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Raven's Ascent

Page 6

by Ben Blackwell

  Damn, where is she?

  With my eyes still closed tightly, I listened with all the concentration I could muster. My heart sounded like a machine gun, beating faster than I thought possible. Not seeing my opponent, not knowing what they were up to, was a nightmare come true.

  There, a sound! Without thinking, I quickly took a step forward and stabbed forward, this time aiming a little higher.

  My efforts were rewarded with an ugly gurgling sound, then the sound of blood spraying. Drops of liquid hitting my face and body. With a thud, I heard her body drop to the ground a second later.

  I stood there, frozen, panting, waiting for my heart to calm down. Not seeing still made my skin crawl. I heard her die, so the danger should have passed. Should.

  After a long moment, I stretched my empty hand forward, but there was nothing there. A jolt of electricity ran through my body as I remembered that Octavian also got only two or three steps into the hallway before he was petrified. What if that hadn’t been her? What if I had just killed him? What if she was pressed against the wall, holding back a laugh before she ended me, too?

  No, that was her, I convinced myself. It must have been her.

  I slowly took a step forward, my hands outstretched, looking for anything. Another step forward. Then suddenly, I did feel something. A wave of goosebumps rushed over my arm as I felt fabric. Like the hooded cloak she was wearing. I already saw a grinning face in my mind, then claws slashing my throat open.

  But as I let my fingers move around, I realized the fabric was far too smooth to be her cloak. It felt like a suit, with sprinkles of dust and dirt from our previous fight. I ran my hand over it, trying to make sure it was him. My hand wandered over the fabric, pushing against it lightly to make out any details. I blushed a little as I realized that my hands were on a muscular chest. It was definitely not her. I could even feel his heartbeat, slow but steady.

  With relief, I slowly opened my eyes, still fearful of what I might see. Was he still petrified? Had I hit him with my blade, too? But when I looked at him, he looked very much alive and himself. But instead of relief, my heart skipped a beat, and a feeling of dread ran down my spine.

  Octavian was looking at me in confusion, one eyebrow raised. He glanced down at my hand, which was still squarely planted on his chest, then looked back up at me.

  “Uhm, Raven?” he asked slowly, his lips curling into a slight grin.

  I felt an icy pit in my stomach as I realized that I had been letting my hand run all over his chest while he was standing there, watching me in confusion. I quickly withdrew my hand and opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. Which was probably better than awkward stammering, so I could keep at least a shred of dignity.

  “You could have at least bought me a drink first,” he joked, then moved past me. “But it seems you got her.”

  I turned around and saw him squatting over the figure, who was lying face-down on the ground in a growing puddle of blood. He reached for shoulder, turning her body over slowly.

  “No, wait! It’s a—"

  “A medusa,” the vampire muttered as he inspected her face. “When I realized it, it was already too late for me. You might not have the loyalty or sense of duty of my vamps, but at least you’ve got more brains,” he chuckled as he looked up to me. “How did you kill it?”

  I wasn’t sure whether to feel flattered or insulted, so I just scoffed at him as I kneeled down next to the Medusa. Her face was hard but beautiful, the high cheekbones and sharp jawline an elegant contrast to her almost completely black eyes. But if that wasn’t enough, the snakes coming out of her head instead of hair gave her identity away quite clearly.

  “I figured it out when she got you without making a sound. I just closed my eyes and stabbed her,” I shrugged.

  Behind us, the others seemed to be slowly regaining control over their bodies as well. There were sounds of fear, surprise, confusion, like the last sound they had tried to make while being petrified were now escaping their mouths.

  I turned around and walked into the living room and quickly let my eyes move through the room to make sure there was no other attacker.

  “I got it, people. She’s dead,” I said, standing straight and keeping my head high. This felt just as cool as I expected.

  “But… how?” one of the Elders stuttered.

  “The Medusa is only a myth, a legend!” another added.

  “Yeah, so are vampires and witches to most of the population,” a third one countered.

