to him about things like this. Finally, he whispers to her, “You’re turning out to be a wonderful submissive, darlin’. I know Master Steffen is very, very proud of you.”

  In a tiny, wavering voice, I hear her whisper, “Master Steffen, are you proud of me?”

  “Oh, baby,” I whisper back, “I’m so, so proud of you. You were beautiful and you did so well. There’s no Dom in this club who’s as proud of their sub as I am of you.”


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