  Moments later, a heated argument over Medusas and legends had erupted. I rolled my eyes at their complete lack of focus on what mattered right now, but didn’t say anything. While they argued, ignoring me completely, I saw Allard slowly getting up behind the sofa, still looking confused.

  His face lit up with a smile as he saw me. He walked over to me, navigating through knocked over furniture and rubbing his head like he had hit it when he had been petrified.

  “It seems like hiring you was the best investment we’ve made in quite some time,” he chuckled. “Thank you for… taking care of this,” he added, gesturing toward the dead Medusa.

  Then he turned toward Octavian, who was standing a step behind me at my side. “And thanks to you, too, Mr. Van Cross.”

  Octavian stepped forward and bowed a little. “Of course, Allard. It seemed you were having quite the day. I’m happy to be bringing some good news,” the vampire said, looking at me expectantly.

  “Yes, uhm, we found the possessed vampire attacking the owner of some magic shop. But we got there in time. Our shaman… pulled the dark spirit out of him or something, and then… killed it, I think? The vampire and the shop owner are fine,” I reported, unsure what he wanted to hear.

  Usually, all my clients wanted was an ‘it’s done,’ no detailed report of what happened. But the way the witch watched me with intense curiosity made me feel like there was some important detail I was leaving out, something that would make this entire day make sense to him, and he was just waiting for me to reveal it all. But I was just as clueless as he was.

  After waiting for a second, Allard blinked. “Huh. So we don’t really know more than we did before,” he said with disappointment in his voice. His brows furrowed as he scratched his head, looking at the Medusa behind us.

  “So the first attack remains a mystery, and we have another one on top of it. Hm. Oh, but thank you!” he added quickly, looking at me again. “Right. Wait a second, I have your payment right here, somewhere…” he trailed off as he looked around, then briskly walked over to a side table with a leather briefcase on it.

  He pulled out a bundle of banknotes, then walked back to us. I remembered thinking that I had to up my fee a bit for protecting VIPs. And then I also hunted an evil spirit. That definitely warranted a bonus. I wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in my throat. Instead of assertively demanding a bigger fee, or stating a new price, all I managed to do was mumble a quiet “Uhm, I…”

  I cursed my lack of assertiveness as my failed attempt at an objection was completely ignored. I had no problem putting someone in their place when they crossed a line. But commanding others, giving orders, even making demands? Not my strength. And while I could usually hold my ground against aggressive or dismissive clients, this time was different. Allard hadn’t treated me like some dirty mercenary, someone he could boss around just because he paid me. He had only been nice to me so far.

  “That’s…” He glanced at the bundle, then back at me. “Four thousand dollars. I added a little extra since you dealt with the spirit, too. And now, saved our asses again,” he added with a laugh, gesturing at the dead Medusa lying in the pool of blood. “I hope that’s enough.”

  Four thousand. Damn.

  My eyes were wide as I took the bundle of cash. I fanned it out for a moment, then bundled it up again. It seemed he wasn’t kidding. I didn’t count it, but it sure looked like four grand.

  That was a lot of money. Well deserved, but still
the biggest payday I had ever received. And definitely more than I expected to get out of this. Also, enough to fill up my fund and pay next month’s rent.

  “Thank you,” I replied politely, then took the money and put it in my pocket. I felt appreciation rise up in me as I looked at Allard again. I was used to indifference, to condescending clients, even straight up abusive ones. Some were nice and thankful, but real respect was rare. It was something I valued highly.

  „So what’s next?” Octavian asked, looking at Allard.

  “We have to find out who’s behind the attacks. Two attacks on the same day can’t be a coincidence,” Allard said with a frown, turning to the vampire.

  “Good luck with that. And you know where to find me if you have another job, preferably one that doesn’t involve evil spirits,” I interjected. This was becoming too political for my taste. I was a mercenary, not some secret agent.

  “Oh, you’re leaving? I’m sure we will need someone with your abilities again,” Allard said, sounding a bit disappointed. Octavian looked at me as well, but his face didn’t show a particular emotion.

  “I think you have plenty of witches who are very capable, Allard, and I really need a break,” I stated. I had already made plans for tomorrow, and this time, I intended to keep them. Even if those plans were Netflix and pizza.

  Then, without waiting for another reply, I turned around and walked out the door. It felt strange, and a part of me wanted to run back and apologize. But I had done my part, I’d been paid, so it was time to get out. I took a deep breath as I exited the house, drawing in the cool, fresh air.

  Oh yes, this feels good. Like I can finally breathe again.

  With my eyes closed, I stood there and took a few deep breaths, easing the tension out of my body with every exhale.

  Only now did I realize just how tense I was from constantly having someone watch my every move, constantly rushing around from action to action. I was used to being in exhausting, dangerous situations, but I was always acting on my own terms, going at my own speed.

  Not that I couldn’t keep up with the vampire. Just the fact that someone else had been calling all the shots and had me following them was more exhausting than I thought. It didn’t feel right. Slowly, I opened my eyes again, a smile on my face. I was back in control.

  I started walking through the cool night, taking deep breaths and letting my eyes wander across my surroundings. It looked so peaceful out here at night. Through a window, I saw a mother standing in the kitchen with her little daughter, apparently making a late dinner. I smiled at the sight of something so mundane, so peaceful. The little girl threw her hands up, excited about something, and started jumping. When she looked out the window at me, her face lit up like a Christmas tree, I smiled back and waved a little. The girl looked at me motionlessly for a moment, then waved back enthusiastically.

  Cheerfully, I continued down the road, the darkness in me slowly fading. My thoughts wandered to Lady, my dog. I couldn’t wait to come back home and hug her. To play with her for a while, then fall into bed and sleep in. Enough fighting and killing for one day.


  The next morning, I was woken by sunlight tickling my face. I yawned loudly and stretched my arms out, then looked around me. I was lying in my queen-sized bed, but Lady’s bed was already empty. She must have gotten up already.

  Always an overachiever, I thought, chuckling.

  As I looked at my phone, I saw that it was still early morning. Too early to get up on a lazy day like this. I turned around and closed my eyes again, but I just wouldn’t fall asleep.

  I fluffed my pillows a bit, then turned around and lay back down. They weren’t huge and fluffy, and I only had two, but they’d been a big upgrade when I bought them a year ago. After I had furnished the apartment with the basics, I had started upgrading it bit by bit. A mattress from a secondhand shop became a soft, thick mattress, pillows and blankets were replaced with softer versions, and I even got myself a nice picture to hang above the bed. Small things that made me feel happy and safe. Things that made it feel more like a home, less like a hideout.

  But as I was laying there, the events of the previous day kept replaying in my head. First the crazed vampire, the fight in the magic shop, the panic as I fought the Medusa. Worst of all, Octavian’s bewildered face as he watched me grope him. I shuddered. Not my proudest moment. I could deal with almost being killed by a mythical creature, but that had been humiliating.

  He’d played it cool, of course, with a smug line like I should have expected. But the thought of him still laughing with Allard about my very awkward fail turned my stomach upside down. I shouldn’t have cared much about it, but somehow, I did.

  Since there was no point in trying to sleep anyway. I sighed and got up. A day of Netflix and pizza awaited.

  And no thinking about how you humiliated yourself, Raven, I reprimanded myself.

  Like always, plenty of memories were just waiting for their turn to torture me. Like the time, almost ten years ago, when the other kids in my rag-tag gang had sent me into a “haunted house” as a dare. Even though the only haunted thing inside that house was a hungry cat, I still came out with my pants peed.

  “Dammit, Raven,” I muttered as I pushed these thoughts away. “Not helping.”

  I shuffled into the bathroom and took a long, hot shower while focusing my mind on deciding which Netflix show I would catch up on first. Afterward, back in my bedroom, a fundamental decision awaited me.

  I was about to grab a t-shirt, when I realized that it was what I wore every day. But this was a dedicated day off. A me-day. A treat-yo-damn-self day.

  I picked some options and put them on my bed, then discarded them one by one, until there were only two choices left. One was my special black-lace bralette that I only wore when I felt extra sexy, coupled with a long-sleeved black bodycon dress. I never wore it outside of my apartment, as I thought I looked ridiculous in it–I was a fighter, not some elegant-but-hot young woman. I could pretend when I was at home, but where else would I wear it? I never went to night clubs or elegant evening events, and it was a bit much for grocery shopping. I shook my head and put it back in the drawer. I couldn’t even remember why I bought it. Probably because it looked stunning on the mannequin, but I somehow forgot that I didn’t wear things that fancy.

  My eyes fell on the other outfit that was still on my bed, waiting to be picked up. I hesitated, fingers tapping on my leg as I stared at it.

  “Yes, let’s do it,” I declared with a smile. “Let’s just fuck it all and wear pajamas all day.”

  With quick movements, I slipped back into my pink and white pajamas that I bought years ago. They were meant for a teen, but they still fit. The sleeves were a little short, though, I noticed as I inspected myself in the mirror.

  “Lookin’ great, girl. I grinned at my mirror image, then strutted toward the kitchen. Instead of just grabbing a bowl of cereal, I decided to treat myself with some fresh pancakes. I wasn’t a skilled cook, probably not even a decent one, but I enjoyed a home-cooked meal more than having to get dressed for a restaurant. And since there weren’t really any breakfast delivery services around, those were all of my options.

  Also, Lady preferred it when I cooked, too. When I inevitably burned something, she always got it. Unless I charred it completely. Which almost never happened.

  Rarely. Or at least, not every day, I corrected myself. Just occasionally, like only every other week. But that’s not because I’m bad, I’m just… thorough.

  As if she was reading my thoughts, Lady came running whn I finished the pancake mix and switched on the stove. Her fur was dark brown on her back, but lighter towards her paws. She sat next to me and patiently waited until I made the first pancake. She knew exactly that no amount of begging and pleading made sense before that. It was the reason I adopted a German Shepherd—they were not only loyal to a fault, but also incredibly smart. Only when I had finished the first pancake did she get up again.

  She scuttled around me, to the side where I had put the plate for the finished pieces. When I tried ignoring her, she booped my leg with her snout and whined a little. She stopped immediately as I looked down at her, slightly scolding at first. But when she stared back at me with big puppy eyes, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine, but only half of it!”

  I split the first pancake, gave it to her, and watched with delight as she devoured it happily. Her tail didn’t stop wagging while I cooked the rest of the mix, ocassionally tossing her leftover pancake pieces.

  When I was done, I picked up some toppings and sat down on the couch. Lady took her place next to it, but finally stopped eyeing the stack of pankaes. My legs and belly were warmed by the sun that peeked through the window. I only got a little sunlight here in the living room, so I had placed the couch just in the right spot to catch it.

  Over the next hours, the sun wandered slowly, first leaving my belly, then slowly retreating all the way to my toes while I watched episode after episode.

  But after three hours, there was a feeling of restlessness growing inside me, like I was supposed to do something. I had felt great in the morning, sleeping in, treating myself with a lazy day. I had achieved my goal, after all, and it was important to celebrate that. I had completed my rainy-day fund. I had this and next month’s rent and living expenses covered. I finally had enough money put aside to last almost year if something went wrong.

  When I got up this morning, I’d felt like celebrating. But now, not so much. I had this growing emptiness inside me—admittedly, some of that was hunger. But a part of me longed for more. Like I was meant to do something bigger than binge-watching Netflix in my pajamas. I just didn’t know what it was.

  After another episode, I decided it was time for something adventurous. I didn’t feel like the same pizza I always chose, so I picked up my phone to order food. But this time, I was going to pick a restaurant with my eyes closed, and then choose a meal I had never tried before.

  After almost twenty minutes, I finally decided on an Indian curry with a name I couldn’t even pronounce. But it felt satisfying, taking a step out of my comfort zone, trying something new.


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